Social Security Administration

NOTE: The Administrative Data Variables have been placed in a separate file from the Survey Data Variables.PRIVATE Administrative Data File: The 1982 New Beneficiary Survey and the 1991 New Beneficiary FollowupThis is the codebook for administrative data connected to the 1982 New Beneficiary Survey and its 1991 Followup. The administrative data come from several sources. Information on OASDI benefits comes from the Social Security Administration Master Beneficiary Record (Variables 6152); covered earnings information comes from the Social Security Administration Summary Earnings Record (Variables 153199); Medicare information comes from the Health Care Financing Administration's Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System of bills and the Denominator file for enrollment (Variables 200287); Supplementary Security Income data come from the Supplementary Security Record. Financial entries are in dollars rounded to four significant digits with left justification. Inapplicable is coded 0.)VAR #1 Case numberCASE LOCATION: 1 LENGTH: 5(From the 1982 New Beneficiary Survey. This number should be used to match data files from the New Beneficiary Survey and Followup.)VAR #2 Month of birthRDOBMM LOCATION: 6 LENGTH: 2(From February 1992 MBR)VAR #3 Year of birthRDOBYR LOCATION: 8 LENGTH: 2(From March 1993 MBR)VAR #4 Month of deathRDODMM LOCATION: 10 LENGTH: 2(From March 1994 MBR)VAR #5 Year of deathRDODYR LOCATION: 12 LENGTH: 2(From March 1994 MBR) SSA Administrative Master Beneficiary RecordBenefit Data for Sample Respondent(As of December of 19801989 and February of 1991 and 1992.) Benefit information for respondent in 1980_______________________________________________________________VAR #6 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)RBIC80 LOCATION: 14 LENGTH: 2 1 Retired worker, primary claimant (BIC code=A) 2 Disabled worker, primary claimant (BIC code=1) 3 Aged wife or husband beneficiary including divorced, aged 62 or older (BIC code=B) 26 Child beneficiary (BIC code=C) 48 Aged widow beneficiary, aged 60 or older (BIC code=D) 73 Widowed mother or father (BIC code=E) 74 Special aged 72 beneficiary without full insurance coverage (BIC code=J) 75 Spouse of special aged 72 beneficiary (BIC code=K) 80 Uninsured but Medicare eligible for Parts A and B (BIC code=M) 81 Never filed for benefits or renal beneficiary only eligible for Medicare Part B only (BIC code=T) 82 Disabled widow (BIC code=W) 86 Disabled child (BIC code=2)(This list excludes other valid codes which do not apply to any sample case.)-VAR #7 Payment status (LAF) RLAF80 LOCATION: 16 LENGTH: 2 3 Adjusted for dual entitlement (LAF code=AD) 22 Currently paid (LAF code=C) 24 Deferred for Worker's Compensation offset (LAF code=DW) 26 Deferred for annual retirement test (LAF code=D2) 27 Deferred for annual retirement test as a spouseor widow (LAF code=D3) 29 Uninsured with not enough quarters, but Medicare eligible (LAF code=M) 30 Deferred to cover overpayments (LAF code=D6) 31 Deferred for miscellaneous reasons (LAF code=D9) 32 Current payment through Railroad Board (LAF code=E) 33 Denied claim (LAF code=ND) 34 Pending claim: Delayed Claim (Another beneficiary in this claim has a LAF other than B,N,P,T,U, or X) (LAF code=PB) 35 Termination of delayed claim (LAF code=PT) 36 Unknown code (N) 37 Conditional Payment: Technical entitlement (LAF code=SD) 38 Conditional Payment: Deportation (LAF code=SK) 39 Conditional Payment: Special age 72 beneficiaryreceiving government pension (LAF code=SH) 40 Conditional Payment: Unknown (LAF code=SX) 44 Conditional Payment: Prouty Beneficiary receiving publicassistance (LAF code=SP) 45 Conditional Payment: Worker's Compensation Offset (LAF code=SW) 46 Conditional Payment: Pending determination ofcontinuing disability (LAF code=SO) 48 Conditional Payment: Worked inside the U.S (LAF code=S2) 49 Conditional Payment: Insured person worked in the U.S(LAF code=S3) 50 Conditional Payment: Failure to have child in care(LAF code=S4) 52 Conditional Payment: For better address (LAF code=S6) 53 Conditional Payment: Refused Vocational Rehabilitation Services (LAF code=S7) 54 Conditional Payment: Payee not determined (LAF code=S8) 55 Conditional Payment: All other reasons (LAF code=S9) 56 Terminated: Advanced filing claim terminated before maturity (LAF code=TA) 57 Terminated: Conversion from Disability to Retirement (LAF code=T) 58 Terminated for change of payment (LAF code=TP) 60 Terminated: claim withdrawn (LAF code=T&) 61 Disabled widow or widower attained age 65 (LAF code=TC) 62 Terminated: Benefits payable by some other agency(LAF code=T0) 63 Terminated: Death of beneficiary (LAF code=T1) 64 Terminated: Dependent terminated due to death of primary beneficiary (LAF code=T2) 65 Terminated: Divorce, marriage, remarriage (LAF code=T3) 66 Terminated: Attainment of age 18 or 22 and not disabled: Mother/father terminated based on last entitled child's attainment of age 18 (LAF code=T4) 67 Terminated: Entitled to other benefits equal or larger (LAF code=T5) 68 Terminated: Termination of mother/father due to death or marriage of last child; child no longer disabled or attending school (LAF code=T6) 70 Terminated: DIB no longer disabled mother/father terminated, child no longer disabled (LAF code=T8) 71 Terminated: Other termination reasons (LAF code=T9) 72 Active Title XVIII status only (LAF code=U) 79 Title XVIII adjustment:Death of beneficiary (LAF code=X1) 80 Title XVIII adjustment: Entitled to other benefits(LAF code=X5) 81 Title XVIII adjustment: HIB/SMIB Health Insurance Benefits terminated (LAF code=X7) 84 Unknown (LAF code=SC)(Codes 22 and 32 are for currently paid beneficiaries. Most other codes are reason for termination or deferral of benefit. This list excludes other valid codes which do not apply to any NBS/NBF sample case.)VAR #8 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA)RPIA80 LOCATION: 18 LENGTH: 3(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars is the basic benefit without actuarial adjustment for early or late retirement. The PIA of spouse and widow beneficiaries is the PIA of their current or deceased spouse.)VAR #9 Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA)RMBA80 LOCATION: 21 LENGTH: 3 (Monthly Benefit Amount in dollars is the amount paid including the amount of the SMI premium deducted from the check.)VAR #10 Number of months of benefits paid (NMPME)RNMPME80 LOCATION: 24 LENGTH: 2(Number of months in the year for which benefits were paid.)Benefit information for respondents in 19811989_______________________________________________________________ VAR STARTING VARIABLEVAR# YEAR NAME LOCATION LENGTH TYPE 11 1981 RBIC81 26 2 BIC12 1981 RLAF81 28 2 LAF13 1981 RPIA81 30 3 PIA14 1981 RMBA81 33 4 MBA15 1981 RNMPME81 37 2 NMPME16 1982 RBIC82 39 2 BIC17 1982 RLAF82 41 2 LAF18 1982 RPIA82 43 4 PIA19 1982 RMBA82 47 4 MBA20 1982 RNMPME82 51 2 NMPME21 1983 RBIC83 53 2 BIC22 1983 RLAF83 55 2 LAF23 1983 RPIA83 57 4 PIA24 1983 RMBA83 61 4 MBA25 1983 RNMPME83 65 2 NMPME26 1984 RBIC84 67 2 BIC 27 1984 RLAF84 69 2 LAF28 1984 RPIA84 71 4 PIA29 1984 RMBA84 75 4 MBA30 1984 RNMPME84 79 2 NMPME31 1985 RBIC85 81 2 BIC32 1985 RLAF85 83 2 LAF33 1985 RPIA85 85 4 PIA34 1985 RMBA85 89 4 MBA35 1985 RNMPME85 93 2 NMPME36 1986 RBIC86 95 2 BIC37 1986 RLAF86 97 2 LAF38 1986 RPIA86 99 4 PIA39 1986 RMBA86 103 4 MBA40 1986 RMNPME86 107 2 MNPME41 1987 RBIC87 109 2 BIC 42 1987 RLAF87 111 2 LAF43 1987 RPIA87 113 4 PIA44 1987 RMBA87 117 4 MBA45 1987 RNMPME87 121 2 NMPME46 1988 RBIC88 123 2 BIC47 1988 RLAF88 125 2 LAF48 1988 RPIA88 127 4 PIA49 1988 RMBA88 131 4 MBA50 1988 RNMPME88 135 2 NMPME51 1989 RBIC89 137 2 BIC52 1989 RLAF89 139 2 LAF53 1989 RPIA89 141 4 PIA54 1989 RMBA89 145 4 MBA55 1989 RNMPME89 149 2 NMPME (See VARs 610 for codes.) Benefit information for respondent in 1990(information in February 1991 represents the end of 1990.)VAR #56 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)RBIC90 LOCATION: 151 LENGTH: 2 1 Retired worker, primary claimant (BIC code=A) 2 Disabled worker (BIC code=1) 3 Aged wife beneficiary, aged 62 or older (1st Claimant) (BIC code=B) 4 Aged husband, aged 62 or older (1st claimant) (BIC code=B1) 5 Young wife with a child in her care (1st claimant) (BIC code=B2) 6 Aged wife (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=B3) 8 Young wife (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=B5) 9 Divorced wife, aged 62 or older (1st claimant) (BIC code=B6) 10 Aged wife (3rd claimant) (BIC code=B8) 12 Divorced wife (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=B9) 13 Young husband (1st claimant) (BIC code=BY) 23 Divorced husband (1st claimant) (BIC code=BR) 25 Divorced husband (2nd claimant) (BIC code=BT) 26 Child beneficiary (BIC code=C) 48 Aged widow beneficiary, aged 60 or older (1st Claimant)(BIC code=D) 49 Aged widower, aged 60 or older (1st claimant) (BIC code=D1) 50 Aged widow (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=D2) 52 Widow remarried after attainment of age 60 (1stclaimant) (BIC code=D4) 54 Surviving divorced wife, aged 60 or older (1stclaimant) (BIC code=D6) 55 Surviving divorced young husband (BIC code=DC) 56 Surviving divorced wife (2nd claimant) (BIC code=D7) 57 Remarried widow (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=D9) 58 Surviving divorced wife (3rd claimant) (BIC code=DV) 59 Remarried widower (3rd Claimant) (BIC code=DQ) 69 Surviving divorced mother (1st claimant) (BIC code=E1) 70 Mother (Widow 2nd Claimant) (BIC code=E2) 71 Surviving divorced mother (2nd claimant) (BIC code=E3) 72 Father (Widowers 1st claimant) (BIC code=E4) 73 Widowed mother (BIC code=E) 74 Special aged 72 beneficiary without full insurance coverage (BIC code=J) 75 Spouse of special aged 72 beneficiary (BIC code=K) 80 Uninsured but Medicare eligible for Parts A and B (BIC code=M) 81 Never filed for benefits or renal beneficiary only eligible for Medicare Part B only (BIC code=T) 82 Disabled widow, aged 50 or older (1st claimant) (BIC code=W) 83 Disabled widow (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=W2) 84 Disabled surviving divorced wife (1st claimant) (BIC code=W6) 85 Disabled surviving divorced wife (2nd claimant to a remarried spouse) (BIC code=W7) 86 Disabled child (BIC code=2)VAR #57 Payment status (LAF) RLAF90 LOCATION: 153 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80. Codes 22 and 32 are currently paid beneficiaries. All other codes are reasons for termination or deferral of benefit.)VAR #58 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) RPIA90 LOCATION: 155 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars is the basic benefit without actuarial adjustment for early or late retirement. The PIA of spouseand widow beneficiaries is the PIA of their current or deceasedspouse.)VAR #59 Benefits paid in yearRBPM90 LOCATION: 159 LENGTH: 5(OASDI benefits in dollars. Excludes an initial check paid when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.) VAR #60Number of months in which benefits were paid RNMP90 LOCATION: 164 LENGTH: 2(Excludes months in an initial check paid in 1990 when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #61 Amount received in year for entitlement in yearRARME90 LOCATION: 166 LENGTH: 5(In dollars.)VAR #62 Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA)RMBA90 LOCATION: 171 LENGTH: 4 (Monthly Benefit Amount in dollars is the amount paid including the amount of the SMI premium deducted from the check.)VAR #63 Number of months of benefits paid (NMPME)RNMPME90 LOCATION: 175 LENGTH: 2(Number of months in the year for which benefits were paid.)VAR #64Earliest date of filing for benefitsRDOF90 LOCATION: 177 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY)VAR #65Earliest month of initial entitlementRDOEIM90 LOCATION: 181 LENGTH: 2VAR #66Earliest year of initial entitlementRDOEIY90 LOCATION: 183 LENGTH: 2VAR #67Month of current or most recent entitlementRDOECM90 LOCATION: 185 LENGTH: 2VAR #68Year of current or most recent entitlementRDOECY90 LOCATION: 187 LENGTH: 2VAR #69Year for which benefits were first paidRYFP90 LOCATION: 189 LENGTH: 2(Payment data not avaiable before 1962.) VAR #70Recomputation codeRRCC90 LOCATION: 191 LENGTH: 21 Recomputation to include military service credits after 19562 1965 and/or 1967 recomputation3 Recomputation to include military service credits before 1957 and after 19564 Redetermination of workers compensation offset5 All recomputations not described6 Disability freeze recalculation7 Recomputation to include military service credits8 Not used to describe a recomputation/recalculation before 19579 Adjustment not due to a recomputation 10 Adjustment of reduction factor onlyVAR #71Year of most recent recomputationRERC90 LOCATION: 193 LENGTH: 2(Recomputation for earnings. Does not include legislative recomputation.)VAR #72Type of dual entitlementRTOD90 LOCATION: 195 LENGTH: 11 Primary retired worker/auxiliary spouse or survivor2 Survivor/ auxiliary spouse4 Triple entitlementVAR #73Dual entitlement payment statusRDESC90 LOCATION: 196 LENGTH: 11 Smaller benefit only in current payment status2 Larger benefit only in current payment status3 Both benefits eligible for current payment status (checks may be combined or separate)4 Primary is working on record which auxiliary entitlement exists5 Neither benefit in current payment status6 Dual entitlement terminated (T)7 Technical entitlement wehere the smaller benefit overtakes thelarger benefit (S)VAR #74Other beneficiary identification code (BIC)ROTBIC90 LOCATION: 197 LENGTH: 2(BIC for other type of benefit of dually entitled. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.) VAR #75 Other Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) ROTPIA90 LOCATION: 199 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars for other type of benefit of dually entitled.)VAR #76Larger full monthly benefit amountRLFMBA90 LOCATION: 203 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the larger benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #77 Smaller full monthly benefit amountRSFMBA90 LOCATION: 207 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #78 Smaller actuarially reduced benefit amountRSAMBA90 LOCATION: 211 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including actuarial reductions) VAR #79 Larger excess monthly benefit amountRLEMBA90 LOCATION: 215 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the difference between the smaller and the larger benefit to be paid)VAR #80Date of entitlement to other benefitROTDOE90 LOCATION: 219 LENGTH: 4(Date of entitlement is month and yearMMYYfor other benefit of the dually entitled.)VAR #81Date representative payee selectedRDOS90 LOCATION: 223 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #82Type of PayeeRTOP90 LOCATION: 227 LENGTH: 21 Beneficiary direct (A)2 Spouse (B)3 Natural or adoptive father (C)4 Natural or adoptive mother (D)5 Stepmother (F)6 Stepfather (E)7 Grandparent (G)8 Natural or adoptive child or stepchild (H)9 Other relative (I)10 Federal nonmental institution (J)11 Federal mental institution (K)12 State or local nonmental institution (L)13 State or local mental institution (M)14 Privatelyowned nonmental institution (N)15 Privatelyowned mental institution (O)16 Nonprofit nonmental institution (P)17 Financial organization (R)18 Social agency (S)19 Public official (T)20 Other (U)21 Payee being developed (V)22 Private institution (Y)VAR #83Custody CodeRCC90 LOCATION: 229 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90. Code V in VAR#83 refers to payee's custody.)VAR #84Medical reexamination dateRMRED90 LOCATION: 231 LENGTH: 4(Date for medical reexamination of disabled worker cases expected to have improving medical conditions is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #85Advance filingactuarial reductioninterim award codeRAFARI90 LOCATION: 235 LENGTH: 12 Interim award and actuarially reduced3 Interim award and advanced filing4 Interim award and actuarially reduced and advanced filing5 Actuarially reduced only6 Actuarially reduced and advanced filing7 Advanced filing onlyVAR #86Hospital insurance entitlement code RHENC90 LOCATION: 236 LENGTH: 21 Attainment of age 65 (A)2 Equitable relief (B)3 Good cause (C)4 DIB initial enrollment (D)5 General enrollment (G)6 Initial enrollment (I)7 Renal disease is or was reason for entitlement (K)8 Late filing (L)9 Renal entitlement conversion (M)10 Quarters of coverage requirement (Q)11 Residency requirements (R)12 Unknown (U,P,T)VAR #87Medical insurance entitlement code RSENC90 LOCATION: 238 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86, RHENC90. Code D in VAR#87 indicates deemed date of birth.)VAR #88Date of entitlement to Medicare Part ARDOEH90 LOCATION: 240 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)-VAR #89 Date of termination to Medicare Part ARDOTH90 LOCATION: 244 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #90 Date of entitlement to Medicare Part BRDOES90 LOCATION: 248 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #91OASDI date of termination to Medicare Part BRDOTS90 LOCATION: 252 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #92OASDI date of termination RDOT90 LOCATION: 256 LENGTH: 4(Date is months and yearMMYY.) VAR #93 OASDI type of terminationRTOT90 LOCATION: 260 LENGTH: 2 (LAF at termination. See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80.)VAR #94 BIC at OASDI terminationRBAT90 LOCATION: 262 LENGTH: 2(BIC at termination. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #95 Year in which lump sum benefit was paidRYLSP90 LOCATION: 264 LENGTH: 2VAR #96Family maximum monthly benefit amountRFMAX90 LOCATION: 266 LENGTH: 4(In dollars) VAR#97 Number of minor children NMC90 LOCATION: 270 LENGTH 2VAR#98 Number of student childrenNSC90 LOCATION: 272 LENGTH: 1VAR #99 Number of disabled childrenNDAC90 LOCATION: 273 LENGTH: 1VAR #100 Family monthly benefit amountFMBA90 LOCATION: 274 LENGTH: 4(Sum of MBA's for sample respondent, spouse, and all minor children in dollars.)VAR #101 Family total benefits receivedSFTBR90 LOCATION: 278 LENGTH: 5(Sum of MBA's for sample respondent, spouse, and all children and lump sum death benefit in dollars.)VAR #102 Security Income File TypeRSIFT90 LOCATION: 283 LENGTH: 1 1 Aged individual or spouse (A)2 Blind individual, spouse or child (B)3 Disabled individual, spouse or child (D)4 Ineligible parent (P)5 Ineligible spouse (S)VAR #103 SSI living arrangements codeRLAC90 LOCATION: 284 LENGTH: 11 Own household (A)2 Another's household (B)3 Parent's household (C)4 Institution (D) Benefit information for respondent in 1991(information in February 1992 represents the end of 1991.)VAR #104 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)RBIC91 LOCATION: 285 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #105 Payment status (LAF) RLAF91 LOCATION: 287 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80. Codes 22 and 32 are currently paid beneficiaries. Most other codes are reasons for termination or deferral of benefit.)VAR #106 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) RPIA91 LOCATION: 289 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars is the basic benefit without actuarial adjustment for early or late retirement. The PIA of spouse and widow beneficiaries is the PIA of their current or deceased spouse.)VAR #107OASDI benefits paid in yearRBPM91 LOCATION: 293 LENGTH: 5(In dollars. Excludes an initial check paid when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #108Number of months in which benefits were paid RNMP91 LOCATION: 298 LENGTH: 2(Excludes months in an initial check paid in 1990 when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #109 Amount received in year for entitlement in yearRARME91 LOCATION: 300 LENGTH: 5(In dollars.)VAR #110 Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA)RMBA91 LOCATION: 305 LENGTH: 4 (Monthly Benefit Amount in dollars is the amount paid including the amount of the SMI premium deducted from the check.)VAR #111 Number of months of benefits paid (NMPME)RNMPME91 LOCATION: 309 LENGTH: 2(Number of months in the year for which benefits were paid.)VAR #112Earliest date of filing for benefitsRDOF91 LOCATION: 311 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY)VAR #113Earliest month of initial entitlementRDOEIM91 LOCATION: 315 LENGTH: 2VAR #114Earliest year of initial entitlementRDOEIY91 LOCATION: 317 LENGTH: 2VAR #115Month of current or most recent entitlementRDOECM91 LOCATION: 319 LENGTH: 2VAR #116Year of current or most recent entitlementRDOECY91 LOCATION: 321 LENGTH: 2--VAR #117Year for which benefits were first paidRYFP91 LOCATION: 323 LENGTH: 2(Payment data not avaiable before 1962.)VAR #118Recomputation codeRRCC91 LOCATION: 325 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#70, RRCC90.) VAR #119Year of most recent recomputationRERC91 LOCATION: 327 LENGTH: 2(Recomputation for earnings. Does not include legislative recomputation.)VAR #120Type of dual entitlementRTOD91 LOCATION: 329 LENGTH: 11 Primary retired worker/auxiliary spouse or survivor2 Survivor/ auxiliary spouse4 Triple entitlementVAR #121Dual entitlement status codeRDESC91 LOCATION: 330 LENGTH: 1(See codes in VAR#73, RDESC90.)VAR #122Other beneficiary identification code (BIC)ROTBIC91 LOCATION: 331 LENGTH: 2(BIC for other type of benefit of dually entitled. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #123 Other Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) ROTPIA91 LOCATION: 333 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars for other type of benefit of dually entitled.)VAR #124Larger full monthly benefit amountRLFMBA91 LOCATION: 337 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the larger benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #125 Smaller full monthly benefit amountRSFMBA91 LOCATION: 341 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #126 Smaller actuarially reduced benefit amountRSAMBA91 LOCATION: 345 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including actuarial reductions)VAR #127 Larger excess monthly benefit amountRLEMBA91 LOCATION: 349 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the difference between the smaller and the larger benefit to be paid)VAR #128Date of entitlement to other benefitROTDOE91 LOCATION: 353 LENGTH: 4(Date of entitlement is month and yearMMYYfor other benefit of the dually entitled. )VAR #129Date representative payee selectedRDOS91 LOCATION: 357 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #130Type of PayeeRTOP91 LOCATION: 361 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90.)VAR #131Custody CodeRCC91 LOCATION: 363 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90. Code V in VAR#132 refers to payee's custody.)VAR #132Medical reexamination dateRMRED91 LOCATION: 365 LENGTH: 4(Date for medical reexamination of disabled worker cases expected to have improving medical conditions is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #133Advance filingactuarial reductioninterim award codeRAFARI91 LOCATION: 369 LENGTH: 12 Interim award and actuarially reduced3 Interim award and advanced filing4 Interim award and actuarially reduced and advanced filing5 Actuarially reduced only6 Actuarially reduced and advanced filing7 Advanced filing onlyVAR #134Hospital insurance entitlement code RHENC91 LOCATION: 370 LENGTH: 2(see codes in VAR#86, RHENC90.)VAR #135Medical insurance entitlement code RSENC91 LOCATION: 372 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86, RHENC90. Code D in VAR#135 indicates deemed date of birth.)VAR #136Date of entitlement to Medicare Part ARDOEH91 LOCATION: 374 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)--VAR #137 Date of termination to Medicare Part ARDOTH91 LOCATION: 378 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #138 Date of entitlement to Medicare Part BRDOES91 LOCATION: 382 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.) VAR #139Date of termination to Medicare Part BRDOTS91 LOCATION: 386 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #140Date of OASDI termination RDOT91 LOCATION: 390 LENGTH: 4(Date is months and yearMMYY.)VAR #141 Type of OASDI terminationRTOT91 LOCATION: 394 LENGTH: 2 (LAF at termination. See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80.)VAR #142 BIC at OASDI terminationRBAT91 LOCATION: 396 LENGTH: 2(BIC at termination. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #143 Year in which lump sum benefit was paidRYLSP91 LOCATION: 398 LENGTH: 2VAR #144Family maximum monthly benefit AmountRFMAX91 LOCATION: 400 LENGTH: 4(In dollars)VAR #145 Number of minor children NMC91 LOCATION: 404 LENGTH 2VAR #146 Number of student childrenNSC91 LOCATION: 406 LENGTH: 1VAR #147 Number of disabled childrenNDAC91 LOCATION: 407 LENGTH: 1VAR #148 Family monthly benefit amountFMBA91 LOCATION: 408 LENGTH: 4(Sum of MBA's for sample respondent, spouse, and all children in dollars.)VAR #149 Family total benefits receivedSFTBR91 LOCATION: 412 LENGTH: 5(Sum of MBA's for sample respondent, spouse, and all minor children and lump sum death benefit in dollars.)VAR #150 Security Income File TypeRSIFT91 LOCATION: 417 LENGTH: 1 1 Aged individual or spouse (A)2 Blind individual, spouse or child (B)3 Disabled individual, spouse or child (D)4 Ineligible parent (P)5 Ineligible spouse (S)VAR #151 SSI living arrangements codeRLAC91 LOCATION: 418 LENGTH: 11 Own household (A)2 Another's household (B)3 Parent's household (C)4 Institution (D)-------------------------------------------------------------------Summary Earnings Record Earnings data for NBS Sample Respondent (Covered earnings in 19511991 are in current dollars. Covered earnings include both wage and salary and selfemployment income subject to Social Security taxes up to the taxable maximum for the year.) VAR STARTING VAR# YEAR NAME LOCATION LENGTH 1521951RSER5141941531952RSER5242341541953RSER5342741551954RSER5443141561955RSER5543541571956RSER5643941581957RSER5744341591958RSER5844741601959RSER5945141611960RSER6045541621961RSER6145941631962RSER6246341641963RSER6346741651964RSER6447141661965RSER6547541671966RSER6647941681967RSER6748341691968RSER6848741701969RSER6949141711970RSER7049541721971RSER7149941731972RSER7250341741973RSER7350751751974RSER7451251761975RSER7551751771976RSER7652251781977RSER7752751791978RSER7853251801979RSER7953751811980RSER8054251821981RSER8154751831982RSER8255251841983RSER8355751851984RSER8456251861985RSER8556751871986RSER8657251881987RSER8757751891988RSER8858251901989RSER8958751911990RSER9059251921991RSER915975 VAR #193 Total Quarters of coverage 19371977RQTR77 LOCATION: 602 LENGTH: 3 Health Care Finance Administration Record Data for respondents(Summaries of billing information in the Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System. The bills were edited to eliminate duplicates and other errors. Health Maintenance Organization membership and months with Part A and Part B coverage are from the Denominator file. Data are first available in 1984. Dollars are indexed to 1984 value using the Medical Care Component for Urban Consumers in the Consumer Price Index. ) Billing records for 1984VAR #194 Number of inpatient hospital days (DAYS)INP8401 LOCATION: 605 LENGTH: 3VAR #195 Number of unique admission dates for inpatient hospitalization (DATES)INP8402 LOCATION: 608 LENGTH: 2VAR #196 Sum of inpatient charges in dollars (INP$)INP8403 LOCATION: 610 LENGTH: 6VAR #197 Sum of skilled nursing charges in dollars (SNF$)SNF8403 LOCATION: 616 LENGTH: 5VAR #198 Sum of home health care charges in dollars (HH$)HH8401 LOCATION: 621 LENGTH: 5VAR #199 Sum of outpatient charges in dollars (OP$)OP8402 LOCATION: 626 LENGTH: 5VAR #200 Sum of physician charges in dollars (PH$)PH8401 LOCATION: 631 LENGTH: 4 VAR #201 Sum of hospice charges in dollars (HSP$)HSPCHG84 LOCATION: 635 LENGTH: 1VAR #202 Months covered by Medicare Part A (MNA) MNA84 LOCATION: 636 LENGTH: 2VAR #203 Months covered by Medicare Part B (MNB)MNB84 LOCATION: 638 LENGTH: 2VAR #204 Membership status in Health Maintenance Org. (HMO)HMO84 LOCATION: 640 LENGTH: 1 0=Never a member 1=Risk basis only (includes demonstrations) 2=Cost basis only (includes health care prepayment plan) 3=Both risk and cost basis______________________________________________________________ VAR STARTING VARIABLEVAR# YEAR NAME LOCATION LENGTH TYPE 205 1985 INP85016414DAYS206 1985 INP85026452DATES207 1985 INP85036476INP$208 1985 SNF8503 6535SNF$209 1985 HH85016585HH$ 210 1985 OP85026635OP$211 1985 PH85016685PH$212 1985 HSPCHG85 6731HSP$213 1985 MNA856742MNA214 1985 MNB856762MNB215 1985 HMO856781HMO216 1986 INP86016793DAYS217 1986 INP86026822DATES218 1986 INP86036846INP$219 1986 SNF8603 6905SNF$220 1986 HH86016955HH$ 221 1986 OP86027005OP$222 1986 PH86017054PH$223 1986 HSPCHG86 7094HSP$224 1986 MNA867132MNA225 1986 MNB867152MNB226 1986 HMO867171HMO227 1987 INP87017183DAYS228 1987 INP87027212DATES229 1987 INP87037236INP$230 1987 SNF8703 7295SNF$231 1987 HH87017345HH$ 232 1987 OP87027395OP$233 1987 PH87017445PH$234 1987 HSPCHG87 7495HSP$235 1987 MNA87 7542MNA236 1987 MNB87 7562MNB237 1987 HMO877581HMO238 1988 INP88017593DAYS239 1988 INP88027622DATES240 1988 INP88037646INP$241 1988 SNF8803 7705SNF$242 1988 HH88017755HH$ 243 1988 OP88027805OP$244 1988 PH88017855PH$245 1988 HSPCHG88 7904HSP$246 1988 MNA88 7942MNA247 1988 MNB88 7962MNB248 1988 HMO887981HMO249 1989 INP89017993DAYS250 1989 INP89028022DATES251 1989 INP89038046INP$252 1989 SNF8903 8105SNF$253 1989 HH89018154HH$ 254 1989 OP89028195OP$255 1989 PH89018244PH$256 1989 HSPCHG89 8284HSP$257 1989 MNA89 8322MNA258 1989 MNB898342MNB259 1989 HMO898361HMO260 1990 INP90018373DAYS261 1990 INP90028402DATES262 1990 INP90038426INP$263 1990 SNF9003 8485SNF$264 1990 HH90018535HH$ 265 1990 OP90028585OP$266 1990 PH90018635PH$267 1990 HSPCHG908684HSP$268 1990 MNA908722MNA269 1990 MNB908742MNB270 1990 HMO908761HMO271 1991 INP91018773DAYS272 1991 INP91028802DATES273 1991 INP91038826INP$274 1991 SNF9103 8885SNF$275 1991 HH91018935HH$ 276 1991 OP91028985OP$277 1991 PH91019034PH$278 1991 HSPCHG91 9074HSP$279 1991 MNA919112MNA280 1991 MNB919132MNB281 1991 HMO919151HMO(See variables 194204 for codes.)Supplementary Security Income Administrative Recordsfrom the Supplementary Security Recordin March 1993VAR #282 First date of application--Month RA1MO LOCATION: 916 LENGTH: 2VAR #283 First date of application--YearRAP1YR LOCATION: 918 LENGTH: 2VAR #284 First date of application resulting inpayment--MonthRP1PAYMO LOCATION: 920 LENGTH: 2 VAR #285 First date of application resulting in payment--YEARRP1PAYYR LOCATION: 922 LENGTH: 2VAR #286 Number of applicationsRAPCT LOCATION: 924 LENGTH: 1VAR #287 Number of applications resulting in paymentRAPPAY LOCATION: 925 LENGTH: 1VAR #288 Most recent date of payment as of 12/91--MonthsRECAP91M LOCATION: 926 LENGTH: 2VAR #289 Most recent date of payment as of 12/91--YEARRECAP91Y LOCATION: 928 LENGTH: 2----------------------------------------------------------------VAR #290 Most recent date of payment as of 12/86--MonthsRECAP86M LOCATION: 930 LENGTH: 2VAR #291 Most recent date of payment as of 12/86--YEARRECAP86Y LOCATION: 932 LENGTH: 2-----------------------------------------------------------------VAR #292 Most recent date of payment as of 12/82--MonthsRECAP82M LOCATION: 934 LENGTH: 2VAR #293 Most recent date of payment as of 12/82--YEARRECAP82Y LOCATION: 936 LENGTH: 2VAR #294 Most recent date of payment as of 12/79--MonthsRECAP79M LOCATION: 938 LENGTH: 2VAR #295 Most recent date of payment as of 12/79--YEARRECAP79Y LOCATION: 940 LENGTH: 2VAR #296 Most recent date of denial as of 12/91--MonthsRECDN91M LOCATION: 942 LENGTH: 2VAR #297 Most recent date of denial as of 12/91--YEARRECDN91Y LOCATION: 944 LENGTH: 2------------------------------------------------------------------VAR #298 Most recent date of denial as of 12/86--MonthsRECDN86M LOCATION: 946 LENGTH: 2VAR #299 Most recent date of denial as of 12/86--YEARRECDN86Y LOCATION: 948 LENGTH: 2-------------------------------------------------------------------VAR #300 Most recent date of denial as of 12/82--MonthsRECDN82M LOCATION: 950 LENGTH: 2VAR #301 Most recent date of denial as of 12/82--YEARRECDN82Y LOCATION: 952 LENGTH: 2VAR #302 Most recent date of denial as of 12/79--MonthsRECDN79M LOCATION: 954 LENGTH: 2VAR #303 Most recent date of denial as of 12/79--YEARRECDN79Y LOCATION: 956 LENGTH: 2VAR #304 Pay status as of 12/91This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsRPSTAT91 LOCATION: 958 LENGTH: 3101- Current pay201- In Medicaid facility. No SSI but Health Insurance coverage310- Hold living arrangements change in process320- Hold marital status change330- Hold resource change in process340- Hold student status change in process350- Hold head of household change in process360- Hold pending receipt of date of death370- Hold pending posting of payment made outside the system380- Early input study case390- Hold systems limitation regarding computation; D.O. must manually compute and input payment amounts.401- Force payment case. Recipient may be in current pay or non-pay status. Depending on payment history501- Non-pay repipient's chargeable income exceeds both the applicable Title XVI and his state's payment standard502- Non-pay repipient is inmate of public institution503- Non-pay recipient is outside U.S.504- Non-pay recipient's non-excludable resources exceed Title XVI limitations505- Non-pay recipient's gross income from self-employment exceeds Title XVI limitations506- Non-pay recipient failed to file for order benefits507- Non-pay cessation of recipient's disability508- Non-pay cessation of recipient's blindness509- Non-pay recipient refused vocational rehabilitation without good cause510- Non-pay recipient refused treatment for drug addiction511- Non-pay recipient refused treatment for alcoholism512- Non-pay recipient voluntarily withdrew from program513- Non-pay not a citizen or eligible alient514- Non-pay aged claim denied for age515- Non-pay blind claim denied. Applicant not blind. No visual impairment516- Non-pay disability claim denied. Applicant not disabled517- Non-pay failure to pursue claim by applicant.519- Recipient voluntarily terminates participation in SSI program520- Recipient fails to furnish a required report of evidence527- Termination of disability due to SGA status530- Non-pay slight impairment- Medical consideration alone. No visual impairment531- Non-pay capacity for substantial gainful activity (SGA)- customary past work. No visual impairment532- Non-pay capacity for SGA- other work, No visual impairment533- Non-pay engaging in SGA despite impairment, no visual impairment534- Non impairment no longer severe at time of adjudication and did not last 12 months. No visual impairment535- Non-pay impairment is severe at time of adjudication but not expected to last 12 months. No visual impairment536- Non-pay insufficient or no medical data furnished. No visual impairment537- Non-pay failure or refusal to submit to consultive examination. No visual impairment538- Non-pay applicant does not want to continue development of claim. No visual impairment539- Non-pay applicant willfully fails to follow prescribed treatment. No visual impairment540- Non-pay impairment (s) does not meet or equal listing (disabled child under age 18 only). No visual impairment541- Non-pay slight impairment- medical condition alone. No visual impairment542- Non-pay capacity for SGA- custormary past work. Visual impairment543- Non-pay capacity for SGA- other work. Visual impairment544- Non-pay engaging in SGA despite impairment. Visual impairment545- Non-pay impairment no longer severe at time of ajudication but not expected to last 12 months. Visual impairment546- Non-pay impairment is severe at time of adjudication, but not expected to last 12 months. Visual impairment547- Non-pay insufficient or no medical evidence furnished. Visual impairment548- Non-pay failure or refusal to submit to consultive examination. Visual impairment549- Non-pay applicant does not want to continue development of claim. Visual impairment550- Non-pay applicant willfully fails to follow prescribed treatment. Visual impairment551- Non-pay impairment does not meet or equal listing (disabled child under age 18 only). Visual impairment552- Non-pay deleted from state rolls prior to 12/73 payment553- Non-pay deleted from state rolls after 12/73 payment554- Non-pay d/o unable to locate applicant601- Suspension of disability payments due to SGA701- Suspended due to report of death by treasury. Potential automated death case704- Suspended system is waiting disability determination (system generated)705- System unable to determine prerequisite month for 1619 (A) eligibility706- Suspended recipient's address unknown707- Suspended returned checks for other than address payee change or death of payee708- suspended representative payee development pending709- Suspended recipient refuses to cooperate 710- Adjudicative suspense (system generated)720- Suspended the recipient is subject to rollback, that rollback code is 1 or 3721- Suspended the recipient is presumptively disabled and has received three months of payments801- Terminated death of recipient820- Terminated received a duplicate payment based on 2 different numbers (Clerical or D.O.)822- Terminated received a duplicate payment based on 2 different numbers (electronic termination)830- Terminated received payments, but record must be reestablished to correct SSR831- Terminated recipient met denial or non-pay temrinated criteria. Payment received (electronic termination)850- Terminated no payment received, but record must be reestablished to correct SSR851- Terminated recipient met denial or non-pay terminated criteria. Payment not received (electronic termination)VAR #305 Pay status as of 12/82This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsRPSTAT82 LOCATION: 961 LENGTH: 3SEE RPSTAT91, VAR#304 for codesVAR #306 Pay status as of 12/86This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsRPSTAT86 LOCATION: 964 LENGTH: 3SEE RPSTAT91, VAR#304 for codesVAR #307 Pay status as of 12/79This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsRPSTAT79 LOCATION: 967 LENGTH: 3SEE RPSTAT91, VAR#304 for codesVAR #308 Type of payment as of 12/91RTOA91 LOCATION: 970 LENGTH: 21- Aged individual2- Aged individual with ineligible spouse3- Aged individual with eligible spouse4- Blind individual5- Blind individual with ineligible spouse6- Blind individual with eligible spouse7- Disabled individual with eligble spouse8- Disabled individual9- Disabled individual with ineligible spouse10- Blind chld11- Blind child living with mother12- Blind child living with father13- Blind child living with both parents14- Disabled child15- Disabled child living with mother16- Disabled child living with father17- Disabled child living with both parents18- Eligible individual awaiting spouse19- Orbit record for change in housed under number finder records20- UnknownVAR #309 Type of payment as of 12/86RTOA86 LOCATION: 972 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR #308, RTOA91 for codesVAR #310 Type of payment as of 12/82RTOA82 LOCATION: 974 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR #308, RTOA91 for codesVAR #311 Type of payment as of 12/79RTOA79 LOCATION: 976 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR #308, RTOA91 for codes------------------------------------------------------------Administrative data for the current, deceased, or surviving spouse of the NBF respondent begins with VAR#318. The information is for the spouse of the 1982 interview.VAR #312 Month of birthSDOBMM LOCATION: 978 LENGTH: 2(From February 1992 MBR)VAR #313 Year of birthSDOBYR LOCATION: 980 LENGTH: 2(From February 1992 MBR)VAR #314 Month of deathSDODMM LOCATION: 982 LENGTH: 2(From March 1994 MBR)VAR #315 Year of deathSDODYR LOCATION: 984 LENGTH: 2(From March 1994 MBR) SSA Administrative Master Beneficiary RecordBenefit Data for Sample Spouse(As of December in 19801989 and February in 1991 and 1992.) _______________________________________________________________Benefit information for spouses in from 19801989_______________________________________________________________ VAR STARTING VARIABLEVAR# YEAR NAME LOCATION LENGTH TYPE 316 1980 SBIC80 986 2 BIC317 1980 SLAF80 988 2 LAF318 1980 SPIA80 990 3 PIA319 1980 SMBA80 993 3 MBA320 1980 SNMPME80 996 2 NMPME 321 1981 SBIC81 998 2 BIC322 1981 SLAF81 1000 2 LAF323 1981 SPIA81 1002 4 PIA324 1981 SMBA81 1006 4 MBA325 1981 SNMPME81 1010 2 NMPME326 1982 SBIC82 1012 2 BIC327 1982 SLAF82 1014 2 LAF328 1982 SPIA82 1016 4 PIA329 1982 SMBA82 1020 4 MBA330 1982 SNMPME82 1024 2 NMPME331 1983 SBIC83 1026 2 BIC332 1983 SLAF83 1028 2 LAF333 1983 SPIA83 1030 4 PIA334 1983 SMBA83 1034 4 MBA335 1983 SNMPME83 1038 2 NMPME336 1984 SBIC84 1040 2 BIC337 1984 SLAF84 1042 2 LAF338 1984 SPIA84 1044 4 PIA339 1984 SMBA84 1048 4 MBA340 1984 SNMPME84 1052 2 NMPME341 1985 SBIC85 1054 2 BIC342 1985 SLAF85 1056 2 LAF343 1985 SPIA85 1058 4 PIA344 1985 SMBA85 1062 4 MBA345 1985 SNMPME85 1066 2 NMPME346 1986 SBIC86 1068 2 BIC347 1986 SLAF86 1070 2 LAF348 1986 SPIA86 1072 4 PIA349 1986 SMBA86 1076 4 MBA350 1986 SMNPME86 1080 2 MNPME351 1987 SBIC87 1082 2 BIC 352 1987 SLAF87 1084 2 LAF353 1987 SPIA87 1086 4 PIA354 1987 SMBA87 1090 4 MBA355 1987 SNMPME87 1094 2 NMPME356 1988 SBIC88 1096 2 BIC357 1988 SLAF88 1098 2 LAF358 1988 SPIA88 1100 4 PIA359 1988 SMBA88 1104 4 MBA360 1988 SNMPME88 1108 2 NMPME361 1989 SBIC89 1110 2 BIC362 1989 SLAF89 1112 2 LAF363 1989 SPIA89 1114 4 PIA364 1989 SMBA89 1118 4 MBA365 1989 SNMPME89 1122 2 NMPMES (See Variables 610 for appropriate codes.) Benefit information for spouse in 1990(information in February 1991 represents the end of 1990.)VAR #366 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)SBIC90 LOCATION:1124 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90. )VAR #367 Payment status (LAF) SLAF90 LOCATION:1126 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80. Refers to payment status. Codes 22 and 32 are currently paid beneficiaries. All other codes are reasons for termination or deferral of benefit.)VAR #368 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) SPIA90 LOCATION:1128 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars is the basic benefit without actuarial adjustment for early or late retirement. The PIA of spouse and widow beneficiaries is the PIA of their current or deceased spouse.)VAR #369 Benefits paid in yearSBPM90 LOCATION:1132 LENGTH: 5(OASDI in dollars. Excludes an initial check paid when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #370Number of months in which OASDI benefits were paid SNMP90 LOCATION:1137 LENGTH: 2(Excludes months in an initial check paid in 1990 when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #371 Amount received in year for entitlement in yearSARME90 LOCATION:1139 LENGTH: 5(In dollars.)VAR #372 Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA)SMBA90 LOCATION:1144 LENGTH: 4 (Monthly Benefit Amount in dollars is the amount paid including the amount of the SMI premium deducted from the check.)VAR #373 Number of months of benefits paid (NMPME)SNMPME90 LOCATION:1148 LENGTH: 2(Number of months in the year for which OASDI benefits were paid.)VAR #374Earliest date of filing for benefitsSDOF90 LOCATION:1150 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY)VAR #375Earliest month of initial entitlementSDOEIM90 LOCATION:1154 LENGTH: 2VAR #376 Earliest year of initial entitlementSDOEIY90 LOCATION:1156 LENGTH: 2VAR #377Month of current or most recent entitlementSDOECM90 LOCATION:1158 LENGTH: 2VAR #378Year of current or most recent entitlementSDOECY90 LOCATION:1160 LENGTH: 2VAR #379Year for which benefits were first paidSYFP90 LOCATION:1162 LENGTH: 2(Payment data not avaiable before 1962.)VAR #380Recomputation codeSRCC90 LOCATION:1164 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#70, RRCC90.)-VAR #381Year of most recent recomputationSERC90 LOCATION:1166 LENGTH: 2(Recomputation for earnings. Does not include legislative recomputation.)VAR #382Type of dual entitlementSTOD90 LOCATION:1168 LENGTH: 11 Primary retired worker/auxiliary spouse or survivor2 Survivor/ auxiliary spouse4 Triple entitlementVAR #383Dual entitlement status codeSDESC90 LOCATION:1169 LENGTH: 1(See codes in VAR#73, RDESC90.) VAR #384Other beneficiary identification code (BIC)SOTBIC90 LOCATION:1170 LENGTH: 2(BIC for other type of benefit of dually entitled. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #385 Other Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) SOTPIA90 LOCATION:1172 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars for other type of benefit of dually entitled.)VAR #386Larger full monthly benefit amountSLFMBA90 LOCATION:1176 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the larger benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #387 Smaller full monthly benefit amountSSFMBA90 LOCATION:1180 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions) VAR #388 Smaller actuarially reduced benefit amountSSAMBA90 LOCATION:1184 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including actuarial reductions)VAR #389 Larger excess monthly benefit amountSLEMBA90 LOCATION:1188 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the difference between the smaller and the larger benefit to be paid)VAR #390Date of entitlement to other benefitSOTDOE90 LOCATION:1192 LENGTH: 4(Date of entitlement is month and yearMMYYfor other benefit of the dually entitled.) -VAR #391Date representative payee selectedSDOS90 LOCATION:1196 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #392Type of PayeeSTOP90 LOCATION:1200 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90.)VAR #393Custody CodeSCC90 LOCATION:1202 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90. Code V in VAR#383 refers to payee's custody.)VAR #394Medical reexamination dateSMRED90 LOCATION:1204 LENGTH: 4(Date for medical reexamination of disabled worker cases expected to have improving medical conditions is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #395Advance filingactuarial reductioninterim award codeSAFARI90 LOCATION:1208 LENGTH: 12 Interim award and actuarially reduced3 Interim award and advanced filing4 Interim award and actuarially reduced and advanced filing5 Actuarially reduced only6 Actuarially reduced and advanced filing7 Advanced filing onlyVAR #396Hospital insurance entitlement code SHENC90 LOCATION:1209 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86, RHENC90.)VAR #397Medical insurance entitlement code SSENC90 LOCATION:1211 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86, RHENC90. Code D in VAR#387 indicates deemed date of birth.)VAR #398Date of entitlement to Medicare Part ASDOEH90 LOCATION:1213 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #399 Date of termination to Medicare Part ASDOTH90 LOCATION:1217 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #400 Date of entitlement to Medicare Part BSDOES90 LOCATION:1221 1ENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #401Date of termination to Medicare Part BSDOTS90 LOCATION:1225 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.) VAR #402Date of OASDI termination SDOT90 LOCATION:1229 LENGTH: 4(Date is months and yearMMYY.)VAR #403 Type of OASDI terminationSTOT90 LOCATION:1233 LENGTH: 2 (LAF at termination. See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80.)VAR #404 BIC at OASDI terminationSBAT90 LOCATION:1235 LENGTH: 2(BIC at termination. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #405 Year in which lump sum benefit was paidSYLSP90 LOCATION:1237 LENGTH: 2VAR #406 Security Income File TypeSSIFT90 LOCATION:1239 LENGTH: 1 1 Aged individual or spouse (A)2 Blind individual, spouse or child (B)3 Disabled individual, spouse or child (D)4 Ineligible parent (P)5 Ineligible spouse (S)VAR #407 SSI living arrangements codeSLAC90 LOCATION:1240 LENGTH: 11 Own household (A)2 Another's household (B)3 Parent's household (C) 4 Institution (D) Benefit information for spouse in 1991(information in February 1992 represents the end of 1991.)VAR #408 Beneficiary Identification Code (BIC)SBIC91 LOCATION:1241 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #409 Payment status (LAF) SLAF91 LOCATION:1243 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80. Codes 22 and 32 are currently paid beneficiaries. Most other codes are reasons for termination or deferral of benefit.)VAR #410 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) SPIA91 LOCATION:1245 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars is the basic benefit without actuarial adjustment for early or late retirement. The PIA of spouse and widow beneficiaries is the PIA of their current or deceased spouse.)VAR #411OASDI benefits paid in yearSBPM91 LOCATION:1249 LENGTH: 5(In dollars. Excludes an initial check paid when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #412Number of months in which benefits were paid SNMP91 LOCATION:1254 LENGTH: 2(Excludes months in an initial check paid in 1990 when the date of initial entitlement is earlier than the date of filing.)VAR #413 Amount received in year for entitlement in yearSARME91 LOCATION:1256 LENGTH: 5(In dollars.)VAR #414 Monthly Benefit Amount (MBA)SMBA91 LOCATION:1261 LENGTH: 4 (Monthly Benefit Amount in dollars is the amount paid including the amount of the SMI premium deducted from the check.)VAR #415 Number of months of benefits paid (NMPME)SNMPME91 LOCATION:1265 LENGTH: 2(Number of months in the year for which benefits were paid.)VAR #416Earliest date of filing for benefitsSDOF91 LOCATION:1267 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY)VAR #417Earliest month of initial entitlementSDOEIM91 LOCATION:1271 LENGTH: 2VAR #418Earliest year of initial entitlementSDOEIY91 LOCATION:1273 LENGTH: 2VAR #419Month of current or most recent entitlementSDOECM91 LOCATION:1275 LENGTH: 2VAR #420Year of current or most recent entitlementSDOECY91 LOCATION:1277 LENGTH: 2VAR #421Year for which benefits were first paidSYFP91 LOCATION:1279 LENGTH: 2(Payment data not avaiable before 1962.)VAR #422Recomputation codeSRCC91 LOCATION:1281 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#70, RRCC90.)VAR #423Year of most recent recomputationSERC91 LOCATION:1283 LENGTH: 2(Recomputation for earnings. Does not include legislative recomputation.)VAR #424Type of dual entitlement STOD91 LOCATION:1285 LENGTH: 11 Primary retired worker/auxiliary spouse or survivor2 Survivor/ auxiliary spouse4 Triple entitlementVAR #425Dual entitlement status codeSDESC91 LOCATION:1286 LENGTH: 1(See codes in RDESC90, VAR#73.)VAR #426Other beneficiary identification code (BIC)SOTBIC91 LOCATION:1287 LENGTH: 2(BIC for other type of benefit of dually entitled. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #427 Other Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) SOTPIA91 LOCATION:1289 LENGTH: 4(Primary Insurance Amount in dollars for other type of benefit of dually entitled.)VAR #428Larger full monthly benefit amountSLFMBA91 LOCATION:1293 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the larger benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #429 Smaller full monthly benefit amountSSFMBA91 LOCATION:1297 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including delayed retirement credits and excluding actuarial reductions)VAR #430 Smaller actuarially reduced benefit amountSSAMBA91 LOCATION:1301 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the monthly benefit amount of the smaller benefit, including actuarial reductions)VAR #431 Larger excess monthly benefit amountSLEMBA91 LOCATION:1305 LENGTH: 4(For the dually entitled, the difference between the smaller and the larger benefit to be paid)VAR #432 Date of entitlement to other benefitSOTDOE91 LOCATION:1309 LENGTH: 4(Date of entitlement is month and yearMMYYfor other benefit of the dually entitled. )VAR #433Date representative payee selectedSDOS91 LOCATION:1313 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #434Type of PayeeSTOP91 LOCATION:1317 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90.)VAR #435Custody CodeSCC91 LOCATION:1319 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#82, RTOP90. Code V in VAR#426 refers to payee's custody.)VAR #436Medical reexamination dateSMRED91 LOCATION:1321 LENGTH: 4(Date for medical reexamination of disabled worker cases expected to have improving medical conditions in month and yearMMYY.)VAR #437Advance filingactuarial reductioninterim award codeSAFARI91 LOCATION:1325 LENGTH: 12 Interim award and actuarially reduced3 Interim award and advanced filing4 Interim award and actuarially reduced and advanced filing5 Actuarially reduced only6 Actuarially reduced and advanced filing7 Advanced filing onlyVAR #438Hospital insurance entitlement code SHENC91 LOCATION:1326 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86. RHENC90.)VAR #439Medical insurance entitlement code SSENC91 LOCATION:1328 LENGTH: 2(See codes in VAR#86,RHENC90. Code D in VAR#436 indicates deemed date of birth.)VAR #440Date of entitlement to Medicare Part ASDOEH91 LOCATION:1330 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #441 Date of termination to Medicare Part ASDOTH91 LOCATION:1334 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #442 Date of entitlement to Medicare Part BSDOES91 LOCATION:1338 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #443Date of termination to Medicare Part BSDOTS91 LOCATION:1342 LENGTH: 4(Date is month and yearMMYY.)VAR #444Date of OASDI termination SDOT91 LOCATION:1346 LENGTH: 4(Date is months and yearMMYY.)VAR #445 Type of OASDI terminationSTOT91 LOCATION:1350 LENGTH: 2 (LAF at termination. See codes in VAR#7, RLAF80.)VAR #446 BIC at OASDI terminationSBAT91 LOCATION:1352 LENGTH: 2(BIC at termination. See codes in VAR#56, RBIC90.)VAR #447 Year in which lump sum benefit was paidSYLSP91 LOCATION:1354 LENGTH: 2VAR #448 Security Income File TypeSSIFT91 LOCATION:1356 LENGTH: 1 1 Aged individual or spouse (A)2 Blind individual, spouse or child (B)3 Disabled individual, spouse or child (D)4 Ineligible parent (P)5 Ineligible spouse (S)VAR #449 SSI living arrangements codeSLAC91 LOCATION:1357 LENGTH: 11 Own household (A)2 Another's household (B)3 Parent's household (C) 4 Institution (D)---------------------------------------------------------------------Summary Earnings Record Earnings data for NBS Sample Spouse (Covered earnings in 19511991 are in current dollars. Covered earnings include both wage and salary and selfemployment income subject to Social Security taxes up to the taxable maximum for the year.) VAR STARTING VAR# YEAR NAMELOCATION LENGTH 4501951SSER51135844511952SSER52136244521953SSER53136644531954SSER54137044541955SSER55137444551956SSER56137844561957SSER57138244571958SSER58138644581959SSER59139044591960SSER60139444601961SSER61139844611962SSER6214024 4621963SSER63140644631964SSER641410 44641965SSER65141444651966SSER66141844661967SSER67142244671968SSER68142644681969SSER69143044691970SSER70143444701971SSER71143844711972SSER72144244721973SSER73144654731974SSER74145154741975SSER75145654751976SSER76146154761977SSER77146654771978SSER78147154781979SSER79147654791980SSER80148154801981SSER81148654811982SSER82149154821983SSER83149654831984SSER84150154841985SSER85150654851986SSER86151154861987SSER87151654871988SSER88152154881989SSER89152654891990SSER90153154901991SSER9115365 VAR #491 Total Quarters of coverage 19371977SQTR77 LOCATION:1541 LENGTH: 3-----------------------------------------------------------------Supplementary Security Income Administrative Recordsfrom the Supplementary Security Recordin March 1993___________________________________________________________________VAR #492 First date of application--Month SA1MO LOCATION: 1544 LENGTH: 2VAR #493 First date of application--YearSAP1YR LOCATION: 1546 LENGTH: 2VAR #494 First date of application resulting in payment--MonthSP1PAYMO LOCATION: 1548 LENGTH: 2 VAR #495 First date of application resulting in payment--YEARSP1PAYYR LOCATION: 1550 LENGTH: 2VAR #496 Number of applicationsSAPCT LOCATION: 1552 LENGTH: 1VAR #497 Number of applications resulting in paymentSAPPAY LOCATION: 1553 LENGTH: 1VAR #498 Most recent date of payment as of 12/91--MonthsSECAP91M LOCATION: 1554 LENGTH: 2VAR #499 Most recent date of payment as of 12/91--YEARSECAP91Y LOCATION: 1556 LENGTH: 2VAR #500 Most recent date of payment as of 12/86--MonthsSECAP86M LOCATION: 1558 LENGTH: 2VAR #501 Most recent date of payment as of 12/86--YEARSECAP86Y LOCATION: 1560 LENGTH: 2VAR #502 Most recent date of payment as of 12/82--MonthsSECAP82M LOCATION: 1562 LENGTH: 2VAR #503 Most recent date of payment as of 12/82--YEARSECAP82Y LOCATION: 1564 LENGTH: 2VAR #504 Most recent date of payment as of 12/79--MonthsSECAP79M LOCATION: 1566 LENGTH: 2VAR #505 Most recent date of payment as of 12/79--YEARSECAP79Y LOCATION: 1568 LENGTH: 2VAR #506 Most recent date of denial as of 12/91--MonthsSECDN91M LOCATION: 1570 LENGTH: 2VAR #507 Most recent date of denial as of 12/91--YEARSECDN91Y LOCATION: 1572 LENGTH: 2------------------------------------------------------------------VAR #508 Most recent date of denial as of 12/86--MonthsSECDN86M LOCATION: 1574 LENGTH: 2VAR #509 Most recent date of denial as of 12/86--YEARSECDN86Y LOCATION: 1576 LENGTH: 2------------------------------------------------------------------VAR #510 Most recent date of denial as of 12/82--MonthsSECDN82M LOCATION: 1578 LENGTH: 2VAR #511 Most recent date of denial as of 12/82--YEARSECDN82Y LOCATION: 1580 LENGTH: 2VAR #512 Most recent date of denial as of 12/79--MonthsSECDN79M LOCATION: 1582 LENGTH: 2VAR #513 Most recent date of denial as of 12/79--YEARSECDN79Y LOCATION: 1584 LENGTH: 2VAR #514 Pay status as of 12/91This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsSPSTAT91 LOCATION: 1586 LENGTH: 3SEE VAR#304, RPSTAT91 for codesVAR #515 Pay status as of 12/86This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsSPSTAT86 LOCATION: 1589 LENGTH: 3SEE VAR#304, RPSTAT91 for codesVAR #516 Pay status as of 12/82This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsSPSTAT82 LOCATION: 1592 LENGTH: 3SEE VAR#304, RPSTAT91 for codesVAR #517 Pay status as of 12/79This applies post eligibility actions and computes paymentsSPSTAT79 LOCATION: 1595 LENGTH: 3SEE VAR#304, RPSTAT91 for codesVAR #518 Type of payment as of 12/91STOA91 LOCATION: 1598 LENGTH: 2See VAR#308, RPT0A91 for codesVAR #519 Type of payment as of 12/86STOA86 LOCATION: 1600 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR#308, RTOA91 for codesVAR #520 Type of payment as of 12/82STOA82 LOCATION: 1602 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR#308, RTOA91 for codesVAR #521 Type of payment as of 12/79STOA79 LOCATION: 1604 LENGTH: 2SEE VAR#308, RTOA91 for codesVAR #522 Couple Weight for 1982 NBS couplesCUPLWGT LOCATION: 1606 LENGTH: 7 IMPLIED DECIMALS: 4---------------------------------------------------------------- ................

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