Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference

CACC DIRECTOR’S COUNCILSummary of ActionsSeptember 16, 2019Felician University (Rutherford)Castle Board RoomAttendees:Bloomfield: Sheila WootenCaldwell: Mark CorinoChestnut Hill: Jesse BalcerConcordia: Kathy LaoutarisDominican: Kelly-Ann LightFelician: Ben DiNalloGeorgian Court: Laura LiesmanGoldey-Beacom: Tom BrennanHoly Family: Tim HamillJefferson: Tom ShirleyNyack: Keith DaviePost: Ronnie PalmerSciences: Marc CaserioWilmington: Stefanie WhitbyCACC: Dan Mara, Doug DeBiase, and Ellen O’BrienCACC Women’s Basketball Assignor: Jon LevinsonMeeting commenced at 9:00AMWelcome and IntroductionsWomen’s Basketball Update – Jon LevinsonFor the 2018-19 season, 20 officials were removed from the pool and 23 were added. 79% of CACC games had at least one Division I official last year. 149 games out of 381 were evaluated by at least one coach. The observer ratings and coaches’ ratings were very similar.Video bulletins are posted throughout the season on a private YouTube channel. These are shared with officials, staff, and coaches. Some officials send Jon specific clips and ask for feedback. Jon sends notices every few weeks to his officials providing feedback he has received from observers, administrators, and coaches. Any evaluation or feedback Jon receives from a coach is confidential.Officials attend camps over the summer. For recruitment, Jon reaches out to D3 and D2 coordinators in our footprint asking for names of officials they think are ready to move up to the next level. Jon attended eight training camps this year. Rules – Shot clock change: The shot clock now needs to be reset on the fly after an offensive rebound. If the shooting team gets a long rebound in the backcourt then the clock is reset to thirty seconds. The clock is also reset to 30 after a free throw and a defensive rebound, but it is set to 20 after an offensive rebound from a missed foul shot in front court. Tom Shirley noted the financial hardship for some schools. Jon was told the cost to update shot clock controllers will range from $300-$1000. Mark Fratto, President of Linacre Media assists with staffing needs (PA, stats, etc.). He sends out requests through his listserv ($20 per year). Technical Foul Rule: Two shots and the ball at the division line. When there is a kicked ball in the front court or a defensive foul when a team has control of ball, there are four throw-in spots. This takes away the advantage of defensive fouling in a bad spot on the court and the subsequent throw-in location.Review of minutes from May 30 – May 31, 2019 (Supplement #1) – Mark CorinoKathy Laoutaris made a motion to approve the May 30th and May 31st, 2019 Directors Council minutes. Ronnie Palmer seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.Hall of Fame Update – Doug DeBiaseThis year’s Hall of Fame class includes Catherine Carr (Holy Family University, Women's Basketball), Ron Kornegay (Monmouth University, Men's Basketball – Legacy category), Devon Young (Felician University Men's Basketball), Chrissy Woodruff (University of the Sciences, Women's Cross Country) and the 2005-06 Goldey-Beacom College Men's Golf team. Holy Family is looking at December 21st for Catherine’s induction. Chrissy will be inducted during the CACC Cross Country Championship. The conference office is working with Goldey-Beacom on an induction date for the golf team. Devon will be honored during a December basketball game. Ron may be honored during Caldwell’s game at Monmouth before Thanksgiving. DII ADA Report – Sheila WootenP2R (Supplements #2A, #2B, &#2C)Supplement 2A explains the initiative which is being jointly driven by the D2ADA and Commissioners Association to address the officiating crisis. The program is called Player-to-Ref” or P2R, which will target student-athletes who have concluded their collegiate playing careers to educate them on the benefits and advantages of becoming an official. The program is being implemented this semester and the conference offices, in conjunction with their member institutions, will work with local officials to visit campuses and speak with student-athletes and other interested students on the pathway to become an official along with the rewards and challenges. Supplement 2B addresses how the coaches connection group can assist with the initiative. Supplement 2C specifies which weeks we will be declaring as officials appreciation weeks during the 19-20 academic year. There is a script included for announcers to read during their home games in those weeks. The CACC has ordered luggage tags for schools to give to the officials as a token of our appreciation during the specified weeks.The average starting age of a track and field official is 60. The average age for all officials is 47.The ADs have requested a one-page document be developed that outlines the steps students need to take in order to become an official. D2ADA Membership: Sheila Wooten reminded the group to update their D2ADA memberships for this year. Last year, the CACC was one of the few conferences that had 100% participation in NACDA and D2ADA membership. Management Council Update – Laura Liesman (Supplement #3)Educating RAC members: The NCAA has added educational modules that will be helpful for RAC members to complete. D2 Presidents Council: Allocating $900K to support medical school endeavors for African American male student-athletes. Management Council is concerned about the process used for determining the allocation of these funds. Madison Heck (Georgian Court; Women’s Lacrosse) was selected as the CACC’s new representative on National SAAC. Former National SAAC rep, Mariah Wysocki (Bloomfield) transferred to another school.NCAA Legislation – IPOPL (Supplement #4)1-1: Is sponsored by the ECC and would reduce conference membership requirements to only require a minimum of eight active members. This is to counteract the legislation that is planned to go in to effect to require 10 members in 2021.1-2: Would replace the permission to contact legislation with a notification of transfer model. 1-3: Would eliminate the need for a PSA to provide a “current” transcript before being offered an NLI.1-4: Would increase the length of a tryout in golf to five hours, rather than the current two-hour limit.1-5: Would modify the women’s basketball recruiting calendar to extend the spring contact period and to eliminate the May 18 – June 14 evaluation period.1-6: For the hardship waiver calculations in basketball to include conference challenge events in the denominator as well. Currently, conference challenges are included in the numerator, but the denominators are the standard bylaw 17 maximums across the board, and do not vary from one situation to another. 1-7: In Fall championship sports, to not allow weight training, conditioning or team activities to occur until the institutions fourth day of classes for the spring semester. This would more closely align with the timeline of spring championship sports and when they commence activities in the beginning of the Fall semester (September 7th or fourth day of classes).The second publication will be available later in the month. The CACC will need representatives prepared to speak on behalf of our proposal (1-2) during the convention business session. CACC Merger Working Group (Supplement #5)During the CACC Presidents Council meeting in April, a working group was formed which is chaired by Dr. Blattner (Caldwell). Other members include Dr. Marbach (GCU), Dr. Scales (Nyack), Sheila Wooten (Bloomfield), Joe Clinton (Dominican), and Tom Brennan (GBC). The conference attorney is constructing an amendment to the constitution which specifies that if a school merges, it may be suspended or expelled if it significantly changes the institution. Notification to the conference must occur as a merger takes place. A peer review visit will also need to be conducted. The constitutional amendment will be reviewed by the Directors Council prior to the Presidents Council meeting in November.Tom Shirley asked if we should implement a reapplication fee for a school that merges with another institution. This will be included as an agenda topic for the merger working group’s next call. Dr. Blattner will be leaving Caldwell at the end of the academic year. The Directors Council would like to get her a gift to thank her for her continued support and contributions to the conference.Championships Committee Report – Sheila Wooten (Distributed at Meeting)Preview of Fall ChampionshipMen’s Golf: Hosted by Dominican College at White Beeches Country Club (Oct. 6-8). Women’s Tennis: Hosted by Post University at Edgewood Bath & Tennis Club (Oct. 22, 25-26)Cross Country: Hosted by Chestnut Hill College at Belmont Plateau (Oct. 27)Men’s & Women’s Soccer: Hosted by Post University (Nov. 11 & 12, Nov. 15 & 17). The men’s semis will be held on Friday, Nov. 15 at Municipal Stadium in downtown Waterbury, while the women’s semis will be contested the same day at LaMoy Field on the Post campus. Sunday’s championship finals will be played on Sunday, Nov. 17, with the men’s final at 10 a.m., followed by the women’s final at 1 p.m. Both matches will be at LaMoy Field.Track and Field Championship FormatThe proposed qualifying standards and two-day format from the Track & Field Games Committee was reviewed. The qualifying standards are based on the 12th place average this year. However, if a student-athlete does not meet the standard and is needed for their school to meet sports sponsorship, an exception will be made. Tom Shirley made a motion to approve the proposed Track and Field Championship two-day format and qualifying standards. Marc Caserio seconded. Motion passed: 14-0. The remaining Championships Committee Report items are reviewed later in the meetingBaseball Committee Report – Ronnie Palmer (Supplements #6A & #6B)The baseball subcommittee met over the summer to review the conference schedule structure and tournament format. Currently, 32 double-headers are played in the regular season. The proposed format will reduce the schedule by 5 games in 2021. A single in-division (9-inning) game will be played on Tuesday/Wednesday; a crossover double-header (7-innings each) will be played on Saturday; and an in-division double-header against the Tues./Wed. opponent will be played on Sunday (9/7 innings). The committee also proposed a mercy rule be implemented for 9-inning games. Specifically, if a team is up by 10 or more runs after 7 innings, the game will be called. No conference games will be scheduled during Easter weekend. Tom Shirley made a motion to approve the proposed regular season format, mercy rule, and 2021 schedule. Ronnie Palmer seconded. The baseball regular season format will not be reviewed again for three years. Ben DiNallo believes the conference should eliminate divisions and play three game series. Motion approved: 10-2-2.Keith Davie mentioned that with Nyack’s change in location, they will be closer to the south division than Bloomfield/Caldwell/Felician would be. Keith Davie made a motion for Nyack to move to the south division beginning in the 2021 season and to remain in the south baseball division until further notice. Tom Shirley seconded. The new schedule with Bloomfield in the south was already approved. Keith made a friendly amendment to move to the south beginning in 2022. Tom Shirley seconded the friendly amendment. It was suggested a new schedule be developed that moves Nyack to the south in 2021. Keith withdrew his friendly amendment. Tom withdrew his second of the friendly amendment. Keith Davie made a motion for Nyack to play in the south baseball division in the 2020-21 academic year and thereafter. A new 20-21 schedule will be developed to reflect that change. Tom Shirley seconded. Motion passed: 13-0-1. The Sunday double header can be played as 7 then 9 innings, or 9 then 7 innings. With the 7 then 9 format, if the first game goes into extra innings, then the second game would automatically become a 7-inning game. Tom Shirley made a motion for the Sunday double header to feature a 9-inning game followed by a 7-inning game. Sheila Wooten seconded. Motion passed: 11-1-2. Mark Corino suggested a baseball fact sheet be developed that highlights the baseball schedule format changes and how they will reduce missed class time.The Directors Council took a break from 11:11AM until 11:25AMThe Directors Council then reviewed the remaining items from the Championships Committee Report c. Baseball Tournament StructureThe baseball subcommittee proposed the following changes to the tournament structure: A three game in-division series will be played. The coaches advocated for a three-game series and making that in-division will reduce travel expenses. Only 2 umpires will be hired for the series in order minimize costs to the conference. Higher seeds will be the home team during the entire series. If the teams split wins on the first day and the rest of the series is a wash, then the higher seed will advance. If the first game is played and rest is a wash, then the team that won moves forward. All games of the series will need to be played by Monday. That gives teams four days to play three, 9-inning games. There will be set start times, however, they may be adjusted based on field availability. There is no intent to change the tournament format in other sports to feature in-division match ups. Ben DiNallo is concerned about staffing availability since the series may overlap with the festival. The consensus is that there is enough staff available to cover both. Tom Shirley made a motion to approve the proposed baseball tournament format. Kathy Laoutaris seconded. Motion passed: 12-0-2. Potential Soccer Season Changes (Supplement #7)Division I men’s soccer is proposing a split season structure that requires five days off in between matches. If these chances are later proposed for D2, we will have issues with facility and staffing availability. This will be included on the Presidents Council agenda. Dan Mara will speak with Julie Ruppert and Bob Dranoff to see if they have interest in proposing changes for the soccer season structure that may be more feasible for our member institutions. ADs should also reach out to their soccer coaches for input. Soccer – Headset Discussion (Supplement #8)The ECC has mandated that their schools purchase the Yapalong 4000 or 5000. Keith Davie believes the headsets help eliminate conflicts throughout the matches. Mark Corino and Tom Shirley believe the officials should purchase their own headsets. Laura Liesman made a motion to require all CACC schools (who sponsor soccer) to purchase at least three Yapalong 4000 or 5000 headsets to be used during the 2020 soccer season. Ben DiNallo seconded. Motion approved: 9-4-1.Soccer Hydration Break Policy (Supplement #9)After the policy regarding mandatory hydration break in soccer was brought forward, Dan Mara and Keith Davie developed a best practices document. Laura Liesman made a motion to adopt the policy and best practices. Stefanie Whitby seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.The Directors Council to a lunch break from 12:27PM until 12:54PMAll-Tournament Team Review (Supplement #11)A subcommittee of SIDs developed a proposal regarding all tournament teams. The subcommittee proposed that at-large spots be implemented. Laura Liesman suggested we eliminate the breakdown per team and just choose the best competitors from the tournament, regardless of team. Ben DiNallo made a motion to approve the proposed all-tournament team structures. Tom Shirley seconded. Motion passed: 12-2.Pre-Season Coaches Poll Policy (Supplement #12)Currently, coaches rank conference teams in the preseason, but some coaches incorrectly place their own team. The group discussed having SIDs vote or removing the preseason poll altogether. However, the preseason poll is a good PR opportunity for the conference. Tom Shirley made a motion to continue with the preseason poll voting, but to not allow coaches to vote for their own team. Effective immediately. Tom Brennan seconded. Motion passed: 14-0.2020-21 Championship Festival (Supplement #13)The festival survey results were reviewed. The festival committee will meet on October 2nd. Commissioner’s East Region Meeting (Supplement #14)Dan Mara met at the NE10 office with Julie Ruppert and Bob Dranoff over the summer to discuss the following east region initiatives.They are looking at November 2, 2020 for an East Region Presidents meeting. They are discussing bringing in someone from NCAA staff to discuss hot button topics. The CACC Presidents will discuss this in November.Mental health workshop in June pliance Seminar: Hoping to expand topics to educate more groups on campus and have increased focus on international student compliance and eligibility. Event management workshop to discuss game environment: Jay Jones of the Heartland Conference completed the Disney training program and could assist with this event. Laura Liesman noted that his may be a D2 initiative and therefore there may be funding available. Perhaps our region could run this as a pilot program. Professional development for communications staff. Doug DeBiase and the communications liaisons form the ECC and NE10 will develop the program for SIDs.The east region compliance seminar is set for March 23-24 at the Trumbull CT Marriott. More information regarding that will be sent out over the next month or so.We are looking at February 7th and 8th for the joint SAAC retreat and have invited the NE10 to join in as well. Our east region convention soiree will be on Friday of the convention at 5:30PM at Karl Strauss Brewing Company in Anaheim. The brewery is a few miles from the Hilton and we will have a bus for transportation.Intra-Conference Transfer Policy Review (Supplement #15)As outlined in supplement 15, this year the committee approved one transfer waiver and denied two. The committee consists of the DC officers, SWA Chair, and SAAC chair. Laura Liesman made a motion to remove the CACC intra-conference transfer policy. Effective August 1, 2020, for those transferring during the 2020-21 academic year and thereafter. Ronnie Palmer seconded. Laura Liesman withdrew her motion. Ronnie Palmer withdrew his second. This item will be reviewed again in January. CACC Sport Supervisors/Sport Chairs (Supplement #16)Supplement 16 has the updated AD sport supervisors and coaching chairs for this year. A description of responsibilities for each position will be developed and shared with the group.CACC Sport Sponsorship (Supplement #17)Three schools currently sponsor indoor track and field and three schools have shown interest. Sciences will be discussing details about adding soccer later in the year. Tim Hamill gave his tennis coach a recruiting goal, and, if he does not reach the goal, then they will drop the sport and allocate funds to women’s bowling. Sciences will be exploring women’s bowling as well. E-Sports is back on the table for Chestnut Hill for next Fall. Felician is interviewing for an E-Sports coach. Caldwell and Post are moving forward with E-Sports as well. Sciences will begin exploring women’s bowling.. Georgian Court and Sciences are looking into men’s volleyball.Peer Reviews 2019-20 (Supplement #18) This year’s peer reviews include Georgian Court, Post, Felician, and Jefferson. We are trying to narrow down visitation dates and then we will begin to form the review teams.Under Armour Athletic Director of the Year Candidate (Discussion/Selection)Sheila Wooten was selected as the CACC Under Armour AD of the Year.Other BusinessAttestation of compliance for ADs and Presidents need to be completed by October 15. Currently, two ADs and four presidents have yet to complete the attestation process. Felician Update: The borough approved their amended proposal for a facility on campus. The new building will include locker rooms, a HOF room, and a fitness center. Construction will begin soon, and they may need to play basketball in another location this year. Other Upcoming CACC MeetingsSAAC: September 27th at Concordia (10AM – 2PM)Championship Festival: October 2nd at Georgian Court (10AM)Direct Reports: October 3 at Chestnut Hill (10AM – 2PM)FAR: October 4 at Felician (10AM – 2PM)SWA: October 21 at Post (10AM – 2PM)Presidents: November 4 at Bloomfield (10AM – 2PM)Next Directors Council MeetingsFriday, January 24th, 2020 – Anaheim, CAMarch 30, 2020 at Nyack (City Campus)May 28-29, 2020 at Wind Creek Casino, Bethlehem, PAMeeting adjourned at 1:51PM ................

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