Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaDepartment of Military and Veterans AffairsBureau of Environmental ManagementForest Management SectionPROSPECTUSFort Indiantown Gap Log Lot Sale 2020-01PowerlineThe Department offers for sale a mixed sawtimber and mixed grade log lot sale on Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center property, located North of Interstate 81 in Union Township, Lebanon County.SawtimberSpeciesCount MBFBlack Oak40.345Chestnut Oak202.945Scarlet oak40.915White Oak10.07White Pine60.955Yellow Poplar427.7Grand Total7712.931. VOLUME ESTIMATEVolumes are based on International ?” Kerf Log Rule. Logs were not obtained from a Live Fire Range. Volumes and grades are not guaranteed. There is a minimum of six inches of trim on all logs. No volume adjustments will be made. The Contractor should bid based on his/her own estimate of scaled volume.Log lot sale documents as well as a tabular listing are available online at Click on the “Statistics” link to view or download. 2.TOUR OF SALE AREA:Prospective Contractors should meet at the Forestry Section Office, Bldg. 26-151 Fort Indiantown Gap, 9:00 am, Prevailing Local Time, Tuesday, December 21, 2020 for a conducted tour of log lot area at which time other sale conditions and contract OFE-BEM-CON Form 400 will be explained. Please note the Forestry Office is in a new location in Building 26-151 off Tomstown Road in Union Township, Lebanon County. An updated locator map is included with the prospectus.Access to sale area is prohibited without authorization by Department Personnel. Attendance at a tour is strongly encouraged. If you are not able to attend the scheduled tour above, contact the Forestry Office at (717)-861-9607 to make arrangements to tour the sale area.3. BIDS:Bids will be presented in lump sum format utilizing the attached Request for Quote form for submission.The Department will not consider bids of less than $900 lump sum.Outer envelope in which bid is mailed must be clearly marked that it contains bid for this sale. Sealed, signed bids must reach Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, Office of Administration, Division of Procurement and Contracting, Bldg 0-47, Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville PA 17003-5002 before public opening and reading of bids at 2:00 P.M., Prevailing Local Time, Wednesday, January 6thth, 2021. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to award the contract as deemed to its best interests.4. SALES TAX:Department will collect sales tax only for the timber which the Contractor will consume for his own use and not sell or process for sale to others.5. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT:The successful contractor will be required to execute the Department's Estimate Log Lot Sale contract. The contractor must furnish a satisfactory payment for the remainder of the bid and by the date specified in the cover letter, which will accompany the contract when it is mailed to the buyer for execution. The contract may be examined in the Forest Program Manager’s office. If the accepted qualified contractor fails to accept and execute the contract or provide a satisfactory performance deposit as required, said contractors will forfeit bid deposit to Department as liquidated damages and the timber will be offered at the highest bid to the other qualified contractors in the order of descending bids, or negotiated or re-advertised as appropriate. The consequence of such a default may also subject the contractor to further sanctions under the statewide Contractor Responsibility Program in accordance with Management Directive 215.9 Amended, as issued by the Governor’s Office. Such Contractor Responsibility action may result in finding the Bidder non-responsible in subsequent timber sales and preclude an award to the Bidder in those sales.6. PAYMENT FOR TIMBER DAMAGES:The value of timber damaged by Contractor will be computed as stated under Section 14, entitled Timber Damage, of the Tree Estimate Timber Stumpage Sale Contract Form 300.7. LOG REMOVAL SCHEDULEThe logs must be removed before the contract expiration date which will be on February 12,2021. ?8. HAUL ROADS:The logs will be accessible via Ammo Rd and Trail 10. These roads are restricted access and will have to be coordinated with Forestry. Unless required by the Department to control environmental impacts, any and all improvements to the existing haul road system is at the contractor’s discretion. Improvements made will be at the contractor’s expense. All materials utilized for haul road improvements will remain the property of the Commonwealth and must be approved by the Forest Program Manager. Any improvements required to control environmental impacts shall be applied and located as specified by the Forest Program Manager. Plowing of DMVA roads is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the Forest Program Manager. All DMVA roads must be kept passable at all times for use by passenger automobiles.The Department does not guarantee the successful contractor the use of roads maintained by the PA Department of Transportation, municipalities, or other agencies or owners. The bidders must contact the PA Dept. of Transportation posted highway coordinator and officials of other said roads for possible weight or other restrictions that would prevent use.9. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION:The Contractor must take whatever precautions are necessary, in the opinion of the Forest Program Manager, to prevent soil erosion, water pollution and any other conditions detrimental to the environment on Commonwealth and private land, and must correct immediately at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Department any conditions detrimental to the environment which results from the operation of this sale.10. SAWMILL SETS:Sawmill sets are prohibited for this sale.11. MILITARY MISSION DELAYS:Operations will be postponed, and sale area closed due to military training at times. Buyer may ask for extension of contract for time delayed by training. 12. METAL CONTAMINATION:The logs in this sale are not expected to contain metal. However, some timber at FTIG may be contaminated with bullets and/or shell fragments. Metal contamination is not expected to be more than 10 trees per 100 for any significant portion of the sale. If Buyer feels the minimum contamination level has been exceeded there will be an examination of the timber. If Forest Program Manager is in agreement with Buyer, the area in question may be removed from sale area or a negotiation of unit price for that area can occur. 13. SAFETY:The Contractor, his employees and sub-contractors are required to perform all logging operations in a safe manner as required by applicable laws and regulations. The Department expects the Buyer to ensure that logging crewmembers dress in protective attire and perform their duties with equipment in accordance with standards established by the logging industry and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).14. AREA AND LOCATIONThe sale area, which encompasses several piles located on Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center property, located on the South side of Second Mountain, along Ammo Rd and Trail 10, in East Township(s), Dauphin County,15. DURATION OF CONTRACT AND OCCUPANCY OF THE SALE AREAThe Contractor shall not occupy DMVA land for any purpose whatsoever in connection with this contract before a copy of this contract signed and sealed by Department has been delivered to the Contractor.16.VOLUME ESTIMATES SawtimberSpeciesMBFBlack Oak0.345Chestnut Oak2.945Scarlet oak0.915White Oak0.07White Pine0.955Yellow Poplar7.7Total 12.93 Attached documents include Exhibit A – Tabular listing of log and Exhibit B - Board Feet by Log Diameter and Log Length17.VOLUME COMPUTATION AND ADJUSTMENTS(a)The estimated volumes, which appear under Section 3 of the contract, are based on International ?” Kerf Log Rule. Additional volumes required for this sale shall be computed by the same volume tables.(b)The Department’s estimates of volume and grade are not guaranteed. No adjustments will be made.18.UTILIZATION AND REMOVAL OF TIMBERThe Contractor shall buck logs, remove from sale area, and include for scaling all logs in the pile. 19.SALES TAXDepartment will collect sales tax only for the timber which the contractor will consume for his/her own use and not sell or process for sale to others. 20.TITLE TO TIMBER AND RESERVATIONS(a)The title to all designated timber shall remain with the Department until it has been paid for by the contractor as herein provided.(b)The title to all timber, which Contractor has paid for and which remains on DMVA lands after the termination or expiration date of this contract, shall revert to the Department.(c)The Department reserves the right to use the lands subject to this timber sale contract for any or all purposes not incompatible with the rights herein granted.The Department reserves the following: N/A21.RISK OF LOSS OF TIMBER AFTER PAYMENTThe risk of loss from any cause whatsoever of any designated timber after payment for same by Buyer shall rest with Buyer.22. TIMBER DAMAGE(a)Buyer shall do everything which is practicable to prevent damage or Injury to residual trees not marked or designated for removal. Marked or designated trees are listed in Paragraph 12 of this contract.(b) The Contractor shall pay the Department the following stumpage price for all damaged unmarked and undesignated trees:(1) When the damage is not the result of The Contractors carelessness or negligence, the adjusted species value will be computed as follows:??Buyer's Sale Bid PLUS Department's Estimated????Cost of Road Construction and/or Improvement?AdjustedForest Program Manager's?---DIVIDED BY---?Species ValueMinimum SpeciesTIMESDepartment's: Minimum Acceptable Bid PLUSEQUALSPer UnitValue Per Unit?Department's: Estimated Cost of Road?Volume??Construction and/or Improvement??(2)When the damage is the result of Contractors carelessness or negligence, three times the adjusted species value per unit volume as computed in (1) above. If this value for damage due to Buyer's carelessness or negligence is less than $5.00 per tree then a minimum charge of $5.00 per tree will be made whether the tree is commercial, non-commercial, merchantable or non-merchantable.(3)When the damaged species value or unit volume value was not considered when determining the minimum bid for this sale, a fair base current value will be determined by the Forest Program Manager.(c)The Contractor will be invoiced by the Forest Program Manager for all damaged trees which must be either felled or left standing as required by the Forest Program Manager.(1)If in the Forest Program Manager's opinion the damage was not the result of Contractors carelessness or negligence then all damaged trees required to be felled may be utilized by the Contractor.(2)If, in the opinion of the Forest Program Manager, the trees were damaged through the Contractors carelessness or negligence, then all damaged trees whether felled or not remain the property of the Department.(3)All damaged seed trees, superior trees and comparison trees will remain the property of the Department.(4)Payments for damages must be received prior to the due date listed on the invoice (ENV-FS-5)23. LOGS MARKED AND DESIGNATED BY DEPARTMENT(a)The Contractor must remove the following logs: FORMCHECKBOX All locationsAll logs marked with red paint Buyer shall pay the Department three times the net stumpage value, which will be computed in the same manner as indicated under Section 13 of this contract, for trees felled or removed which have not been designated by this contract for removal, or which have not been marked with paint by or under the supervision of the Forest Program Manager for felling, or which have been marked with paint by anyone other than the Forest Program Manager or those under the supervision of the Forest Program Manager. The Forest Program Manager will invoice Buyer for said payments. The title to trees felled or marked in violation of this article shall remain with the Department and the Department may terminate this contract and declare Buyer ineligible to purchase DMVA timber.The order of removal: FORMCHECKBOX is optional with the Contractor. FORMCHECKBOX is haul road, skid trails, and landings first and other blocks optional. (Block 6 is haul roads, skid trails, and landings) FORMCHECKBOX must proceed in the following order unless modified in writing by Forest Program Manager:______________.Buyer is allowed to cut logs to acceptable lengths as determined appropriate by the buyer. FORMCHECKBOX Contractor must remove all debris FORMCHECKBOX Contractor can leave debris on site. The Contractor could be asked to transport unused logs to departments log yard at the discretion of the department. HAUL ROADS AND LANDINGS/LOG LOADING SITE(a)With the following exceptions, the contractor may use all DMVA roads which lead into or which are within the sale area: N/A.(b)The use of DMVA roads by the contractor must not prevent or interfere with the customary use of said roads by Department and the public. Plowing of DMVA roads is prohibited unless authorized in writing by the Forest Program Manager. DMVA roads used by Buyer must be kept passable at all times for passenger automobiles.(c)The Contractor shall remove immediately from DMVA roads, all trees, logs, tops, slash, brush or debris resulting from this timber operation.(d)The Contractor shall repair immediately, in a manner which meets with the approval of the Forest Program Manager, any damage to DMVA roads and other roads, resulting from their use for this timber operation, general wear and tear accepted.(e)Forest Program Manager may notify the Contractor in writing to temporarily discontinue use of any of the above said roads whenever in his opinion such action is necessary to prevent serious damage. (f)The Department does not guarantee the successful contractor the use of roads maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PENNDOT), townships, or other agencies or owners. Contractor must contact the PENNDOT posted highway coordinator and officials of other said roads for possible weight or other restrictions which would prevent use of same. Resolving concerns arising from the use of roads not controlled by the Department is entirely the Contractors responsibility. (g)The Contractor must comply with the gross weight limit posted at each bridge.25.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION(a)The Contractor must take whatever precautions are necessary to prevent soil erosion, water pollution and other conditions detrimental to the environment on Commonwealth and private lands.(b)Should soil erosion, water pollution, or other conditions detrimental to the environment, occur on Commonwealth or private lands from the operation of this sale, Buyer, at his own expense, must correct said conditions immediately to the satisfaction of the Department.(c)The Contractor shall not permit human waste, garbage, kitchen or laundry wash, manure, sawdust or other mill refuse, oil or any other substance harmful or destructive to human, aquatic or fish life to enter any spring, stream, water course, dam, pond or lake.(d)Oil drained from equipment shall be placed in suitable containers and disposed of as directed by the Forest Program Manager.(e)Garbage shall be disposed of as directed by the Forest Program Manager.26.FOREST FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL(a)During the time this contract remains in force, the Contractor shall independently and in cooperation with the Department take all reasonable and practicable action to prevent and extinguish forest fires on or in the vicinity of the sale area and should require his employees, contractors, and employees of contractors to do likewise.(b)The Contractor shall keep the ground around stationary engines clear of inflammable debris and waste material for a radius of one-hundred fifty (150) feet.(c)No refuse, brush, slash, debris or other material shall be burned without the written consent of Forest Program Manager and in accordance with air quality standards. Burning, if approved, shall be conducted by the Contractor so that no living forest growth is damaged or killed.During periods of abnormal forest fire danger, Forest Program Manager may suspend all or part of operations on all or part of the sale area until the forest fire danger subsides. Suspensions and lifting of suspensions will be confirmed immediately in writing by Forest Program Manager.27.INSPECTION OF RECORDS All of the Contractors records pertaining to this contract shall be made available for inspection at any time by Forest Program Manager authorized by the Department to make such an inspection with the understanding that the information obtained is for Department use only and shall be treated as confidential.28.MILITARY MISSION DELAYSOperations will be post-poned and sale area closed due to military training at times. The Contractor may ask for extension of contract for the amount of time delayed by training. ................

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