ECM#1: ECM name

Retro-Commissioning-228601014095000Diagnostic and Calculation PlanECM# FORMTEXT 1: ECM nameExisting Operation and Control SequencesTo be completed during the planning phase (RCx), investigation phase (RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing sectionEquipment affected and areas served: FORMTEXT [Add Description]Baseline system operation and sequences of operation, setpoints: FORMTEXT [Add Description]Operational concerns with the baseline system: FORMTEXT [Add Description] Detailed Measure DescriptionTo be completed during the planning phase (RCx), investigation phase (RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT [Add Description] Preliminary FindingsTo be completed during the planning phase (RCx only); Delete section for RCxpress and MBCx; Delete this pink text after completing section Basis for Preliminary analysis: FORMTEXT [Add Description – Basis for analysis should summarize the calculation methodology used. Provide Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to Administrator for review separately]Trending required for Investigation Phase: FORMTEXT [Add Description – Summarize trending requirements for Investigation Phase. A detailed M&V plan is not required at the Planning Phase]Measure Cost DetailsTo be updated during each phase of the project; Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT [Add Description – State source for measure cost. A vendor quote is required during the investigation phase for any external labor. For in-house labor, estimate labor rates and required time and material]?Engineering estimates should only be used during the RCx PLN phase?Invoice provided to implementing contractor (if implementation using external labor or materials)?Documentation of labor hours provided to implementing contractor (if implementation using in-house staff)Investigation/Monitoring and Identification Approach, Findings and Data AcquisitionTo be completed during the investigation phase (RCx/RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing section Monitoring and Identification approach: Delete this field for investigation phase (RCx/RCxpress); Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT [Add Description - Describe plan for monitoring and identification of ECM. May reference Standard MBCx Procedure Forms]Parameters trended: FORMTEXT [Add Description – including date(s) of trending for temperature, amperage, etc. Follow the RCx M&V Guidelines]Parameters functionally tested: FORMTEXT [Add Description – including date(s) of testing for damper operation, etc.]Summary of initial investigation and functional testing: FORMTEXT [Add Description – i.e. how was ECM identified?]Supporting graphs/screenshots – baseline: FORMTEXT [Add Graph(s)/screenshot(s)/photo(s); Insert any graphs which are critical; Not every graph included in the calculation file must be in the D&C Plan, select graphs of interest to the customer]Calculation MethodologyTo be completed during the investigation phase (RCx/RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT [Add Description – Summarize calculation methodology for customer's and Nexant’s reference. Provide Nexant Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for review separately. Follow the RCx M&V guidelines]Proposed System Operation and Control Sequences – Scope of WorkTo be completed during the investigation phase (RCx/RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT Note regarding measure life consideration: Service Provider should dedicate efforts to measures with an estimated measure life of at least five years. Measures relying on operator behavior are not eligible. List any measure persistence concerns.Proposed system operation: FORMTEXT [Add Description – Provide sufficient detail for qualified personnel to implement the measure (i.e. control sequences). Note the affected equipment and the equipment required to complete implementation. Note any significant limitations such as owner buy-iProposed sequences of operation and setpoints: FORMTEXT [Add Description]Integration with existing controllers: To be completed during monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete for all other offerings (RCx/RCxpress); Delete this blue text after completing. FORMTEXT [Add Description]Equipment and personnel required for implementation: FORMTEXT [Add Description – State if electrician, controls contractor, in-house labor, etc. is required]Verification PlanningTo be completed during the verification phase (RCx/RCxpress), or monitoring and identification phase (MBCx); Delete this pink text after completing section FORMTEXT [Add Description – Proposed verification test or procedure, Note parameters which will be trended (temperature, amperage, etc.) and the trend interval if different from above. Follow the RCx M&V Guidelines]Verification Testing and FindingsTo be completed during the verification phase; Delete this pink text after completing sectionParameters trended: FORMTEXT [Add Description – including date(s) of trending for temperature, amperage, etc. Follow the RCx M&V Guidelines]Parameters functionally tested: FORMTEXT [Add Description – including date(s) of testing for damper operation, etc.]Summary of verification testing: FORMTEXT [Add Description – i.e. how was ECM verified? When was the actual implementation date after any fine-tuning occurerd? and include any changes from the recommended scope of work, and functional testing]Modification to savings calculation: FORMTEXT [Add Description]Supporting graphs/screenshots (post implementation): FORMTEXT [Add Graph(s)/screenshot(s)/photo(s)] ................

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