April 23, 2020 10:30 a.m.

Via Zoom

In Attendance: Kevin Steins, Jim Headley, Dustin Jordan, Matt Elswick, Katherine Small, Amy Peebles, Darien Alston, Doyle Best, Eric Stewart, Nathan Dawsey, Shaniqua Simmons, Brad Cuttino, Amy Evans, Randy Woodard, Kevin Stiens, B.J. Belville, Marlie Creasey-Smith

I. Welcome – Kevin opened the meeting

II. Approval of Minutes from January Meeting – approved as submitted

Doyle motion; Randy second

III. Branch/District/Committee Reports

A. Branch Updates

ELM: Eric

Weekly call the past few weeks, updating Branch on reports from Executive Director, best practices in addressing current situation, best management on personnel, federal programs, etc. Shifting to re-entry, re-opening phase. May disband weekly meetings in two weeks. Upcoming ELM sponsored functions will be pushed to late summer when trainings are more manageable.

PRM: Darian


Programming: Amy

TPS Update – 102 registrants in 2020 (goal of 100). Revenue of $6,600. First sponsor this year, “Kids in Parks.” Tameka did a great job as Education Chair – great feedback re: diversity of topics. TPS Committee to meet early May for 2021 planning. Held Zoom Social meeting for programmers – 33 agencies represented. Great feedback from agencies and interest in future topics. Next topic may be Summer Camps. Branch board meeting last Thursday; challenged board to come up with workshops/webinars to provide funding for SCRPA.

SCAP: BJ Belville

Hosted SCAP meeting through Zoom (about 15-20pp.). All athletics shut down. Most looking at dates for continued programming. Most looking at some time in June. Programs likely to move spring sports to summer, cancel summer programs so only 1 season is missed. SCAP meeting in May via Zoom.

Student/Scholarship: Leslie

Zoom meeting with college contacts with Clemson and Coastal Carolina. Focus is working towards conference and increasing student participation. Goal to stay in contact with professors and students to ensure they know we are available and can come into classes to come in and talk about SCRPA on a monthly/bi-monthly basis.

Jason Reynolds focus on scholarships. Interviews via Zoom. Scholarship application re-opened on-line. Working on getting a committee together for scholarship interviews and working on that for the fall. Planning for student engagement/activities during conference.

State Parks: Matt

• May 1 – soft opening with limited day use access. Restrooms open. New focus on capacity and gate closures (without. Visitors encouraged to pay admissions on line.

• May 11 – will begin taking reservations. Those with reservations already in place as of May 1 will be honored, although restricted based on staffing. Future 24-hour buffer between cabin check-in/check-outs.

• May 15 – Visitor’s Center and retail areas open. Limited capacity based on square footage. Floor markings and physical barriers.

• June 1 – All Open; Group areas, programs, playgrounds

• Emphasis on ever-changing state of openings based on COVID situation. Working on enhanced SOP’s for operations. Kevin requested new SOP’s be shared with Jim for group benefit.

B. District Updates

Central: Katherine

Central District Workshop in February (join with SCAP) based on athletics and park maintenance. Hosted by Rock Hill.

Joint workshop with PRM (Darien) in August. Geared towards maintenance and CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design). Host to be Richland County.

Western: Brad

Looking to schedule Zoom meeting. Appreciation of Kevin/Jim keeping everyone in the loop.

Southern: Shaniqua

Pam Zanowski (Summerville) joined Conference Committee. Claflin April meeting cancelled – looking to reschedule. May 15 – meeting with City of Charleston will be postponed. August – meeting scheduled with North Charleston (Doyle).

Contact Dr. Amiss trying to get involved with association (Voorhees College). Will connect with Leslie.

Have had smaller agencies/parent-led Dixie baseball interested in future programming.

Eastern: Nathan

May 25 is make or break to salvage season; Dixie youth will have something in store in June for participation.

May put together Zoom meeting for District.

Fundraising golf tournament in Sumter is cancelled

C. Committees Update – By Each of the elected officers

Past Presidents Committee: Randy

Nothing to report

Ways and Means: Dustin

Nothing to report

Awards and Citations: Marlie

Nothing to report

Conference Committee: Kevin

Full go on conference as of now; Trying to scale back on expenses until we better understand COVID impact on number of registrants.

Jim: Potential of restricted travel from localities due to COVID. Behind on sponsorships but have six secured as of now; registrations open; discussions with Marriott in scaling back contract (food and beverage minimums, room nights, etc.)

Marketing: Amy

Deadline for summer articles 4/23; Magazine focus on creative strategies/opportunities given circumstances and highlighting 75th Anniversary.

IV. President’s Report

A. Covid-19 Task Force

12-13 people throughout state joined to develop a re-opening plan for parks; Taskforce provided guidelines with date ranges for municipalities to remain flexible. Must remain consistent with Governor’s Orders, SCDHEC, CDC, and medical experts.


Phase I: early – mid May

Outdoor Green space and trails – (early to mid-May) with qualifying assumptions

in place

Phase II: late May-early Jun

Playgrounds and Athletic Fields for local use only

Phase III: early – mid June

Recreation Centers/Gyms (early – mid June)

Summer Day Camps

Phase IV – mid-June to early July

Sports Tourism/Events/Tournaments

Doyle: inclusion of open courts – loop this into athletic phase; aquatic facilities- need more info from DHEC; outdoor to be included in athletics related categories

Doyle motion to approve document in principle; Randy seconded; All in favor

V. Executive Director’s Report

A. 2020 Budget Update

Budget was shown back to 2008 and 2009 due to downturn in economy. We are slightly ahead of 2008/2009 and slightly behind 2018/2019 budgets. Decrease due to lower sponsorship funding, conference registrations, and senior beach retreat. Marriott may have new guidelines in place coming into 2020 Conference.

Have approx. $5,000 for athletic sponsorship fund.

Senior Beach Retreat- Kim Bowers initial concerns to postpone retreat, have since transitioned to pushing forth and aligning with CDC guidelines.

Looking at options to lessen $9,000 loss.

B. Legislative State Updates

Prior to COVID, we were in process of consideration for exemption of DSS guidelines.

They’re going to approve CR (same as last year) for 1st quarter. Return to approval process in September – June 30. May allow for a two-year exemption (2021-2022). Latest communications from DSS state they are not going to visit agencies as long as we continue with what we have going on. **Make sure you are utilizing national background companies for background checks, and ensure ratios are being met (with addition of CDC/DHEC guidelines).

C. Additional COVID -19 Updates - Accelerate SC

Group advises Governor and is tasked with reopening SC; SCRPA COVID-19 Task Force guidelines submitted to representatives on Accelerate SC (N. Myrtle Mayor, City of Greenville Mayor – Knox White, CBD Executive in Charleston –Helen Hill)

D. PPP & EILD Application

• SCPRA met with Endowment Committee;

• SCRPA applied for PPP Loan (based upon payroll x 2.5 = ~$38,000). Funds can also be used for payroll and utility costs.

• SCPRA applied for EILD Loan (up to $10,000 forgivable loan).

E. Group buy hand sanitizer

Melissa has sent info to all Department Director’s for group purchase of hand sanitizer from a distillery. This will be thinner than general hand sanitizer. Must request interest by Tuesday (4/28) to Melissa.

F. Other


Association Facebook Page – overhaul to increase user-friendliness with agencies across the state and allow for shared info/programs.


Zoom Account purchased through Tech Soup at half-price. Allows workshops and trainings through account as well. Illinois workshops available; Florida workshops available for nominal fee. CEU’s available through Zoom

DSS/Dept. of Educ.

Childcare requests may be forthcoming. Schools in session until date of school closures, after which summer programs can begin. Will need to align with Governor’s Orders. Jim to request exemption from DSS. Recommendation to work with school districts in requesting potential use of facilities so we can run summer day camps at larger capacity (at Centers and in school facilities).

VI. Old Business

A. Golf Tournament

Still looking at moving golf tournament to new course. Has been tabled since last board meeting due to current situation.

B. Senior Beach Retreat

Need to remain focused

VII. New Business

VIII. Adjournment


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