University of Massachusetts Amherst

Curriculum VitaeDr. Laetitia La FolletteUniversity of MassachusettsHistory of Art & ArchitectureAmherst, MA 01003W307 South College laelaf@umass.edu150 Hicks WayEMPLOYMENT2020-Professor, History of Art and Architecture, Univ. of Massachusetts AmherstSpecial interests: Greek and Roman Art and Architecture, Roman Religion, Roman Women, Computer Applications for Teaching and Learning, Cultural Heritage Policy2014-2020Chair, Dept. of the History of Art & Architecture, Univ. of Massachusetts1994-2020Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst1987-1993Assistant Professor (Greek & Roman Art), University of Massachusetts Amherst1989-1990Visiting Assistant Professor, Greek Art, Mount Holyoke College1986-1987Lecturer in Roman Art and Archeology, Princeton UniversityEDUCATION1986PhD, Princeton University, Dept. of Art and ArcheologyDissertation: Palladio and the Baths of Trajan Decius1981MA, Princeton University, Dept. of Art and Archeology1977BA magna cum laude, Harvard-Radcliffe, Classics (Greek)PUBLICATIONS (all juried)E-text (edited, produced and contributor)La Follette, Laetitia (ed.). 2004. A History of Art for the 21st century (developed with funding from FIPSE/US Department of Education, The Davis Foundation and the President's Office, Univ. of Massachusetts in collaboration with art history faculty W. B. Denny, A. Mochon, L. Smith, V. Weston and the Center for Educational Software Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst)Edited BooksLa Follette, Laetitia (ed.). 2013. Negotiating Culture: Heritage, Ownership, and Intellectual Property. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press.La Follette, Laetitia, L. Donahue Wallace, and A. Pappas (eds.). 2008. Teaching Art History with New Technologies. Reflections and Case Studies. Newcastle UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Book in ProgressReading Marble Faces: The Roman Portraits of the Licinii Crassi in Rome (book project under contract with Oxford University Press)Articles and book chapters2018 “The Impact of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Unprovenanced Etruscan Antiquities in the United States.” Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture 4, 75-92.2017. “Bloom's Taxonomy for Art History. Blending A Skills-Based Approach into The Traditional Introductory Survey.” Art History Pedagogy and Practice 1.2.2017. “Looted Antiquities, Art Museums and Restitution in the United States since 1970.” Journal of Contemporary History 52.3: 669–687. (Published online July 2016 by Sage Journals online at DOI: 10.1177/0022009416641198). 2013. “The Trial of Marion True and Changing Policies for Classical Antiquities in American Museums.” In Laetitia La Follette (ed.), Negotiating Culture: Heritage, Ownership, and Intellectual Property, pp. 39–71. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press.2011–12. “Parsing Piety: The Sacred Still Life in Roman Relief Sculpture.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 56–57: 15–35.2011. “Se parer en Vestale: un travail de funambule?” In. L. Bodiou, F. Gherchanoc, V. Huet and V. Mehl (eds.), Parures et Artifices dans Les Mondes Antiques, pp. 155–171. Paris: l’Harmattan Collection “Histoire, texte et societe.”2008. “Blending New Learning Technologies into The Traditional Art History Lecture Course.“ In K. Donahue Wallace, L. La Follette, A. Pappas (eds.), Teaching Art History with New Technologies. Reflections and Case Studies, pp. 44–56. Newcastle UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.1999. “Thermae Decianae.” In E.M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon Urbis Romae, vol 5, pp. XX–XX. Roma: Edizioni Quasar.1994. The Baths of Trajan Decius on the Aventine. Journal of Roman Archaeology (Supplementary Series) 11: 1–89.1994. “The Costume of the Roman Bride.” In L. Bonfante and J. Sebesta (eds.), The World of Roman Costume, pp. 54–64. Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press.1993 “Latin seni crines and The Hair Style of Roman Brides.” Syllecta Classica 4: 43–48 (with Rex Wallace, Dept. of Classics, University of Massachusetts).1993. “A Contribution of Andrea Palladio to the Study of Roman Thermae.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 52: 189–198.1986. “The Chalkotheke on the Athenian Acropolis.” Hesperia 55: 75–87.1985 “Le terme Deciane sull’Aventino.” Archeologia Laziale 7: 139–144Catalogue and encyclopedia entries, reviews1. 2011. “Flying flute player, Myrina type.” The Mead Art Museum at Amherst College Collection Guide, pp. 34–35. Amherst MA: Amherst College Press.2. 1998 Art and architecture editor for Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for Students (4 volumes, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1998).3. 1996. “Aurelian Wall, Rome”; “Belvedere Pigna, Vatican”; “Palladio, Andrea.” In N. de Grummond (ed.), An Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archeology, pp. 110, 146, 842–43. Westport CT: Greenwood Press.4. 1987 “Latin inscriptions.” In Silvio Panciera (ed.), Tituli 6, La collezione epigrafica dei musei capitolini, pp. 84-86, 329-330. Rome: Qasar.PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING (included here are only those sessions at which I was physically present. I also assisted getting archaeologists to write in and speak at the hearings on the MOUs with Cambodia and China.) Presentation for the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, Department of State, Washington, D.C., at the public hearing Jan. 18, 2012 on the requests by the Republics of Cyprus and Peru for renewals of their Memoranda of Understanding with the U.S. and import restrictions to protect the cultural heritage of both countriesPresentation for the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, Department of State, Washington, D.C., at the public hearing Oct. 12, 2010 on the request by the Hellenic Republic for a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. and import restrictions to protect Greece's cultural heritagePresentation for the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, Department of State, Washington, D.C., at the public hearing May 6, 2010 on the request by the Republic of Italy for renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. that includes import restrictions on antiquities from Italy to protect Italy's cultural heritageAWARDS, GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS2020-2021. PI, NEH block grant to the Archaeological Institute of America (RJ-269493-19, $564,418.00 for period 9/1/2019 – 9/1/2021)2019-20. Open Education Initiative Grant for revision of e-Text, A History of Art for the 21st Century (University Libraries and Provost’s office, UMass Amherst)2019-2024. Kress Foundation Grant for five-year funding of the AIA series, Selected Papers in Ancient Art and Architecture2014–15. Innovative Teaching Fellow, Center for Teaching and Office of Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst.2011–13, 2014–15. Open Education Initiative Grants for art history e-text, Provost’s Office, University of Massachusetts Amherst.2010, 2014. Flex Grants for Teaching, Office of Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst2010-13. Professional Presentation Grants, College of Humanities and Fine Arts (CHFA) University of Massachusetts Amherst2010. Summer Project Funds, CHFA Associate Prof. Research Renewal Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst2010. Research Grant for cultural ownership and Roman religion projects, University of Massachusetts Amherst2009-2010. Mellon Mutual Mentoring Grant Participant, Office of Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst2009 (summer). Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Grant for project in Southern France2009 (summer). Resident, Maison Mediterranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Aix-en-Provence, France2009 (spring). Visiting Associate Professor, Université de Paris VII, France2009 (spring). Resident, American Academy in Rome, Italy2007 (summer). NEH stipend to attend NEH seminar on Roman religion (American Academy in Rome)2004-2005. Professional Development Grant in Instructional Technology, President’s Office, University of Massachusetts Amherst2002-2003. Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, University of Massachusetts Amherst2002-2003. Lilly Mentor to Junior Faculty, Center for Teaching, University of Massachusetts Amherst2002-2003. Large lecture course redesign grant, Davis Foundation (New England), to incorporate interactive technology into the teaching of the one-semester survey of the History of Art (with Profs. Denny, Schmitter)1998-2002. U.S. Dept. of Education/FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education) Grant for the development of an interactive, multimedia online resource for introductory Art History students. Grant P116B9806741995-1997. Grant PI: Director-Coordinator and Principal Investigator, “A History of Art for the 21st Century,” a multimedia digital project for introductory Art History studentsfunded by Five Colleges, Inc through the Pew Charitable Trusts1994-95, Lilly Fellowship, Center for Teaching, University of Massachusetts AmherstAlso nominated five times for the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award (2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2011-12 and 2016-2017)PANELS ORGANIZED AND PAPERS DELIVEREDPanels (organized and chaired; * = coorganized)*2015 “Seeking Collaboration: A Summit for Projects Collecting Cultural Heritage Data in Syria and Conflict Zones,” a symposium co-organized by the AIA and ASOR and funded by an NEH Chairman’s Grant, held at the National Endowment for the Humanities and National Geographic Headquarters, Washington, D.C, December 9-10, 2015.2015. “Emergency Measures for Archaeological Sites and Museum Collections in Times of Crisis.” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), New Orleans LA, January 9, 2015. 2014. “Enhanced Protection: Should the US Ratify the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention?” Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Chicago IL, January 6, 2014. 2005. “Blending new technologies into art historical teaching at the introductory level.” College Art Association (CAA) and Art Historians interested in pedagogy and technology (AHPT), Annual meeting of the College Art Association, Atlanta GA, Feb. 2005.2004. “Teaching with Technology: Partnering on next steps.” Art Historians interested in pedagogy and technology (AHPT), Annual meeting of the College Art Association, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2004. 2003. (also Presenter) “The Impact of new technologies on the pedagogy of art history.” Art Historians interested in pedagogy and technology (AHPT, Annual meeting of the College Art Association, New York City, NY, February 2003.1989. “Colloquium on the Role of Costume in Roman Art.” Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, Boston, December 30, 1989 1986. “Colloquium on Imperial Roman Architecture.” Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, San Antonio, TX, December 29, 1986Presentations“The Acquisition of Antiquities by US Museums: Policy, Problems, Potential,” lecture for the course Antiquities and the Law, The Institute of Archaeology, University College London, March 18, 2020.“UNESCO 1970, the AIA and US museums,” paper delivered at workshop panel “Antiquities, Illicit Trafficking, and Public Advocacy: The Future of the 1970 UNESCO Convention” organized for The Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Washington, D.C., January 4, 2020. “‘Who Owns The Past?’ is the Wrong Question,” final talk delivered for the 2017-1018 Saul O. Sidore Lecture Series “Who Owns The Past?”, University of New Hampshire, Durham NH, April 17, 2018“The Stories We Tell about Looted Antiquities,” WT Oedel Faculty Lecture, April 2, 2018“What’s A Nice Boy Like You Doing in a Place Like This? The Portrait of the Child Lucius Verus from the Tomb of the Licinii Crassi,” talk delivered to the Five College Late Antiquity Seminar, November 16, 20172017. “Two Marble Portraits from Villa A at Oplontis.” Gallery Talk for opening of the exhibition, Leisure and Luxury in the Age of Nero. The Villas at Oplontis near Pompeii, February 3, 2017, Smith College Art Museum, Northampton MA2017. “The Impact of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Unprovenanced Etruscan Artifacts in America.” Paper for Collecting and Presenting the Etruscans in North America, panel organized for the January 2017 Annual Meeting of the AIA (Archaeological Institute of America), January 7, 2017 Toronto CA2017. Panelist in Workshop “Classics, Classical Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Towards a Common Understanding of Professional Responsibilities for the Study of Exceptional Objects.” organized for the January 2017 Annual Meeting of the AIA (Archaeological Institute of America), January 6, 2017 Toronto CA2015. “A Skills-Based Approach to The Traditional Art History Survey,” paper for panel Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn: Developing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning for Art History, Annual Meeting of the College Art Association (CAA), New York, NY February 11, 20152014. “Looted Antiquities and Restitution in the United States: a Comparative Perspective,” paper for conference Looted Art and Restitution in the Twentieth Century: a transnational and global perspective, Newnham College, Cambridge (UK), September 18-20, 20142014. “The Trial of Marion True and Changing Policies for Classical Antiquities in American Museums,” Western Massachusetts Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, May 6, 20142014. “CPIA, CPAC and the MOU Process. Thinking about Next Steps for Protecting Heritage Abroad,” Spring Colloquium Series, Center for Heritage and Society, University of Massachusetts, April 9, 2014 2012. “Why erect a statue of a Vestal? Piecing together Roman attitudes towards the priestly body” paper delivered at conference Religion in Pieces, organized by the Society for the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Religions (SAMR), Brown University, April 29, 20122010. "The goddess Hygeia, and Concepts of Health in Ancient Greece and Rome," lecture delivered in conjunction with the exhibition, Illuminating: Spiritual Symbols and Stories, Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg MA, February 20, 20102010. "Keeping the past alive: Roman elite women as shapers of family memory" First Annual Feminist Art History Conference, American University, Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 20102010. Presentation for the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, Department of State, Washington, D.C., at the public hearing Oct. 12, 2010 on the request by the Hellenic Republic for a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. and import restrictions to protect Greece's cultural heritage 2010. Presentation for the Cultural Property Advisory Committee, Department of State, Washington, D.C., at the public hearing May 6, 2010 on the request by the Republic of Italy for renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. that includes import restrictions on antiquities from Italy to protect Italy's cultural heritage2009. “Parsing Piety: virtual assemblages in Roman religion, “ The Eye and the Trowel. Symposium in honor of Professors T.L. Shear, Jr., W. A.P. Childs and H. Meyer, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, October 17, 20092009. “Se parer en Vestale: un travail de funambule?” Parures et artifices. Le corps exposé dans l’antiquité gréco-romaine, conference organized by the Université de Rennes (France) in collaboration with Crescam-LHAM (Rennes 2), de Pheacie (Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne et Paris VII), Centre Louis Gernet (EHESS), Rennes (FR) May 16, 20092009. “Parsing Piety: Sacred Still Lives” Colloquium: Reflecting on Ritual. Visual Evidence and the Study of Roman Religion, 110th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Philadelphia PA, Jan. 9, 2009 2008. “Cultural Ownership and the debate over the ‘Elgin’ marbles,” Springfield Museums, Springfield MA, Nov. 24, 20082007. “Marion True’s trial in Rome and the restitution of ancient art from American museums to Italy and Greece, 2006-2007, “Amherst Club, Amherst MA, May 1, 20072006. “Dressing in Style, Clothing Optional: Nudity and Costume in Ancient Art” lecture for the Ancients Unwrapped Sunday afternoon series at the Springfield Museum of Art, Nov. 5, 2006.2003. “New technologies in art historical pedagogy,” invited presentation to the Third Annual Learning to Look Summer Institute, The Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York, New York City, June 2003. Also participated with Profs. Joshua Brown (CUNY) and Richard Leslie (CCNY Stonybrook) in the roundtable discussion on collaborations between art historians and social historians.2002. “Keys to successful large-scale deployment of multimedia course modules,” with D. Hart and A. Peterfreund, poster presentation at EDUCAUSE, October 2002, Atlanta GA.2002. “Spolia and Memory: Ancient Fragments in Roman Architecture,” Twelfth Annual Phyllis Williams Lehmann Lecture, Smith College (Northampton MA), April 20, 2002.2002. “Building to please the Gods: Innovations in Art History,” Thirteenth International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, Jacksonville, FL, April 12, 2002.2002. “A History of Art for the 21st Century,” poster session and demonstration at the Five College Multimedia Fair, Amherst College, Amherst MA, March 1, 2002.2001. “Reproducing art historical analysis: developing a digital study-aid for introductory art history students, “Presentation to the Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar in the Humanities and Fine Arts Univesity of Massachusetts, (Director: Prof. Stephen Clingman) May 7, 2001.2000. “A History of Art for the 21st Century,” demonstrations at the annual Conference of the College Art Association (CAA) in 2002 (Philadelphia) 2001 (Chicago) and 2000 (NYC); also at the annual FIPSE conference of the U.S. Dept of Education, 2000 (San Diego).1997. “Teaching Art History in the 21st Century,” Multimedia Session I, First Annual University of Massachusetts Instructional Technology Conference, Boxborough, MA, April 17, 1997.1997. “A Case Study: An Electronic Resource for a History of Art for the Year 2000” Digital Learning: Glossy Gadgets or 21st Century Chalk?, Annual Conference of the College Art Association, New York, NY, February 14, 1997.1997. “What Plaster Casts Can Tell Us,” Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, MA, January 13, 1997.1995. “The Princess and the Baths: An Archeological Adventure on the Aventine,” Archeology Panel in Honor of the Centennial of the American Academy in Rome, New York, NY, April 23, 1995.1995. “The Roman Empire and the Sculpting of Space,” Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, MA, (Lecture in the Series, From Stone to Steel: Architectural Triumphs Throughout the Ages) January 18, 1995.1995. “The Glory of Greece: The Greek Temple,” Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, MA, (Lecture in the Series, From Stone to Steel: Architectural Triumphs Throughout the Ages). January 11, 19951993. “The Arch of Gallienus: Reuse and Innovation in Third Century Roman Architecture,” Five College Faculty Seminar in Late Antiquity, Smith College, February 10, 1993.1992. “A Contribution of Andrea Palladio to the Study of Roman thermae,” First International Conference on the Roman Baths, Bath, England, March 31, 1992.1992. “Spolia before Constantine,” Friday Noon Seminar Series, Department of Classics, Princeton University, March 27, 1992.1992. “Rustication in Rome: Antiquarian Revival or Ancient Deconstruction?” invited lecture, Department of Art and Archeology, Princeton University, March 26, 1992.1991. “Claudian Rustication: Antiquarian Revival or Anti-classical Innovation?” Cosmic Vault and Kaisersaal: Panel on Architectural Symbolism in the Roman World, 1st-2nd centuries, Annual Conference of the College Art Association, Washington, DC, February 21, 1991.1989. “Costume and Ritual Initiation: The Headdress and Hair Style of the Roman Bride,” Colloquium on the Role of Costume in Roman Art, Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of American, Boston, MA, December 30, 1989.1989. “Reuse and Renewal in Late Antique Rome,” Five College Seminar on Late Roman and Byzantine Studies, organized for the Fifteenth Annual Byzantine Studies Conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 27, 1989.1989. “The Brides in the Villa of the Mysteries at Pompeii,” Fifth Colloquium of the Association internationale pour l’étude de la mosa?que antique (AIEMA), North American Branch, Baltimore, MD, April 28, 1989.1986. “The Arch of Gallienus: Evidence for Changing Architectural Standards in Third-Century Rome,” Colloquium on Imperial Roman Architecture, Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, San Antonio, TX, December 29, 1986.1986. “The Double Life of An Augustan Gate,” Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Classical Association, Pittsburgh, PA, October 11, 1986.1986. “Behind Glass and Under Wraps: A Look at Current Restoration in Rome,” Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Tampa, FL, April 17, 1986.1985. “The Baths of Trajan Decius on the Aventine: A Correction to the Forma Urbis Romae,” Annual Meeting of the Archeological Institute of America, Washington, DC, December 29, 1985.PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONSAmerican Academy in RomeAmerican School of Classical Studies at AthensArcheological Institute of AmericaArt Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology (founder)College Art Association of AmericaADMINISTRATION AND SERVICEDiscipline/fieldNationalArchaeological Institute of America:President 2020-2023First Vice President (=President-elect) 2017-2020Member, Advisory Committee for AIA-NEH grants, 2019-Co-Chair, Steering Committee, AIA-AAMD antiquities provenance project, 2019-Head, International Affairs Advisory Group, 2014- 2017Vice President for Cultural Heritage: 2015-2017Vice President for Professional Responsibilities, 2011-2014Chair, Professional Responsibilities Committee: 2011-2017Cultural Heritage Policy Committee: Chair 2011; Member 2008-2010Committee on Archaeology In Higher Education: Member 2007-2008, 1995-1998College Art Association, Art Historians interested in Pedagogy and Technology (AHPT) (affiliated society) Founder 2003Secretary-Treasurer-Newsletter Editor, 2003-2010American Academy in Rome, Society of Fellows, Executive Council: Vice-President 1990-1992Newsletter Editor 1986-1990Secretary 1988-1990RegionalArcheological Institute of America, Western Massachusetts Society:Chair, Nominating Committee 2016, 2011, 1997President 1994-1996Vice-President 1991-1993Executive Council 1987-1991Five Colleges, Inc.Director, Faculty Seminar on Introductory Curriculum in Art History Spring 1995 Director, Ancillary CD-ROM Project Summer/Fall 1995University/campus:Member, Joint University Task Force on Student Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2014-presentUniversity Committee on Educational Technology, 2003-presentMassachusetts Society of Professors (faculty union) Vice President 2000-2004University Child Care: Teacher Search Committee Spring 1994Child Care Advisory Board 1993-1994College (Humanities and Fine Arts):Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Humanities and Fine Arts (ISHA), Board Member 2001–2014Task Force on Museum Studies: Chair, 2007–2008Task Force on Instructional Technology 2006–2007College Personnel Committee 2005–2006Faculty Writing Group “Beyond Reproduction” sponsored by ISHA, Founder- Director 2001–4Department of the History of Art & Architecture (formerly Program in Art History)Chair, 2014–2020Director of the Program, 2011–2014; 2004–2007Chair, Personnel Committee, History of Art, Architecture, Art History: 2011-2014 Graduate Program Director, 1998–2001Undergraduate Program Director, 1988–1991, 2009–2011 ................

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