HR017_Rehired_Retiree_Report - Core-CT

Application: HRMS

Module: Human Resources

Business Process: Manage Job Classifications and Positions

Requirement Number: HR017

Requirement Title: Ability to identify Rehired Retirees and ensure they do not work more than 120 days in a calendar year

Module Leads: Lina Simonu, Lisa Lagus

1. Requirement Description

Describe the requirement (gap). Include a description of the delivered PeopleSoft functionality.

Retired State employees often return to work for the State in a part-time capacity. In doing so there are restrictions. A Rehired Retiree is hired into a position with a job code title of ‘Temporary Worker (Retiree) or Temporary Worker (Retiree)(Unclassified). These employees cannot work more than 120 days in a calendar year. Some may work between 7 to 8 hours a day, based on the standard hours identified when the position is established. The total hours for 120 days needs to be calculated based on the standard hours definition, ie. 120 days times 8 hours, and 120 days times 7 hours. If a Rehired Retiree exceeds the 120-day limit, they are required to repay a portion of their pension. Currently, in the legacy system, the Agency Timekeeper manually tracks this information. PeopleSoft does not have a delivered report to identify these employees.

2. Business Need

Provide a justification for the requirement. Include information about frequency, volume, number of users impacted, etc.

The State and Retirement Board needs to ensure Rehired Retirees do not work over the specified limit, otherwise they are required to repay a portion of their pension. Chapter 66 of the Connecticut State Statutes

3. Required By: (Y/N)

Federal ____ Agency ____ Bargaining Unit ____

State Statutory _Y___ State Regulatory ____ State Procedural ____

4. Requirement Priority

Low (High, Medium, Low – please see “Requirements Prioritization Criteria”)

5. Recommended Solution

Enter an “X” next to the appropriate category

______ Process Solution

__ Option Number

___X___ Application Modification

_1__ Option Number

6. Explanation for Recommendation

Provide reasons for recommendation. Please do not re-state the description of the solution itself.

Report will be used by all and would minimize errors that are associated with tracking the information outside the system.

7. Organizational Impact of Recommendation

Describe the changes to the organization that result from the recommended solution. Include a description of any role, process, statute, or bargaining unit agreement affected.

Agency Timekeepers need to be trained to run the report.

8. Process Solutions

Describe the possible Process Solutions. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1. Departments could manually view each Rehired Retiree employee’s time and labor record and count up the number of days worked in the calendar year to verify the amounts.

9. Application Modifications

Describe the possible Application Modifications. Include a description of impacts and benefits of each solution.

Option 1.

Modification Type (On-line, Batch, Interface, Report, Workflow): Report

Complexity (Easy, Medium, Difficult): Easy

Description: Create a report to select and sum the number of hours reported for a Rehired Retiree, based on Job code, standard hours specified on the position, and a specified date range within a department. The Agency Timekeeper would run this on a biweekly basis to ensure no Rehired Retirees had exceeded the limit. If the limit had been exceeded for an employee, the Agency HR Specialist, Agency Payroll Specialist, Retirement Division and Rehired Retiree would be notified, and determine whether to terminate the Rehired Retiree. The Retirement Division would need to collect a portion of the employee’s pension. All Agency Timekeepers would use this pre-defined report.




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