| | | |Reference | |

|1 |Ethylene |a. Ethylene |Chapter 1 | |

| |1. Identify the industrial source of ethylene from the cracking|1. Discuss the composition of petroleum. Examine data tables concerning variable |1. 3-10 | |

| |of some of the fractions from the refining of petroleum. |composition of petroleum. | | |

| |2. Identify that ethylene, because of the high reactivity of |Revise naming of hydrocarbons.(Jacaranda Page 5-7) |2. 11-16 | |

| |its double bond, is readily transformed into many useful |Recall the process of fractional distillation with the aid of a diagram of a | | |

| |products. |commercial fractionator. |3. 10-12 | |

| |3. Gather and present information from first-hand or secondary |2. Make models of alkenes including ethylene. Compare the reactivity of saturated and| | |

| |sources to write equations to represent all chemical reactions |unsaturated molecules. |4. 27 | |

| |encountered in the HSC course. |3. Write molecular and structural equations to illustrate the reactivity of double |CD Animation | |

| |4. Identify data, plan and perform a first-hand investigation |bonds in various addition reactions. |Bromination of ethylene | |

| |to compare the reactivities of appropriate alkenes with the |4. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 1.1 - Reactivity of alkanes and alkenes. Discuss safety issues | | |

| |corresponding alkanes in bromine water. |involved with bromine water and hydrocarbons using MSDS sheets. Interpret the results| | |

| | |of the experiment and discuss the bromine water test as a means of identifying | | |

| | |unsaturation. | | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 1.1 | | |

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| |Addition polymerisation | |Revision 1.1 | |

| | |b. Addition polymerisation |Page 16-17 | |

| |5. Identify that ethylene serves as a monomer from which | | | |

| |polymers are made. |5. Define the terms monomer, dimer and polymer. Use a string of beads as an analogy|Chapter 1 | |

| |6. Identify polyethylene as an addition polymer and explain the|for monomers and polymers. | | |

| |meaning of this term. |6. Use models and equation to develop an understanding of addition polymerisation. |5. 17- 18 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |6. 17 | |

|2 |Addition polymerisation |Addition polymerisation |Chapter 1 | |

| |7. Outline the steps in the production of polyethylene as an |7. Gather and process information on the steps of the reaction mechanisms that lead |7. 18-22 | |

| |example of a commercially and industrially important polymer. |to the production of polyethylene (eg LDPE or HDPE). List the properties and uses of | | |

| |8. Identify the following as commercially significant monomers:|the various forms of polyethylene. Relate properties to structure and bonding. |8. 22- 24 | |

| |vinyl chloride ;styrene , by both their systematic and common |8. Gather and process information on PVC and PS and their monomers. Relate properties| | |

| |names. |to structure and bonding. |9. 22-24 | |

| |9. Describe the uses of the polymers made from the above |9. Gather information about the uses of polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene from | | |

| |monomers in terms of their properties. |texts and the internet. Relate these uses to the properties of the polymer. |10. 28 | |

| |10. Analyse information from secondary sources such as |10. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 1.2- Modelling addition polymerisation . Students model the |CD Animation | |

| |computer simulations, molecular model kits or multimedia |polymerisation process using a model kit. |Addition polymerisation of| |

| |resources to model the polymerisation process. | |ethylene | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 1.2 | | |

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| | | |Revision 1.2 | |

| | | |Page 25-26 | |

|3 |Condensation Polymers |Condensation polymerisation |Chapter 2 | |

| |11. Explain what is meant by a condensation polymer. |11. Define the term "condensation polymerisation" . Identify the need for monomers |11. 30-31 | |

| |12. Describe the reaction involved when a condensation polymer |to have two functional groups. Make some models of typical condensation monomers such| | |

| |is formed. |as 1,2-ethanediol. |12. 31-32 | |

| | |12. Write structural equations for the formation of some common condensation |CD Animation | |

| |Biomass |polymers including polyesters and nylon. |Condensation | |

| |13. Describe the structure of cellulose and identify it as an |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 2.1 |polymerisation | |

| |example of a condensation polymer found as a major component of| | | |

| |biomass. |Biomass |Revision 2.1 | |

| |14. Identify that cellulose contains the basic carbon-chain |13. Identify with the aid of structural formulae that cellulose is composed of |Page 33 | |

| |structures needed to build petrochemicals and discuss its |glucose monomers. Model the structure of the glucose monomer. Model the process of | | |

| |potential as a raw material. |condensation polymerisation for cellulose. |13. 34-35 | |

| |15. Discuss the need for alternative sources of the compounds |14. Gather and process information about the use of biomass as a precursor for the | | |

| |presently obtained from the petrochemical industry. |production of petrochemicals. Identify some important petrochemicals. |14. 36-37 | |

| |16. Use available evidence to gather and present data from |15. Gather and process information about the limited supplies of petroleum and the | | |

| |secondary sources and analyse progress in the recent |need to develop alternative raw materials , such as biomass, for the petrochemical |15. 38-39 | |

| |development and use of a named biopolymer. This analysis should|industry. | | |

| |name the specific enzyme(s) used or organism used to synthesise|16. Gather and process information on the production of synthetic biopolymers such |16. 41-42 | |

| |the material and an evaluation of the use or potential use of |as PLA. Describe the conditions of its production and evaluate its use or potential | | |

| |the polymer produced related to its properties. |as a replacement product. DATA ANALYSIS 2.1 -DEVELOPMENT OF POLYLACTIC ACID (PLA) | | |

| | |-students process data concerning PLA. | | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 2.2 | | |

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| | | |Revision 2.2 | |

| | | |Page 39-40 | |

|4-5 |Ethanol |Ethanol |Chapter 3 | |

| | | | | |

| |17. Identify the IUPAC nomenclature for straight-chained |17. Students use the preferred IUPAC rules to name alkanols. |17. 44-45 | |

| |alkanols from C1 to C8. | | | |

| |18. Describe the dehydration of ethanol to ethylene and |18. Write equations to describe the steps in the dehydration of ethanol |18. 46 | |

| |identify the need for a catalyst in this process and the | |CD Animation Dehydration | |

| |catalyst used. |19. Write equations to describe the steps in the hydration of ethylene. Identify the|of ethanol | |

| |19. Describe the addition of water to ethylene resulting in the|names of the catalyst used (eg phosphoric acid on zeolite). | | |

| |production of ethanol and identify the need for a catalyst in | |19. 45-46 | |

| |this process and the catalyst used. |20. Demonstrate the relative solubility of small volumes of non-polar liquids |CD Animation | |

| |20. Describe and account for the many uses of ethanol as a |(kerosene) and polar liquids (eg propanoic acid, olive oil) in water and ethanol. Use|Indirect hydration of | |

| |solvent for polar and non-polar substances. |diagrams to discuss hydrogen bonding. |ethylene | |

| |21. Describe conditions under which fermentation of sugars is | | | |

| |promoted. |21. Gather data on the conditions for the production of ethanol in various alcoholic |20. 46-47 | |

| |22. Summarise the chemistry of the fermentation process. |drinks versus fermentation of starches from grains. | | |

| |23. Process information from secondary sources such as | |21 47-49 | |

| |molecular model kits, digital technologies or computer |22. Write equations for fermentation. | | |

| |simulations to model:(a)the addition of water to ethylene (b) | |22. 48 | |

| |the dehydration of ethanol. |23. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 3.1: Perform the modelling activity for reactions involving | | |

| |24. Process information from secondary sources to summarise the|ethanol and ethylene using model kits. |23. 57 | |

| |processes involved in the industrial production of ethanol from| | | |

| |sugar cane. |24. DATA ANALYSIS 3.4 : Process data on the industrial production of ethanol from |24. 61 | |

| | |sugar cane. | | |

| |25. Solve problems, plan and perform a first-hand investigation| | | |

| |to carry out the fermentation of glucose and monitor mass |25. PRACTICALA CTIVITY 3.2 . Investigate the fermentation of glucose and monitor | | |

| |changes. |the mass changes involved. | | |

| |26. Present information from secondary sources by writing a |26. Write a balanced equation for fermentation of glucose. | | |

| |balanced equation for the fermentation of glucose to ethanol. | | | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 3.1 |25. 58 | |

| | | | | |

| |Biofuels |Biofuels |26. 48 | |

| | | | | |

| |27. Outline the use of ethanol as a fuel and explain why it can|27. Discuss the concept of renewable and non-renewable resources and apply this idea | | |

| |be called a renewable resource. |to fossil fuels and biofuels. | | |

| |28. Define the molar heat of combustion of a compound and |28. Perform mass/mole calculations to determine the molar heat of combustion of |Revision 3.1 | |

| |calculate the value for ethanol from first-hand data. |ethanol. |Page 50 | |

| |29. Assess the potential of ethanol as an alternative fuel and |29. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ethanol as an alternative fuel. Draw| | |

| |discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use. |up a two-column table to summarise these ideas. | | |

| |30. Process information from secondary sources to summarise the|30. DATA ANALYSIS 3.5 Process the data on ethanol as an alternative fuel and |Chapter 3 | |

| |use of ethanol as an alternative car fuel, evaluating the |evaluate the success or otherwise of its current usage in Australia and overseas. | | |

| |success of current usage. |31. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 3.3 . Perform a first hand investigation to determine the |27. 50- 52 | |

| |31. Identify data sources, choose resources and perform a |heats of combustion of selected alkanols including ethanol. | | |

| |first-hand investigation to determine and compare heats of | |28. 52 | |

| |combustion of at least three liquid alkanols per gram and per |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 3.2 | | |

| |mole. | |29. 52-54 | |

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| | | |30. 62 | |

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| | | |31. 59-60 | |

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| | | |Revision 3.2 | |

| | | |Page 56 | |

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| | |CD- CHECKPOINT REVISION - Chapters 1,2 and 3 |CD Checkpoint revision of | |

| | | |Chapters 1,2 & 3. | |

|5 |Oxidation and reduction |Oxidation and Reduction |Chapter 4 | |

| |32. Explain the displacement of metals from solution in terms | |32. 64-68 | |

| |of transfer of electrons. |32. Demonstrate the displacement of copper from copper sulfate solution using a zinc | | |

| |33. Identify the relationship between displacement of metal |strip. Explain this observation in terms of electron loss and gain. |33. 68- 70 | |

| |ions in solution by other metals to the relative activity of |33. Demonstrate other metal displacement reactions and from this develop a table of |CD Animation: | |

| |metals. |reductant strength and relate this to the activity series. Observe the animation on |Metal displacement | |

| |34. Account for changes in the oxidation state of species in |the CD. | | |

| |terms of their loss or gain of electrons. |34. Compare and contrast the concepts of oxidation and reduction using oxidation |34. 66-67 | |

| | |numbers as well as loss/gain of electrons. | | |

| | | |Revision 4.1 Page 71-72 | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 4.1 | | |

|6-7 |Galvanic cells and batteries |Galvanic cells and batteries |Chapter 4 | |

| | | |35. 72-73 | |

| |35. Describe and explain galvanic cells in terms of |35. Discuss historical examples of galvanic cells in terms of oxidation and | | |

| |oxidation/reduction reactions. |reduction. |36. 73-75 | |

| |36. Outline the construction of galvanic cells and trace the | |CD Animation: Galvanic | |

| |direction of electron flow. |36. Demonstrate a simple galvanic cell using zinc and copper couples. Demonstrate the|cell | |

| | |different types of salt bridges or porous partitions. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |37. Define the terms anode, cathode, electrode and electrolyte |37. Construct a table to summarise the meaning of terms used in describing a | | |

| |to describe galvanic cells. |galvanic cell. |37. 73-75 | |

| |38. Perform a first-hand investigation to identify the | | | |

| |conditions under which a galvanic cell is produced. |38. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 4.1. Part 1. Experimentally investigate the conditions that |38. 88-89 | |

| |39. Perform a first-hand investigation and gather first-hand |produce a galvanic cell. | | |

| |information to measure the difference in potential of different| | | |

| |combinations of metals in an electrolyte solution. |39. PRACTICAL ACTIVITY 4.1. Part 2. | | |

| |40. Gather and present information on the structure and |Experimentally investigate galvanic cells using various metal/metal ion couples. | | |

| |chemistry of a dry cell or lead-acid cell and, | | | |

| |(a) evaluate it in comparison to one of the following: |40. DATA ANALYSIS 4.2 Use the information supplied to compare and contrast one | | |

| |button cell; fuel cell; vanadium redox cell; lithium cell; |chosen battery or cell to either the dry cell or the lead-acid battery. | | |

| |liquid junction photovoltaic device (eg the Gratzel cell). | |39. 89-90 | |

| |(b)in terms of: chemistry; cost and practicality ;impact on |41. Use the table of standard reduction potentials to calculate the voltages of some| | |

| |society; environmental impact. |standard galvanic cells. |40. 78-81 | |

| |41. Solve problems and analyse information to calculate the | |82-85 | |

| |potential [pic] requirement of named electrochemical processes |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 4.2 |91-92 | |

| |using tables of standard potentials and half-equations. | | | |

| | | |41. 75-78 | |

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| | | |Revision 4.2 Page 86 | |

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|7 |Nuclear Chemistry |42. Analyse a graph of the number of neutrons to the number of protons for stable and|Chapter 5 | |

| |42. Distinguish between stable and radioactive isotopes and |unstable nuclei. Investigate the n:p ratio for various nuclides. |42. 94- 96 | |

| |describe the conditions under which a nucleus is unstable. | | | |

| |43. Identify instruments and processes that can be used to |43. Demonstrate the Geiger counter and its detection of radiation form low level |43. 96-99 | |

| |detect radiation. |radioactive sources. Identify other processes for detecting radiation. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 5.1 |Revision 5.1 | |

| | | |page 99 | |

|8 |Making and using radioisotopes |44. Compare the methods of producing radioisotopes including neutron bombardment, |Chapter 5 | |

| |44. Describe how transuranic elements are produced. |alpha bombardment and ion accelerators. |44. 100-101 | |

| |45. Describe how commercial radioisotopes are produced. |45. Gather and process data on the various methods of producing radioisotopes. |45. 101- 103 | |

| |46. Identify one use of a named radioisotope: in industry; in |View the Animation: Production of Transuranic element on the CD. |CD Animation | |

| |medicine. |46/47 Select one radioisotope used in industry and one used in medicine and explain |Production of transuranic | |

| |47. Describe the way in which the above named industrial and |their uses in relation to the radiation emitted and their chemical properties. |element | |

| |medical radioisotopes are used and explain their use in terms |48. DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Part A. | | |

| |of their chemical properties. |Process the supplied data about the recent discovery of element 114. |46. 102-103 | |

| |48. Process information from secondary sources to describe |49. DATA ANALYSIS 5.1 Part B. | | |

| |recent discoveries of elements. |Analyse the supplied data on the benefits and problems associated with radioisotopes |47. 102-103 | |

| |49. Use available evidence to analyse benefits and problems |used in industry and medicines. |106-108 | |

| |associated with the use of radioactive isotopes in identified | | | |

| |industries and medicine. |Revision Questions - Jacaranda Chemistry 2. Set 5.2 |48. 106 | |

| | | | | |

| | | |49. 102-103 | |

| | | |106-108 | |

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| | | |Revision 5.2 | |

| | | |Page 104-105 | |



| | |Use the supplied set of questions to revise all of Module 1. | | |

| | |20 Multiple Choice and 20 open-ended questions in the style of the HSC are available.|REVISION SET | |

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| | |Model answers are available on the CD. |PROBLEM SETS | |

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| | |Ten short and long answer questions based on Module 1. | | |

| | |Model answers are supplied | | |

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| | |Two problem-solving worksheets are available. | | |

| | |Set 1- Heats of Combustion | | |

| | |Set 2- Using the table of reduction potentials | | |

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| | |Worked answers are supplied. | | |

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