Refund Advantage Printing Checks & Check Handling …

[Pages:5]Refund Advantage Printing Checks & Check Handling Procedures


We will release checks to your location (or any other approved location of your choice) for printing. After you have printed a check, if you determine that a check was mutilated, printed incorrectly, or otherwise not printed, you can reprint that check. (See "Reprinting a Previously Printed Check" on page 23.)

There are a number of ways to determine whether you have any checks available for printing.

1. You can set up your account so that you are automatically e-mailed or text-messaged whenever new checks are available for printing. (See "Changing your Account Options" on page 32 for additional information.)

2. You can simply go to our web site or open your Refund Advantage software. If checks are available for printing, the number of available checks will appear in the grey login box in the center right hand portion of refund-. Or, if you are already logged into the Customer Center, you can click PRINT NEW / REISSUED CHECKS to see whether checks are currently available.

3. You can use the RA MOBILE application right from your iPhone? or Android? device to determine whether you have checks available to print. Using our mobile phone app, simply select the ALERTS tab after logging in through your device. Here, you can obtain a real-time view of the number of checks currently available for printing. For more information on our mobile app, see page 8.

Preparing for Tax Season

Prior to tax season, we recommend that you contact a local bank to arrange for the cashing of your refund checks. For more information, please see "Check Cashing Arrangements" on page 9.

If you are part of a chain of offices, your checks can be routed to any location you wish. If you wish to change the printing location of your checks, simply contact Customer Support by email or phone.

Unlike other refund product providers, we provide you the ability to add language to the stub attached to your checks. You can add up to three lines of text to each of your checks. You might choose to advertise a new service, thank your customers, or provide information on how or where to cash the taxpayer check. See "Changing your Account Options" on page 32 for more information on this and the other check-related options available to you.

Step-by-Step Instructions for Printing Checks

Prior to the start of tax season, we will send you blank check stock for use in your printer when printing the taxpayer checks. You must keep this check stock in a secure location, and in check number order.

1. Periodically visit the Customer Center located at refund- or use our Mobile App to determine whether you have checks to print. Or, you might choose to receive an automated e-mail and/or text message the moment checks are available.

2. Click the option PRINT NEW / REISSUED CHECKS from the Customer Center menu.

3. You will be told how many checks are available for you to print. Choose whether you want to print these checks, or a sample test check instead. Then click CONTINUE.


4. Refund Advantage allows you to print to any printer available at your workstation. Choose which printer you want to print your checks. Your default printer will be first on the list. Next, choose the order in which you would like your checks to print and click CONTINUE.

TIME SAVING TIP: If the printer you use to print your checks is not first in the listing, change that printer to your default printer through your Windows control panel. It will then be listed first.

5. You will be presented with a list of checks available for printing. You can print any or all of these checks. To select a particular check for printing, click the checkbox next to that check. Or, to select all checks for printing, simply click SELECT ALL.

Your blank check stock will feed from your printer paper tray either from the top or bottom, depending on your printer. The check printing software will assume that your checks will feed in ascending order. If this is not the case, you can change the CHECK FEED ORDER to DESCENDING. You can permanently change the default check feed order by changing your default choice under MY OPTIONS in the Customer Center menu. For more information on this topic, click HELP for more detailed information.

Next, enter the starting check number. If you have previously printed checks, the next available check number will automatically appear in this box. You must verify that this number is correct before you click PRINT CHECKS. This is the check number that will feed first in your printer as you begin printing your checks. Click PRINT CHECKS when you are ready to start printing.

6. Your checks will now be sent to your printer for printing. After your checks have printed, examine each one. For each check, you must:

a. Make certain that the check number you entered prior to printing matches the actual check number preprinted on the check stock.

To do this, look at the CHECK NUMBER CONTROL BOX at the top right hand corner of the printed page. The control box contains two numbers: 1) The actual preprinted check number; and, 2) The number identified by you as belonging to this taxpayer based on the starting check number you previously entered. If the numbers in the Control Box are different, this check must be reprinted. It is very important that the proper check number be identified with each check. Failure to do this may delay or prevent the cashing or clearing of your checks.

b. Make certain that the check printed properly (i.e., it was not torn in the printer or otherwise mutilated). If this check did not properly print, you must reprint this check.

If you need to reprint a check for either reason listed above, select the check box pertaining to that check and continue with Step 5 above. If all your checks printed properly, congratulations... you're done.


If, after printing a check and leaving the PRINT NEW / REISSUED CHECKS option, you later determine that the check printed incorrectly, you can visit the Customer Center to reprint that check. Simply click REPRINT A CHECK to reprint a previously printed check. Checks are available for reprinting for up to 24 hours after the initial printing of the check (subject to a limit of 3 reprints per check). When a check is reprinted, the previous check is no longer valid. You must write VOID on the previous check.

If a check becomes lost, or is otherwise destroyed after 24 hours, please contact Customer Support. We will release a replacement check that will be available to you when you choose PRINT NEW / REISSUED


CHECKS. See "Handling Lost, Damaged or Forged Checks" on page 25 for complete instructions for obtaining replacement checks.


When a check is printed at your location, you should notify the taxpayer that a check is available for them to pick-up. Please note that when a taxpayer arrives to pick up a check, the taxpayer must sign where indicated on the top portion of the check stub (called the Check Disbursement Receipt) to confirm that they have picked up the check.

When a taxpayer arrives to pick up a check, you must perform the following:

1. Verify the ID of the person receiving the check to make certain you hand the check to the proper taxpayer.

2. Have the taxpayer sign the Check Disbursement Receipt that is attached to the check. This receipt prints with the check. Then, you should initial the "employee initial" line next to the taxpayer's signature.

3. Separate the signed Check Disbursement Receipt from the actual check and check stub. The printed check is divided into three portions. You give the taxpayer the bottom two portions (the check and the check stub) and retain the top portion (the Check Disbursement Receipt) by tearing along the upper-most perforation line. You must maintain the Check Disbursement Receipt in your files. The signature on this receipt is your proof that the taxpayer received this check and the attached check stub.

4. You will notice that the printed check contains a toll-free number through which checks can be verified. For enhanced security, each check can be verified only once. As a result, you should instruct the taxpayer not to call this number. Likewise, your office must not call this number to see whether a check is verified. Once a check is printed, that check is immediately available for verification by the institution cashing the check ? either through the toll-free number or our check verification web-site. In order to provide for proper check security, checks will expire 60 days after the date the check is printed. If a taxpayer has not cashed a check within that 60-day time period, please call Refund Advantage for assistance.


There are certain security requirements that you are required to have in place to protect the check stock that has been issued to you. Specific physical security requirements are found on page 37. The following list outlines the minimum care required surrounding your check stock.

1. Checks must be stored in a secure area under lock and key, just as you would store cash or personal checks. Access should be allowed to authorized personnel only.

2. A voided and damaged check log must be maintained on a daily basis by the ERO. A sample voided and damaged check log is available by clicking FORMS AND MATERIALS in the Customer Center. Entries are required each time check stock is damaged, destroyed, voided or is discovered to be missing. If a check is discovered to be missing, you must notify Refund Advantage Customer Support immediately.

3. Because check sequence ranges are tracked for each location, you should not transfer check stock between your physical locations without first obtaining permission by calling Refund Advantage Customer Support.

4. If you run low on check stock, please contact Customer Support to request additional check stock, allowing 1 to 2 weeks for delivery.


Upon the request of Refund Advantage, the ERO must provide a listing of voided, damaged, canceled, destroyed and remaining check stock. Misused or unaccounted check stock is the responsibility of the ERO; this can result in the ERO's direct financial responsibility for check stock that is improperly used or secured, as well as termination from the program. At the conclusion of the tax season, unused check stock must be shredded (or returned to Refund Advantage, if instructed).


From time to time, special situations may arise due to lost, stolen or damaged checks. Instructions on how to handle these situations are outlined below.

For checks within your possession: If a check is damaged or used out of sequence (meaning the incorrect check number has been attached to this check, and therefore the check number printed in the Control Box does not match the actual check number), use the following procedure.

1. Write "VOID" across the face of the actual check (not the check stub) and enter this check sequence in your check control log as a voided check. The actual check is only the bottom third portion of the page. You should write void across the bottom third portion only, as shown below to the left.



Write VOID across the BOTTOM third of the page.

John smith 122 main st Lou ky 4034

dfks sdkfjsf fdkdk s d 54.34 2424.43 Tax Prep Fee 34.43

Middlf ksdjsk ffdkj kjf dkj s

23492394 292 295295 25392 59 295295 2935 2395 kdsfj Skldjsdlfkj sdlfkjsdlfkjsd

JOHN sdfkjsdfkjsdf Slfdajslfj asldfjkasklfj Asldfkjalf k

Aaslfdkjasfkljas laksfjaklsfjklfjaklfd j Laskfjalksfjkl alsjdl ajskflajsdlfkasjdfklj


VOID YDF sdfkljsdflsjd

TO TK sdflksjdflksjdf Slfjslkfjsdfklsjd

%343lk42 Aslfjkalskfja lfaksjdf lafjk

John smith

122 main st Lou ky 4034

ddfkfksssddkkffjsjfsf f fdkddkkss d 54.34 2424.4.343 TTaaxxPPrreeppFFee3344.43

V Middldflfksdjsk ffdkj kjf dkj s

234394292394 292 2959529525392 59

2952952935 2395 kdsfj Skldjsdlfkj sdlfkjsdlfkjsd

O JOHN dsfkjsdfkjsdf

S fldajslfjaasldfjkasklfj Alsdfkj lfk




aAaslfdlkasfkljas laksfjaklsafjklfjakklfd


L skfjaksfjkl alsjdl ajskflajsdlfkasjdfkklljj



lj YDF sdfkljsdflsjd

TTOTOTKTKsdsfdlkflskjdsdjdflksjdf Slfjslkfjsdfkls jd


Aslfjkalskjfa llffaakssjjddff llaaffjjkk

2. If you discover that a check has been damaged or used out of sequence within 24 hours of first printing the check, you are able to reprint this check through the Customer Center by choosing the REPRINT A CHECK option.

3. If more than 24 hours has elapsed since you initially printed the check, complete a Check Reissue Form, which is available under FORMS AND MATERIALS in the Customer Center. On the form, you will find instructions on how to complete the form. Once we have received the completed form, we will reissue the check and make the check available for you to print again.

For checks not in your possession that have not been cashed: In cases where a taxpayer has lost a check after disbursement to the taxpayer, additional procedures must be followed.

1. The ERO should immediately contact Customer Support to request a stop payment be placed on the lost check, and complete the top portion of an Indemnification Bond. The Indemnification Bond form is available on the Customer Center under FORMS AND MATERIALS.

2. The taxpayer (and spouse, if filing a joint return) must complete and sign the bottom portion of the Indemnification Bond. The ERO will act as a witness. The ERO acting as the witness must be the owner of the EFIN. In the event this individual is not available, a Notary Public may be used instead.


3. The ERO should fax a copy of the completed Indemnification Bond form to Refund Advantage at (877)559-0558.

4. Next, make a copy of the form to keep for your records. The ERO should mail the original Indemnification Bond form to Refund Advantage at: Refund Advantage, P.O. Box 24462, Louisville KY 40224.

5. Refund Advantage will contact the taxpayer and verify that the lost check has not been cashed. Refund Advantage will stop payment on the original check and reissue a replacement check to the ERO for printing after allowing for sufficient time to verify that the original check has not entered the banking system. Please note that it may take up to 60 days for this process to be completed and a replacement check issued.

For lost or stolen checks that have been cashed with a forged endorsement: In rare cases where a taxpayer has lost a check and this check has been cashed by another party through a forged endorsement, the following procedures must be followed:

1. In cases where it is determined that a lost or stolen check has cleared through our bank, and the taxpayer claims that the check had not been endorsed by them, a claim process is then started. Please instruct the taxpayer to call Refund Advantage directly and request to speak to the Risk Management Department.

2. Risk Management will provide specific instructions to the taxpayer and send them an Affidavit of Forgery form, which must be completed as instructed and returned to Refund Advantage. When completing this form, the taxpayer is essentially claiming that he or she did not endorse the check in question and requests that a replacement check be issued.

3. Depending on the specific situation, a police report is usually required in order to investigate and establish the facts behind the forgery. The taxpayer will be asked to report the circumstances of the loss or theft of the check and the names of any individuals who had access to the check.

4. We will then present the Affidavit of Forgery to the bank that cashed the check originally. The `cashing' bank will often be the institution with which the check casher actually responsible for originally cashing the check has its banking relationship.

5. The `cashing' bank will investigate the claim. 6. If approved, the `cashing' bank will forward payment of the forged check to our bank. Unfortunately,

this process is lengthy, and often can take several months. This process cannot be accelerated. 7. Upon receipt of payment from the `cashing' bank, we will issue a replacement check directly to the

taxpayer. We are able to issue a replacement check only in cases where we receive payment from the cashing bank.



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