Holocaust & Genocide Choice Board

CB 2 (wk 6)Due____________My name:_________________________________________Directions: Select one assignment from each column to equal 100 points.Circle each assignment you choose. Attach these sheets to your work when you turn it in.Column A20 pointsColumn B30 pointsColumn C50 pointsWrite three journal entries as a Jew living in Vienna in March of 1938.Construct a pictorial timeline of German political, social, foreign, and domestic events from 1933-1939. Include summaries (1-2 sentences each)Create a 3D timeline of areas the Nazis invaded from 1933-1939. Write a paragraph for each explaining why these areas were important to Hitler.Create a colored map that shows where significant populations of Jews and Roma were located in 1933.Script a mock meeting between Josef Goebbels and Adolf Hitler about the significance and employment of propaganda. 1-2 pages.Using primary and secondary sources, write a2-3 page paper that examines the process the Nazi regime took to deprive people of first their rights and then their lives.Create a Nazi-propaganda-like poster that encourages children to join the Hitler Youth or League of German Girls (Maidens)Write a news story on the anschluss between Germany and Austria from the perspective of a French or British reporter. Create a Prezi that evaluates the extent of changes in German society caused by the Nuremburg Laws. aholland@CB 2 Rubrics/Grading SheetPoints EarnedJournal Entry20 pointsInclusion of historically accurate information and supportive details10Effectively portrays the possible experience of a Jewish person5Creativity 5Population Map20 pointsAccuracy and labeling10Colored5Key 5Poster20 pointsUses facts and resembles Nazi Propaganda10Encourages children to join the organization5Creativity5Pictorial Timeline 30 pointsEach event, in chronological order15Summaries10Attractiveness5Script30 pointsUses facts and demonstrates the importance of propaganda to Nazi success 15Resembles the characteristics of the two individuals10Creativity5Newspaper Article30 pointsClearly and accurately represents the events of the revolt15Includes key places, people, dates10Demonstrates a perspective53D Timeline50 pointsEach event, in chronological order10Descriptions25Creativity in presentation10Attractiveness5Nazi Regime Paper 50 pointsAccurately and effectively examines the process from loss of rights to loss of life 25Typed. 1-2 pages double spaced 15Grammar and spelling10Prezi Presentation 50 pointsAccurately addresses the social changes caused by the Nuremburg Laws.20Accurately identifies different components, dates and restrictions of the N Laws15Grammar, Punctuation, Organization, Attractiveness 15Total Points ................

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