The City University of New York

BUDGET JUSTIFICATIONResearch Foundation of CUNY on behalf of Advanced Science Research CenterSALARY - SENIOR PERSONNELDr. Sally Brown, PI, 1 summer month/yearBrown will oversee the entire program including supervision of the Postdoc, Graduate Research Assistant and undergraduate summer trainees. This will include directing research projects and generating ideas inline with the proposal, writing and publishing relevant findings in peer-reviewed journals, and organizingrelevant training activities which will directly benefit the project. Dr. Brown will also present the researchat relevant national and international conferences.Dr. Peppermint Patty, Co-PI, 0.5 summer months/yearDr. Smith will oversee the experimental work, take responsibility for project management, and directly supervise the Undergraduate students who will be trained in field plot sampling. SALARY - OTHER PERSONNELTBN Postdoc, 6 calendar months/yearThe Postdoc will carry out the experimental part of the project, assist in managing the laboratory,coordinating the graduate student, reporting to the funding agency, and publishing of scientific results. The postdoc will focus on printing and surface characterization. He will print the inks using PPL, BPL, or the new microfluidic cell. He will then characterize the patterns using protocols developed in the group.TBN Graduate Research Assistant, 12 calendar months/yearThe GRA will assist the Postdoc in printing the inks. As initial milestones are met, the GRA will participate in the project to make more advanced monomers, participate in printing and characterization, and explore stimuli-responsive properties of the surfaces. The GRA will be involved in the preparing of reports to the funding agency and scientific manuscripts for publication, and the students will also present the results of the project in national conferences when appropriate.FRINGE BENEFITSThe rates are determined by the Research Foundation of CUNY and are subject to change at any time. The MTA Payroll Tax of 0.34% is an additional cost of doing business imposed on the RF by the State, and does not apply to release time or summer salary.26.7%Faculty Summer Salary (9 mos appt): CUNY Faculty who are receiving Summer Salary payments.9.34%Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) (12 mos appt): Non-International Students38.34%Full-Time (F/T) & Part-Time A (12 mos appt): Full-time employees scheduled to work 70 or more hours per bi-weekly pay period and paid on an annual basis. Part-time employees scheduled to work more than 38 hours and less than 70 hours per bi-weekly pay period and paid on an hourly basis. EQUIPMENTMass Spectrometer: $5,000 Year 1A high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (HPLC-MS) will be purchased tocharacterize natural mucin samples. The Thermo LTQ Standard Ultimate HPLC with a diodearraydetectors and Quaternary pump is ideal for studying both diode-array detectors and Quaternary pump is ideal for studying both peptides and glycans. The equipment is needed in order to complete Aims 2 & 3.TRAVELDomestic: $4,000/yearTravel is requested for project personnel to disseminate the research findings at an annual conference like American Chemical Society’s National Conference. Funds are estimated for a 4-day, 3-night trip including round-trip transportation $400, hotel of $180/night ($540), per-diem of $76/day ($304), and conference fees of $756, totaling $2,000/trip. Two trips are anticipated annually.International: $6,000/yearTravel is requested for project personnel to disseminate the research findings at the Gordon Research Conference to be held Paris, France. Funds are estimated for a 6-day, 5-night trip including round-trip transportation $850, hotel of $190/night ($950), per-diem of $76/day ($456), and conference fees of $744, totaling $3,000/trip. Two trips are anticipated annually.PARTICIPANT SUPPORT COSTSStipends: $10,000/yearEach summer, two undergraduate students will receive a $5,000 stipend each. They will train in the lab’s methods and present a poster to the department on their research findings. Travel: $4,000/yearEach summer, the two undergraduate students will visit Dr. Charlie Brown’s lab at the University of Maryland (subcontract) to train on the lab’s methods. Funds are estimated for a 7-day, 6-night trip including round-trip transportation $388, hotel of $180/night ($1,080), per-diem of $76/day ($532), totaling $2,000/trip.OTHER DIRECT COSTSMaterials and Supplies: $6,000 Year 1, $7,000 Year 2, $7,500 Year 3The research efforts of polymer synthesis on surfaces, requires such materials and supplies related to (i)preparation of tips and nanoscale reaction chambers, (ii) polymer synthesis on the surface and for thepreparation of reagents that will be introduced to the surfaces, and (iii) characterization of surfaces. Thisestimate includes about $5,000 for gloves & protective equipment, $5,000 for gold, metals andevaporators and about $10,500 for solvents for chemical synthesis.Publication Costs: $2,500 Year 3In order to publish a manuscript of the project results in The Optical Society journal for 5-8 pages, funds are requested of about $2,500.Consultant Services: $6,250/yearAn external evaluator, Dr. Linus Van Pelt, will lead the formative evaluation to help the team design the program and provide areas for improvement during the course of the project. The consultant’s rate is $125/hour for 50 hours/year. Subaward: $75,000/yearUniversity of Maryland: The subcontract will be led by Co-PI, Dr. Charlie Brown at the University of Maryland, a domestic institution. Please see the subcontract’s attached budget and justification.Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees: $3,000/yearPersonnel will use CUNY Advanced Science Research Center’s Nanofabrication Facility fee. Based on the specific equipment to be used for the project, the average hourly rate is $25. We estimate 120 hours/year, totaling $3,000/year.Other-Tuition & Fees $10,000/yearDoctoral tuition & fees are requested for the GRA estimated at a Level I-NY Resident, pro-rated according to the effort months dedicated to the project. INDIRECT COSTSCUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center indirect costs are calculated on Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) using F&A rates approved by the U.S. DHHS. The ASRC Rate Agreement specifies indirect cost rates for On-Campus Research established on 08/26/2020: July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023: 57%Year 1Year 2Year 3Total88,06176,16379,709243,933 ................

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