South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

Box 692173

San Antonio, Texas 78269


The Newsletter of the South Texas Marksmanship Training Center

John W. Gaines, Scribe

MAY 2018


Plans are underway for our first 2018 Raffle. These raffles are real money-makers for the STMTC and the secret to success is ticket sales. If you can take a packet of tickets and sell them to family and friends, you are helping the organization. One of the nice things about the raffles is that we usually have several prizes, so if one buys a ticket he/she stands a better chance to win than if we only offered one prize. Prizes for this raffle include a Ruger 10/22 rifle, an M4 type AR15 rifle, a Henry rifle, a Ruger Mark III .22 target pistol, and a semiautomatic shotgun. It’s a very good selection of prizes so when the tickets are available, take a bunch and sell, sell, sell! (Yes, you can buy tickets yourself and win a prize, so buy, buy, buy!)


Wayne Nunn

At the April match we had a modest turnout of four shooters. All shot F Class and the honors went to David Bump with 770-31x. Mike Ginesi was next with 765-28x.


John Kelley

Our April match saw 8 shooters competing over the course. Timothy Hessel fired the highest aggregate of 777-14x and in so doing he was high shooter at offhand, sitting rapid fire and prone rapid fire. Kelly Jeanne Pyne was second with 768-24x in the aggregate and high gun at 500 yards with 196-8x.

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The complete STMTC schedule for 2018 is posted on the Organization's calendar. Here is a list FYI…

Saturday, May 26th - 88 shot High Power

Saturday, June 23rd - 55 shot CMP G/S/M

Saturday, July 21st - 88 shot High Power

Saturday, August 25th - 88 shot High Power

Saturday, September 22nd - shot CMP G/S/M

Saturday, October 27th - 88 shot High Power

Saturday, November 24th - 88 shot High Power

Sunday, December 2nd - 55 shot CMP G/S/M Pearl Harbor Remembrance

* * * * *

TSRA has published the following dates for their matches: 

F Class Qualifier   Sept 9-10; West TX Long Range Association, Midland

High Power Championship Sept 29-Oct 1; Panola

TSRA Mid-range Championship (Sling Shooters) Oct 6-8; Bayou

TSRA Mid-range F Class Championship Oct 20-22; Panola


In April five shooters competed in the STMTC 1800 Pistol training match. Stephen Spencer was the three gun aggregate winner with a 1633-35X. Jeff Huehn came in second with a 1579-29X, and Tyler Greene was third with a 1493-18X. Harvey Dickens and Jon Martindale also competed, firing all three matches: .22, Centerfire, and .45. The next match will be Saturday the 23rd of June.


Braun 4H has opened its Smallbore practices at BlackHawk to other 4H shooting sports clubs in Bexar county. Several new families have shown interest in practicing with Braun 4H and there is a possibility that Braun 4H my merge with another club. Currently, the 4H juniors are getting ready for the Texas State Round Up in Austin this July.


Planning is under way for a Vintage Military Rifle POSTAL Match. So what is a “postal” match? Each person who desires to enter will fire two targets on the range of his choice, at the time of his choosing then mail them to Mr. Beekley who will announce the winner at our June monthly meeting. Here are the preliminary rules:

Welcome to the first-ever STMTC Postal Training Match

for Vintage Military Rifles.

We may discover a few kinks in the system as we bring this project to reality, so feedback and constructive comments are welcome. Note the lengthy date window to participate; this allows scheduling your range visits to avoid rainy weather, since this event covers springtime in South Texas. Just keep in mind the spirit and intent of this training: Get out and exercise your vintage military firearm!

Here are a few guidelines:

• No match fee!

• Eligible rifles:

Any bolt-action (non-semiauto) military rifle designed prior to 1950, caliber .256 (6.5mm) or greater, up to .32 cal.

Condition: as-issued, except repairs to maintain serviceability; upgrades as originally introduced that would have been typically performed by arsenal or armorer during the rifle's service life.

Original-specification reproduction firearms and accoutrements are allowed. Examples: a reproduction Warner-Swasey scope on a Ross Mark III sniper rifle, or a reproduction bipod appropriate for a specific rifle.

• Shoot from any position: Standing, bench, prone, sitting, or kneeling. 10-rounds slow-fire and the same for rapid-fire (two targets). Unlimited sighters on an extra target if you want to print one just for that.

• Use any ammo (including hand loads and cast bullets), unless prohibited at the range where you will shoot. For example, incendiary rounds or tracer ammo may be forbidden, due to dry conditions.

• Required equipment: Eye and ear protection.

• Optional equipment: prone mat/rug, period-type front rest (simple sandbag or rags piled on board/brick/dirt-pile, etc.,), spotting scope, non-competition glove(s), original or period-appropriate modern-repro military-style sling and field jacket, bayonet.

• Be sure to fill out all the blanks of the target forms.

• Submit as many results as you have rifles that you want to enter. One entry per rifle. Be sure to submit together for each rifle both the appropriate "Rapid Fire" and "Slow Fire" targets. Self-scoring is optional. Match director will score/re-score all targets as needed.

• Submit targets NLT April 30th, 2018 using:

▪ Email scanned images or photos: philip30cal@

▪ Fax: 210-695-8925

▪ USPS: 8910 Oakwood Court, San Antonio, 78240-3592 postmarked on or before that date.

Questions? Call 210-385-0629 voice/text, or email philip30cal@.

Allowing for slow USPS delivery, winners will be announced at the June STMTC meeting, Thursday, June 7, 2018. If there are enough entries, we may have winners in several different categories, like iron sight and scoped, Allies and Triple-Entente/Axis, bench and prone, etc.

Stand by for possible prizes announcement (donations welcome!)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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