Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U


|Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U.S. History – |

|Unit 8 – A Changing Society 1968 – Present |

|Chapter 28 – Resurgence of Conservatism 1980-1992 |

|Suggested Time Frame: ≈ block days |

|Description |The New Conservatism, The Reagan Years, Life in the 1980’s, The End of the Cold War |

|Assessment |Semester Exam Benchmark Test Chapter Test Section Quizzes Classwork Group Work Homework Role Play |

| |Exercise Puzzles Presentations Research Paper Individual Project Socratic Dialogue Participation |

|Essential Questions |How did Christian evangelicals contribute to a growing conservative national identity? What was Ronald Reagan’s stance on foreign policy? |

| |How do the social problems of today compare with those the nation faced in the 1980’s? |

|Core Components |TEKS/SEs |Specifications/Examples |

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| |(2)(1) History. The student understands traditional |Collapse of communism, postindustrial economy; |

| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 |New Century 1990s- today (internationalism, terrorism) |

| |to the present. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) identify the major characteristics that define an | |

| |historical era; | |

| |(B)(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 | |

| |to the present and describe their defining |Refer frequently to the events placed in the timeline of U.S. History |

| |characteristics; | |

| |(C)(B) apply absolute and relative chronology through the | |

| |sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time | |

| |periods; and | |

| |(D)(C) explain the significance of the following dates | |

| |years as turning points: 1991 (Cold War ends) | |

| |(7)(6) History. The student understands the domestic and | |

| |international impact of significant national and | |

| |international decisions and conflicts | |

| |(G) analyze reasons for the Western victory in the Cold | |

| |War and the challenges of changing relationships among | |

| |nations; and | |

| |(8)(7) History. The student understands the impact of | |

| |significant national and international decisions and | |

| |conflicts in the Cold War on the United States. The | |

| |student is expected to: | |

| |(10)(9) History. The student understands the impact of | |

| |political, economic, and social factors in the U.S. role |Soviet economic difficulties, Gorbachev’s policies of glasnost and perestroika, |

| |in the world from the 1970s through 1990. The student is |breakup of the Soviet Union into separate states. Fall of the Berlin Wall |

| |expected to:8 High School Social Studies |Changing ethic relationships |

| |(B) describe Ronald Reagan’s leadership in domestic and | |

| |international policies , including such as Reaganomics and| |

| |Peace Through Strength; | |

| |(C) compare the impact of energy on the American way of | |

| |life over time; | |

| |(D) describe U.S. involvement in the Middle East such as |States rights, trickle down economics, Morning in America |

| |the Iran-Contra Affair, Marines in Lebanon, and the Iran | |

| |Hostage Crisis; and | |

| |(E) describe the causes, key organizations, and | |

| |individuals of the conservative resurgence of the 1980s | |

| |and 1990s, including Phyllis Schlafly, the Contract with | |

| |America, the Heritage Foundation, the Moral Majority, and | |

| |the National Rifle Association; and | |

| |(E)(F) describe significant societal issues of this time | |

| |period. | |

| |(11)(10) History. The student understands the emerging | |

| |political, economic, and social issues of the United | |

| |States from the 1990s into the 21st century. The student |Irving Kristol, NeoCons, |

| |is expected to: | |

| |(A) describe U.S. involvement in world affairs, including | |

| |the end of the Cold War, the Balkans Crisis, | |

| |(B) identify significant social and political advocacy | |

| |organizations , and leaders , and issues across the | |

| |political spectrum; | |

| |(C) evaluate efforts by global organizations to undermine | |

| |U.S. sovereignty through the use of treaties; | |

| |(D)(C) analyze the impact discuss the role of third -party| |

| |parties candidates such as Ross Perot and Ralph Nader on | |

| |presidential elections ; | |

| |(E) describe significant societal issues of this time | |

| |period. | |

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| | |Sarajevo, Bosnia, limited engagement |

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| | |Trilateral Commission |

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| | |Impact – Third parties often focus on issues the main parties ignore; third |

| | |party |

| | |candidates can split the major party they are most similar to leading to the |

| | |other |

| | |major party's victory; |

| |(17)(16)(14) Economics. The student understands the |industrial complex and weapons of mass destruction |

| |economic effects of World War II, and the Cold War and |Cold War fueled businesses, especially high tech industries and research and |

| |increased worldwide competition on contemporary society. |development and steadily increased gov’t. defense spending. Cold War led to |

| |The student is expected to: |creation of a huge national security apparatus (Military Industrial Complex) |

| |(C) describe the economic impact of defense spending the | |

| |Cold War on the business cycle and education priorities |NASA, Space Race |

| |from 1945 to the 1990s and defense spending; | |

| |(E) describe the dynamic relationship between U.S. | |

| |international trade policies and the U.S. free enterprise | |

| |(capitalist, free market) system such as the Organization | |

| |of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo, the | |

| |General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and the | |

| |North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). | |

| |(18)(17) Economics. The student understands the economic |OPEC |

| |effects of increased worldwide interdependence as the |Glasnost / break up of U.S.S.R. |

| |United States enters the 21st century. The student is |Islamic fundamentalism |

| |expected to: | |

| |(A) discuss the role of American entrepreneurs such as | |

| |Bill Gates, Sam Walton, Estée Lauder, Robert Johnson, | |

| |Lionel Sosa, and millions of small business entrepreneurs | |

| |who achieved the American dream Mary Kay Ash in affecting | |

| |the global economy ; and | |

| |(B) identify the impact of international events, | |

| |multinational corporations, government policies, and | |

| |individuals on the 21st century economy. | |

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| |(19)(18)(15) Government. The student understands changes | |

| |over time in the role of government over time. The student| |

| |is expected to: | |

| |(C)(B) describe evaluate the effects of political | |

| |incidents scandals, including such as Bill Clinton’s | |

| |impeachment, on the views of U.S. citizens concerning the | |

| |role of the trust in the federal government and its |Impeachment, grand jury, |

| |leaders; and | |

| |(D)(C) discuss predict the effects role of contemporary | |

| |government legislation on the roles of state and federal | |

| |governments in the private and public sectors such as the | |

| |Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 | |

| |(E)(D) evaluate the pros and cons of U.S. understand that |decentralization |

| |the United States participates participation in | |

| |international organizations and treaties. | |

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| | (24)(22)(19) Citizenship. The student understands the | |

| |importance of effective leadership in a constitutional | |

| |democratic republic society. The student is expected to: |George H.W. Bush |

| |(C) identify the contributions of Texans who have been | |

| |President of the United States. | |

| |(25)(23)(20) Culture. The student understands the |punk, rap, voices of minorities in literature |

| |relationship between the arts and the times during which | |

| |they were created. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) describe how the characteristics and issues of various| |

| |eras in U.S. history have been reflected in various genres| |

| |works of art, music, film | |

| |(B) describe both the positive and negative the impacts of| |

| |significant examples of cultural movements in art, music, | |

| |and literature such hip hop and country and western music | |

| |on American society, including; | |

| |(C) identify examples of American art, music, and | |

| |literature that transcend American culture and convey | |

| |universal themes; | |

| |(C)(E) identify the impact of popular American culture on | |

| |the rest of the world. over time; and | |

| |(D) analyze the relationship between culture and the | |

| |economy and identify examples such as the impact of global| |

| |diffusion of American culture through the entertainment | |

| |industry via various media. on the U.S. economy; andHigh | |

| |School Social Studies 13 | |

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| | |World-wide transmission of US culture – music, clothes, foods, art, etc. |

| |Vocabulary |

| |Supply side economics – budget deficit – contra – yuppie – space shuttle – space station – AARP – perestroika – glasnost – downsizing – |

| |capital gains tax – grassroots movement – Tianneman Square - |

|Recommended Lessons |Recommended Lessons - Primary Source Lesson – The Rise of Modern America, District Focus-Ross Perot |

|Differentiation |Special Education – all differentiation per SPED modifications and requirements |

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| |TAG - differentiation according to TAG mandates. To include, but not restricted to: |

| |independent study, alternative projects in lieu of test, alternate readings |

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| |504 – All differentiation according to student needs as specified per 504 committee. |

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| |ESL – All differentiation aligned with both ELPS guidelines and state mandate. To include, but not restricted to: small group |

| |instruction, sentence stem activities, HIS, T-Chart-Pair and Defend |

|Instructional Resources|Books or Readings - |

| |Videos - |

| |Websites - |

|College and Career |I |

|Readiness Standards |1-ABCD 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-B 6-AB |

| |1-AB 2-AB 3-B |

| |1-AD 2-ABCEF 3-ABC |

| |1-A 2-AB |

| |1-A 2-AB 3-C |

| |1-A 2-A |

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| |II |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABC 2-A 4-AC 5-ABC 6-ABC |

| |III |

| |1-B 2-AB 3-AB |

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| |IV |

| |1-AB 2-ABC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-AB 6-AB |

| |1-AB 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC |

| |1-ABC |

| |1-AB 2-AB |

| |V |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABCDEF |

|Essential Questions |Unit VIII |

| |Chapters 27, 28, 29 |

| |The evidence in the Watergate case, based on testimony and on the White House tapes, concluded that Nixon: |

| |Was involved in the case but was not proven guilty of any crime |

| |Was guilty of some minor crimes but not enough to justify his removal from office |

| |Was guilty of a major crime: obstructing justice by covering up evidence of the crimes of others |

| |Was the one who originally ordered the break in |

| |One of the major contributing factors to the rising inflation of the Ford administration during the 1970’s was |

| |Dependence on foreign oil supplies |

| |A major cut in tax reties |

| |A sharp drop in interest rates |

| |A significant decrease in federal spending |

| |The Christian Right of the late 1970’s and 1980’s opposed all of the following ideas except |

| |The teaching of evolution |

| |The censorship of pornography |

| |The right to an abortion |

| |The growth of feminism |

| |“Reaganomics” or “supplyside” economics, operated from the assumption that the woes of the American economy were largely the result of: |

| |Foreign causes |

| |Corporate welfare |

| |Excessive taxation |

| |Inadequate government spending |

| |A 1991 attempted coup by Communists in the Soviet Union led to: |

| |The collapse of the coup |

| |The breakup of the Soviet Union |

| |The outlawing of the Communist Party |

| |The declaring of independence by some republics |

| |The Iran Contra scandal seriously damaged the Reagan administration’s reputation when it revealed that the United States: |

| |Sent funds to Iranian terrorists to finance their attacks on the Muslim government |

| |Sent funds to Iraq to support the country in its war with Iran |

| |Used the money from the sale of arms to Iran to aid the contras in Nicaragua |

| |Used government funds to purchase arms for the rebels in Iran |

| |US involvement in the Gulf war included all of the following except: |

| |Produced remarkably few allied and American casualties |

| |Was sanctioned by the US Congress and the UN |

| |Featured the largest use ever of highly sophisticated military technology |

| |Resulted in the withdrawal of Saddam Hussein’s troops from Kuwait |

| |The intervention and development of the personal computer has had all of the following effects except |

| |Revolutionizing bookkeeping |

| |Replacing typewriters across the nation |

| |Showing a quick presence in schools and homes |

| |Narrowing the economic gap between the poor and wealthy |

| |Effects of Multiculturism have included: |

| |The institutionalization of the European foundations of American culture |

| |Controversial challenges to traditional academic curricula |

| |A consensus between liberals and conservative on interpretations of American culture |

| |A decline in the cultural awareness of non-white Americans |

| |Islamic fundamentalism is rooted in all of the following except: |

| |An orthodox commitment to conservative Islamic doctrine |

| |A belief that Western cultural norms had invaded traditional societies |

| |Anger over Western support for despotic regimes in some Islamic nations |

| |A desire for a strong Zionist state |


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