Introduction to Health Careers

Introduction to Health Careers

Unit 2 – Current Health Care Systems

Health Care Facilities and Services

I. Hospitals – Traditional facilities for the care of the ill and injured

a. The cost of health care has increased so dramatically that other means of patient care have been developed to limit the number and length of hospital stays

b. The trend is for hospitals to be high tech facilities that specialize in serving patients who need sophisticated treatment and 24 hour nursing care

c. Various levels of care provided by hospitals:

i. Emergency Room

ii. Intensive Care Unit

iii. Cardiac Care Unit

iv. General Unit

v. Transitional Care Unit

d. Some hospitals also have rehabilitation units which focus on helping patients regain as high a level of normal function as possible

e. Other hospitals offer specialized care for certain populations

f. Psychiatric Hospitals offer treatment to individuals with psychiatric and behavioral disorders

g. The modern hospital faces the challenge of controlling expenses and at the same time maintaining a certain occupancy rate in order to meet operating costs.

i. Diversification of services

ii. Elimination of services

iii. Merging with other hospitals

iv. Joining a large health care system with multiple operations

v. Being purchased by a national corporation

II. Ambulatory Services

a. Do not require hospitalization – also known as outpatient services

b. Many procedures that were performed in hospitals are now done on an outpatient basis with patients being discharged 1-3 hours after surgery

i. Ex – many surgeries now performed in ambulatory surgery centers

c. Ambulatory services are provided by facilities that offer a variety of services

i. Ex – large clinic, could have radiographic and laboratory services on sight

III. Long-Term Care Facilities

a. Needed for people who do not need to be hospitalized but are unable to live at home

b. Categories of Long-Term Care

i. Nursing Homes

1. Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) – provides nursing services on a 24-hour basis

2. Intermediate Nursing Care Facility (INCF) – provides personal care and regular nursing care for patients that don’t need 24-hours of service

ii. Assisted Living Residence – provides housing, meals and personal care to individuals who need help with daily living activities but do not need daily nursing care. The level of assistance is based on the individual needs

iii. Continuing Care Community – Provides a variety of living arrangements that support lifestyles as they change from independent living to the need for regular medical and nursing care.

IV. Home Health Care Providers

a. Provide various levels of services and care to patients in their own home

b. Advances:

i. Better equipment allow easier hospital procedures

ii. Shorter Hospital Stays

iii. Increase older populations

c. Professionals that deliver care to patients

i. RN, PT, OT, Speech Therapists, Medical Social Workers, CNA

d. Nonmedical Services include everyday activities

e. Healthcare in the home shows the largest increase in employment

f. Requirements

i. Licensing of home health agencies

ii. Healthcare personnel are regulated by state law and insurance reimbursement guidelines

V. Hospice

a. Palliative care provided to dying patients and families

b. Began in England

c. Relieves/supports dying patients and their families

d. Make patient’s last days as pain free/meaningful as possible

e. Can be in a special facility (hospice) or in patient’s home

f. After the patient dies, support is still available for the family

VI. Consolidation of Health Care Services

a. To control costs many health care facilities are combining under the same ownership

b. Advantages:

i. Buying in bulk = better prices

ii. Shares expensive equipment

iii. Avoids duplication of tests and results

iv. Shares Knowledge

v. Consolidates Services

c. Disadvantages

i. Lack of competition can lead to higher prices

ii. Less providers

VII. Government Health Services

a. Provide a variety of important services to protect the health of the American public

b. State and Local health departments receive monetary and administrative support from the federal government

c. Typical Services Offered

i. License health care personnel, hospitals and nursing homes

ii. Monitor chronic and communicable diseases

iii. Provide Laboratory Services

iv. Provide Emergency Medical Services

v. Establish health data systems

vi. Conduct public health planning


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