Philosophy for the 21st century


Preface viii About the Editors IX

INTRODUCTION What Is Philosophy? / Simon Blackburn I The Elements of Logic / Simon Blackburn 5

1. PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Introduction 11 Steven M. Cahn Euthyphro .; Plato 13 The Ontological Argument / Saint Anselm 24 In Behalf of the Fool / Gaunilo 26 Critique of the Ontological Argument / Immanuel Kant 27 Is Existence a Predicate? / G. E. Moore 28 Why the Ontological Argument Fails / William L. Rowe 32 Five Ways to Prove the Existence of God / Saint Thomas Aquinas 35 The Cosmological Argument / Michael Martin 37 Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion / David Hume 39 Why God Allows Evil/Richard Swinburne 72 The Moriarty Hypothesis / Steven M. Cahn 80 The Will to Believe / William James 82 William James and the Will to Believe / Michael Martin 89 The Hiddenness of God / Robert McKim 93

2. EPISTEMOLOGY Introduction 99 David Sosa



Meditations on First Philosophy / Rene Descartes 101 An Essay Concerning Human Understanding / John Locke 110 Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous /

George Berkeley 115 Proof of an External World / G. E. Moore 137 On Certainty / Ludwig Wittgenstein 140 The Problem of the Criterion / Roderick M. Chisholm 152 Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? / Edmund Gettier 161 Discrimination and Perceptual Knowledge / Alvin I. Goldman 163 Knowledge and Scepticism / Robert Nozick 176 The Raft and the Pyramid: Coherence Versus Foundations in the

Theory of Knowledge / Ernest Sosa 188 Elusive Knowledge / David Lewis 205 Epistemology Naturalized / W V. O. Quine 220 What Is "Naturalized Epistemology"? / Jaegwon Kim 229


Introduction 239 L. A. Paul

An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding / David Hume 241

The Traditional Problem of Induction / Brian Skyrms 245 The Inference to the Best Explanation / Gilbert Harman 249 The Experimental Method / Rudolf Carnap 254 Aspects of Scientific Explanation / Carl G. Hempel 257 The Truth Doesn't Explain Much / Nancy Cartwright 265 The New Riddle of Induction / Nelson Goodman 269 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn 274 Realism and the Theory-Dependence of Experimental

Design / Richard N. Boyd 279


Introduction 287 Delia Graf

On the Relations of Universals and Particulars / Bertrand Russell 290

Properties / D. M. Armstrong 300 The Doctrine of Arbitrary Undetached Parts /

Peter van Inwagen 308 Many, but Almost One / David Lewis 320 Of Identity and Diversity / John Locke 330 Personal Identity and Memory / Sydney Shoemaker 337 Personal Identity / Derek Parfit 345




Of Motion / Aristotle 358 Achilles and the Tortoise / Max Black 362 Of the Idea of Necessary Connection / David Hume 369 Causation / David Lewis 377 The Sea-Battle Tomorrow / Aristotle 385 The Problem of Future Contingencies / Richard Taylor 387 Freedom and Necessity / A. J. Ayer 401 Human Freedom and the Self / Roderick M. Chisholm 407 Alternative Possibilities and Moral Responsibility /

Harry G. Frankfurt 414 The Incompatibility of Free Will and Determinism /

Peter van Inwagen 420


Introduction 429 Jesse J. Prinz

Meditations on First Philosophy / Rene Descartes 432 The Causes of Behavior / B. F. Skinner 438 Sensations and Brain Processes / J. J. C. Smart 443 The Mind-Body Problem / Jerry A. Fodor 451 Computing Machinery and Intelligence / Alan Turing 460 Can Computers Think? / John Searle 475 The "Causal Power" of Machines / Zenon Pylyshyn 482 Functionalism, Qualia, and the Inverted Spectrum /

Terrance Horgan 485 Epiphenomenal Qualia / Frank Jackson 490 Jackson's Knowledge Argument / Paul M. Churchland 495 Consciousness Explained / Daniel C. Dennett 498


Introduction 503 Robin Jeshion

On Sense and Meaning / Gottlob Frege 506 On Denoting / Bertrand Russell 512 Naming and Necessity / Saul A. Kripke 518 Thoughts / Gottlob Frege 525 The Problem of the Essential Indexical/John Perry 532 Performative Utterances / J. L. Austin 541 Logic and Conversation / Paul Grice 547


Introduction 559 Stuart Rachels


The Subjectivity of Values / J. L. Mackie 561 A Critique of Mackie / Ronald Dworkin 568 A Proof of the Objectivity of Morals / Renford Bambrough 570 Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill 575 The Experience Machine / Robert Nozick 580 Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of

Morals / Immanuel Kant 582 A Simplified Account of Kant's Ethics / Onora O'Neill 587 The Right and the Good / W D. Ross 589 The Challenge of Cultural Relativism / James Rachels 594 Egoism and Moral Scepticism / James Rachels 603 Nicomachean Ethics / Aristotle 610 After Virtue / Alasdair MacIntyre 619 Living Ethically / Peter Singer 633 The Conscience of Huckleberry Finn / Jonathan Bennett 642 Moral Luck / Thomas Nagel 650 The Punishment That Leaves Something to Chance /

David Lewis 657 Rich and Poor / Peter Singer 661 Equality, Entitlements, and the Distribution of Income /

John Arthur 675 Kantian Deliberations on Famine Problems / Onora O'Neill 685 Why We Have No Obligations to Animals / Immanuel Kant 688 Constraints and Animals / Robert Nozick 689 The Moral Argument for Vegetarianism / James Rachels 690 Do Animals Have Rights? / Tibor R. Machan 696


Introduction 703 Cynthia Stark

Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes 705 Second Treatise of Government / John Locke 713 A Theory of Justice / John Rawls 720 Anarchy, State, and Utopia / Robert Nozick 731 Illusions About Private Property and Freedom / G. A. Cohen 741 The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self /

Michael Sandel 751 Markets in Women's Sexual Labor / Debra Satz 759


Introduction 775 Gabriela Sakamoto




The Role of Theory in Aesthetics / Morris Weitz 777 Defining Art / George Dickie 784 The End of Art / Arthur C. Danto 788 Glaring Omissions in Traditional Theories of Art /

Peg Zeglin Brand 799 Of the Standard of Taste / David Hume 813 Critique of Judgment / Immanuel Kant 823 Categories of Art / Kendall L. Walton 832 The Very Idea of Art / Ted Cohen 846


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