September 2007 Horoscope

Star Encounters – June 2020!By Rev. Joy “Aphrodette” Gambon ADLHappy Birthday, Gemini!CLASSES, SPECIAL EVENTS, AND HOURS BY APPOINTMENT!820 B Franklin Road SW, Roanoke, VA 24016 540.400.0110 / 540.613.1070JUNE OVERVIEWLUNATIONSThis FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse occurs on June 5, 2020 at 03:12:15 PM EDST! The Gemini Sun and retrograde Venus in that sign form a double opposition to the Sagittarian Moon! Mars in Pisces is in T-square with this configuration. Ideas can be expressed and shared in an amazing manner. Respect the diversity and the unique views of others. Share your experiences and expand your philosophical view in this cycle for best results. Listen to the whole story before making rash judgements. Do your research!This NEW MOON Annular Solar Eclipse occurs on June 21, 2020 at 02:41:19 AM EDST! The Lights are in Cancer and the Head of the Dragon is at the Anaretic degree of Gemini. They form a triple opposition to the Tail of the Dragon, a triple quincunx to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius, retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and a triple square to Mars in Pisces! WOW! It feels almost surreal and we become aware that w need to deeply re-examine our goals and our motives as we create a new strategy for evolvement. Be part of the solution!JUNE RETRODRADE STATIONS AND SHIFTSMercury Retrogrdea in Cancer!Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer on June 18, 2020 at 0.59 AM EDST and remains so until July 12, 2020 at 02:27AM EDST. It moves out of its shadow on July 26, 2020 EDST. All levels of security will be challenging as we think about how to protect that we have created. Retreating from conflict is seen and sincerity and kindness will be appreciated.Mars and Venus Shift Close Together, AGAIN!!!Venus will be station direct in Gemini on June 25, 2020 at 02:18AM. A bit of relief can be felt as some of the confusion and indecicion regarding relationships will ease. Less than 48 hours later, Mars will enter Aries and honesty will be the best policy! The truth will come out but it is easier to resolve issues at this time. Mars is normallyin a sign for 7 weeks but it will retrograde this year in Aries and complete its cycle in Aries in January 2021! Jupiter Retrograde In Capricorn!On May 14, 2020 at 10:32AM, Jupiter stationed retrograde and remains so until September 12, 2020 at 08:41PM. Government, laws and referendums will be under review. Cautious expansion of our freedom is well advised by the cosmoos. Stay informed. Saturn Retrograde In Aquarius!On May 11, 2020 at 12:09AM, Saturn stationed retrograde in Aquarius and re-enter Capricorn for the next few months. It will station direct on September 29, 2020 at 01:11AM. AGAIN, government, laws, elections and r3eferndums will be re-evaluated and experience a sloser scrutiny. Certain restrictons will be in place although they will be altered. The safety of the public is primary!Neptune Stations RetrogradeOn June 23, 2020 at 0.32 am, Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces and remains so until November 28, 2020 at 07:37PM EST. There is both a spiritual and a nebulous nature to this ener4gy. History will loom large but those who are wise and understand the passages of time will come forth to lead us. Deception can also be uncovered in this ctcle. Stay alert.Pluto Still In RetrogradeUntil October 4, 2020The Capricorn parade comtiues with these three planets and we return to go over covered ground with great care. Moving forward does need to be slow but sure in this cycle. The emphasis is on preservation versus motivation. Patience is an imperative in this cycle. 00ARIES MAR 20 - APR 20 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mars is in Pisces and in T-square to the Sun kissing retrograde Venus in Gemini and the Sagittarian Moon. This is the prefect time to observe rather than engage. Being a good listener will serve you well at this time. On the Solar Eclipse, Mars is still in Pisces and forms a triple square to the Lights in Cancer as it also squares off with the Dragon. It also forms a triple sextile to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn! Carefully separate that which is critical from those tasks or goals you can place gently on the back burner! Ease through. Thank me later!00TAURUS APR 20 - MAY 21 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is retrograde in Gemini and conjunct the Sun. This pair is in T-square to Mars in Pisces and the Sagittarian Full Moon. This can be quite the creative cycle for you as you may choose to go back to activities of daily life that made you happy or to try something new. Mix it up! On the Solar Eclipse, Venus is still retrograde in Gemini and forms a beautiful trine to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. You will be looking into working smarter, not harder! Technology may open doors for you at this time and you may return to a fascinating study that you had abandoned! Go for it!00GEMINI MAY 21 - JUN 21On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury is in Cancer, in trine to Mars in Pisces and in square to Chiron in Aries. It also forms a sweet sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Use your imagination and let your sense of humor out to play! You can experience a bit of impatience with others if they will not cooperate with you. Blaze your own trail whenever possible. On the Solar Eclipse, Mercury has stationed retrograde in Cancer but forms no major aspects to the traditional planets. Spending a bit of time alone with your own rarified thoughts can be simply marvelous if you can make that happen! Pondering is under-rated. Chill! 00CANCER JUN 21 - JUL 22This Lunar Eclipse can manifest in some interesting revelations for you! It is a Full Moon in Sagittarius and it forms a mutable T-square with Mars in Pisces and the Sun and retrograde Venus in Gemini. Music, conversation and a bit of adventure seem to lure you! Go for it! On the Solar Eclipse, the Lights are in your sign and lined up with the Dragon. These three are in square to Mars in Pisces and form a triple quincunx to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn! Quite the mixed bag! Seek to clarify as many of your conversations with others as possible. This applies to personal as well as business concerns. Find out the facts. Employ curiosity. Ask questions and patiently wait for the answers. Thank me later!00LEO JUL 22 - AUG 2 Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, the Sun, is kissing retrograde Venus in Gemini and in T-square to the Full Moon in Sagittarius and Mars in Pisces. You may be highly active initiating conversations with others both near and far at this time. Use humor and positivity to minimize stress in the lives of others near and dear to you. This is a balancing act you can execute quite well. Go for it! On the Solar Eclipse, the Lights are in Cancer and lined up with the Dragon. These three are in square to Mars in Pisces and form a triple quincunx to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn! Try your best to minimize discussions regarding politics if possible. You may observe extremes in that realm. Those who want to change everything and those who are obviously complacent may be in evidence. Punt!00VIRGO AUG 23 - SEP 22 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Mercury, is in Cancer, in trine to Mars in Pisces and in square to Chiron in Aries. It also forms a sweet sextile to Uranus in Taurus. This is a great time to spend some time by the water and listen to your favorite tunes! You may not be in the mood for much exercise physically, but you can be mentally stimulating by spending some time with family and friends. Mental calisthenics bring you joy. Go for it! On the Solar Eclipse, Mercury has stationed retrograde in Cancer but forms no major aspects to the traditional planets. Your powers of concentration are enhanced at this time. Whether you love to write, tinker or have some ambitious and detailed project you will feel quite a bit of satisfaction by doing you own thing at this time! Enjoy00LIBRA SEP 23 - OCT 22 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Venus, is retrograde in Gemini and conjunct the Sun. This pair is in T-square to Mars in Pisces and the Sagittarian Full Moon. You will certainly be working on all cylinders! Each day may have more than one chapter of activity which be very stimulating for you. Your ability to balance with your natal Libra Sun pays off now! On the Solar Eclipse, Venus is still retrograde in Gemini and forms a beautiful trine to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. Take a long look back and review all that you have accomplished! Go ahead! Rest on you laurels a bit! Connect with those beloveds that have been part of your journey at this time! The impact will be delightful and even amusing! Initiate!00SCORPIO OCT 23 – NOV 22On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruling planet of event, Mars, is in Pisces and in T-square to the Sun kissing retrograde Venus in Gemini and the Sagittarian Moon. Your ruler of process, Pluto, is retrograde in Capricorn and forms a stellium with Jupiter retrograde in that sign and Saturn, retrograde in Aquarius. All of your experience will serve you well at this time, but you may also add a new creative twist to your ventures. Expect to be called upon to fix the mistakes of others. You will be the fixer! On the Solar Eclipse, Mars is still in Pisces and forms a triple square to the Lights in Cancer as it also squares off with the Dragon. It also forms a triple sextile to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn! You may feel frustrated with the emotional climate that surrounds you with others at this time. Best to busy yourself and wear a soft shield to deflect negativity! Thank me later!00SAGITTARIUS NOV 22 - DEC 20On the Lunar Eclipse, you ruler, Jupiter, is retrograde in Capricorn and still conjunct Pluto in that sign and retrograde Saturn in Aquarius. These three with wide orb, for a triple quincunx to the head of the Dragon at the Anaretic degree of Gemini! When dealing with the forces that be, you will need to be prepared to repeat yourself or go into greater detail to make the progress you desire. Your patience will be tested. On the Solar Eclipse, this trilogy forms triple sextiles to Mars in Pisces which can be very stimulating to your imagination. Your ability to see the larger picture is enhanced and you can impress others with ease. Keep a smile on your face and be entertaining! Enjoy!00CAPRICORN DEC 21 - JAN 19 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius and conjunct both retrograde Jupiter and Pluto in your sign as they from a triple quincunx to the Head of the Dragon at the Anaretic degree of Gemini! You will be going over old ground trying to retrieve those elements of life that strengthen your resolve as you move slowly forward in the Fall. This is a long cycle, but it allows you to blend progress and integrity in a unique manner. On the Solar Eclipse, the picture is similar, but this trilogy forms a triple quincunx to the Head of the Dragon and the Lights in cancer. They also form triple sextiles to Mars in Pisces! You will need to get plenty of rest and be creative in renewing an inner security as you create a new strategy for your future. Enjoy the water and music as much as possible to get through!00AQUARIUS JAN 20 – FEB 19 On the Lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Uranus, is in Taurus, simply sextile to Mercury in Cancer! Your intuitive forces and your practical wisdom combine! Expect the unexpected knowing the pieces of the puzzle will fall miraculously into place! Keep the faith! On the Solar Eclipse, Uranus forms no major aspects to the traditional plants! Write your own ticket just now! Saturn is retrograde in your sign all summer allowing you to bring tradition and innovation into your lifestyle and your calling! Make the most of it. Technology may prove to be extremely important in making your life easier. Be sure you get the bang for your buck! Thank me later!00PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 19 On the lunar Eclipse, your ruler, Neptune, is in your sign, and simply is conjunct Mars in your sign!! This is a powerful placement for imagination, spirituality and artistic endeavors! Make the most of it! This aspect only havens every two and a half years1 Spend time by the water and enjoy the music you love most. The music in nature holds most appeal! On the Solar Eclipse, these two are still traveling close together and Neptune forms a double sextile to both Jupiter and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn! This a great time to recycle or renovate items you treasure. You may want to change your décor in your home and create something either lovely or delicious in your garden! Enjoy! ................

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