Project Title: Replace Boiler in Building 1407


Building 1407 Engine Shop, 5187 Selma Hwy Montgomery, AL 36108

CE Work Order #:

Building 1407


I. GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK: The work covered by this Statement of Work consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, materials, travel, physical security, testing and permits necessary to replace the existing hot water boiler with a hot water pulse boiler, pumps, and piping per the work described herein. At the completion of the project we expect to have completely operational efficient hot water boiler heating system in this building.

A. INTENT OF PROJECT: This work takes place in Building 1407, Engine Shop on the Alabama Air National Guard Base, See Figure #1 for general project location. Following are short narrations of the main items of work:

1. The primary intent of this project is to replace the existing failed boiler with a high efficiency condensing boiler. The basis of design is the AERCO Benchmark condensing boiler and other boilers that meet the minimum boiler efficiency and the minimum materials specified may be acceptable.

2. Building 1407: Replace the existing hot water boiler with one each high efficiency 2,000,000 BTU condensing vertical boiler as described in this statement of work. The work also includes the removal of the existing boiler and supporting systems, alteration of the existing piping, modifications to the existing flue, supply, return, insulation of the new and altered piping, repair all damaged insulation within the mechanical room, labeling, and replacement of existing controls as necessary to have a complete and operational system.

a. See figure 2 for proposed boiler configuration.

b. Figures 3 and 4 provides photos of the boiler in building 1407.

B. Physical Security: Building 1407 is located in close proximity of the high security areas of the installation. There are no additional escort requirements after initial clearance although the prime contractor is responsible in ensuring contract personnel abide by all security requirements on base. The Air National Guard is not responsible for the security of the Contractor’s equipment and storage of materials.



1. General Installation Requirements: These requirements are typical for all buildings unless otherwise noted.

a. The general requirement of this project is to replace the boiler in building 1407 with a hot water condensing boiler sized as noted below in the specifications.

b. Pre-Construction: Upon award of the contract, the Contracting Officer will host a pre-construction meeting in the Civil Engineering classroom to acquaint all parties participating in this project. The successful contractor should invite any subcontractors who have a part in the work to attend. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure all parties have a complete understanding of the individuals involved and their responsibilities. All parties will have time to participate in the discussing the project’s requirements, accessibility, and other aspects of this project. At the close of this meeting we should have a tentative schedule for all parties involved in this project. New boiler startup must be completed no later than October 1st or end of contract period, whichever comes first.

c. Prior to any demolition the contractor must advise necessary State Boiler entity if required by law, in writing, that boiler for building 1407 is being replaced with new hot water boiler and give a complete description of the boiler being removed and installed.

d. A “Hot Work Permit” will be issued, on a daily basis, by the base fire department personnel. The contractor must call the fire department a minimum of 30 minutes in advance to obtain this permit.

e. Demolition: Upon approval of the proposed schedule, the contractor may start the removal of the existing boiler and any other related equipment. Any materials being removed and not being incorporated back into the heating system will become the property of the contractor and must be removed from the site. The contractor shall provide, to the owner, an estimate of weight of all demolished materials removed for reporting purposes.

f. Pre Installation Site Visit: Prior to completing the piping work the contractor shall schedule a site visit with the COR, to pre-approve the boiler location and other installation details of the new boiler.

g. Remove and/or reconfigure the existing piping to accommodate the new boiler/boilers on the existing concrete pad. All new piping installed as part of this project must meet the requirements as described below:

1. Thoroughly flush the system, before the new piping is installed and without the new boiler connected to remove sediment.

2. A proposed piping arrangement shown in Error! Reference source not found. and is supplied for informational purposes only. This plans show typical equipment and a practical arrangement suggested in the boiler manufacturer standard drawings. The contractor will be responsible to modify this plan as required to accommodate existing conditions, at no additional cost to the Government. Accessibility for operation and maintenance personnel shall be given a high priority in the new layout.

3. All piping shall be installed parallel to walls and column centerlines (unless shown otherwise). All piping shall be accurately cut, true, and beveled for welding. Threaded piping shall be accurately cut, reamed and threaded with sharp dies. Copper piping work shall be performed in accordance with best practices requiring accurately cut clean joints and soldering in accordance with the recommended practices for the material and solder employed.

4. Provide valved air vents at top of rise and valved drains at low points. Gas piping may be run level as it is presumed to be dry, but dirt pockets shall be provided at base of risers.

5. Valves shall be located to permit proper and easy operation and maintenance. Valve stems shall not be below centerline of pipe. Refer to plans for stem orientation. Where valves are more than 7ft Above Finished Floor stems shall be horizontal unless shown otherwise.

6. Concrete equipment pads shall be modified/expanded as necessary to accommodate the new boilers.

h. Completely remove the existing condensate system including all piping, hangars, threaded rod, anchor bolts, etc. This will also include condensate tanks, pumps, electrical boxes, conduit, etc.

i. All new hot water piping will be fully insulated in the same manner as the existing pipe insulation or current code whichever is greater. All new piping will be painted and labeled with utility description and direction of flow in the same color scheme as the existing piping or updated to meet current code. Contractor shall inspect and repair any additional damaged piping insulation within the mechanical rooms.

j. Install pressure temperature plugs on all boiler supply and return piping. Install thermometers on supply and return piping of each boiler.

k. Install new 5 gallon, 125 psi working pressure, funnel type chemical feed devices in all boilers. Coordinate the location of these pot feeders with base personnel.

l. Remove the existing boiler flues and make permanent roof repair as required. Install new flues as required and specified by boiler manufacturer. Modify or create new combustion air intake if required by the boiler manufacturer. Patch or fill any fastener holes, or other openings left in the flue or ductwork as required by codes.

m. The new boiler must interface with the existing base Johnson Controls system for purposes of enable/disable, remote start from DDC system, alarm notification, and status. Interface must include supply and return water temperature monitoring capability.

n. Completely remove the existing combustion air dampers and actuators from all buildings and close these openings as described herein. Existing bird screens shall be left in place, all work will take place on the inside of the building except as noted. Remove the damper, actuator, and all the electrical controls and install in their place a 2” insulated panel similar to the panels fabricated by Mapes Industries. Install through these new insulated panels, PVC combustion air duct, size specified by boiler manufacture, routed to the new boilers. Route new combustion air ducts as high as possible to provide clearance around the existing and new piping, and provide required spacing or separation between boiler intake and exhaust if required by boiler manufacture.

III. Boiler Specification – GENERAL



A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract apply to this Section, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 Specification Sections.


A. This Section includes packaged, factory-fabricated and assembled, gas-fired, vertical fire-tube condensing boilers, trim and accessories for generating hot water.

B. Boiler Schedule:

1. Building 1407: One (1) each 2,000.000 BTU (2.0 MBTU) Boiler


A. Product Data: Include performance data, operating characteristics, furnished specialties and accessories.

Prior to flue vent installation, engineered calculations and drawings must be submitted to COR to thoroughly demonstrate that size and configuration conform to recommended size, length and footprint for each submitted boiler.

B. Efficiency Curves: At a minimum, submit efficiency curves for 100%, 50% and 7% input firing rates at incoming water temperatures ranging from 80°F to 160°F. Test protocols shall conform to boiler manufacturers standards.

C. Pressure Drop Curve. Submit pressure drop curve for flows ranging from 0 gpm to 375 gpm for the 2.0 MBTU boiler.

1. If submitted material is different from that of the design basis, boiler manufacture shall incur all costs associated with reselection of necessary pumps. Possible differences include, but are not limited to, the pump type, pump pad size, electrical characteristics and piping changes.

D. Shop Drawings: For boilers, boiler trim and accessories include:

1. Plans, elevations, sections, details and attachments to other work

2. Wiring Diagrams for power, signal and control wiring

E. Source Quality Control Test Reports: Reports shall be included in submittals.

F. Field Quality Control Test Reports: Reports shall be included in submittals.

G. Operation and Maintenance Data: Data to be included in boiler emergency, operation and maintenance manuals.

H. Warranty: Standard warranty specified in this Section

I. Other Informational Submittals:

1. ASME Stamp Certification and Report: Submit "A," "S," or "PP" stamp certificate of authorization, as required by authorities having jurisdiction, and document hydrostatic testing of piping external to boiler.


A. Electrical Components, Devices and Accessories: Boilers must be listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use.

B. Performance Compliance: Condensing boilers must be rated in accordance with applicable federal testing methods and verified by AHRI as capable of achieving the energy efficiency and performance ratings as tested within prescribed tolerances.

C. ASME Compliance: Condensing boilers must be constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV “Heating Boilers”.

D. ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 Compliance: Boilers shall have minimum efficiency according to "Gas and Oil Fired Boilers - Minimum Efficiency Requirements."

E. DOE Compliance: Minimum efficiency shall comply with 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix N, "Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Furnaces and Boilers."

F. UL Compliance: Boilers must be tested for compliance with UL 795, "Commercial-Industrial Gas Heating Equipment." Boilers shall be listed and labeled by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction.

G. NOx Emission Standards: When installed and operated in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, condensing boilers shall comply with the NOx emission standards outlined in South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), Rule 1146.1; and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Title 30, Chapter 117, and Rule 117.465.


A. Coordinate size and location of concrete bases. Cast anchor-bolt inserts into bases. Concrete, reinforcement and formwork requirements are specified in Division 03. If boilers will effectively rest on existing housekeeping pads, equipment will be securely anchored by means of mechanical anchors.


A. Standard Warranty: Boilers shall include manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace components of boilers that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period.

1. Warranty Period for Fire-Tube Condensing Boilers

2. The pressure vessel/heat exchanger shall carry a 10-year from beneficial occupancy, non-prorated, limited warranty against any failure due to condensate corrosion, thermal stress, mechanical defects or workmanship.

3. Manufacturer labeled control panels are conditionally warranted against failure for (2) two years from beneficial occupancy.

4. All other components, with the exception of the igniter and flame detector, shall be conditionally guaranteed against any failure for 18 months from shipment.



A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following:

B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following:

C. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide AERCO International, BMK 2000 or a comparable product. Comparable product specifications will need to be submitted with initial proposal. A comparable product must meet all requirements stated in this contract.


A. Description: Boiler shall be natural gas fired, fully condensing, vertical fire tube design. Power burner shall have full modulation; for the 2.0 MBTU boilers the minimum firing rate shall not exceed 100,000 BTU/HR input. Boiler efficiency shall increase with decreasing load (output), while maintaining setpoint. Boiler shall be factory-fabricated, factory-assembled and factory-tested, vertical fire-tube condensing boiler with heat exchanger sealed pressure-tight, built on a steel base, including insulated jacket, flue-gas vent, combustion-air intake connections, water supply, return and condensate drain connections, and controls.

B. Heat Exchanger: The heat exchanger shall be constructed of 439 stainless steel fire tubes and tubesheets, with a one-pass combustion gas flow design. The fire tubes shall be 5/8” OD, with no less than 0.049” wall thickness. The upper and lower stainless steel tubesheet shall be no less than 0.25” thick. The pressure vessel/heat exchanger shall be welded construction. The heat exchanger shall be ASME stamped for a working pressure not less than 160 psig. Access to the tubesheets and heat exchanger shall be available by burner and exhaust manifold removal. Minimum access opening shall be no less than 10-inch diameter for the 2.0 MBTU boilers.

C. Pressure Vessel:

1. 2.0 MBTU boiler: The pressure vessel shall have a maximum water volume of 49 gallons. The boiler water pressure drop shall not exceed 3 psig at 258 gpm. The boiler water connections shall be 4-inch flanged 150-pound, ANSI rated. The pressure vessel shall be constructed of SA53 carbon steel, with a 0.25-inch thick wall and 0.50-inch thick upper head. Inspection openings in the pressure vessel shall be in accordance with ASME Section IV pressure vessel code. The boiler shall be designed so that the thermal efficiency increases as the boiler firing rate decreases.

D. Modulating Air/Fuel Valve and Burner:

1. 2.0 MBTU boiler: The boiler burner shall be capable of a 20-to-1 turndown ratio of the firing rate without loss of combustion efficiency or staging of gas valves. The burner shall produce less than 20 ppm of NOx corrected to 3% excess oxygen. The burner shall be metal-fiber mesh covering a stainless steel body with spark ignition and flame rectification. All burner material exposed to the combustion zone shall be of stainless steel construction. There shall be no moving parts within the burner itself. A modulating air/fuel valve shall meter the air and fuel input. The modulating motor must be linked to both the gas valve body and air valve body with a single linkage. The linkage shall not require any field adjustment. A variable speed cast aluminum pre-mix blower shall be used to ensure the optimum mixing of air and fuel between the air/fuel valve and the burner.

E. Minimum boiler efficiencies shall be as follows at a 20 degree delta-T:

|EWT |100% Fire |50% Fire |7% Fire* |

|160 °F |87% |87% |87% |

|140 °F |88% |88% |88% |

|120 °F |89% |90% |90.5% |

|100 °F |93.7% |95% |95% |

|80 °F |96% |98% |98.6% |

* 5% fire for the .075 and 3.0 MBTU boilers

F. Exhaust Manifold: The exhaust manifold shall be of 316 stainless steel with an 8-inch diameter flue connection for the 2.0 MBTU boiler. The exhaust manifold shall have a collecting reservoir and a gravity drain for the elimination of condensation.

G. Blower: The boiler shall include a variable-speed, DC centrifugal fan to operate during the burner firing sequence and pre-purge the combustion chamber. 1. Motor Sizes: Motor Sizes: Large enough so driven load will not require a motor to operate in the service factor range above 1.0.

H. Ignition: Ignition shall be via spark ignition with 100 percent main-valve shutoff and electronic flame supervision.

I. The boiler shall be designed such that the combustion air is drawn from the inside of the boiler enclosure, decoupling it from the combustion air supply and preheating the air to increase efficiency.


A. The boiler control system shall be segregated into three components: Control Panel, Power Box and Input/Output Connection Box. The entire system shall be Underwriters Laboratories recognized.

B. The boiler control system shall be tied into or reports to the existing Metysis DDC control system by Johnson Controls.

C. The control panel shall consist of six individual circuit boards using state-of-the-art surface-mount technology in a single enclosure. These circuit boards shall include:

1. A display board incorporating LED display to indicate temperature and a vacuum fluorescent display module for all message enunciation

2. A CPU board housing all control functions

3. An electric low-water cutoff board with test and manual reset functions

4. A power supply board

5. An ignition /stepper board incorporating flame safeguard control

6. A connector board

Each board shall be individually field replaceable.

D. The combustion safeguard/flame monitoring system shall use spark ignition and a rectification-type flame sensor.

E. The control panel hardware shall support both RS-232 and RS-485 remote communications.

F. The controls shall annunciate boiler and sensor status and include extensive self-diagnostic capabilities that incorporate a minimum of eight separate status messages and 34 separate fault messages.

G. The control panel shall incorporate three self-governing features designed to enhance operation in modes where it receives an external control signal by eliminating nuisance faults due to over-temperature, improper external signal or loss of external signal. These features include:

1. Setpoint High Limit: Setpoint high limit allows for a selectable maximum boiler outlet temperature and acts as temperature limiting governor. Setpoint limit is based on a PID function that automatically limits firing rate to maintain outlet temperature within a 0 to 10 degree selectable band from the desired maximum boiler outlet temperature.

5. Setpoint Low Limit: Allow for a selectable minimum operating temperature.

6. Failsafe Mode: Failsafe mode allows the boiler to switch its mode to operate from an internal setpoint if its external control signal is lost, rather than shut off. This is a selectable mode, enabling the control can to shut off the unit upon loss of external signal, if so desired.

H. The boiler control system shall incorporate the following additional features for enhanced external system interface:

1. System start temperature feature

2. Pump delay timer

3. Auxiliary start delay timer

4. Auxiliary temperature sensor

5. Analog output feature to enable simple monitoring of temperature setpoint, outlet temperature or fire rate

6. Remote interlock circuit

7. Delayed interlock circuit

8. Fault relay for remote fault alarm

I. Each boiler shall include an electric, single-seated combination safety shutoff valve/regulator with proof of closure switch in its gas train. Each boiler shall incorporate dual over-temperature protection with manual reset, in accordance with ASME Section IV and CSD-1.

J. The 2.0 MBTU boiler shall have an oxygen monitoring system that will measure the oxygen content of the exhaust gasses in real-time. Output of O2 information shall be displayed on the control panel.

K. The Boiler Manufacturer shall supply as part of the boiler package a completely integrated Boiler Control System (BCS) to control all operation and energy input of the multiple boiler heating plant. The BCS shall be comprised of a microprocessor based control utilizing the MODBUS protocol to communicate with the Boilers via the RS-485 port. One BCS controller shall have the ability to operate up to 32 boilers.

L. The controller shall have the ability to vary the firing rate and energy input of each individual boiler throughout its full modulating range to maximize the condensing capability and thermal efficiency output of the entire heating plant. The BCS shall control the boiler outlet header temperature within +2ºF. The controller shall be a PID type controller and uses Ramp Up/Ramp Down control algorithm for accurate temperature control with excellent variable load response. The BCS controller shall provide contact closure for auxiliary equipment such as system pumps and combustion air inlet dampers based upon outdoor air temperature.

M. The BCS shall have the following anti-cycling features:

a. Manual designation of lead boiler and last boiler.

b. Lead boiler rotation at user-specified time interval.

c. Delay the firing/shutting down of boilers when header temperature within a predefined deadband.

N. When set on Internal Setpoint Mode, temperature control setpoint on the BCS shall be fully field adjustable from 50ºF to 190ºF in operation. When set on Indoor/Outdoor Reset Mode, the BCS will operate on an adjustable inverse ratio in response to outdoor temperature to control the main header temperature. Reset ratio shall be fully field adjustable from 0.3 to 3.0 in operation. When set on 4ma to 20ma Temperature Control Mode, the BCS will operate the plant to vary header temperature setpoint linearly as an externally applied 4-20 ma signal is supplied.

O. When set on MODBUS Temperature Control Mode, the BCS will operate the plant to vary header temperature setpoint as an external communication utilizing the MODBUS protocol is supplied via the RS-232 port. The BCS controller shall have a vacuum fluorescent display for monitoring of all sensors and interlocks. Non-volatile memory backup of all control parameters shall be internally provided as standard. The controller will automatically balance the sequence of operating time on each boiler by a first-on first-off mode and provide for setback and remote alarm contacts. Connection between central BCS system and individual boilers shall be twisted pair low voltage wiring, with the boilers ‘daisy-chained’ for ease of installation.


A. Controllers, Electrical Devices and Wiring: Connect to existing power system and provide all necessary equipment, wiring, devices, switches, conduit etc., as necessary for a complete and usable system.

B. Single-Point Field Power Connection: Factory-installed and factory-wired switches, motor controllers, transformers and other electrical devices shall provide a single-point field power connection to the boiler.

C. Electrical Characteristics:

1. Voltage: 120V

2. Phase: Single

3. Frequency: 60 Hz

4. Full-Load Current 18 Amps


A. The exhaust vent must be UL Listed for use with Category II, III and IV appliances and compatible with operating temperatures up to 230°F, condensing flue gas service. UL-listed vents of Polypropylene and Al 29-4C stainless steel must be used with boilers.

B. The minimum exhaust vent duct size for each boiler is eight-inch diameter.

C. Combustion-Air Intake: Boiler shall be capable of drawing combustion air from the outdoors via a metal or PVC duct connected between the boiler and the outdoors.

D. The minimum sealed combustion air duct size for each boiler is eight-inch diameter.

E. Common vent and common combustion air must be an available option for boiler installation. Consult manufacturer for common vent and combustion air sizing.

F. Follow guidelines specified in manufacturer’s venting guide.


A. Burner and Hydrostatic Test: Factory adjust burner to eliminate excess oxygen, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen emissions and carbon monoxide in flue gas, and to achieve combustion efficiency. Perform hydrostatic testing.

B. Test and inspect factory-assembled boilers, before shipping, according to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.

C. If boilers are not factory assembled and fire-tested, the local vendor is responsible for all field assembly and testing.

D. Allow Owner access to source quality-control testing of boilers. Notify Contracting Officers Representative (COR) fourteen days in advance of testing.



A. Before boiler installation examine roughing-in for concrete equipment bases, anchor-bolt sizes and locations and piping and electrical connections to verify actual locations, sizes and other conditions affecting boiler performance, maintenance and operations.

B. Final boiler locations indicated on Drawings are approximate. Determine exact locations before roughing-in for piping and electrical connections. Contact state boiler inspector for placement, inspection and approval.

C. Examine mechanical spaces for suitable conditions where boilers will be installed.

D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected, and approval has been granted from state boiler inspector.


A. Install boilers level on concrete bases. Alter the existing equipment pads as necessary to support the new boilers and equipment. 3,000 PSI concrete shall be used if necessary.

B. Install gas-fired boilers according to NFPA 54.

C. Assemble and install boiler trim.

D. Install electrical devices furnished with boiler but not specified to be factory mounted.

E. Install control wiring to field-mounted electrical devices.


A. Piping installation requirements are specified elsewhere in the specification. Drawings indicate general arrangement of piping, fittings and specialties.

B. Install piping adjacent to boiler to permit service and maintenance.

C. Install piping from equipment drain connection to nearest floor drain. Piping shall be at least full size of connection. Provide an isolation valve if required.

D. Connect gas piping to boiler gas-train inlet with unions. Piping shall be at least full size of gas train connection. Provide a reducer if required.

E. Connect hot-water piping to supply and return boiler tappings with shutoff valve and union or flange at each connection.

F. Install piping from safety relief valves to nearest floor drain.

G. Boiler Venting

1. Install flue venting kit and combustion-air intake.

2. Connect venting full size to boiler connections.

H. Ground equipment according to Division 26 Section "Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems."

I. Connect wiring according to Division 26 Section "Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables."


A. Perform tests and inspections and prepare test reports.

1. Manufacturer's Field Service: Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect components, assemblies and equipment installations, including connections, and to assist in testing.

B. Tests and Inspections

1. Perform installation and startup checks according to manufacturer's written instructions.

2. Perform hydrostatic test. Repair leaks and retest until no leaks exist.

3. Start units to confirm proper motor rotation and unit operation. Adjust air-fuel ratio and combustion.

a. Test and adjust adjust controls and safeties. Replace damaged and malfunctioning controls and equipment.

b. Check and adjust initial operating set points and high- and low-limit safety set points of fuel supply, water level and water temperature.

c. Set field-adjustable switches and circuit-breaker trip ranges as indicated.

C. Remove and replace malfunctioning units and retest as specified above.

D. Occupancy Adjustments: When requested within 2 months of date of Substantial Completion, provide on-site assistance adjusting system to suit actual occupied conditions. Provide up to two visits to Project during other than normal occupancy hours for this purpose.

E. Performance Tests:

The boiler manufacturer is expected to provide partial load thermal efficiency curves. These thermal efficiency curves must include at least three separate curves at various BTU input levels. If these curves are not available, it is the responsibility of the boiler manufacturer to complete the following performance tests:

1. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to inspect component assemblies and equipment installations, including connections, and to conduct performance testing.

2. Boiler shall comply with performance requirements indicated, as determined by field performance tests. Adjust, modify, or replace equipment to comply.

3. Perform field performance tests to determine capacity and efficiency of boilers.

a. Test for full capacity. The full capacity test shall ensure that minimum gas pressures are met for the specific boiler installation and arrangement. If gas pressure is below minimum it is the contractors responsibility to work with the natural gas supply company to ensure that gas pressure is adjusted.

Gas pressure should be measured when the unit is in operation (firing). Measure the gas pressure with a manometer at the 1/8” NPT ball valve provided at the SSOV inlet. In a multiple boiler installation, gas pressure should initially be set for single boiler operation, and then the remaining boilers should be staged on at full fire, to insure gas pressures never fall below the supply gas pressure when the single unit was firing.

b. Test for boiler efficiency at [low fire, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20] percent of full capacity. Determine efficiency at each test point.

4. Repeat tests until results comply with requirements indicated.

5. Provide analysis equipment required to determine performance.

6. Provide temporary equipment and system modifications necessary to dissipate the heat produced during tests if building systems are not adequate.

7. Notify COR in advance of test dates.

8. Document test results in a report and submit to COR.




A. This Section governs the materials and installation of closed hydronic systems associated with building heating. Existing condensate pumps shall be replaced in building 1407 to meet the pump requirements of the new boilers. The following systems, where applicable, shall be installed as specified herein.

1. Hot Water Heating System


A. Where items of equipment are required to be provided with compliance to U.L., A.G.A., or other testing and approving agencies, the contractor may submit a written certification from any nationally recognized testing agency, adequately equipped and competent to perform such services, that the item of equipment has been tested and conforms to the same method of test as the listed agency would conduct.


A. See Section 01300 for general submittal requirements.

B. Provide manufacturer's literature for all products specified in this Section, which will be installed under this project.

C. Provide performance curves for all pumps. Plot the specified operating point for each pump on its respective curve.

D. Provide complete literature for all components of packaged systems. These include pump performance, expansion tank capacity, data for all accessories and valves and complete wiring diagrams specific to the exact unit to be supplied. The wiring diagram shall indicate all required field and factory wiring.



A. Fairbanks Pumps are used as the basis of design and other pumps that meet the minimum pump efficiency and the minimum materials specified may be acceptable.

B. Building 1407, replace existing condensate pump(s) with Fairbanks Model 1-1/2” or 2” 1621 or 1622, Stainless Fitted, Flexible Coupled, End Suction, Base Mounted Pump with standard mechanical seal, stainless steel impeller, coupling, coupling guard, baseplate and 3 HP, 1800 RPM, TEFC, 208-230/460 Volt, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, Premium Efficient Motor.

1. Piping modifications required to accommodate end suction pump configuration vs. existing inline installation

2. Conditions: 150 GPM @ 50’ TDH

3. Pump efficiency 81%

4. Provide one each Variable Frequency Drive to support 3 HP motor.



A. General

1. All pumps shall be fitted with a discharge multi-purpose balancing valve or other means of providing system balance, isolation, and check feature for reverse flow. The valve shall be straight or angle pattern and shall be field convertible between the two. The valve shall be ductile iron and rated for 125 psi working pressure for all jobs. The valve flanges shall be matched to suit the working pressure of the piping components on the job; with ANSI class 125 flanges or greater. The valve shall include the following components; non-slam check valve with spring-loaded bronze disc and seat, stainless steel stem, and calibrated adjustment permitting flow regulation. Valve shall be serviceable under full system pressure.

2. All pump suctions to be fitted with a multifunction inlet suction diffuser. The suction diffuser body and cover plate shall be ductile iron and be rated for 125 psi for all jobs. The guide flanges shall be matched to suit the working pressure of the piping components on the job; with ANSI class 125 flanges or greater. The suction guide shall include the following components; full length S.S. straightening vanes, permanent S.S. strainer, disposable 16 mesh bronze start up strainer, blow down ports, and metering ports. For those pumps where an inlet guide fitting is not installed, there should be five pipe diameters of straight undisturbed flow going into the pump suction. The fitting shall be an inlet suction elbow.

3. All pumps shall be fitted with one 4 ½” dial pressure gauge piped to the inlet and outlet pump flanges. The gauge is to be isolated from each flange via ¼” ball valve. This gauge is to be used to take the differential across the pump unless otherwise indicated. There should be five pipe diameters of straight undisturbed flow before and after each pressure gauge.

4. Contractor shall install pump in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. All base mounted pumps to be aligned upon receipt at jobsite, during installation, and after system fill. Contractor shall level and grout each pump according to the manufacturer recommendations to insure proper alignment prior to operation.

5. Pipe connections to pumps shall be made in such a manner so as not to exert any stress on pump housings. If necessary to meet this requirement, provide additional pipe supports and flex connectors.

6. Pumps shall NOT be run dry to check rotation.

7. Change start-up strainers to permanent strainer upon acceptance of the job. Provide a blowdown valve on each strainer and terminate with hose thread or extend blowdown line to nearest floor drain.




A. Water piping to connect HVAC equipment, including the following:

1. Glycol-water piping.


A. Submit prior to welding of steel piping a certificate of Welder’s certification. The certificate shall be current and not more than one year old.

B. All grooved joint couplings, fittings, valves, and specialties shall be the products of a single manufacturer. Grooving tools shall be the same manufacturer as the grooved components.

1. All castings used for coupling housings, fittings, valve bodies, etc., shall be date stamped for quality assurance and traceability.


A. Manufacturer's Literature and Data:

1. Pipe and equipment supports.

2. Pipe and tubing, with specification, class or type, and schedule.

3. Pipe fittings, including miscellaneous adapters and special fittings.

4. Flanges, gaskets and bolting.

5. Valves of all types.

6. Strainers.

7. Flexible connectors for water service.

8. Water flow measuring devices.

9. Gages.

10. Thermometers and test wells.

B. Manufacturer's certified data report, Form No. U-1, for ASME pressure vessels:

1. Air separators.

2. Expansion tanks.



A. Glycol-Water:

1. Copper water tube: ASTM B88, Type K or L, hard drawn.

B. Pipe supports, including insulation shields, for above ground piping.


A. Joints:

1. Solder Joints: Joints shall be made up in accordance with recommended practices of the materials applied. Apply 95/5 tin and antimony on all copper piping.

B. Bronze Flanges and Flanged Fittings: ASME B16.24.

C. Fittings: ANSI/ASME B16.18 cast copper or ANSI/ASME B16.22 solder wrought copper.


A. Provide where copper tubing and ferrous metal pipe are joined.

B. 50 mm (2 inches) and Smaller: Threaded dielectric union, ASME B16.39.

C. 65 mm (2 1/2 inches) and Larger: Flange union with dielectric gasket and bolt sleeves, ASME B16.42.

D. Temperature Rating, 99 degrees C (210 degrees F).

E. Contractor’s option: On pipe sizes 2” and smaller, screwed end brass ball valves or dielectric nipples may be used in lieu of dielectric unions.


A. Pipe Thread: ANSI B1.20.

B. Lubricant or Sealant: Oil and graphite or other compound approved for the intended service.


A. Asbestos packing is not acceptable.

B. All valves of the same type shall be products of a single manufacturer.

C. Provide chain operators for valves 150 mm (6 inches) and larger when the centerline is located 2400 mm (8 feet) or more above the floor or operating platform.

D. Shut-Off Valves

1. Ball Valves (Pipe sizes 2” and smaller): MSS-SP 110, screwed or solder connections, brass or bronze body with chrome-plated ball with full port and Teflon seat at working pressure rating. Provide stem extension to allow operation without interfering with pipe insulation.

2. Butterfly Valves (Pipe Sizes 2-1/2” and larger): Provide stem extension to allow 50 mm (2 inches) of pipe insulation without interfering with valve operation. MSS-SP 67, flange lug type or grooved end rated 1205 kPa (175 psig) working pressure at 93 degrees C (200 degrees F). Valves shall be ANSI Leakage Class VI and rated for bubble tight shut-off to full valve pressure rating. Valve shall be rated for dead end service and bi-directional flow capability to full rated pressure. Not permitted for direct buried pipe applications.

a. Body: Cast iron, ASTM A126, Class B. Malleable iron, ASTM A47 electro-plated, or ductile iron, ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 electro-plated.

b. Trim: Bronze, aluminum bronze, or 300 series stainless steel disc, bronze bearings, 316 stainless steel shaft and manufacturer's recommended resilient seat. Resilient seat shall be field replaceable, and fully line the body to completely isolate the body from the product. A phosphate coated steel shaft or stem is acceptable, if the stem is completely isolated from the product.

c. Actuators: Field interchangeable. Valves for balancing service shall have adjustable memory stop to limit open position.

1) Valves 150 mm (6 inches) and smaller: Lever actuator with minimum of seven locking positions, except where chain wheel is required.

2) Valves 200 mm (8 inches) and larger: Enclosed worm gear with handwheel, and where required, chain-wheel operator.

F. Globe and Angle Valves

1. Globe Valves

a. 50 mm (2 inches) and smaller: MSS-SP 80, bronze, 1034 kPa (150 lb.) Globe valves shall be union bonnet with metal plug type disc.

b. 65 mm (2 1/2 inches) and larger: 861 kPa (125 psig), flanged, iron body, bronze trim, MSS-SP-85 for globe valves.

2. Angle Valves:

a. 50 mm (2 inches) and smaller: MSS-SP 80, bronze, 1034 kPa (150 lb.) Angle valves shall be union bonnet with metal plug type disc.

b. 65 mm (2 1/2 inches) and larger: 861 kPa (125 psig), flanged, iron body, bronze trim, MSS-SP-85 for angle.

G. Check Valves

1. Swing Check Valves:

a. 50 mm (2 inches) and smaller: MSS-SP 80, bronze, 1034 kPa (150 lb.), 45 degree swing disc.

b. 65 mm (2 1/2 inches) and larger: 861 kPa (125 psig), flanged, iron body, bronze trim, MSS-SP-71 for check valves.

2. Non-Slam or Silent Check Valve: Spring loaded double disc swing check or internally guided flat disc lift type check for bubble tight shut-off. Provide where check valves are shown in hot water piping. Check valves incorporating a balancing feature may be used.

a. Body: MSS-SP 125 cast iron, ASTM A126, Class B, or steel, ASTM A216, Class WCB, or ductile iron, ASTM 536, flanged, grooved, or wafer type.

b. Seat, disc and spring: 18-8 stainless steel, or bronze, ASTM B62. Seats may be elastomer material.

G. Water Flow Balancing Valves: For flow regulation and shut-off. Valves shall be line size rather than reduced to control valve size.

G. Automatic Balancing Control Valves: Factory calibrated to maintain constant flow (plus or minus five percent) over system pressure fluctuations of at least 10 times the minimum required for control. Provide standard pressure taps and four sets of capacity charts. Valves shall be line size and be one of the following designs:

1. Gray iron (ASTM A126) or brass body rated 1205 kPa (175 psig) at 93 degrees C (200 degrees F), with stainless steel piston and spring.

2. Brass or ferrous body designed for 2067 kPa (300 psig) service at 121 degrees C (250 degrees F), with corrosion resistant, tamper proof, self-cleaning piston/spring assembly that is easily removable for inspection or replacement.

3. Combination assemblies containing ball type shut-off valves, unions, flow regulators, strainers with blowdown valves and pressure temperature ports shall be acceptable.


A. Air Purger: Cast iron or fabricated steel, 861 kPa (125 psig) water working pressure, for in-line installation.

B. Tangential Air Separator: ASME Pressure Vessel Code construction for 861 kPa (125 psig) working pressure, flanged tangential inlet and outlet connection, internal perforated stainless steel air collector tube designed to direct released air into expansion tank, bottom blowdown connection. Provide Form No. U-1. If scheduled on the drawings, provide a removable stainless steel strainer element having 5 mm (3/16 inch) perforations and free area of not less than five times the cross-sectional area of connecting piping.

C. Closed Expansion (Compression) Tank: ASME Pressure Vessel Code construction for 861 kPa (125 psig) working pressure, steel, rust-proof coated. Provide gage glass, with protection guard, and angle valves with tapped openings for drain (bottom) and plugged vent (top). Provide Form No. U-1.

1. Horizontal tank: Provide cradle supports and following accessories:

a. Air control tank fittings: Provide in each expansion tank to facilitate air transfer from air separator, or purger, into tank while restricting gravity circulation. Fitting shall include an integral or separate air vent tube, cut to length of about 2/3 of tank diameter, to allow venting air from the tank when establishing the initial water level in the tank.

b. Tank drainer-air charger: Shall incorporate a vent tube, cut to above 2/3 of tank diameter, and drain valve with hose connection draining and recharging with air.

2. Vertical floor-mounted expansion tank: Provide gage glass, system or drain connection (bottom) and air charging (top) tappings. Provide gate valve and necessary adapters for charging system. Tank support shall consist of floor mounted base ring with drain access opening or four angle iron legs with base plates.

D. Pressure Reducing Valve (Water): Diaphragm or bellows operated, spring loaded type, with minimum adjustable range of 28 kPa (4 psig) above and below set point. Bronze, brass or iron body and bronze, brass or stainless steel trim, rated 861 kPa (125 psig) working pressure at 107 degrees C (225 degrees F).

E. Pressure Relief Valve: Bronze or iron body and bronze or stainless steel trim, with testing lever. Comply with ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section 8, and bare an ASME stamp.


A. ASME B40.100, Accuracy Grade 1A, (pressure, vacuum, or compound for air, oil or water), initial mid-scale accuracy 1 percent of scale (Qualify grade), metal or phenolic case, 115 mm (4-1/2 inches) in diameter, 6 mm (1/4 inch) NPT bottom connection, white dial with black graduations and pointer, clear glass or acrylic plastic window. B. Provide brass lever handle union cock. Provide brass/bronze pressure snubber for gages in water service.

B. Range of Gages: Provide range equal to at least 130 percent of normal operating range.


A. Digital or organic liquid filled type, red or blue column, clear plastic window, with 150 mm (6 inch) brass stem, straight, fixed or adjustable angle as required for easy reading.

B. Case: Chrome plated brass or aluminum with enamel finish.

C. Scale: Not less than 225 mm (9 inches), range as described below, two degree graduations.

D. Separable Socket (Well): Brass, extension neck type to clear pipe insulation.

E. Scale ranges:

1. Hot Water and Glycol-Water: -1 – 116 degrees C (30-240 degrees F).



A. The diagrams show the general arrangement of pipe and equipment but do not show all required fittings and offsets that may be necessary to connect pipes to equipment and to coordinate with other trades. Provide all necessary fittings, offsets and pipe runs based on field measurements and at no additional cost to the government. Coordinate with other trades for space available and relative location of HVAC equipment and accessories to be connected on ceiling grid.

B. Store materials to avoid excessive exposure to weather or foreign materials. Keep inside of piping relatively clean during installation and protect open ends when work is not in progress.

C. Support piping and tubing securely per MSS SP58 - Manufacturers Standardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports- Materials, Design, and Manufacture MSS SP69 - Manufacturers Standardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and Application

D. Install piping generally parallel to walls and column center lines, unless shown otherwise on the drawings. Space piping, including insulation, to provide 25 mm (one inch) minimum clearance between adjacent piping or other surface. Unless shown otherwise, slope drain piping down in the direction of flow not less than 25 mm (one inch) in 12 m (40 feet). Provide eccentric reducers to reduce sediment buildup in piping.

E. Locate and orient valves to permit proper operation and access for maintenance of packing, seat and disc. Generally locate valve stems in overhead piping in horizontal position. Provide a union adjacent to one end of all threaded end valves. Install butterfly valves with the valve open as recommended by the manufacturer to prevent binding of the disc in the seat. Butterfly valves shall not be installed in the vertical direction unless specified per the manufacturer or a collar is installed to prevent the valve disc from settling into the valve body.

F. Tee water piping runouts or branches into the side of mains or other branches. Avoid bull-head tees, which are two return lines entering opposite ends of a tee and exiting out the common side.

G. Provide manual or automatic air vent at all piping system high points and drain valves at all low points. Install piping to floor drains from all automatic air vents. All automatic air vents shall have isolation valves to facilitate maintenance.

H. Thermometer Wells: In pipes 65 mm (2-1/2 inches) and smaller increase the pipe size to provide free area equal to the upstream pipe area.

I. Firestopping: Fill openings around uninsulated piping penetrating fire walls, with firestop material.

J. Where copper piping is connected to steel piping, provide dielectric connections.


A. Welded: Beveling, spacing and other details shall conform to ASME B31.1 and AWS B2.1.

B. Screwed: Threads shall conform to ASME B1.20; joint compound shall be applied to male threads only and joints made up so no more than three threads show. Coat exposed threads on steel pipe with joint compound, or red lead paint for corrosion protection. Screwed Natural Gas piping is prohibited.

C. 125 Pound Cast Iron Flange (Plain Face): Mating flange shall have raised face, if any, removed to avoid overstressing the cast iron flange.

D. Solvent Welded Joints: As recommended by the manufacturer.


A. Inspect all joints and connections for leaks and workmanship and make corrections as necessary, to the satisfaction of the COR. Tests may be either of those below, or a combination, as approved by the Resident Engineer.

B. An operating test at design pressure, and for hot systems, design maximum temperature.

C. A hydrostatic test at 1.5 times design pressure. For water systems the design maximum pressure would usually be the static head, or expansion tank maximum pressure, plus pump head. Factory tested equipment (convertors, exchangers, coils, etc.) need not be field tested. Isolate equipment where necessary to avoid excessive pressure on mechanical seals and safety devices.


A. Install water treatment equipment and provide water treatment system piping.

B. Close and fill system as soon as possible after final flushing to minimize corrosion.

C. Charge systems with chemicals and glycol mixture as specified by boiler manufacturer.

D. Utilize this activity, by arrangement with the COR, for instructing operating personnel.


1. After a Certificate of Inspection is received arrange a one hour training session for the local maintenance and operating personnel. This training session will be conducted between Tuesday and Thursday during normal working hours.

2. Upon completion, a final inspection of the work will be completed by the Contracting Officer, the Contracting Officers Representative, the base Facility Manager, the Maintenance Superintendent, Any deficiencies identified during this final walk-thru will be compiled on a punch list with repairs to be completed prior to final payment.


1. In addition to the Submittal requirements called out in the boiler specification provide three (3) copies of each item listed within the specification.

2. Provide an estimate, in pounds or tons of all of the metal materials removed during the course of this work.

3. Provide certification of disposal of the boiler and piping.


A. Where applicable, all State of Alabama and City of Montgomery codes and standards shall be followed.

B. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

1. NFPA 54 National Fuel Gas Code

C. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

1. ASME BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Construction Sec IV of Heating Boilers

2. ASME BPVC Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Construction Sec VIII of Pressure Vessels

D. Hydronics Institute (HI)

1. HI Testing and Rating Standard for Cast Iron and Steel Heating Boilers

E. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

1. NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volt Maximum)

F. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)

1. UPC Uniform Plumbing code 1-2003

G. MSS SP58 - Manufacturers Standardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports- Materials, Design, and Manufacture

H. MSS SP69 - Manufacturers Standardization Society: Pipe Hangers and Supports-Selection and Application


Contracting Officer, MSgt. Stephen Shanks, 334-394-7530,

Contracting Officer, MSgt. Beverly Shaver, 334-394-7530,


a. Figure 1: Building 1407, Engine Shop, Floor Plan

b. Figure 2: Boiler Dimensional Drawing

c. Figure 3: Boiler Photo 1

d. Figure 4: Boiler Photo 2


Figure 1: Building 1407 Engine Shop Floor Plan


Figure 2: Boiler Dimensional Drawing (1.5/2.0 MBTU units shown)


Figure 2: Boiler Photo 1


Figure 4: Boiler Photo 2


Mechanical Room


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