Gulf Coast Community College


1. Perform a system startup and shutdown.

2. Use the Manual Control Pendant (MCP) to manually move the robot

3. Move the robot in World, Joint, Tool, and Free modes.

4. Activate the gripper from the MCP.

5. Display locations values on the MCP

Reading Assignments:

Adept T2 Pendant User’s Guide P/N: 09017-000, Rev B May 2008

Chapter 1 Introduction

Section 1.1 Product Description

Section 1.2 System Compatibility

Section 1.3 Hardware Specifications

Section 1.4 Dimensions

Section 1.5 Safety

Section 1.6 Proper Handling of the Pendant

Section 1.8 Programming the T2 Pendant

Chapter 3 Identification of Controls and Indicators

Section 3.1 Controls and Indicators

Section 3.2 Enable Switches

Adept Cobra s600/s800 Robot User’s Guide

Chapter 5 Systems operation:

Section 5.1 Robot Status LED Description

Section 5.2 Status Panel Fault Codes

Section 5.3 Using the Brake release Button

Section 5.6 Commissioning the System

Adept Smart Controller User’s Guide

Chapter 3 Smart Controller Operation

Section 3.1 Smart Controller CS Connectors and Indicators

Section 3.2 Smart Controller CX Connectors and Indicators

Section 3.3 Front Panel

Section 3.4 Factory Default Settings

Section 3.5 Dip Switch Settings

AdeptWindows Installation Guide Version 3.0 August 2006 Part Number: 00971-07401 Rev A

A 28 page manual for installing AdeptWindows and configuring the LapTop and Controller.

Technical Information:

1. Smart Controller CS Connectors and Indicators


All the connectors on the SmartController use standard density spacing, D-subminiature connectors. For customization purposes, the user needs to provide connectors of the appropriate gender and pin count or use optional Adept cables.

NOTE: The SmartController CX has all of the connectors and indicators described in this section for the SmartController CS, plus additional ones covered in Section 3.2 on page 40.

1. Top Three Status LEDs: The top three two-color LEDs indicate diagnostic test, power control, and

communication status.


2. Bottom Three Status LEDs The bottom three LEDs on the front of the SmartController give the following Information about the status of the main controller.

O = Off G = Green R = Red


If the SmartController displays any of the above errors, cycle the power off, then on again. If the problem

persists, then contact Adept Customer Service.

3. SW1 DIP switches: The DIP switches define certain configuration settings (including auto boot and user interface). See “Configuring the Controller” on page 42 for information.

4. SmartServo 1.1 and 1.2 These ports connect any Adept SmartServo-compatible product to the controller via the IEEE-1394 cable. The 1.1 and 1.2 ports are interchangeable, either one can be used.

WARNING: Remove power from the SmartController before plugging in or unplugging any IEEE-1394 cables to or from these connectors. Failure to remove power could result in unpredictable behavior by the system.

24 VDC connectors:

Connect power from a customer-supplied 24 VDC power supply to the XDC1 connector (see the “Connecting Power” section on page 32 for information); if using an sDIO or an sMI6, connect a separate cable from the XDC2 connector on the SmartController to the XDC1 connector on the sDIO or sMI6.

2. The ADEPT T2 Pendant

The Adept T2 pendant provides a user interface and teach pendant in an ergonomic and rugged package. The T2 pendant is designed for right-handed and left-handed use. All gripping and holding positions enable comfortable and fatigue-free operation.

The safety features include:

• Emergency Stop switch (dual channel circuit).

• Two 3-position enable switches (dual channel circuits)

The software features include:

• Control the robot by enabling and disabling power and jogging the robot.

• Teach locations

• Display robot position, digital I/O, system status, system identification, and error messages.

• Start and stop application programs.

• Display and edit global program variables.

Proper Handling of the T2 Pendant:

You have chosen a high-quality device that is equipped with highly sensitive state-of-the-art electronics. To avoid malfunctions or damage through improper handling, and possible voiding of the warranty, follow these instructions during operation. • When operating the touchscreen, use your finger or the supplied stylus. Never use sharp objects (such as a screwdriver) for operating the touchscreen.

Installation the Pendant to the Smart Controller System:

1. Plug in the pendant cable connector to the matching connector on the adapter cable. See Figure 2-1.

NOTE: The T2 pendant uses push-pull style connectors. Line up the red dots as you insert the connectors. To remove the connector, pull back on the outer sleeve.

2. If you are using an equipment cabinet, the adapter cable connector can be bulkhead-mounted to the inside wall. See Figure 2-2 on page 14 for the dimensions of the cut-out hole.3. Plug in the adapter cable D-Sub connector to the XMCP connector on the SmartController.




3. The Control Panel

Before running programs, either the Adept Front Panel or customer-supplied switches for High Power On/Off, MAN/AUTO, and E-Stop must be connected to the SmartController XFP connector on the SmartController to enable power safely.

NOTE: Safety regulations dictate the sequence of events required for the user to enable high power. For instance, a user may be required to press the High Power On button on the Front Panel after pressing the Comp/Pwr button on the MCP or issuing the V+ “enable power” command. Users cannot jumper this button input and still enable power (see your robot manual for further details).

Figure 3-3 shows an Adept Front Panel.


1. XFP connector. Connects to the XFP connector on the SmartController.

2. System 5V Power On LED. Indicates whether or not power is connected to the controller.

3. Manual/Automatic Mode Switch. Switches between Manual and Automatic mode. In Automatic mode, executing programs control the mechanism, and the mechanism can run at full speed. In Manual mode, the system limits mechanism speed and torque so that an operator can safely work in the cell. Manual

mode initiates software restrictions on robot speed, commanding no more than 250 mm/sec as required by RIA and ISO standards. Please refer to your robot manual for further details.

4. High Power On/Off Switch & Lamp. Controls high power, which is the flow of current to the robot motors. Enabling high power is a two-step process. An “Enable Power” request must be sent from the user terminal, an executing program, or the MCP. Once this request has been made, the operator must press this button and high power will be applied.

5. Emergency Stop Switch. The E-Stop is a dual-channel, passive E-Stop that supports Category 3 CE safety requirements. It supports a customer-programmable E-Stop delay that maintains motor power for a

programmed time after the E-Stop is activated. This customizable feature allows the motors to decelerate under servo control to a stop. This can aid in eliminating coasting or overshooting on low friction mechanisms. It can also aid in the reduction of wear on highly geared, high inertia mechanisms, while maintaining safety compliance per all standards. NOTE: Instructions on configuring the E-Stop delay can be found within the SPEC.V2 section of the Instructions for Adept Utility Programs manual.

Lab Procedure :

Part 1: Installing AdeptWindows on the PC.

This has been done for you so that the computer will be ready to go. If you are setting up a new system you would need to do the process. The process is described in the manual

AdeptWindows Installation Guide Version 3.0

Installing the Software

The AdeptWindows software for the PC is distributed on CD-ROM. The media contains an installation program to properly install the software on the PC. This comes on a CD ROM. The following programs will be installed:

• AdeptWindows PC

• AdeptWindows Offline Editor

• AdeptWindows DDE Server

• AdeptWindows TFTP Server

• Omni-NFS Server (optional)

• Controller Network Configuration Utility

• AdeptWindows Online Help

• AIM Online Help

The processes for installing and configuring the PC and the controller are:

1. Install the SmartController

2. Install AdeptWindows

3. Install the Omni-NFS Server Software

4. Configuring the Omni-NFS Server

5. Installing the AdeptWindows License

6. Setting upa a Serial or Ethernet Connection

7. Configuring your system. - Using the Controller Network Configuration Utility

Part 2: Controllers Communications to Computer:

In order for communication to occur between the laptop and the controller, we must first set up the network.

Setting up the IP address

1. Right click on the local area connection icon in the task bar.

2. Select open network connections

3. Right click on the local area connection and select properties


4. Under the general tab scroll down and highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the properties



5. On the next window check “Use the following IP address” input the following

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:


This puts the laptop into the same network as the controller, allowing communication. Where the laptop is the server and the controller is the client. Click OK when finished.

Testing Communication

1. Open AdeptWindows PC and verify that the correct controller IP address is displayed.

Controller #1 IP is

Controller #2 IP is

Controller #3 IP is


2. Click OK when the correct IP is in the box. When the monitor window opens and is finished loading type “ena pow” this is the monitor command to enable high power (220 volts single phase) to the robot.

3. Press the high power button on the control panel (the one that’s now flashing) you only have 10 seconds until the system resets and you have to type the command again.


4. After power has been enabled, a period will appear on the monitor window. The next command will be “cal” this will calibrate the robot. Type “y” and hit enter when asked if you are sure.

5. To verify network connectivity, type “net” this will give you a brief list of the controllers IP, packets sent etc. What we are looking for is the mounted drive as shown below.


6. This shows that the mounted drives location is setup in the controller. Type “fdir nfs>lphd:\” this will display the contents of the folder, there are test files in the folder for display purposes only.


7. Now that the read has been verified lets see if we can write to the drive

8. Type “here point1” this stores the current location of the robot. After the coordinates are displayed hit enter.

9. Next type “storel nfs>lphd:\”your name, location” see example below

Storel s>lphd:\TeacherLocation (note that is an L after the store command)

10. Once this is completed type in the directory command “fdir nfs>lphd:\” you should see the new location file. For this example, the file name is “testLocation”


11. The mounted drive path on the laptop is c:\adept_student, you can create programs in the offline editor and save them to this location, and save or transfer to a thumbdrive.

Part 3: Commissioning the System:

Turning on the robot system for the first time is known as “commissioning the system.” You must follow the steps in this section to safely bring up your robot system. The steps include:

• Verifying installation, to confirm all tasks have been performed correctly.

• Starting up the system by turning on power for the first time.

• Verifying all E-Stops in the system function correctly.

• Move each axis of the robot with the pendant to confirm it moves in the proper directions.

Verifying Installation:

Verifying that the system is correctly installed and that all safety equipment is working correctly is an important process. Before using the robot, make the following checks to ensure that the robot and controller have been properly installed.

Mechanical Checks

• Verify that the robot is mounted level and that all fasteners are properly installed and tightened.

• Verify that any end-of-arm tooling is properly installed.

• Verify that all other peripheral equipment is properly installed and in a state where it is safe to turn

on power to the robot system.

System Cable Checks: Verify the following connections:

• Connect the Front Panel to the SmartController.

• Connect the pendant to the SmartController, via the pendant adapter cable.

• Connect user-supplied 24 VDC power to the controller.

• Install a user-supplied ground wire between the SmartController and ground.

• Install one end of the IEEE 1394 cable into the SmartServo port 1.1 connector on the

SmartController, and install the other end into the SmartServo port 1 connector on the robot interface panel.

• Install the XSYS cable between the robot interface panel XSLV safety interlock connector and

XSYS connector on the SmartController, and tighten the latching screws. DANGER: After installing

the robot, you must test it before you use it for the first time. Failure to do this could cause death or

serious injury or equipment damage.

• Connect user-supplied 24 VDC power to the robot 24VDC connector.

• Connect user-supplied 200/240 VAC power to the robot 200/240VAC connector.

User-Supplied Safety Equipment Checks:

Verify that all user-supplied safety equipment and E-Stop circuits are installed correctly.

System Start-up Procedure

Once the system installation has been verified, you are ready to start up the system.

1. Switch on the 200/240VAC power.

2. Switch on the 24VDC power to the robot.

3. Switch on the 24VDC power to the controller.

4. See Part 2 of this lab for setting up communications to the controller.) Connect to the controller via

AdeptWindows PC, and boot the system from the “D” default drive. The EtherNet window should

Appear indicating communications from the controller to the PC. Then press OK.


5. Wait for the system to complete the boot cycle. Once completed the system will return with a

“dot” prompt, and the following window should be displayed.


6. There should be no errors, if the boot sequence completed successfully.

7. Disengage any E-Stops.

8. If not already don so, manually move the arm away from the shipping position. Joints 1, 2, and 4 can

be moved by pushing the joint. To move Joint 3, use the brake release button, located above the status

panel. Make sure that you hold Joint 3, prior to pressing the brake release button.

9. Type enable power, type . ENA POW Then press the High Power button on the Front Panel while it is blinking.

10. Type calibrate. CAL

NOTE: The system will move slightly, with less than a 1.5 degree rotation of J4, and you might hear an audible click from the J3 brake releasing when calibration is executed. The robot is now servoing all motors to remain in position at all times.

11. System will return with a “dot” (.) prompt, if everything was successful, then high power will be enabled, and the status panel display will read “OK.”

12. System is ready for operation.

13. Type the monitor command DO READY which will cause the arm to go to a parking position which could be used for home. CAUTION, the arm will move fast, clear area first.

Verifying E-Stop Functions:

Verify that all E-Stop devices are functional (pendant, Front Panel, and user-supplied). Test each mushroom button, safety gate, light curtain, etc., by enabling High Power and then opening the safety device. The High Power push button/light on the Front Panel should go out.

Verify Robot Motions:

Use the pendant to test the motion of each axis on the robot to confirm it moves in the proper directions. Refer to the Adept SmartController User’s Guide, the T1 Pendant User’s Guide or the T2 Pendant User’s Guide for complete instructions on using the pendant.

Part 4: Moving the Robot with the Pendant.

Practice “driving” the robot arm by picking up a block at point A then placing it at point B in the work cell.

1. Perform the system start-up.

a. Circuit Breaker on

b. Front Panel system power on

c. On the command line type ID to display the serial number etc.

2. Use the MCP to calibrate the robot.

a. Both E-Stops pulled out

b. Key switch in AUTO (or Terminal, or 100%)

c. Turn on drive (enable power) by pressing COMP/PWR key

3. Select the WORLD state, using the MAN/HALT button

4. Move the Robot using the Pendant control buttons.

5. Press one of the E-Stops

6. Enable Power from the Pendant.

7. Select the JOINT state and move the various joints of the robot.

8. Select the FREE state, move each joint by hand. CAUTION: You will have to go into the workcell for this, however, your lab partner must have his hand on the E-Stop to kill it if it starts to move.

9. Actuate the gripper by pressing the T1 button or return to the monitor (COMP Button) the type DO SIG 97 to close and DO SIG -97 to open.

10. Move the robot using the Pendant control buttons and the speed bars. Pick up a part from the table left of the robot and place it on a pallet on the conveyor.

11. While moving display the WORLD LOCATIONS on the monitor by typing here or view on the


12. Using the slow mode and see how it can change the value of X by .01 to .02 mm.

13. Switch back from Pendant control to computer control by pressing the COMP/PWR button on

the pendant. Then type DO READY to part the arm.

14. Do not turn off the power, the instructor will use the breakers to shut down. DO NOT use

the switches on the controller or control panel to shut down or turn on. Use the breakers.

Demonstrate this lab (Lab 3C) to your instructor for lab approval.


Gulf Coast Community College

EST 2606C Industrial Robotics

Lab 3c: System Startup & the T2 Control Pendant


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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