Modern Art - Faculty Web

Modern Art

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“mad scientist type presentation 1 man explains change from Gaugain and beginings of abstract art- emotion of artists coming through. Good companion to 4 seminal artists from art of western world chart made fall 2010). Patrick Kedug

2 min

Dr. Betty Brown German Expressionism


Atarts with Post Imp, then includes deuran and vlamink Fauves- harp music, great color

2 min

DADA, Dr. Betty Brown

Dr. Betty

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Dr. Betty Brown


Dr. Betty Brown


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Dr. Betty Brown


Dr. Betty Brown


What Is Surrealism?

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Part of the video series: Modern Art History

• [pic]History of Feminist Art

• [pic]What Is Abstract Expressionism?

• [pic]What Is Conceptual Art?

• [pic]What Is Dada Art?

• [pic]What Is Der Blaue Reiter?

• [pic]What Is Environmental Art?

• [pic]What Is Fauvism?

• [pic]What Is Formalism?

• [pic]What Is Cubism?

• [pic]What Is Futurism?

• [pic]What Is German Expressionism?

• [pic]What Is Installation Art?

• [pic]What Is Kinetic Art?

• [pic]What Is Minimalism?

• [pic]What Is Modernism?

• [pic]What Is Neo-Dada?

• [pic]What Is Pop Art?

• [pic]What Is Social Realism?

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• [pic]What Is Social Commentary Art?


Surrealism began in the early 20th century and was made famous by Salvador Dali, who created fantasy-like dreamscapes that were technically perfect, but often troubling. Discover the origin of surrealism, which also has roots in the work of Sigmund Freud, with information from an art historian, critic and curator in this free video on art.

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By Dr. Betty Ann Brown, eHow Contributor


Betty Ann Brown is an art historian, critic and curator. She received a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 1977, where she studied Pre-Columbian art. Brown has worked as more

Read more: What Is Surrealism?: Modern Art History |

Video Transcript Surrealism Dr. Betty Brown

"Hi, professor Betty Brown here. The topic is surrealism. Begun in the early 20th century, by a single leader, Andre Breton, surrealism sought to give artistic form to the psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud. Andre Breton was a Medic in WWI and he actually ended up dealing with a lot of people who had what we would call today post-traumatic shock syndrome and he looked to the writings of this man, this Austrian guy, Sigmund Freud, to help him deal with his patients who were having auditory and visual hallucinations they were so deeply troubled by what they'd seen in the war, and Andre Breton began to think about, not just this daily reality that we all experience with our senses, but the other reality of dreams and fantasies, and he sought to unify our daily reality with the dream world and create a higher or "sur"reality. He sought to do it with poetry, but eventually, artists got in on the game and I'm sure you know about the most famous surrealist artist, Salvadore Dali, who created with is buddy from college Louis Bunuel, a film about their dreams and fantasies that they called, "Un Chien Andalou." Dali continued to create what he called color photographs of his dreams in astonishingly technically just perfect paintings from the 1920s and '30s and '40s; technically perfect, but content-wise, very troubling and, for many viewers, quite mysterious. Dali was by no means the only surrealist painter. There was his Spanish compatriot, Juan Miro; there were lots of amazingly gifted women surrealists as well. Another Spaniard, Ramirez Varo, British artist, Leonora Carrington and all the way over here in the New World, painting out of Mexico, Frida Kahlo, whose astonishingly insightful and compassionate and powerful surreal works I'm sure you know."

Read more: What Is Surrealism?: Modern Art History |


Mondrian- morphing of images with music background.


Mondrian, cartoon with little man progression of art 1900-1944 wit


Public art; fiberglass animals; sculptures in public areas; Richard Serra’s Tilted Arc Andy Rooney CBS 60 minutes TV

2 min

Serra at MOMA 2007

1min installing courtyard for moma show Serra 2007


Karel Appel Cobra art – paining a canvas with strange music

5 min moma tour 1just images no words with music

10 min moma What is painting at the MOMA guided tour after ab exp. Agness martin & whitness


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