Citizens of the 21st Century

A5 Citizens of the 21st Century

Written (Group) Assignment

Course Curriculum Guide

Due: 7/3/06


We have just received a grant to design a new required course for all seniors at Mountain High School. You have been chose to be a part of a faculty interdisciplinary team to create this innovative curriculum. It is a full year course (16 weeks block scheduling) that is required for graduation. Based on the national and local calls for school curriculum to be more relevant to the “real world,” this course is designed to give students the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for them to be productive citizens in the new millennium.

Your committee’s charge is to determine what you believe these knowledge, skills, and dispositions should be and then design a course that will give students practical, useful, engaging, interesting ways to practice and develop them. There are four elements/components that have been mandated by the district/community that must be present in this course:

1. A service-learning component

2. Future trends in educational methodologies

3. Senior Projects/Exhibitions must be required of every student by the end of the year.

4. A theme that integrates the different content areas.

Each course guide will include:

• Rationale

• Audience Description

• Course Description

• Course Objectives

• Scope and Sequence Matrix

• Service Learning Component

• Future Trends Reflected

• Senior Project / Exhibition

Citizens of the 21st Century

Course Curriculum Guide: Description and Evaluation Rubric

Rationale (10 points)

This answers the question-Why?

Justification for taking this course

Benefit to the student

Benefit to the community

Audience Description (10 points)

Classroom Profile

High School Demographics

Community Profile

Course Description (20 points)

Fully developed description

Everything I need to know about this course:


Basic Design

Integration of units, activities, etc.

Integration of future trends

Integration of service learning

Scope and Sequence Matrix (10 points)

Content to be covered (Units, subtopics, etc.)

Sequence/timeline/order of units, etc.

Objectives that will be met

Course Objectives (10 points)

General & relatively content-free

Specific Learning objectives that help explain the General Learning objectives

All three domains

Variety of levels

Domain and level indicated correctly

Future Trends reflected (10 points)

Service Learning component (10 points)

Detailed description

Design for and evaluation of

Senior Project/ Exhibition (10 points)

Detailed description

Professional Appearance (10 points)

Total points= 100


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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