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OP Sierduif Streek skou/EP Fancy Pigeon Regional ShowVliegduif Federasie saal/Racing Pigeon Federation Hall - 22 Mei 2021 Sluitingsdatum/Closing date – 23 April 2021Gebruik asb. nuwe 2018 Skou Skedule. / Please use new 2018 Show Schedule.Geen laat inskrywings of inskrywings sonder die nodige fondse sal aanvaar word nie.No late entries or entries without the necessary funds will be allowedGebruik asb. hierdie bankrekening vir inbetalings / Please use this bank account for payments.(Meld asb. u lidnommer as verwysing. / Please use your membership number as reference.Eastern Province Fancy Pigeon Club Ned bankRekening / Account no: 202 777 6834, Bank account type: SavingsE-mail inskrywings vorm en deposito strokie aan:/ /E-mail entries and deposit slip to:Pearl Strydom / Johnny Rudman: dsps.featherlove@ – johnnyrudman49@Inhok tye / Benching times: Saterdag/Saturday 22 Mei 2021/22 May 2021 @ 06h00-08h00Beoordeling begin / Judging start @ 08h30ALLE OP LEDE / ALL EP MEMBERSAlle duiwe moet ingeent wees vir Paramyxo en sertifikaat moet saam met inskrywings gestuur word./ All pigeons must be vaccinated for Paramyxo and vaccination certificate must be forwarded with entries.Vertoners skou duiwe op eie risiko – ons as Streek aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir verlore duiwe nie / Exhibitors show pigeons at their own risk – we as Region accept no responsibility for lost pigeons.Alle duiwe kan ondersoek word voor hulle in saal toegelaat word, sorg dus dat u duiwe gesond en parasiet vry is/All birds may be inspected at the door before entering the hall, therefore please insure that your birds are healthy and parasite free.Skakel Danie Strydom / Johnny Rudman / Pearl Strydom indien u enige navrae hetPlease contact Danie Strydom / Johnny Rudman if you have any queries. Sel/Cell: 072 353 9778 / 083 955 4607 / 0729478456Die venue is Vliegduif Federasie saal, Worraker straat (tussen 3de en 4de straat), Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. The venue is Racing Pigeon Federation Hall, Worraker street (between 3rd and 4th avenue), Newton Park, Port Elizabeth.Daar sal ‘n snoepie wees wat koeldranke, bier, worsrolle ens verkoop/There will be a snoopy that selling cool drinks, beer, worsrolle ect.KlasRas - SoortRing noKlasRas - SoortRing noKlasRas - SoortRing noClassBreed - TypeRing nrClassBreed - TypeRing nrClassBreed - TypeRing nr126512275232853429545305563156732578335893459103560113661123762133863143964154065164166174267184368194469204570214671224772234873244974255075Lid/Member Lid/Member No Streek/Region Inskrywings/EntriesR10.00 R Admin Fooi/FeeR30.00 R Posadres/ Postal Address Totaal verskuldig/ Total dueR Tel no Medaljes word toegeken aan die raswenners waarvan daar 'n minumim van 10 duiwe ingeskryf is en sertifikateaan die beste duif van elke ras, ongeag die hoeveelheid inskrywings/Medals will be awarded to all breedwinners with a minimum of 10 entries, certificates will be issued to the best pigeon of each breedEk, die ondergetekende, aanvaar hiermee regsaanspreeklikheid vir alle koste soos hierbo uiteengesit I, the undersighned, hereby accept legal liability for all costs as stated aboveGeteken/Signed:Datum/Date: 4956509-92060Eastern Province Fancy Pigeon Association/Oostelike Provinsie Sierduif VerenigingDanie Strydom25 Saffraan AveCell: 072 353 9778Algoa ParkEmail: strydomjdw@Port Elizabeth6001Members name: .…..………..…….……..………………...Membership number: ….…..…..…..…..….…….Address: .…..…………..……..…..…..….…..….….…..…..……..……..…..…….…….……………Ring numberRing numberRing numberRing numberRing numberRing numberMember’s signature: ..…..…….…..…….…..Assisted by: ..….….…..…….Assistant’s signature: .……..…..………..…..Witness: .….…….…..….…2686153305866267330Eastern Province Fancy Pigeon AssociationCERTIFICATION OF INOCULATIONFOR PMV1/NEWCASTLE VACCINEName of Vaccine: Batch Number: Expiry Date: This is to certify that I (as described below) have inoculatedall my birds for prevention of the PMV1/NEWCASTLE VACCINE. These birds will participate at the EP Regional show in 2021.SAFPA Membership No.: Name/Partnership: Contact no.: Signature of Member: Date: _MEMBER who WITNESSED inoculation and VERIFIES that the Vaccine used is in full compliance.NAME: Signature Date: ................

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