November 1999 - Washington

November 1999


Use this sheet to track changes made in 1999 to the forms.


|WPF DR 01.0260 |Motion and Declaration for Service by Publication |

| | |

| |The words “MOTION AND” were added to the title of the document. |

| | |

| |The following motion section was inserted at the beginning of the form: |

| | |

| |I. MOTION |

| | |

| |The petitioner moves the court, pursuant to RCW 4.28.100, for an order allowing service of the summons and |

| |petition by publication. |

| | |

| |The date and signature lines follow the motion. II. DECLARATION was inserted before the declaration and the |

| |declaration paragraphs were renumbered. |

|WPF DR 01.0300 |Response to Petition (Domestic Relations) |

| | |

| |In paragraph 1.1, a space was added to respond to paragraph 1.14 of the Petition. |

|WPF DR 04.0170 |Ex Parte Restraining Order/Order to Show Cause |

| | |

| |At the beginning of the form, a “Restraining Order Summary” paragraph title was inserted with check box |

| |options for “Does not apply” and “Restraining Order Summary is set forth below.” The restraining order |

| |summary was changed as follows: |

| | |

| |Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 4.1. |

| | |

| |If the court does not issue a restraining order, a party may check the first box and delete the remainder of |

| |the Restraining Order Summary paragraph. |

|WPF DR 04.0180 |Law Enforcement Information Sheet |

| | |

| |At the end of the form, after the phrase “DO NOT SERVE OR SHOW THIS SHEET TO THE PERSON RESTRAINED/RESPONDENT,|

| |the following advisement was inserted: “COURT CLERKS: GIVE THIS FORM TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. DO NOT FILE IN THE|


|WPF DR 04.0250 |Temporary Order |

| | |

| |The section title I JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the pleading and changed to II JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as followed: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 2.1. |

| | |

| |If the court does not issue a restraining order, a party may check the first box and delete the remainder of |

| |the Restraining Order Summary paragraph. |

| | |

| |The JUDGMENT SUMMARY was placed in paragraph 1.2 and the title was changed to MONEY JUDGMENT SUMMARY. |

|WPF DR 04.0400 |Decree of Dissolution/Legal Separation/Declaration Concerning Validity |

| | |

| |The section title I JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the pleading and changed to II JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as followed: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 3.8. |

| | |

| |Paragraph 1.2 Real Property Judgment Summary was inserted after the Restraining Order Summary: |

| | |

| |1.2 Real Property Judgment Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Real Property Judgment Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Legal description of the property awarded (including lot, block, plat, or section, township, range, county and|

| |state: See Page ________________________ for full legal description. Assessor’s Property tax number:|

| | |

| | |

| |The Real Property Judge Summary was added pursuant to RCW 4.64.030(2)(b) as amended by Chapter 296 Laws 99. |

| | |

| |The Judgment Summary was placed in paragraph 1.2 and the title was changed to Money Judgment Summary. |

| | |

| |The Phrase “END OF SUMMARIES” was inserted after the Money Judgment Summary. |

| | |

| |In paragraph 3.7, the third check box option was changed to end with the sentence “the first maintenance |

| |payment shall be due on ______[date]. The section regarding the termination of spousal maintenance was moved |

| |to the left margin and changed to: |

| | |

| |The obligation to pay future maintenance is terminated upon the death of either party or the remarriage of the|

| |party receiving maintenance unless otherwise specified below: |

| | |

| |In paragraph 3.8, the expiration date was changed from “This restraining order is permanent unless an |

| |expiration date is set forth here _____ [Month/Day/Year]” to “This restraining order expires |

| |on:_____[Month/Day/Year]. This change was made o assist Law Enforcement in enforcing the restraining order. |

| |Law Enforcement needs a date certain for the expiration date. If the order is permanent, use a date |

| |sufficiently in the future to cover the potential life span of the parties. |

| | |

| |Also in paragraph 3.8, “supersedes” was corrected. |

|WPF DR 06.0300 |Answer (Support Modification) |

| | |

| |In paragraph 1.1, the line for paragraph 1.6 of the petition was deleted to conform the answer to the |

| |petition. |

| |. |

|WPF DR 07.0100 |Petition for Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule |

| | |

| |The title of the form was changed from “Petition for Modification of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan,” to “ |

| |Petition for Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule. |

| | |

| |Paragraph 2.4 TEMPORARY RELIEF was deleted. The remaining paragraphs were renumbered. |

| | |

| |In the title of Paragraph 2.7, the word “PRIOR” was deleted, and “RESIDENTIAL SCHEDULE” was inserted after |


| | |

| |Within paragraph 2.7, the “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the title of Paragraph 2.8, the word “Major” was deleted. |

| | |

| |In the second check box option, the “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the fourth check box option, the word “prior” was deleted, and “residential schedule” was inserted after |

| |“parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the fifth check box option, after “children’s” the word “present” was deleted. After “environment” and |

| |before “is detrimental,” the following phrase was inserted “under the custody decree/parenting |

| |plan/residential schedule. The beginning of the fifth check box option is now “The children’s environment |

| |under the custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule is detrimental…” |

| | |

| |In the title to paragraph 2.9, the word “MINOR” was deleted and the RCW citation was updated to RCW |

| |26.09.260(5)(7). |

| | |

| |Pursuant to RCW 26.09.260(5)(7), as amended by Chapter 174 Laws 99, paragraph 2.9 was changed from: |

| | |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| | |

| |[ ] The parenting plan should be adjusted because the proposed modification to the parenting plan is: |

| | |

| |[ ] a modification in the dispute resolution process. |

| | |

| |[ ] a minor modification in the residential schedule that does not change the residence the children are |

| |scheduled to reside in the majority of the time and does not exceed twenty-four full days in a calendar year |

| |or five full days in a calendar month. |

| | |

| |[ ] a minor modification in the residential schedule that does not change the residence the children are |

| |scheduled to reside in the majority of the time and is based on a change of residence or an involuntary change|

| |in work schedule by a parent which makes the residential schedule in the parenting plan impractical to follow.|

| | |

| |To: |

| | |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| | |

| |[ ] The custody decree/parenting plan/residential schedule should be adjusted because the proposed |

| |modification to the parenting plan/residential schedule is in the best interest of the child and is a minor |

| |modification in the residential schedule that does not change the residence the child is scheduled to reside |

| |in the majority of the time and: |

| | |

| |[ ] is not more than twenty-four full days in a calendar year; or |

| | |

| |[ ] is based on a change of residence or an involuntary change in work schedule by a parent which makes the |

| |residential schedule in the parenting plan impractical to follow; or |

| | |

| |[ ] the increase is more than 24 full days but less than 90 overnights per year total, and the decree, |

| |parenting plan or residential schedule does not provide reasonable time with the nonprimary residential |

| |parent. |

| | |

| |[ ] The decree, parenting plan or residential schedule should be adjusted because the nonresidential parent |

| |has voluntarily failed to exercise residential time for one year or more and the adjustment is in the best |

| |interest of the children. |

| | |

| |Pursuant to RCW 26.09.260(5)(7), as amended by Chapter 174 Laws 99, the following new paragraph 2.10 was |

| |inserted : |

| | |


| | |

| |[ ] Does not apply |

| | |

| |[ ] The following nonresidential provisions of the parenting plan should be adjusted because there is a |

| |substantial change of circumstances of either parent or of the child and the adjustment is in the best |

| |interest of the child: |

| | |

| |[ ] Dispute resolution |

| |[ ] Decision making |

| |[ ] Transportation arrangements |

| |[ ] Other: |

| | |

| |In paragraph 2.11 the word “prior” was deleted, and “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting |

| |plan.” |

| | |

| |In section III RELIEF REQUESTED, in the first paragraph the word “prior” was deleted, and “residential |

| |schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the second check box option, in the first sentence, “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting |

| |plan.” In the second sentence, “which have been” was replaced with “are.” |

| | |

| |The third check box option, copied below, was deleted: |

| | |

| |[ ] Adopt a temporary parenting plan until further hearing in this matter. |

|WPF DR 07.0120 |Summons (Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule) (SM) |

| | |

| |All references to the petition were changed from “Modification of Custody Decree or Parenting Plan” to |

| |“Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule.” |

|WPF DR 07.0200 |Response to Petition for Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule |

| | |




| | |

| |In paragraph 1.1, the paragraph numbers that correspond with the paragraphs of the petition were renumbered |

| |1.1 through 1.3 and 2.1 through 2.12 to conform with the petition. |

| | |

| |The title of paragraph 2.2 was changed from REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION to REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OR |


| | |

| |In the second check box option in paragraph 2.2, after the word “modifying,” the words “or adjusting” were |

| |added; the word “prior” was deleted; and “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the fourth check box option, “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” The second |

| |sentence was changed to begin with “The” and “which have been” was replaced with “are”. |

| | |

| |The fifth check box option, copied below, was deleted: |

| | |

| |[ ] Adopt a temporary parenting plan until further hearing in this matter. |

|WPF DR 07.0250 |Notice of Hearing for Adequate Cause Determination (NTHG) |

| | |

| |All references to the petition were changed from “Modification of Custody Decree or Parenting Plan” to |

| |“Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule.” |

|WPF DR 07.0300 |Order Re Adequate Cause (Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule) |

| |(ORTSC) |

| | |

| |All references to the petition were changed from “Modification of Custody Decree or Parenting Plan” to |

| |“Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree/Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule.” |

|WPF DR 07.0400 |Order Re Modification/Adjustment of Custody Decree or Parenting Plan/Residential Schedule |

| | |



| | |

| |In the title to paragraph 2.2, “Major” was deleted. |

| | |

| |In the second and third check box options, “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the fifth check box option, after “into” and before “family,” “my” was replaced with “the moving party’s.” |

| |“Prior” was deleted and “residential schedule was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

| | |

| |In the sixth check box option, after “child(ren)” and before “environment,” the word “present” was deleted. |

| |After “environment” and before “is detrimental” the following phrase was inserted “under the custody |

| |decree/parenting plan/schedule.” |

| | |

| |In the last sentence of paragraph 2.2, “prior” was deleted and “schedule” was inserted after “plan.” |

| | |

| |The title of paragraph 2.3 was changed from MINOR ADJUSTMENTS PURSUANT TO RCW 26.09.260(4) to ADJUSTMENTS TO |


| | |

| |In the second check box option, the RCW citation was updated to RCW 26.09.260(5)(7). |

| | |

| |Pursuant to RCW 26.09.260(5)(7), as amended by Chapter 174 Laws 99, the remainder of paragraph 2.3 was changed|

| |from: |

| | |

| |[ ] The parenting plan should be adjusted because the proposed modification to the parenting plan is: |

| |[ ] a modification in the dispute resolution process. |

| |[ ] a minor modification in the residential schedule that does not change the residence the child is scheduled|

| |to reside in the majority of the time and does not exceed 24full days in a calendar year or f full days in a |

| |calendar month. |

| |[ ] a minor modification in the residential schedule that does not change the residence the child is scheduled|

| |to reside in the majority of the time and is based on a change of residence or an involuntary change in work |

| |schedule by a parent which makes the residential schedule in the parenting plan impractical to follow. |

| | |

| |To: |

| | |

| |[ ] The parenting plan should be adjusted because the proposed modification to the parenting plan is in the |

| |best interest of the child and is a minor modification in the residential schedule that does not change the |

| |residence the child is scheduled to reside in the majority of the time and: |

| |[ ] is not more than twenty-four full days in a calendar year. |

| |[ ] is based on a change of residence or an involuntary change in work schedule by a parent which makes the |

| |residential schedule in the parenting plan impractical to follow. |

| |[ ] the increase is more than 24 full days but less than 90 overnights per year total, and the court finds |

| |that the decree, parenting plan or residential schedule does not provide reasonable time with the nonprimary |

| |residential parent. |

| | |

| |[ ] The decree, parenting plan or residential schedule should be adjusted because the nonresidential parent |

| |has voluntarily failed to exercise residential time for one year or more and the adjustment is in the best |

| |interest of the children.. |

| | |

| |The sentence “The following substantial change has occurred in the circumstances of either parent or of the |

| |child” was deleted (see notes regarding new paragraph 2.5). |

| | |

| |The following new paragraph 2.4 was added pursuant to RCW 26.09.260(9) as amended by Chapter 174 Laws 99: |

| | |


| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] The following nonresidential aspects of the parenting plan/residential schedule should be adjusted because|

| |there is a substantial change of circumstances of either parent or of the child and the adjustment is in the |

| |best interest of the child: |

| |[ ] Dispute resolution |

| |[ ] Decision making |

| |[ ] Transportation arrangements |

| |[ ] Other: |

| | |

| |The following new paragraph 2.5 was added: |

| | |


| |The following substantial change has occurred in the circumstances of either parent or of the child: |

| | |

| |In section III. ORDER, in the first and second check box options, “adjust” was inserted after “modify;: and |

| |“residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan. In the second check box option, “supersedes” was |

| |corrected. |

| | |

| |In the third check box option, “residential schedule” was inserted after “parenting plan.” |

|WPF DR 08.0100 |Motion and Declaration to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution |

| | |

| |In the title of the form, AND DECLARATION was added after MOTION and before TO CONVERT. |

| | |

| |At the beginning of the form, the following language was deleted: |

| | |

| |It has been at least six months since the decree of legal separation was entered and the [ ] petitioner [ ] |

| |respondent moves the court for an order converting the decree of separation which was entered in this matter |

| |on _______________ [Date] to a decree of dissolution of marriage. |

| | |

| |The following new section I. MOTION was inserted: |

| | |

| |The [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent moves the court, pursuant to RCW 26.09.150, for an order converting the |

| |decree of legal separation that was entered in this matter on ____________________ [date] to a decree of |

| |dissolution. This motion is based upon the declaration below. |

| | |

| |Date and signature lines follow the motion. |

| | |

| |The following new section II. DECLARATION was added: |

| | |

| |I declare that I am the [ ] Petitioner [ ] Respondent in this action and that my marriage is irretrievably |

| |broken. It has been at lease six months since the decree of legal separation was entered on ______________[ |

| |date of decree of legal separation]. |

| | |

| |I declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true |

| |and correct. |

| | |

| |Signed on_______________ at ______________________________,Washington. |

| |(Date) (City) |

| | |

| |Date and signature lines follow the declaration. |

|WPF DR 08.0200 |Order on Motion to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution |

| | |

| |In section II. FINDINGS, the paragraph was changed from: |

| | |

| |The court FINDS that it has been at least six months since the decree of separation was entered in this matter|

| |and that the nonmoving party has been given adequate notice. |

| | |

| |To: |

| | |

| |The court FINDS that it has been at least six months since the decree of separation was entered in this |

| |matter, that the marriage is irretrievably broken and that the nonmoving party has been given adequate notice.|

| | |

| |In paragraph 3.1, “hereby” was deleted. |


|WPF CU 02.0200 |Nonparental Custody Decree |

| | |

| |The section title I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the form and changed to I. JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as followed: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 3.4. |

| | |

| |The Judgment Summary paragraph was number paragraph 1.2 and the title of the paragraph was changed to “Money |

| |Judgment Summary.” |

| | |

| |In paragraph 3.4, the expiration date was changed from “This restraining order is permanent unless an |

| |expiration date is set forth here _____ [month/day/year]” to “This restraining order expires |

| |on:_____[month/day/year]. This change was made to assist law enforcement in enforcing the restraining order. |

| |Law enforcement needs a date certain for the expiration date. If the order is permanent, use a date |

| |sufficiently in the future to cover the potential life span of the parties. |

| | |

| |Also in paragraph 3.4, “supersedes” was corrected. |

|WPF CU 03.0170 |Ex Parte Restraining Order/Order to Show Cause (Nonparental Custody) |

| | |

| |At the beginning of the form, a “Restraining Order Summary” paragraph title was inserted with check box options|

| |for “Does not apply” and “Restraining Order Summary is set forth below.” The restraining order summary was |

| |changed as follows: |

| | |

| |Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 4.1. |

| | |

| |If the court does not issue a restraining order, a party may check the first box and delete the remainder of |

| |the Restraining Order Summary paragraph. |

|WPF CU 03.0200 |Temporary Custody Order (Nonparental Custody) |

| | |

| |The section title I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the pleading and changed to I. JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as followed: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 2.2. |

| | |

| | |

| |The Judgment Summary paragraph was number paragraph 1.2 and the title of the paragraph was changed to “Money |

| |Judgment Summary.” |

| | |

| |In the paragraph 1.2 Money Judgment Summary, “L. Other” was added at the end of the judgment summary. |

|WPF CU 03.0320 |Response to Visitation Petition |

| | |

| |In paragraph 1.1, a line was added to respond to paragraph 1.7 of the petition. |


|WPF PS 04.0170 |Ex Parte Restraining Order/Order to Show Cause (Parentage) |

| | |

| |At the beginning of the pleading, a “Restraining Order Summary” paragraph was inserted with check box options |

| |for “Does not apply” and “Restraining Order Summary is set forth below.” The restraining order summary was |

| |changed as follows: |

| | |

| |Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 4.1. |

| | |

| |If the court does not issue a restraining order, a party may check the first box and delete the remainder of |

| |the Restraining Order Summary paragraph. |

|WPF PS 04.0180 |Law Enforcement Information Sheet |

| | |

| |At the end of the form, after the phrase “DO NOT SERVE OR SHOW THIS SHEET TO THE PERSON RESTRAINED/RESPONDENT,|

| |the following advisement was inserted “COURT CLERKS: GIVE THIS FORM TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. DO NOT FILE IN THE |


| | |

| | |

| | |

|WPF PS 04.0200 |Judgment and Order Determining Parentage and Granting Additional Relief |

| | |

| |The section title I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the form and changed to I. JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as follows: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 3.10. |

| | |

| |The Judgment Summary paragraph was number paragraph 1.2 and the title of the paragraph was changed to “Money |

| |Judgment Summary.” |

| | |

| |END OF SUMMARIES was inserted after the money judgment summary. |

| | |

| |In paragraph 3.10, the expiration date was changed from “This restraining order is permanent unless an |

| |expiration date is set forth here _____ [Month/Day/Year]” to “This restraining order expires |

| |on:_____[Month/Day/Year]. This change was made to assist Law Enforcement in enforcing the restraining order. |

| |Law Enforcement needs a date certain for the expiration date. If the order is permanent, use a date |

| |sufficiently in the future to cover the potential life span of the parties. |

|WPF PS 04.0250 |Temporary Order (Parentage) |

| | |

| |The section title I. JUDGMENT SUMMARY was moved to the top of the form and changed to I. JUDGMENT/ORDER |


| | |

| |Paragraph 1.1 Restraining Order Summary was inserted and the summary was changed as followed: |

| | |

| |1.1 Restraining Order Summary: |

| |[ ] Does not apply. |

| |[ ] Restraining Order Summary is set forth below: |

| | |

| | |

| |Name of person(s) restrained: . Name of person(s) |

| |protected: See paragraph 3.4. |

| | |

| |The Judgment Summary paragraph was number paragraph 1.2 and the title of the paragraph was changed to “Money |

| |Judgment Summary.” |

| | |

| |An “L. Other” option was inserted at the end of the money judgment summary.. |

|WPF PS 05.0200 |Order on Show Cause Re Contempt/Judgment |

| | |

| |Pursuant to RCW 26.09.165, the following warning was inserted at the end of the form: |

| | |

| |WARNING: Violation of residential provisions of this order with actual knowledge of its terms is punishable |

| |by contempt of court and may be a criminal offense under RCW 9A.040.060(2) or 9A.40.070(2). Violation of this|

| |order may subject a violator to arrest. |

| | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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