Jewish holidays begin at sunset. Dates specified are for evenings, so the holiday extends from sunset on the noted date until dusk on the last day of the holiday.


Rosh HaShanah Yom Kippur Sukkot Sh'mini Atzeret?Simchat Torah Hanukkah Tu Bishvat Purim Passover Yom HaShoah Yom HaZikaron Yom HaAtzmaut Lag BaOmer Shavuot Tishah B'Av Selichot Service

5780 Sept 2019 Sept 2020 Sept 29?Oct 1 Oct 8?9 Oct 13?20 Oct 20?21 Dec 22?30 Feb 9?10 Mar 9?10 Apr 8?15 Apr 20?21 Apr 27?28 Apr 28?29 May 11?12 May 28?29 Jul 29?30 Sept 12

5781 Sept 2020 Sept 2021 Sept 18?20 Sept 27?28 Oct 2?9 Oct 9?10 Dec 10?18 Jan 27?28 Feb 25?26 Mar 27?Apr 3 Apr 7?8 Apr 14?15 Apr 15?16 Apr 29?30 May 16?17 Jul 17?18 Aug 28

5782 Sept 2021 Sept 2022 Sept 6?8 Sept 15?16 Sept 20?27 Sept 27?28 Nov 28?Dec 6 Jan 16?17 Mar 16?17 Apr 15?22 Apr 27?28 May 3?4 May 4?5 May 18?19 Jun 4?5 Aug 6?7 Sept 17

5783 Sept 2022 Sept 2023

Sept 25?27 Oct 4?5 Oct 9?16 Oct 16?17 Dec 18?26 Feb 5?6 Mar 6?7 Apr 5?12 Apr 17?18 Apr 24?26 Apr 24?26 May 8?9 May 25?26 July 26?27 Sept 9

5784 Sept 2023 Sept 2024 Sept 15?17 Sept 24?25 Sept 29?Oct 6 Oct 6?7 Dec 7?15 Jan 24?25 Mar 23?24 Apr 22?29 May 5?6 May 12?14 May 12?14 May 25?26 Jun 11?12 Aug 12?13 Sept 28


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