


Advanced Practice Nurse Services

Proposed Readoption with Amendments: N.J.A.C. 10:58A

Proposed Repeal: N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4

Authorized By: Jennifer Velez, Commissioner, Department of Human Services.

Authority: N.J.S.A. 30:4D-1 et seq. and 30:4J-8 et seq.

Calendar Reference: See Summary below for explanation of exception to calendar requirement.

Agency Control Number: 10-P-12.

Proposal Number: PRN 2010-294.

Submit comments by February 7, 2011 to:

Margaret M. Rose -- Attn: Proposal 10-P-12

Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services

Mail Code #26

P.O. Box 712

Trenton, NJ 08625-0712

Fax: (609) 588-7343

Email: Margaret.Rose@dhs.state.nj.us

Delivery: 6 Quakerbridge Plaza

Mercerville, NJ 08619

The agency proposal follows:


Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:14B-5.1c, the Advanced Practice Nurse Services rules, N.J.A.C. 10:58A, are scheduled to expire on April 23, 2011. The Advanced Practice Nurse Services rules are necessary to regulate fee-for-service reimbursement to advanced practice nurses (APNs) by the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services for services APNs render to Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries. The Department has reviewed these rules and finds that they continue to be necessary, adequate, reasonable, efficient, understandable and responsive to the purpose for which they were promulgated and is proposing that they be readopted, with amendments to update the text.

The proposed amendments update the list of approved procedure codes and their corresponding modifiers for all advanced practice nurse services to be consistent with the additions and deletions to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Code System (HCPCS) and revise billing procedures for certain vaccines and other practitioner-administered drugs Additionally, any Division-assigned procedure codes are being deleted and replaced as nationally recognized HCPCS are assigned to the procedures. These proposed amendments ensure compliance with the requirements of existing Federal rules, including the Vaccines for Children Program, the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA). The proposed amendments also contain technical corrections and updated explanatory language.

The chapter contains four subchapters, as described below:

Subchapter 1, General Provisions, includes an overview of services that may be provided by an APN. Definitions of words and terms used in the rules are provided. Requirements for provider participation are identified and addressed, documentation requirements are explained and the basis of reimbursement is provided. Personal contribution to care requirements for NJ FamilyCare Plan C beneficiaries and copayments for Plan D beneficiaries are specified.

Subchapter 2, Provision of Services, describes the general policies and procedures for the provision of Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service services provided by APNs. Services (medical services, surgical procedures, pharmaceutical services, clinical laboratory services, family planning, mental health and obstetrical and gynecological services) are separately identified and discussed when unique characteristics or requirements exist. Evaluation and management codes for specialty areas and specialty programs, such as the New Jersey Vaccines for Children program and Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program, are described. The medical exception process and pre-admission screening requirements are also included in Subchapter 2.

Subchapter 3, HealthStart, contains HealthStart program requirements, including: a description of the services; purpose and scope of the services; provider participation criteria; termination of a HealthStart provider certificate; documentation, confidentiality and informed consent requirements for HealthStart maternity care providers; health support services; standards for the pediatric HealthStart certificate; professional requirements for HealthStart pediatric care providers; preventive care services by HealthStart pediatric care providers; referral services by HealthStart pediatric care providers; documentation, confidentiality and informed consent requirements for HealthStart pediatric care providers and a delineation of specific pediatric services provided by an APN who has a HealthStart certificate.

Subchapter 4, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS), addresses how HCPCS codes and assigned modifiers are utilized by Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service providers for payment for services rendered. The subchapter assists providers in determining the appropriate procedure code to be used for the service rendered, the minimum requirements needed and any additional parameters required for reimbursement purposes.

The following specific amendments are proposed within the chapter:

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.1, proposed amendments revise the heading of the section to refer to “certified” advanced practice nurses, to emphasize the fact that these professionals are required to be certified. Additional amendments at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.1(a) are proposed to be consistent with this change.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.1(a), proposed amendments affirm that the terms "advanced practice nurse" and "APN" refer to a certified advanced practice nurse because all advanced practice nurses are required to be certified.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.1(b) proposed amendments make grammatical corrections to the sentence and clarify that the provider agreement must be approved in order for the APN to be eligible to receive reimbursement from the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.1(d), proposed amendments make technical corrections to the sentence by adding an acronym for the term managed care organization.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.2, several amendments to existing definitions are proposed, as well as definitions for new terms. Proposed amendments to the definition for “advanced practice nurse services” amend the term “professional nurse” to “registered professional nurse” to reflect the appropriate terminology. Proposed amendments make a non-substantive grammatical correction to the definition of “consultation.” Proposed amendments expand the definition of "Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program" to clarify that the services are available until the client’s 21st birthday and to specify which services are available to clients in NJ FamilyCare-Children’s Program-Plans B and C. Proposed amendments add definitions for the following new terms; “Federal funds participation upper limit (FFPUL),” “labeler code,” “national drug code (NDC),” “product code,” “State appropriations act,” and “unit of measure.” Proposed amendments would change the existing tem “Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review (PASRR)” to delete the word “Annual” from the term and to include a new sentence specifying that the PASRR process consists of two levels of service, as described at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10. A new definition for the term “Pre-admission screening (PAS)” would also be added. Proposed technical amendments to the definition for “mental illness” revise an acronym based on an amended definition, as described above, and correct a cross-reference. Finally, proposed amendments to the definition for the term “specialty” remove an outdated reference to N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.11 and state that all APNs shall be certified in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.1. The New Jersey Board of Nursing repealed the list of specific specializations on June 16, 2008 and adopted methods for recognizing specialties at N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.1 (see 39 N.J.R. 1991(b); 40 N.J.R. 3729(a)).

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.3(a) and (e), proposed amendments change the name of “Unisys” to “Molina Medicaid Solutions” to reflect a name change of the company that provides services to the State.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.3(c), proposed amendments clarify the types of licensure and certification required to enroll as a Medicaid provider of APN services.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(a), proposed amendments replace the term “advanced practice nurse” with the acronym “APN” and clarify that individual records maintained may be written or electronic.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(b), proposed amendments revise the list of required components of the documentation of services rendered by the APN.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(c), proposed amendments revise the list of required components of the medical record that is to be maintained by the APN regarding an initial visit.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(d), proposed amendments clarify that the medical records maintained by an APN may be written or electronic.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(g), proposed amendments revise the list of required components of the medical record that is to be maintained by the APN regarding follow up care visits.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(h)2, proposed amendments clarify that the APN must have personally performed a “physical” examination.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(j), proposed amendments replace the term “periodic health maintenance” with “EPSDT” to more accurately describe the examinations received by beneficiaries under age 21. Additional amendments revise the list of required components of the medical record that is to be maintained by the APN regarding an EPSDT examination or visit.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(k), proposed amendments revise the list of required components of the medical record that is to be maintained by the APN regarding home visits or house call visits.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.5(b), proposed amendments remove the last sentence, which contains an obsolete cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.5(c)3 and (d)1i, proposed amendments make non-substantive technical and grammatical revisions and insert acronyms.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58a-1.5(e), proposed amendments clarify the name of the identification number used by providers on claim forms and make non-substantive grammatical corrections.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.5(g)1, proposed amendments make non-substantive grammatical corrections.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.1(a), proposed amendments make a non-substantive grammatical revision, via insertion of an acronym.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.3(a), proposed amendments make a non-substantive grammatical correction.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4, proposed amendments revise the heading of the section to include Pharmaceutical services – “drugs prescribed and/or administered by an APN” to more accurately describe the rules contained in the section.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(a), proposed amendments clarify that the covered pharmaceutical services include drugs that are both prescribed and administered by an APN, additional amendments update cross-references.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(c), proposed amendments make a technical correction to the cross-reference based on the repeal of N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4, as discussed below.

Proposed new N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(d) states that APNs shall be reimbursed for specified drugs in outpatient settings and provides the location of the list of the relevant HCPCS procedure codes.

Proposed new N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(d)1 states that when an APN makes a home visit for the sole purpose of administering a drug that reimbursement is limited to the cost of the drug and/or its administration and that reimbursement for the home visit shall only be provided if the criteria for the home visit was met independent of the administration of the drug.

Proposed new N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(e) requires that the drug administered must be consistent with the diagnosis and conform to accepted medical and pharmacological principles in respect to dosage frequency and route of administration.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(f) requires that in order for APN administered drugs to be reimbursed by the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program, manufacturers must have in effect all rebate agreements required or directed pursuant to State and Federal laws and regulations.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(g) and (g)1 require that the APN report the National Drug Code (NDC), the quantity of the drug administered and the unit of measure on the claim form, and that the labeler and drug product code of the actual product dispensed be reported on the claim form even if the package size indicated in the NDC differs from the stock package size used to fill the prescription.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(h) states that reimbursement shall not be provided for vitamins, liver or iron injections, except when parenteral therapy is required for cases of laboratory-proven deficiency.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(i) states that no reimbursement shall be provided for drugs or vaccines provided free to the provider, for placebos or for injections containing amphetamines or derivatives of amphetamines.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(j) states that no reimbursement shall be provided for injections given as a preoperative medication or as a local anesthetic. Reimbursement for those drugs is already included in the fee for the procedure.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.4(k) requires that when a drug has not been assigned a HCPCS procedure code, the drug shall be prescribed and dispensed by a pharmacy that directly bills the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program and the APN shall bill only for the administration of the drug.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.5(a), proposed amendments define acronyms and add a cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.5(b), (c) and (d), proposed amendments make non-substantive grammatical changes and add acronyms.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.5(d)1i and ii, the names of the “Provider Notification Letter” and “Medicaid Eligibility identification number” are updated to reflect current terminology, the “Medical Necessity Form” and the “Health Benefits Identification number, “ respectively.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.5(d)3, proposed amendments correct the name of the beneficiary identification number and update the list of required elements in the review performed by the MEP contractor.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.6(g), proposed amendments replace deleted codes related to therapeutic injections with the current codes authorized by CMS and recognize that chart information may now be electronic.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.7(c)1i, proposed amendments clarify that “other practitioner” is not limited to mean APNs.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.7(c)3 and 5, proposed amendments make grammatical revisions.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.7(g), proposed amendments make non-substantive grammatical revisions.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.7(i), proposed amendments make non-substantive grammatical revisions and clarify that the requirements that chart information be authorized, but is not required to be hand written.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.9(e), proposed amendments clarify that treatment for post partum mental health disorders shall be billed using the regular mental health service codes. Proposed amendments delete N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.9(e)2, regarding post-partum mental health reimbursement requirements. The specialized Level III HCPCS codes for the treatment of postpartum mental health disorders are being deleted to ensure compliance with the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) which requires the use of uniform codes and modifiers by all states. N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.9(e)3 is being recodified as 2. Additional amendments delete the word “specialized” from N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.9(e)4 since the specialized Level III codes for postpartum mental health services have been deleted but the services remain exempt from the prior authorization requirements.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10, proposed amendments revise the heading of the section to read “Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) and Pre-Admission Screening (PAS)” to more accurately describe the rules contained in the section.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10(b), proposed amendments expand the existing language used to describe the Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review for specified Medicaid beneficiaries who are applying for nursing facility services. Additionally, a proposed amendment revises an incorrect existing citation to section “1919(a)(b)” of the Social Security Act, which is also subsequently and correctly cited as 42 U.S.C. §1396r in the existing rule text. The citation is corrected to read “1919,” which refers to 42 U.S.C. §1396r and fully provides an accurate reference. “1919(a)(b)” does not exist.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10(c), proposed amendments make technical and grammatical corrections and change the requirement that the screening be completed by an employee of the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), to instead allow that the screening can be completed by any professional staff person designated by the DHSS.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10(c)2, proposed amendments change the existing term “advanced practice nurse, psychiatric/mental health (APN/Psychiatric/Mental Health)” to instead read “APN who is certified in the advanced practice category of Psychiatric/Mental Health.” This change in terminology clarifies that such a professional must be certified in that specific area of practice. The original term was the term previously used by the New Jersey Board of Nursing at N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.11, which was repealed as described above. The current phrase is more descriptive of the requirements of the Board and the Department.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10(d) through (f), proposed amendments make technical and grammatical revisions.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(a), proposed amendments expand the description of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) services to clarify that beneficiaries may receive EPSDT services up until the day before their 21st birthday; and to explain how the services are made available to those beneficiaries enrolled in managed care organizations.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(b), proposed amendments make technical changes to the sentence.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)4, proposed amendments add the phrase “but not limited to” to indicate that the listed laboratory tests are not an inclusive list. Proposed amendments at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)4iv, more specifically describe the recommended schedule for lead screening using blood level determinations.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)6, proposed amendments change the term “vision services” to “vision screening” to more accurately describe what is being provided to the beneficiary. Proposed amendments at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)6iv make grammatical changes and clarify that visual screening shall be provided in addition to the visual acuity test. Proposed amendments at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)6vi clarify that the referral provided for additional vision care services shall be to an optometrist or ophthalmologist as indicated by the results of the screening.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)7, proposed amendments change the term “hearing services” to “hearing screening” to more accurately describe what is being provided to the beneficiary. Proposed amendments at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)7ii require that a hearing screening be included in every EPSDT examination. Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)7iii is deleted because screening will now be required. New N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)7iii contains the schedule of required audiometric testing.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(c)8, proposed amendments change the term “dental services” to “dental screening” to more accurately describe what is being provided to the beneficiary.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(d), proposed amendments clarify that beneficiaries may receive EPSDT services while under 21 years of age.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.11(e), proposed amendments update a cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.12, proposed amendments correct a cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a), proposed amendments remove the reference to Plan A since all NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries under age 19 are eligible to receive vaccines under the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program.

N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a)1 is proposed for deletion. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains a list of vaccines available under the VFC Program, available on their website as “VFC Resolutions.” Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a)2 is proposed to be recodified as N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a)1 and amended to incorporate the VFC Resolutions, as amended and supplemented, into this rule and provides the website for the CDC.

A new N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a)1i states that any changes affecting reimbursement, either to the VFC administration fee, or vaccines covered under the VFC Program that are also appropriate for administration to individuals over the age of 19 and therefore not eligible to receive the vaccine under the VFC Program, shall be made via the rulemaking process.

Proposed N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(a)2 states that the providers shall receive an enhanced administration fee for vaccines ordered from the VFC program and that reimbursement shall not be provided if the practitioner obtains any vaccine that is available from the VFC from another source.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(c), proposed amendments expand the list of procedure codes used for billing for the administration of vaccines under the VFC program and provide an update to a cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13(d), proposed amendments clarify that, if a VFC-covered vaccine is provided to a beneficiary over the age of 19, the provider shall bill with the code for the vaccine only and not the administration fee since the administration fee is included in the maximum fee allowance when administered to this population.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-3.2(a)1, proposed amendments update a cross-reference.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-3.4(f), proposed amendments provide an internet address at which an application for a HealthStart Provider Certificate can be obtained and non-substantively revise associated text accordingly.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-3.9, proposed amendments require that APNs who are HealthStart Pediatric providers shall be certified in pediatric practice and expand the current requirement to allow certification in family practice and allow hospital admitting privileges in family practice.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-3.12(a), proposed amendments make update a cross-reference.

As indicated in the Summary above, the Department is proposing amendments intended to update the list of procedure codes based on the annual adjustments and amendments to the national coding system maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). These updates also include the deletion of obsolete codes and updating the list to recognize services for which the Department currently provides reimbursement.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4, proposed amendments add the acronym for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to the heading of the subchapter.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(a), proposed amendments state that the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare programs utilize the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) for 2009 and state that this system is maintained in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and are incorporated by reference, as amended and supplemented, and the mailing address of the publisher is provided. Further proposed amendments allow revisions to the HCPCS, reflecting code additions, code deletions and replacement codes, to be made by means of a notice of administrative change in the New Jersey Register. Revisions to existing reimbursement amounts and specification of new reimbursement amounts will continue to be made through rulemaking pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq. HCPCS procedure and modifier codes are used for claims processing by public medical programs, including Medicaid and Medicare and private health insurers. Level I HCPCS procedure codes are consistent with the American Medical Association's Physicians' Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) format, using a five-digit number and as many as two two-position modifiers. The Level II HCPCS codes are established by CMS's Alpha-Numeric Editorial Panel and primarily represent those items and supplies and/or non-physician services that are not covered by the CPT codes. The requirements of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) require the use of uniform codes and modifiers by all states; therefore, Division-assigned procedure codes (formerly referred to as Level III HCPCS codes) are being deleted and replaced with nationally-recognized Level I or Level II HCPCS.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(a)1, proposed amendments provide the internet address to be used by providers to obtain updated copies of the American Medical Association’s Physicians’ Current Procedure Terminology and the mailing and internet addresses to be used by providers to obtain updated copies of Level II HCPCS codes.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(b), proposed amendments describe the HCPCS coding system as a two-level coding system since the requirements of the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Pub. L. 104-191, require the use of uniform codes and modifiers by all states; therefore, all reference to HCPCS that were formally categorized as Level III, that is, any Division-assigned procedure codes, are being deleted.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(b)1, proposed amendments add an acronym.

Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(b)3 is proposed for deletion due to Level III codes no longer being recognized in compliance with the Federal HIPAA requirements as described above.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.1(d)1ii, proposed amendments update the cross-reference to remove N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4 as this section is proposed for repeal, as discussed below.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(b), proposed amendments delete “BR,” which indicated that reimbursement should be requested “by report” for HCPCS codes 11975 SA and 11977 SA and provide maximum fee allowances of $80.77 and $161.50, respectively. Additional proposed amendments delete the HCPCS codes 11975 SA 22 and 11977 SA 22 because these codes are no longer required to be billed using the “22” modifier.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(g)2, proposed amendments delete the following HCPCS codes because they have been terminated by CMS: 51701 SA, 51701 26 SA, 51702 SA and 51702 26 SA. These codes are related to vascular injection procedures.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(g)3, proposed amendments delete the following HCPCS code because it has been terminated by CMS: 51010 SA. The following HCPCS codes are proposed to be added: 51701 SA, 51701 26 SA, 51702 SA and 51702 26 SA. These codes are related to the urinary system.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(g)4, proposed amendments add the following HCPCS procedure codes: 58100 SA, 59425 SA and 59426 SA. These codes are related to the obstetric/gynecologic system.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(g)5, a proposed amendment adds the HCPCS code 69210 SA, related to the auditory system.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(h), proposed amendments increase the maximum fee allowance for HCPCS code 82270, related to laboratory services, from $1.20 to $3.63.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(i), a proposed amendment deletes the HCPCS code 86585, related to tuberculin testing, because it has been terminated by CMS.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(j), proposed amendments revise the list of HCPCS procedure codes related to immunizations. The reimbursement amounts for the following HCPCS codes have been adjusted to recognize current reimbursement levels, which include the cost of the administration of the vaccine. The codes are: 90703, 90704, 90705, 90706, 90707, 90712, 90713, 90716, 90717, 90718, 90732, 90733 and 90746. The following codes are being proposed to be added to the list of covered immunizations: 90632, 90633, 90636, 90647, 90648, 90649, 90655, 90656, 90657, 90658, 90660, 90669, 90675, 90680, 90681, 90691, 90696, 90698, 90700, 90702, 90714, 90715, 90721, 90723, 90734, 90736, 90740, 90743, and 90744. Those immunization codes that are covered under the Vaccines for Children program, as described at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13 are indicated with a "+" symbol. Proposed text at the end of the subsection informs providers that when seeking reimbursement for immunizations covered under the VFC program that the provider must report both the appropriate VFC administration code, located at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(k), and the associated HCPCS procedure code when requesting payment for the administration fee(s) for VFC vaccines to ensure appropriate reimbursement is provided. The following codes are proposed for deletion: 90703 52, 90704 52, 90705 52, 90706 52, 90707 52, 90712 52, 90713 52, 90716 52, 90717 52, 90718 52, 90732 52, 90733 52, 90746 52 and 90749 52. These codes are no longer needed to request reimbursement for the administration of vaccines; providers are to use the administration codes described below at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(k).

Proposed new N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(k) lists the Vaccine for Children Program Administration Codes. The HCPCS procedure codes are: 90465, 90466, 90467, 90468, 90471, 90472, 90473 and 90474. These codes have an indicator of “N” which indicates that there are additional requirements related to those codes codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5. Additionally, the HCPCS codes G9141 and G9141 52, for the provision of counseling regarding the vaccines, are proposed for this subsection. As a result of these proposed amendments, existing N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(k) through (t) are being recodified as N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(l) through (u) with amendments as described below.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(l), proposed amendments delete the following HCPCS codes because they have been terminated by CMS: 90780 SA and 90781 SA. The following HCPCS codes are proposed to be added: 96360 SA, 96361 SA, 96365 SA, 96366 SA, 96367 SA, 96368 SA, 96369 SA, 96370 SA and 96371 SA. These codes are related to infusion therapy, excluding allergy, immunization and chemotherapy treatments.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(m), proposed amendments delete the following HCPCS codes because they have been terminated by CMS: 90782 SA, 90784 SA and 90788 SA. The following HCPCS codes are proposed to be added: 96372 SA, 96374 SA, 96375 SA, 96376 SA and 96379 SA. These codes are related to therapeutic or diagnostic injections.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(n), a proposed amendment adds the HCPCS code 90853 SA, related to psychiatry.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(o), a proposed amendment adds the HCPCS code 92568 SA, related to audiological function tests.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(p), proposed amendments add the HCPCS codes 93236 SA and 93237 SA, related to cardiovascular services.

Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(p) is being recodified as subsection (q) with no change in text.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(r), proposed amendments add the HCPCS codes 96125 SA and 96125 SA 26, related to health and behavioral assessments or interventions.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(s), proposed amendments delete the following HCPCS codes because they have been terminated by CMS: 96400 SA, 96408 SA, 96410 SA, 96412 SA, 96414 SA, 96520 SA and 96530 SA. The following HCPCS codes are proposed to be added: 96401 SA, 96402 SA, 96409 SA, 96411 SA, 96413 SA, 96415 SA, 96416 SA, 96417 SA, 96521 SA, 96522 SA and 96523 SA. These codes are related to chemotherapy.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)1, the HCPCS code N 99215 SA, related to office and other outpatient services, is proposed to be added. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)2, the HCPCS code N 99238 SA, related to hospital inpatient services, is proposed to be added. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)4, the following HCPCS codes are proposed for deletion because they have been terminated by CMS: N 99301 SA, N 99302 SA, N 99303 SA, N 99311 SA, N 99312 SA and N 99313 SA. The following Level III HCPCS codes are proposed for deletion: N L W9848 AV and N L W9849 AV. The following codes are proposed to be added: N 99304 SA, N 99305 SA, N 99306 SA, N 99307 SA, N 99308 SA, N 99309 SA and N 99310 SA. These codes are related to comprehensive nursing facility assessments and subsequent nursing facility care for new or established patients and annual nursing facility assessments. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

New N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)6 is proposed, which will contain the HCPCS procedure code N 99318 SA, for annual nursing facility assessments.

Recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)7 is proposed for amendment to delete the following HCPCS codes because they have been terminated by CMS: N 99321 SA, N 99322 SA, N 99331 SA, N 99332 SA and N 99333 SA. The following HCPCS codes are proposed to be added: N 99324 SA, N 99325 SA, N 99326 SA, N 99327 SA, N 99328 SA, N 99334 SA, 99335 SA, N 99336 SA and N 99337 SA. These codes are related to domiciliary, rest home or custodial care services for new or established patients. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

Recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)8 is proposed for amendment to change the reimbursement amount of N 99345 SA from $48.90 to $19.60, changing the reimbursement amount of N 99355 SA from $27.90 to $19.60 and adding the HCPCS procedure codes N 99365 SA and N 99375 SA. These codes are related to home visit services for new or established patients. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

Recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)9 is proposed for amendment to add the HCPCS codes N 99381 SA and N 99391 SA. The codes are related to preventive care for new or established patients. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

Recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)10 is proposed for amendment to delete the HCPCS codes N 99431 SA, N 99433 SA and N 99435 SA because they have been terminated by CMS. The HCPCS codes N 99460 SA, N 99462 SA, N 99463 SA, N 99464 SA and N 99465 SA are proposed to be added. The codes are related to newborn care. The indicator “N” indicates that there are additional requirements related to this code codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5.

Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t) is being recodified as N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(u) with no change in text.

N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.3(a), Miscellaneous, containing the Level III HCPCS codes G0001 SA and G0001 UD, for routine venipuncture, is proposed for deletion because Level III codes are no longer used.

Current N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.3(b), APN Administered Drugs, is proposed to be recodified as N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.3(a) as a result of the above deletion with the proposed amendments described below. Further, at subsection (b), proposed amendments change the modifier “YD” to the nationally recognized modifier “UD” on the base HCPCS codes J2788 and J2790, related to the injection of Rho D immune globulin.

In the rule text section of this notice of proposed readoption with amendments, the Level II HCPCS for the APN-Administered drugs are codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.3(b) in alpha/numerical order. For the purposes of this summary, they are listed below under the headings “Proposed for Addition,” “Proposed for Deletion,” “Proposed Increase to Maximum Fee Allowance” or “Proposed Decrease to Maximum Fee Allowance.” The Maximum Fee Allowance is calculated based on the Average Wholesale Price (AWP) or the provider's acquisition cost, whichever is lower. Any increase or decrease in the fees reflects accurate reimbursement for the costs incurred by providers. These HCPCS procedure codes are related to practitioner-administered drugs.

Proposed for Addition

J0128, J0129, J0132, J0133, J0135, J0152, J0180, J0215, J0220, J0278, J0364, J0365, J0400, J0461, J0480, J0559, J0583, J0586, J0594, J0595, J0598, J0641, J0718, J0745, J0795, J0833, J0834, J0878, J0881, J0882, J0885, J0886, J0886, J0894, J1162, J1265, J1267, J1300, J1324, J1335, J1430, J1451, J1453, J1457, J1458, J1459, J1561, J1562, J1566, J1568, J1569, J1571, J1572, J1573, J1640, J1675, J1680, J1740, J1743, J1817, J1930, J1931, J1945, J1953, J2001, J2170, J2185, J2248, J2278, J2280, J2315, J2323, J2325, J2353, J2354, J2357, J2425, J2469, J2503, J2504, J2505, J2513, J2562, J2724, J2778, J2783, J2785, J2791, J2793, J2794, J2796, J2805, J2850, J2941, J3101, J3243, J3246, J3285, J3300, J3396, J3411, J3415, J3465, J3471, J3472, J3486, J3488, J7185, J7186, J7189, J7198, J7303, J7304, J7307, J7311, J7321, J7323, J7324, J7325, J7500, J7502, J7506, J7507, J5709, J5710, J7515, J7517, J7518, J7520, J7604, J7605, J7606, J7607, J7608, J7611, J7612, J7613, J7614, J7615, J7620, J7626, J7627, J7628, J7631, J7632, J7634, J7635, J7636, J7637, J7638, J7639, J7642, J7644, J7645, J7669, J7674, J7676, J7682, J7684, J8501, J8510, J8520, J8521, J8530, J8560, J8600, J8610, J8700, J9025, J9027, J9033, J9035, J9041, J9055, J9098, J9155, J9171, J9175, J9178, J9207, J9225, J9226, J9261, J9263, J9264, J9303, J9305, J9328, J9330 and J9395.

Proposed for Deletion

C9115, C9116, C9120, C9121, J0151, J0460, J0530, J0540, J0550, J0835, J0880, J1056, J1563, J1564, J1565, J1760, J1780, J1910, J2000, J2324, J2352, J2640, J2675, J2860, J2912, J2970, J3100, J3245, J7051, J7317, J7320, J7340, J7342, J7350, J7625, J9170, J9180, J9182, Q0136, Q4053 and S0023.

Proposed Increase to Maximum Fee Allowance

|HCPCS | Current | Proposed |

|Code |MFA |MFA |

|J0130 |540.02 |601.69 |

|J0170 |1.64 |2.88 |

|J0207 |412.69 |536.14 |

|J0210 |1.70 |1.74 |

|J0290 |1.04 |3.86 |

|J0360 |8.52 |14.77 |

|J0456 |25.23 |27.09 |

|J0470 |24.92 |28.84 |

|J0500 |8.80 |18.52 |

|J0515 |4.11 |12.21 |

|J0560 |10.25 |25.71 |

|J0570 |17.43 |19.76 |

|J0585 |4.90 |5.52 |

|J0600 |42.20 |52.89 |

|J0620 |5.42 |12.58 |

|J0630 |38.88 |48.09 |

|J0690 |2.17 |2.83 |

|J0692 |8.56 |9.13 |

|J0702 |2.62 |2.88 |

|J0720 |6.64 |14.62 |

|J0735 |58.06 |70.58 |

|J0743 |16.33 |18.77 |

|J0770 |42.00 |49.88 |

|J0780 |3.12 |8.37 |

|J0800 |5.00 |180.49 |

|J0850 |622.30 |925.32 |

|J0895 |14.91 |16.92 |

|J0970 |2.70 |34.60 |

|J1000 |1.55 |6.59 |

|J1020 |2.50 |3.13 |

|J1030 |4.98 |6.34 |

|J1040 |9.74 |10.45 |

|J1051 |5.24 |15.47 |

|J1055 |53.54 |53.97 |

|J1070 |1.50 |6.04 |

|J1080 |7.89 |12.03 |

|J1094 |0.50 |0.53 |

|J1110 |15.36 |31.94 |

|J1120 |22.50 |22.97 |

|J1160 |2.45 |2.49 |

|J1190 |204.78 |224.47 |

|J1200 |1.00 |1.16 |

|J1205 |11.04 |149.94 |

|J1212 |48.96 |52.50 |

|J1230 |0.79 |2.14 |

|J1240 |0.60 |2.74 |

|J1250 |6.30 |43.51 |

|J1270 |6.03 | 6.31 |

|J1325 |19.00 |19.47 |

|J1327 |11.90 |21.13 |

|J1330 |4.94 |5.08 |

|J1364 |4.09 |9.09 |

|J1380 |11.40 |14.81 |

|J1390 |1.32 |20.88 |

|J1410 |59.74 |70.83 |

|J1435 |0.20 |0.25 |

|J1438 |142.49 |180.50 |

|J1440 |182.86 |216.68 |

|J1441 |300.40 |345.19 |

|J1460 |14.40 |15.45 |

|J1470 |28.80 |30.89 |

|J1480 |43.20 |46.34 |

|J1490 |57.60 |61.78 |

|J1500 |72.00 |77.23 |

|J1510 |86.40 |92.67 |

|J1520 |100.80 |108.12 |

|J1530 |115.20 |123.56 |

|J1540 |129.60 |139.01 |

|J1550 |120.00 |118.00 |

|J1570 |35.67 |54.38 |

|J1580 |1.82 |2.12 |

|J1600 |12.73 |13.69 |

|J1610 |74.36 |76.56 |

|J1645 |15.35 |17.47 |

|J1650 |5.82 |7.10 |

|J1652 |8.70 |8.79 |

|J1670 |108.00 |124.26 |

|J1742 |232.40 |309.71 |

|J1785 |3.95 |4.05 |

|J1790 |3.00 |3.72 |

|J1800 |7.88 |8.62 |

|J1810 |9.94 |14.67 |

|J1815 |0.16 |0.34 |

|J1825 |222.60 |400.18 |

|J1830 |72.00 | 96.08 |

|J1835 |36.97 |43.63 |

|J1840 |3.36 |7.70 |

| | | |

|J1950 |518.64 |544.60 |

|J1980 |7.93 |10.35 |

|J2175 |1.15 |1.19 |

|J2210 |3.74 |5.37 |

|J2275 |4.75 | 6.25 |

|J2310 |4.43 |5.12 |

|J2320 |1.38 |6.15 |

|J2355 |258.75 |267.75 |

|J2360 |4.98 |17.94 |

|J2510 |3.30 |10.50 |

|J2515 |0.74 |5.61 |

|J2543 |5.41 | 5.81 |

|J2550 |1.15 |3.79 |

|J2590 |1.19 | 2.56 |

|J2700 |0.85 |1.02 |

|J2720 |0.81 |0.93 |

|J2770 |107.43 |137.00 |

|J2788 |38.13 |49.55 |

|J2788 UD |38.13 |49.55 |

|J2790 |110.00 |115.94 |

|J2790 UD |110.00 |115.94 |

|J2800 |15.55 |17.27 |

|J2820 |30.59 |33.30 |

|J2910 |16.28 |25.73 |

|J2920 |2.05 |2.25 |

|J2930 |3.41 |3.79 |

|J2997 |27.50 |33.47 |

|J3000 |6.45 |7.96 |

|J3030 |52.01 |137.25 |

|J3070 |4.19 |4.43 |

|J3105 |2.24 |15.86 |

|J3240 |596.50 |869.53 |

|J3265 |2.32 |2.74 |

|J3303 |2.74 |2.97 |

|J3305 |125.00 |154.48 |

|J3315 |437.09 |530.47 |

|J3320 |28.21 |31.05 |

|J3365 |466.17 |472.31 |

|J3475 |1.06 |3.13 |

|J3485 |1.00 |1.19 |

|J3487 |214.00 |223.00 |

|J7192 |1.36 |1.48 |

|J7300 |299.00 |396.64 |

|J7302 |395.00 |450.88 |

|J7504 |283.22 |367.36 |

|J7511 |342.20 |426.56 |

|J7513 |418.20 |449.66 |

|J7525 |119.10 |149.43 |

|J9001 |377.85 |435.26 |

|J9015 |704.25 |826.40 |

|J9017 |33.00 |36.79 |

|J9050 |133.96 |163.91 |

|J9120 |14.60 |519.53 |

|J9160 |1,157.75 |1,487.50 |

|J9185 |300.44 |317.80 |

|J9190 |2.90 |3.28 |

|J9201 |112.34 |135.98 |

|J9212 |4.31 |8.50 |

|J9213 |36.72 |40.53 |

|J9214 |13.66 |14.84 |

|J9215 |8.25 |15.68 |

|J9216 |300.68 |344.41 |

|J9217 |623.79 |678.73 |

|J9218 |73.98 |271.53 |

|J9230 |12.64 |152.08 |

|J9245 |404.95 |1,267.39 |

|J9250 |0.43 |0.48 |

|J9266 |1,391.21 |2,187.50 |

|J9268 |1,787.19 |2,324.00 |

|J9293 |257.08 |325.23 |

|J9300 |2,131.25 |2,563.75 |

|J9310 |478.47 |571.97 |

|J9350 |762.07 |932.71 |

|J9355 |55.61 |61.81 |

Proposed Decrease to Maximum Fee Allowance

|HCPCS | Current | Proposed |

|Code |MFA |MFA |

|J0120 |0.83 |0.73 |

|J0150 |39.75 |33.11 |

|J0190 |3.33 | 2.91 |

|J0200 |19.60 |17.15 |

|J0205 |39.50 |37.52 |

|J0256 |0.22 |0.01 |

|J0280 |1.35 |0.75 |

|J0282 |19.78 |0.80 |

|J0285 |19.88 |17.06 |

|J0287 |26.94 |21.00 |

|J0288 |18.67 |15.17 |

|J0289 |39.25 |34.34 |

|J0295 |8.38 |7.25 |

|J0300 |2.75 |2.66 |

|J0330 |0.37 |0.26 |

|J0350 |2,835.58 |2,481.13 |

|J0380 |1.34 |1.21 |

|J0390 |19.93 |17.44 |

|J0395 |192.00 |168.00 |

|J0475 |246.00 |223.13 |

|J0476 |84.00 |73.50 |

|J0520 |5.62 |4.91 |

|J0580 |36.39 |22.51 |

|J0587 |9.25 |8.99 |

|J0592 |1.04 |1.02 |

|J0610 |2.32 |2.03 |

|J0636 |1.53 |1.34 |

|J0637 |37.69 |30.89 |

|J0640 |3.75 |3.28 |

|J0670 |2.97 | 2.45 |

|J0694 |11.41 | 10.23 |

|J0696 |15.82 |12.97 |

|J0697 |6.76 |5.92 |

|J0698 |12.88 |7.10 |

|J0704 |4.41 |1.09 |

|J0706 |3.77 |3.53 |

|J0710 |1.64 |1.44 |

|J0713 |7.11 |6.48 |

|J0715 |6.75 |5.89 |

|J0740 |846.00 |818.27 |

|J0744 |14.41 |14.22 |

|J0760 |7.75 | 6.78 |

|J0945 |0.71 |0.62 |

|J1056 |25.83 |22.60 |

|J1060 |3.90 |3.41 |

|J1100 |0.15 |0.13 |

|J1165 |0.88 |0.70 |

|J1170 |1.69 |1.01 |

|J1180 |9.49 | 8.30 |

|J1245 |24.24 |7.66 |

|J1260 |17.32 |4.27 |

|J1320 |2.34 |2.05 |

|J1436 |74.00 |70.88 |

|J1450 |91.09 | 20.81 |

|J1452 |1,000.00 |875.00 |

|J1455 |12.50 | 12.00 |

|J1590 |0.95 |0.83 |

|J1620 |202.49 |186.03 |

|J1626 |19.52 |17.08 |

|J1630 |7.49 | 6.55 |

|J1631 |28.00 |2.97 |

|J1642 |0.67 | 0.07 |

|J1644 |0.37 | 0.14 |

|J1655 |8.06 | 3.97 |

|J1700 |0.70 | 0.61 |

|J1710 |5.86 | 5.13 |

|J1720 |1.95 |1.74 |

|J1730 |123.19 |117.96 |

|J1745 |69.16 |61.15 |

|J1750 |18.85 |13.41 |

|J1756 |0.69 | 0.60 |

|J1850 |3.04 | 2.66 |

|J1885 |8.74 |3.05 |

|J1890 |10.80 |9.45 |

|J1940 |0.76 | 0.63 |

|J1955 |36.00 |34.30 |

|J1956 |19.80 |18.82 |

|J1960 |3.96 |3.72 |

|J1990 |26.31 |23.02 |

|J2010 |3.23 |2.76 |

|J2020 |38.10 |36.13 |

|J2060 |9.78 |2.82 |

|J2150 |2.50 |2.49 |

|J2180 |9.14 |8.00 |

|J2250 |2.61 |0.56 |

|J2260 |35.75 |6.56 |

|J2270 |1.17 |1.62 |

|J2271 |14.34 |4.22 |

|J2300 |1.77 |1.76 |

|J2321 |13.46 |8.17 |

|J2322 |28.05 |20.66 |

|J2370 |3.08 |2.73 |

|J2400 |18.84 |17.17 |

|J2405 |6.42 |1.23 |

|J2410 |2.95 |2.85 |

|J2430 |279.86 |92.70 |

|J2440 |8.32 |4.77 |

|J2460 |1.00 |0.97 |

|J2501 |5.57 |5.11 |

|J2540 |0.55 | 0.43 |

|J2545 |98.75 |86.41 |

|J2560 |4.76 |2.96 |

|J2597 |5.72 |5.01 |

|J2650 |0.78 |0.68 |

|J2670 |4.13 |3.61 |

|J2680 |13.86 |4.38 |

|J2690 |5.81 |3.45 |

|J2710 |0.94 |0.44 |

|J2725 |25.68 |22.47 |

|J2730 |108.38 |94.83 |

|J2760 |35.00 |33.91 |

|J2765 |1.42 |0.77 |

|J2780 |1.54 |1.38 |

|J2792 |22.33 | 20.71 |

|J2795 |0.16 |0.08 |

|J2916 |8.60 |7.53 |

|J2950 |0.25 |0.22 |

|J2993 |1,375.00 |1,319.55 |

|J2995 |138.90 |82.03 |

|J3010 |1.38 |0.63 |

|J3120 |0.44 |0.39 |

|J3130 |19.99 |17.88 |

|J3150 |1.05 |0.87 |

|J3230 |12.84 |5.70 |

|J3250 |4.32 |2.88 |

|J3260 |7.28 |3.71 |

|J3280 |4.84 |4.24 |

|J3301 |1.67 |1.45 |

|J3302 |0.93 |0.57 |

|J3310 |7.29 |6.38 |

|J3350 |88.88 |77.77 |

|J3360 |1.41 |1.25 |

|J3364 |56.61 |49.53 |

|J3370 |8.28 |4.01 |

|J3400 |13.00 |11.38 |

|J3410 |1.09 |0.39 |

|J3420 |0.51 |0.42 |

|J3430 |2.58 |2.26 |

|J3470 |23.09 |21.88 |

|J3480 |0.10 |0.09 |

|J7030 |9.86 |7.14 |

|J7040 |9.11 |6.98 |

|J7042 |10.77 |5.65 |

|J7050 |9.86 |6.03 |

|J7060 |9.79 |8.09 |

|J7070 |10.81 |7.10 |

|J7100 |136.68 |54.49 |

|J7110 |86.70 |64.28 |

|J7120 |12.36 |10.39 |

|J7190 |0.95 |0.90 |

|J7191 |2.20 |1.93 |

|J7193 |1.10 |1.09 |

|J7194 |0.73 |0.59 |

|J7195 |1.18 |0.91 |

|J7310 |5,000.00 |4,725.00 |

|J7501 |125.21 |74.38 |

|J7516 |27.50 |24.06 |

|J9000 |46.25 |12.03 |

|J9010 |615.30 |585.40 |

|J9020 |65.91 |55.02 |

|J9031 |175.25 |172.59 |

|J9040 |292.46 |77.11 |

|J9045 |115.68 |76.42 |

|J9060 |44.40 |4.05 |

|J9062 |222.00 |20.13 |

|J9065 |56.25 |53.05 |

|J9070 |6.29 | 2.52 |

|J9080 |11.94 |5.04 |

|J9090 |25.06 |13.86 |

|J9091 |50.15 |25.08 |

|J9092 |100.28 | 45.37 |

|J9093 |6.19 |5.42 |

|J9094 |11.76 |10.29 |

|J9095 |24.69 |21.60 |

|J9096 |49.38 |43.21 |

|J9097 |98.79 |86.44 |

|J9100 |6.72 |3.17 |

|J9110 |25.00 |8.75 |

|J9130 |11.81 |10.34 |

|J9140 |23.63 |20.67 |

|J9150 |80.66 |70.57 |

|J9151 |68.00 |59.50 |

|J9165 |15.17 |13.27 |

|J9181 |12.78 |1.64 |

|J9200 |136.38 |130.70 |

|J9202 |469.99 |411.24 |

|J9206 |141.32 |134.24 |

|J9208 |158.32 |63.49 |

|J9209 |42.10 |30.76 |

|J9211 |433.90 |386.79 |

|J9219 |5,684.00 |4,973.50 |

|J9260 |4.75 |4.16 |

|J9265 |175.35 |151.13 |

|J9270 |98.74 |86.39 |

|J9280 |128.77 |61.25 |

|J9290 |434.87 |199.06 |

|J9291 |878.63 |273.44 |

|J9320 |123.83 |113.78 |

|J9340 |123.13 |85.59 |

|J9357 |554.40 |485.10 |

|J9360 |3.31 |2.90 |

|J9370 |36.06 |12.60 |

|J9375 |71.54 |25.21 |

|J9380 |162.71 |142.37 |

|J9390 |91.68 |82.25 |

|J9600 |2,740.70 |2,637.93 |

N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4, HCPCS procedure codes and maximum fee allowance schedule for Level III codes and narratives, is proposed to be repealed and held in reserve. This is being done because in accordance with HIPAA, Level III HCPCS are no longer able to be used when seeking reimbursement. It should be noted that there are some Level I HCPCS codes contained in this section for the convenience of the provider. The Level I codes are not being deleted from the chapter, only from this section.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(a), proposed amendments revise the qualifier for HCPCS procedure code 11975 SA to indicate that the procedure need not be performed in a hospital setting and that the reimbursement amount does include the cost of the kit. Additional amendments delete the HCPCS procedure codes 11975 SA 22 and 11977 SA 22 and the attached qualifiers because these codes are no longer eligible to be billed with the “22” modifier attached, so the qualifiers are unnecessary. This is consistent with the proposed deletion of these codes with the attached modifiers at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(b) as described above.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(b), proposed amendments add the modifier “SA” to the HCPCS procedure code 36415. The “SA” modifier allows an APN to bill the procedure code.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(c), proposed amendments add the following HCPCS procedure codes to the list of codes: 90465, 90466, 90467, 90468, 90473 and 90474. These codes are the administration codes for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. Additional amendments insert into the qualifier a reference to N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(k), which contains the applicable rules for the VFC program.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(d), proposed amendments delete the HCPCS codes 90780 and 90781 and replace them with HCPCS codes 96360 and 96361, respectively, consistent with the proposed amendments at recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(l) as described above. These codes are related to infusion therapy, excluding allergy, immunizations and chemotherapy.

At N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(f), proposed amendments delete the Level III HCPCS codes W9853 AV, W9854 AV and W9857 AV and the qualifier attached to the codes. These codes are related to post-partum mental health disorders. This is consistent with the proposed deletion of all Level III codes at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4 as described above to ensure compliance with HIPAA, which does not allow the use of Level III HCPCS codes.

N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(g) is proposed for deletion. This is consistent with the proposed deletion of all Level III codes at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4 as described above to ensure compliance with HIPAA, which does not allow the use of Level III HCPCS codes. As a result of this deletion, existing N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(h) through (m) are recodified as N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(g) through (l) with the amendments described below.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(g), proposed amendments add the HCPCS procedure codes 99215 SA and 99238 SA, related to follow-up visits, to the list of codes to which the qualifier applies.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(j), proposed amendments make grammatical changes to the qualifier paragraph without changing the requirements.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(k), proposed amendments delete the HCPCS procedure codes 99431 SA and 99433 SA and replace them with the HCPCS procedure codes 99460 SA, 99462 SA, 99463 SA, 99464 SA and 99465 SA. These amendments are consistent with the amendments proposed at recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t)9 as described above. Additional amendments delete the maximum fee allowances listed for the HCPCS codes 99221 SA, 99231 SA and 99232 SA because those amounts are codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(t) and do not need to be repeated.

At recodified N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(l), proposed amendments delete the maximum fee allowances listed for the HCPCS codes 99381 SA – 99385 SA and 99391 SA – 99395 SA because those amounts are codified at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(u) and do not need to be repeated. A reference to an allowance amount is removed from the qualifier.

N.J.A.C. 10:58A Appendix is proposed to be amended to inform providers that the Fiscal Agent Billing Supplement can be downloaded, free of charge, from and that when revisions are made to the billing supplement a revised version will be placed on that website. The name of the fiscal agent is also being changed from UNISYS to Molina Medicaid Solutions to update the name of the company; the address and phone numbers have not changed. Associated non-substantive grammatical revisions are made throughout the Appendix.

Social Impact

During State Fiscal Year 2010, approximately 176 APN providers administered services to approximately 3,253 Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service beneficiaries.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments will have a positive impact on clients as the services will continue to be provided, without interruption and with no change in scope or coverage, to individuals who otherwise may be unable to afford medical care. There are no proposed amendments that will limit or restrict the current services provided.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments will have a positive social impact on providers because there will be no interruption of reimbursement for services rendered to eligible Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service clients if the services are provided in accordance with the rules of the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program.

Economic Impact

During State Fiscal Year 2010, the Division spent approximately $618,000 (Federal and State share combined) for fee-for-service Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) services rendered to an approximately 3,253 Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service clients.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments of the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Services manual will have a positive economic impact on the State because the continuation of these rules will ensure that the program is administered in an efficient manner and that Federal funding will continue to be received. The continuation of the rules will allow for continued oversight and administration of the program within the established procedures and allow the State to continue to receive Federal funding for the administration of the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program with regard to the provision of prosthetic and/or orthotic services within the rules of the program.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments will have a continuing positive economic impact on beneficiaries because Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries are not required to pay for APN services and the amendments proposed with this readoption do not change that; therefore, services will remain available to this population.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments of the APN Services manual will have a continuing positive economic impact on providers because they will continue to receive reimbursement for rendering services to Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries, who might otherwise be unable to pay for the services. The proposed amendments related to the Federally-funded Vaccines for Children program are expected to have a positive impact on providers because the program provides the sera for the vaccines at no cost and, in addition, the provider receives an enhanced fee for administering the vaccines. For practitioner-administered drugs, including, but not limited to, those vaccines not available under the VFC program, the Maximum Fee Allowance is calculated based on the Average Wholesale Price less a discount as specified in the current State Fiscal Year Appropriations Act or the provider's acquisition cost, whichever is lower. Any proposed adjustment reflects accurate reimbursement for the costs incurred by providers.

The proposed amendments to the maximum fee allowances are not expected to significantly increase or decrease Division expenditures, or total reimbursement to providers, for the provision of APN services to eligible Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service clients. The Division’s budget allows for adjustment of the fees and the addition and deletion of HCPCS to conform to Federal requirements.

Federal Standards Statement

Section 1902(a)(10) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §1396a(a)(10), requires that state Medicaid programs provide medical services to the categorically needy and may also offer these services to the medically needy. New Jersey provides APN services to the categorically needy and to the medically needy.

Section 1905(a)(21) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §1396d(a)(21), states that the services that are furnished by certified pediatric and/or family nurse practitioner (now APNs) can be offered to the extent that the practitioner is legally authorized to perform them under state law or regulation, whether or not the practitioner is supervised by or associated with a physician or other health care provider.

Sections 1902(a)(62) and 1928 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§1396a(a)(62) and 1396s, respectively, require that each state establish a pediatric vaccine distribution program. Section 1928 contains the Federal statutory requirements regarding Medicaid reimbursement for this service.

Section 1927 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §1396r–8, requires that in order for payment to be available for covered outpatient practitioner-administered drugs, the manufacturer of the drug must have entered into and have in effect a rebate agreement with the state. 42 CFR Section 447.520 contains conditions relating to physician-administered drugs and states that no state can request Federal funding for the cost of such drugs unless claims for these drugs identify drugs sufficiently for the state to bill a manufacturer for drug rebates.

Title XXI of the Social Security Act allows a state, at its option, to provide a State Child Health Insurance Plan (SCHIP). New Jersey has elected this option with the development of the NJ FamilyCare Children's Program. Sections 2103 and 2110 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. §§1397cc and 1397jj, respectively, describe services a state may provide to targeted, low-income children. The services include those provided by APNs.

Federal regulations at 42 CFR 440.166 provide the definition and scope of services that would apply to APNs.

The Department has reviewed the Federal statutory and regulatory requirements and has determined that the rules proposed for readoption with amendments do not exceed Federal standards. Therefore, a Federal standards analysis is not required.

Jobs Impact

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments do not impose or remove any burden that would cause the generation or loss of jobs in the State of New Jersey.

Agriculture Industry Impact

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments will not have an impact on the agriculture industry in New Jersey.

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis

Advanced practice nurse providers are considered small businesses, as the term is defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-17, therefore, the following analysis is required.

The rules proposed for readoption with amendments include reporting, recordkeeping and compliance requirements as described in the Summary above. Compliance costs are minimal and are not in excess of the usual administrative costs required in the operation of a professional practice. The amendments will impose additional minor reporting, recordkeeping or compliance requirements on the providers related to billing procedures for APN-administered drugs.

The amendments concerning the new billing procedures for APN-administered drugs are being proposed to ensure compliance with the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which requires that the National Drug Code (NDC), metric quantity and Unit of Measure (UOM) for practitioner-administered drugs be reported on the claim form in addition to the HCPCS Procedure Code for the drug.

In accordance with Federal regulations, specifically 42 CFR 447.520(a) through (c), no state can request Federal funding for the cost of practitioner-administered drugs unless claims for these drugs identify drugs sufficiently for the state to bill a manufacturer for drug rebates. These new procedures will ensure that the Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs can properly bill drug manufacturer rebates and be compliant with all Federal drug rebate regulations.

The rules provide for the delivery of health care services to eligible persons. State and Federal laws provide for certification and approval of this provider category, and specify that the provider of health services maintain records of services provided to individuals. Providers are required by law to maintain sufficient records to fully document the name of the patient being treated, dates and nature of services, plan of treatment and medications, etc. In addition, the Federal government requires of state Medicaid programs the provision of various reports concerning the administration of public funds.

All program requirements must apply equally to all providers participating in the New Jersey Medicaid program to ensure that consistent quality services are rendered to the clients. Consequently, the Division cannot exempt a provider, whether or not the provider is a small business, from the documentation and reporting to the Medicaid agency of any services provided to Medicaid eligible persons.

A Medicaid provider may find it preferable to engage the services of a professional firm to handle its accounting, billing or data services or other such functions, in order to provide the required reports or records, but this is an administrative decision of the provider, and is not required by the rules proposed for readoption with amendments.

Smart Growth Impact

The Department anticipates that the rules proposed for readoption with amendments will have no impact on the achievement of smart growth in New Jersey or on the implementation of the State Development and Redevelopment Plan.

Housing Affordability Impact

Since the rules proposed for readoption and proposed amendments concern the provision of advanced practice nurse services to Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries, the Department anticipates that the rules will have no impact on affordable housing in New Jersey and there is no likelihood that the rules would evoke a change in the average costs associated with housing.

Smart Growth Development Impact

Since the rules proposed for readoption and proposed amendments concern the provision of advanced practice nurse services to Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare beneficiaries, the Department anticipates that there is no likelihood that the rules would evoke a change in housing production in Planning Areas 1 or 2 or within designated centers under the State Development and Redevelopment Plan in New Jersey.

Full text of the rules proposed for readoption may be found in the New Jersey Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 10:58A.

Full text of the rule proposed for repeal can be found in the New Jersey Administrative Code at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4.

Full text of the proposed amendments follows (additions indicated in boldface thus; deletions indicated in brackets [thus]):


10:58A-1.1 Introduction: certified advanced practice nurse (APN)

(a) This chapter is concerned with the provision of health care services by certified advanced practice nurses (APNs), in accordance with the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs' policies and procedures and the standards set forth by the New Jersey Legislature (N.J.S.A. 45:11-23 et [al.] seq. and P.L. 1991, [c.377] c. 377, as revised by P.L. 1999, [c.85] c. 85) and by the New Jersey Board of Nursing (N.J.A.C. 13:37-7). Throughout this chapter, all use of the terms "advanced practice nurse" and "APN" refer to a certified advanced practice nurse because all advanced practice nurses are required to be certified.

(b) An approved New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service APN provider may be reimbursed for medically necessary covered services provided within the scope of [her or his license] the APNs’ license[,] and [her or his] an approved New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service Program Provider Agreement.

(c) (No change.)

(d) Unless otherwise stated, the rules of this chapter apply to Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service beneficiaries and to Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service services [which] that are not the responsibility of the managed care organization (MCO) with which the beneficiary is enrolled. Advanced practice nurse services that are to be provided by the beneficiary's selected [managed care organization (]MCO[)] are governed and administered by that MCO.

10:58A-1.2 Definitions

The following words and terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


"Advanced practice nurse (APN) services" means those services provided within the scope of practice of a licensed registered professional nurse (R.N.) and the certification as an APN, defined by the laws and rules of the State of New Jersey, or if in practice in another state, by the laws and regulations of that state.


"Consultation" means the professional evaluation of a patient by a qualified specialist recognized as such by the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) that is requested by the attending clinical practitioner or an authorized State agency. A consultation requested by a beneficiary and/or family members, and not requested by the clinical practitioner or an authorized State agency, is not considered a consultation.


"Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT)" means a preventive and comprehensive health program: for Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare-Children’s Program Plan A beneficiaries [through 20] under 21 years of age, including the assessment of an individual's health care needs through initial and periodic examinations (screenings), the provision of health education and guidance[,] and the [assurance that any identified health problems are diagnosed and treated at the earliest possible time] identification, diagnosis and treatment of health problems; for eligible NJ FamilyCare-Children’s Program Plan B and C enrollees, including early and periodic screening and diagnostic medical examinations, dental, vision, hearing and lead screening services and treatment services identified through the examination that are available under the contractor’s benefit package or specified services under the fee-for-service (FFS) program (see N.J.A.C. 10:49-5.6).

“Federal Funds Participation Upper Limit (FFPUL)” means the maximum allowable cost or “MAC price” as defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).


“Labeler code” means a five-digit numeric code assigned by the Food and Drug Administration, which identifies the firm that manufactures or distributes a specific drug. This code is the first segment of the National Drug Code.


"Mental illness,"[,] for purposes of [PASARR] the PASRR, refers to a condition, which can be disabling and/or chronic, such as schizophrenia, mood disorder, paranoia, panic or other severe anxiety disorder, as described in the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9(M)), and which can lead to a chronic disability. (See [PASARR,] PASRR requirements at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-[2.9]2.10.)

“National Drug Code (NDC)” – means an 11-digit number that identifies a drug product. The first five digits represent the labeler code identifying the drug manufacturer; the next four digits identify the drug product; and the last two digits identify the package size.


“Preadmission screening (PAS)" means that process by which all Medicaid eligible beneficiaries seeking admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility (NF) and individuals who may become Medicaid eligible within six months following admission to a Medicaid certified NF, receive a comprehensive needs assessment by professional staff designated by the Department of Health and Senior Services to determine their long-term care needs and the most appropriate setting for those needs to be met.

"Pre-Admission Screening and [Annual] Resident Review [(PASARR)] (PASRR)” means an evaluation or screening to assess potential or actual nursing facility (NF) residents in respect to mental illness and/or mental retardation, in order to assure that the resident is provided with appropriate services, and to ensure that the NF admits residents whose needs can be met by the services normally provided by the facility. PASRR includes two levels of screening, Level I Preadmission Screening and Resident Review and Level II Preadmission Screening and Resident Review, as described at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.10.

“Product code” means a four-digit numeric code, assigned by a firm that manufactures and distributes a drug, which identifies a specific strength, dosage form and formulation of the drug. This code is the second segment of the National Drug Code.

"Specialty" means a health care practice within a discipline, such as pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology[,] or mental health. [A list of the specializations applicable to APNs can be found at N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.11.] All APN specializations must be certified by the New Jersey Board of Nursing in accordance with N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.1.

“State appropriations act” means an annual New Jersey State fiscal year appropriations act.

“Unit of measure” or “UOM” means a value of measurement used to define a drug product. Acceptable UOM codes are: F2 (international measure), GR (gram), ML (milliliter) or UN (unit/each).

10:58A-1.3 Provider participation

(a) In order to participate in the Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs as an APN practitioner, the APN shall apply to, and be approved by, the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program. Application for approval by the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program as an advanced practice nurse (APN) requires completion and submission of the "Medicaid Provider Application" (FD-20) and the "Medicaid Provider Agreement" (FD-62).

1. The FD-20 and FD-62 may be obtained from and submitted to:

[Unisys Corporation] Molina Medicaid Solutions

Provider Enrollment

PO Box 4804

Trenton, New Jersey 08650-4804

(b) (No change.)

(c) An applicant shall provide a photocopy of the current professional registered nurse license and current APN certification at the time of the application for enrollment.

(d) (No change.)

(e) Upon signing and returning the Medicaid Provider Application, the Provider Agreement and other enrollment documents to [Unisys] Molina Medicaid Solutions, the fiscal agent for the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs, the advanced practice nurse (APN) will receive written notification of approval or disapproval. If approved, the APN will be assigned a provider identifier number. [Unisys] Molina Medicaid Solutions will furnish the provider identifier number and provider number.

(f) – (g) (No change.)

10:58A-1.4 Recordkeeping

(a) The [advanced practice nurse] APN, in any and all settings, shall keep such legible individual written records and/or electronic medical records (EMR) as are necessary to fully disclose the kind and extent of service(s) provided, the procedure code being billed[,] and the medical necessity for those services.

(b) Documentation of services performed by the APN shall include, as a minimum:

1. – 2. (No change.)

3. The beneficiary’s chief complaint(s), reason for visit;

[4. Subjective findings;

5. Objective findings;

6. An assessment;]

4. Review of systems;

5. Physical examination;

6. Diagnosis;

7. A plan of care, including[, but not limited to, any orders for laboratory work, prescriptions for medications] diagnostic testing and treatment(s);

8. – 9. (No change.)

(c) In order to receive reimbursement for an initial visit, the following documentation, at a minimum, shall be placed on the medical record by the APN, regardless of the setting where the examination was performed:

1. (No change.)

2. A complete history of the present illness, with current medications and [related systemic] review of systems, including recordings of pertinent negative findings;

3. Pertinent [past] medical history;

4. Pertinent family and social history;

5. A [full] complete physical examination [pertaining to, but not limited to, the history of the present illness which includes recording of pertinent negative findings; and];

[6. Working diagnoses and treatment plan including ancillary services and drugs ordered.]

6. Diagnosis; and

7. Plan of care, including diagnostic testing and treatment.

(d) Written and/or electronic medical records in substantiation of the use of a given procedure code shall be available for review and/or inspection if requested by the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program.

(e) – (f) (No change.)

(g) In order to document the record for reimbursement purposes, the progress note for routine office visits or follow up care visits shall include the following:

1. In an office[,] or residential health care facility:

i. The [purpose of the] beneficiary’s chief complaint(s), reason for visit;

ii. Pertinent medical, family and social history obtained;

iii. (No change.)

iv. [Procedures] All diagnostic tests and/or procedures ordered and/or performed, if any, with results; and

[v. Lab, X-ray, EKG, or any other test ordered, with results; and]

[vi.] v. (No change in text.)

2. (No change.)

(h) To qualify as documentation that the service was rendered by the APN during an inpatient stay, the medical record shall contain the APN's notes indicating that the APN personally:

1. (No change.)

2. Performed [an] a physical examination, as appropriate;

3. – 4 (No change.)

(i) (No change.)

(j) For all [periodic health maintenance] EPSDT examinations for individuals under 21 years of age, the following shall be documented in the beneficiary's medical record and shall include:

1. – 2. (No change.)

3. A complete, unclothed, physical examination to also include [also] the following:

i. (No change.)

ii. Vision, dental and hearing screening;

4. – 5. (No change.)

6. [Referral] Mandatory referral to a dentist for children age three or older (referral to a dentist at or after age one is recommended);

7. – 8. (No change.)

9. An offer of social service assistance; and, if requested, referral to a county [board of social services] welfare agency.

(k) The record and documentation of a [Home Visit or House Call] home visit or house call shall become part of the office progress notes and shall include, as appropriate, the following information:

1. The [purpose of the] beneficiary’s chief complaint(s), reason for visit;

2. Pertinent medical, family and social history obtained;

3. – 6 (No change.)

10:58A-1.5 Basis of reimbursement

(a) (No change.)

(b) An approved New Jersey Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare APN provider (see N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.3, Provisions for participation) shall be reimbursed on a fee-for-service basis in accordance with N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4. Reimbursement shall be limited to payment for medically necessary covered services provided within the appropriate scope of practice in accordance with the individual category of certification for advanced practice. [The applicable categories of advanced practice are defined by the New Jersey State Board of Nursing in N.J.A.C. 13:37-7.11 as further amended.]

(c) APN services may be reimbursed (see N.J.A.C. 10:49-7 and [10:49-]8) under either of two billing mechanisms provided by Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare. The two mechanisms are: a direct billing entity as stated in this chapter[,] or an employee reimbursed by another Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare provider who bills Medicaid or NJ FamilyCare on behalf of the APN's services, that is, physician employer, group[,] or clinic.

1. – 2. (No change.)

3. An [advanced practice nurse] APN and [her or his] the collaborating physician shall not bill for concurrent care except when the concurrent care is medically necessary for admitting a beneficiary for inpatient hospital care, treating a medical emergency[,] or arranging for prescriptions for controlled drugs. Such concurrent care is normally limited to a single visit.

4. – 6. (No change.)

(d) An APN shall not be reimbursed as an independent provider by the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs when the program is required to reimburse an approved provider through another mechanism for these same services, for example, a hospital or home health agency-salaried APN whose salary is included in the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service rate.

1. If an APN is employed by a physician, a physician group, another APN or APN group, a hospital, an independent clinic or other similar health care entity who is a Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service provider, the APN is referred to Physician Services (N.J.A.C. 10:54) or Hospital Services (N.J.A.C. 10:52)[,] or Independent Clinic Services (N.J.A.C. 10:66) for [regulations] rules and billing instructions.

i. [Advanced practice nurses] APNs rendering services in clinics cannot bill fee-for-service. The clinic must bill for all services rendered in the clinic setting.

(e) When billing, an APN shall use his or her assigned Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare Provider Servicing Number to identify each service [she or he has] performed as separate and distinct from services [of] rendered by any other provider.

(f) (No change.)

(g) Payment for APN services covered under the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs is based upon the customary charge prevailing in the community for the same service but shall not exceed the "Maximum Fee Allowance Schedule" specified in N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4. In no event shall the charge to the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program exceed the charge by the provider for identical services to other individuals, groups or governmental agencies.

1. An APN billing independently receives direct payment from Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service for [his or her] services rendered under the provisions of this chapter. Reimbursement is on a fee-for-service basis.

2. (No change.)

(h) (No change.)


10:58A-2.1 General provisions

(a) This subchapter describes the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs' policies and procedures for the provision of Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service services by [advanced practice nurse] APN providers. Services are separately identified and discussed only where unique characteristics or requirements exist. Unless indicated otherwise, reimbursement provisions are located in N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.5, Basis for reimbursement.

(b) (No change.)

10:58A-2.3 Surgical procedures

[(a)] Typically, office visits are not reimbursed in combination with surgical procedures. (When two services are rendered, for example, an office visit and a surgical procedure, the program will pay the higher fee, either the visit or the procedure.) For procedure codes within the APN’s scope of practice [which] that are excluded from this general policy, see the codes listed as such at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.5(a).

10:58A-2.4 Pharmaceutical services - drugs prescribed and/or administered by an APN

(a) All covered pharmaceutical services provided by APNs under the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs shall be prescribed and administered in accordance with: N.J.A.C. 13:37-[7.6]7.9 and [7.7] 7.10; [N.J.A.C.] 10:49; [N.J.A.C.] 10:51; and this chapter.

(b) (No change.)

(c) The Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs will reimburse the clinical practitioner directly for the cost of the drugs described at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.3 [and 4.4].

(d) The Medicaid/ NJ FamilyCare program will reimburse APNs for certain approved drugs administered by inhalation, intradermally, subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously in the office, home or independent clinic setting according to the following reimbursement methodologies. See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4 for a listing of HCPCS procedure codes.

1. When an APN office or home visit is made for the sole purpose of administering a drug, reimbursement shall be limited to the cost of the drug and/or its administration. In these situations, there is no reimbursement for an APN’s office or home visit. If, in addition to the APN’s administration of a drug, the criteria of an office or home visit are met, the cost of the drug and/or administration may, if medically indicated, be reimbursed in addition to the visit.

(e) The drug administered must be consistent with the diagnosis and conform to accepted medical and pharmacological principles in respect to dosage frequency and route of administration.

(f) In order for APN-administered drugs to be reimbursed by the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program, manufacturers must have in effect all rebate agreements required or directed pursuant to all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations. To confirm that a manufacturer has complied with such rebate provisions and that a particular drug manufactured by it is covered, an APN may consult the website at: .

(g) APNs shall report the 11-digit National Drug Code (NDC), quantity of the drug administered or dispensed, and a two-digit qualifier identifying the unit of measure for the medication on the claim when requesting reimbursement. The labeler code and drug product code of the actual product dispensed must be reported on the claim form.

1. The package size code (that is, positions No. 10 and 11 of the NDC) reported may differ from the stock package size used to fill the prescription. Acceptable units of measure are limited to: F2 (international unit); GR (gram); ML (milliliter); and UN (unit/each).

(h) No reimbursement will be made for vitamins, liver or iron injections or combination thereof, except in laboratory-proven deficiency states requiring parenteral therapy.

(i) No reimbursement will be made for drugs or vaccines supplied free to the APN, for placebos, or for any injections containing amphetamines or derivatives thereof.

(j) No reimbursement will be made for injection given as a preoperative medication or as a local anesthetic that is part of an operative or surgical procedure.

(k) Where a drug required for administration has not been assigned a HCPCS procedure code, the drug shall be prescribed and dispensed by a pharmacy that directly bills the Medicaid/ NJ FamilyCare program. In this situation, the APN shall bill only for the administration of the drug.

10:58A-2.5 Medical exception process (MEP)

(a) For pharmacy claims with service dates on or after September 1, 1999, which exceed prospective drug utilization review (PDUR) standards recommended by the New Jersey [DUR] Drug Utilization Review Board (NJ DURB) and approved by the Commissioners of the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS), the Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services has established a [Medical Exception Process] medical exception process (MEP). See N.J.A.C. 10:51.

(b) The [medical exception process (]MEP[)] shall be administered by a contractor, referred to as the MEP contractor, under contract with the Department of Human Services.

(c) The [medical exception process] MEP shall apply to all pharmacy claims, regardless of claim media, unless there is a recommended exemption by the [New Jersey DUR Board] NJ DURB, which has been approved by the Commissioners of DHS and DHSS, in accordance with the rules of those Departments.

(d) The [medical exception process] MEP is as follows:

1. The MEP contractor shall contact prescribers of conflicting drug therapies, or drug therapies [which] that exceed established PDUR standards, to request written justification to determine medical necessity for continued drug utilization.

i. The MEP contractor shall send a [Prescriber Notification Letter] Medical Necessity Form (MNF), which includes, but may not be limited to, the beneficiary name, [Medicaid Eligibility identification] Health Benefits Identification (HBID) number, dispense date, drug quantity[,] and drug description. The prescriber shall be requested to provide the reason for the medical exception, diagnosis, expected duration of therapy[,] and expiration date for medical exception.

ii. The prescriber shall provide information requested on the [Prescriber Notification] MNF to the MEP contractor.

2. (No change.)

3. The MEP contractor shall notify the pharmacy and prescriber of the results of their review and include at a minimum, the beneficiary's name, [mailing address, Medicaid Eligibility identification] HBID number [the reviewer], service description, service date[,] and prior authorization number, if approved, the length of the approval and the appeals process if the pharmacist or prescriber does not agree with the results of the review.

4. – 5. (No change.)

10:58A-2.6 Clinical laboratory services

(a) "Clinical laboratory services" means professional and technical laboratory services performed by a clinical laboratory certified by CMS in accordance with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) and ordered by a physician or other licensed practitioner, within the scope of his or her practice, as defined by the laws of the State of New Jersey and/or of the state in which the practitioner practices.

(b)-(f) (No change.)

(g) HCPCS [90780 SA and 90781 SA] 96360 SA and 96361 SA, related to therapeutic or diagnostic injections, shall not be used for routine IV drug injection. For these codes, reimbursement shall be contingent upon the required medical necessity, and hand written or electronic chart documentation, including the time and the indication of the APN's presence with the patient to the exclusion of his or her other duties.

10:58A-2.7 Evaluation and management services

a) - (b) (No change.)

(c) Provisions for initial visits, evaluation and management are:

1. For office visits and for other care apart from inpatient hospital, providers are permitted to bill for an initial visit only once for a specific patient, subject to the following exceptions.

i. When a shared health care facility, a group of physicians and/or other practitioners including, but not limited to, [(]APNs[)], share a common record, the Division will reimburse only one initial visit to that provider group.

ii. – iii. (No change.)

2. (No change.)

3. In the inpatient hospital setting, the initial visit concept still applies for reimbursement purposes, except that subsequent readmissions to the same facility may be designated as [Initial Visits] initial visits, as long as a time interval of 30 days or more has elapsed between admissions.

4. (No change.)

5. In order to use the HCPCS procedure code to bill for an [Initial Visit] initial visit, the APN shall provide the minimal documentation in the record regardless of the setting where the examination was performed. See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4(c).

(d)-(f) (No change.)

(g) Concerning the consultation procedures, in reference to APNs, a consultation is eligible for reimbursement only when performed by a physician specialist recognized as such by the Division, when the request has been made by or through the patient's attending physician or APN, and the need for such a request would be consistent with good medical practice. APNs will not be reimbursed for consultation procedures, but mention of these procedures is included for those instances when the APN needs to refer [his or her] patient(s) for consultation, to a specialist other than [his or her] the collaborating physician.

(h) (No change.)

(i) The following concern emergency department and inpatient hospital services:

1. When a clinical practitioner sees [his or her] a patient in the emergency room instead of [his or her] the provider’s office, the clinical practitioner shall use the same codes for the visit that would have been used if seen in the [physician's] provider’s office. Records of that visit should become part of the notes in the provider’s office chart.

2. (No change.)

3. Critical care/prolonged services will be covered when the patient's situation requires constant clinical practitioner attendance given by the clinical practitioner to the exclusion of [his or her] other patients and duties, and, therefore [for him or her], represents what is beyond the usual service.

i. Critical care/prolonged success shall be verified by the applicable records as defined by the setting. The records shall show in the clinical practitioner's [handwriting] authorized documentation the time of onset and time of completion of the service. All settings are applicable such as office, hospital, home, residential health care facility and nursing facility.

ii. (No change.)

4. (No change.)

10:58A-2.9 Mental health services

(a)-(d) (No change.)

(e) Advanced practice nurses who are certified in the advanced practice category of "Psychiatric/Mental Health" (APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health) are qualified to perform services and to be reimbursed independently for the treatment of postpartum mental health disorders in women.

1. These services are available to women during pregnancy and/or after a delivery, miscarriage[,] or the termination of a pregnancy. The services shall be billed using the regular mental health service HCPCS located at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(n).

[2. The reimbursement of the specialized HCPCS procedure codes for the treatment of postpartum mental health disorders shall include an initial evaluation and no more than three subsequent visits to one practitioner. Additional services shall be billed using the regular mental health service HCPCS located at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(m).

i. The HCPCS procedure code W9853 AV shall be used for an initial evaluation visit and two subsequent visits for the treatment of postpartum mental health disorders, when the same provider provides the initial evaluation and the two subsequent visits. This specialized HCPCS procedure code is limited to one occurrence per pregnancy. If a third follow up visit is required, specialized HCPCS procedure code W9854 AV shall be used.

ii. The HCPCS procedure code W9854 AV shall be used for one additional visit for the treatment of postpartum mental disorders.

iii. The HCPCS procedure code W9857 AV shall be used for an initial evaluation visit and one subsequent visit for the treatment of postpartum mental health disorders, when the same provider provides the initial evaluation and the one subsequent visit.]

[3.] 2. (No change in text.)

[4.] 3. The [specialized] HCPCS for the treatment for postpartum-related mental health disorders shall be exempt from prior authorization and, as such, shall be excluded from the $900.00 threshold contained in N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.9(b)4.

(f) (No change.)

10:58A-2.10 [PASARR] Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) and Pre-Admission Screening (PAS)

(a) Federal legislation (1919[(a)(b)] of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. [§] §1396r) established Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) (PAS) for MI/MR applicants to Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-participating nursing facilities (NFs) and further reviews, as indicated by a significant change in a beneficiary's mental or physical condition, for residents of Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-participating NFs.

(b) Through [PASARR] PASRR, NF applicants or residents of NFs are evaluated to assess the appropriateness of their admission to the facility or continued residence within the facility, in respect to whether they need specialized services for the treatment of mental illness or mental retardation. Persons in need of specialized services [(active treatment)] will be directed to an alternate placement.

(c) The initial Preadmission Screening (PAS) screening is conducted by [a] professional staff designated by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) [staff], to determine whether the individual requires nursing facility level of care.

1. After the professional staff designated by DHSS [staff] has determined that the individual [needs] meets the criteria for the NF-level [services] of care, an individual identified as meeting the criteria for mental retardation services is referred to the staff of the Division of Developmental Disabilities for a specialized service evaluation.

2. An individual identified as meeting criteria for mental illness is evaluated by a psychiatrist, an attending physician or an [advanced practice nurse, psychiatric/mental health (]APN[,] who is certified in the advanced practice category of Psychiatric/Mental Health[)] to determine the need for specialized services.

(d) Professionals who are qualified to perform psychiatric evaluations for [PASARR] PASRR include psychiatrists, general physicians, both doctors of medicine (M.D.) and of osteopathy (D.O.)[,] and [advanced practice nurses] APNs who are certified in the advanced practice category of Psychiatric/Mental Health.

(e) The initial Pre-Admission [PASARR] PASRR Screen shall be used for Medicare and/or Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare--Plan A persons residing in the community (currently at home or boarding home) who are applicants to Medicare/Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare nursing facilities and are being examined by an attending-physician or APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health, to determine the need for specialized services for mental illness. Clinical practitioners completing the screen to determine the need for specialized services shall use the 99333 HCPCS procedure code with a Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare maximum fee allowance as listed in N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.

1. If the screening examination reveals the need for a more specialized examination, a psychiatric consultation may be requested by the attending physician or APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health. Existing consultation codes for limited consultation and for comprehensive consultation may be used for this purpose by the consulting psychiatrist, as appropriate. Applicants with a diagnosis of MI or MR, regardless of the payment source of their care, shall be subject to the [PASARR] PASRR review. For MI individuals funded through other than the New Jersey Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare programs, the fee for psychiatric evaluations conducted by psychiatrists or in NFs by attending physicians[,] or APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health will be paid by Medicare, other third party carriers[,] or by the individual.

2. If the individual has a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or related dementia, as described in the 1987 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III), documentation shall be provided to the admitting Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-certified nursing facility, for the individual's clinical record, on the history, physical examination, and diagnostic work-up, to support the diagnosis. Dementia-diagnosed individuals shall have psychiatric disorders diagnosed and documented. (Neither a new examination nor a comprehensive neurological evaluation shall be required.) Individuals diagnosed as mentally retarded who are also diagnosed as having organic dementia shall be evaluated in accordance with the DDD Level II screens to determine need for specialized services.

i. The examining attending-physician or APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health shall obtain the "Division of Mental Health Services Psychiatric Evaluation" form from the nursing home administrator and shall fax the completed form to (609) 777-0662 or mail the form to the Division of Mental Health Services, PO Box 727, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0727, Attention: [PASARR] PASRR Coordinator.

ii. (No change.)

(f) The HCPCS procedure codes and reimbursement amounts previously established by the Division for the Annual Resident Review of [PASARR] PASRR, shall be used for Medicare and/or Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-Plan A nursing facility patients who are being evaluated by the attending physician or APN, Psychiatric/Mental Health, for the purposes of a resident review, the necessity of which was indicated by a significant change in the condition of the beneficiary, to determine the need for specialized services for mental illness.

1. – 3. (No change.)

(g) (No change.)

10:58A-2.11 Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis[,] and Treatment (EPSDT)

(a) Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) is a Federally mandated comprehensive child health program for Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare-Plan A beneficiaries [from birth through 20] under 21 years of age. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA ’89) codified EPSDT. The term "EPSDT Services" means a preventive and comprehensive health program: for Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare–Plan A beneficiaries under 21 years of age for the purpose of assessing a beneficiary‘s health needs through initial and periodic examinations, health education and guidance and identification, diagnosis and treatment of health problems; for eligible NJ FamilyCare B and C enrollees, covering early and periodic screening and diagnostic medical examinations, dental, vision, hearing and lead screening services, and those treatment services identified through the examination that are available under the MCO contractor’s benefit package or specified services under the FFS program (see N.J.A.C. 10:49-5.6). EPSDT service shall include, at a minimum, the following:

1. – 5. (No change.)

(b) An [advanced practice nurse] APN who is certified in the advanced practice category of pediatrics or family health may provide EPSDT screening services.

(c) An EPSDT examination shall include the following:

1. – 3. (No change.)

4. Appropriate laboratory tests, including, but not limited to:

i. – ii. (No change.)

iii. Tuberculin test (Mantoux)[, annually];

iv. Lead screening using blood lead level determinations between [6 and 12 months, at 2 years of age, and annually up to six years of age.] 9 and 18 months of age, preferably at 1 year of age, once between 18 and 26 months of age, preferably at 2 years of age and for any child between 2 and 6 years of age not previously tested or at 6 months of age or younger, if indicated. At all other visits, screening shall consist of verbal risk assessment and additional blood lead level testing, if indicated; and

v. (No change.)

5. (No change.)

6. Vision [services] screening:

i. – iii. (No change.)

iv. A [second] repeat eye examination and visual screening with visual acuity testing by age three or four years.

v. (No change.)

vi. Referral for vision screening [of children who] by an optometrist or ophthalmologist if the child:

(1) – (4) (No change.)

7. Hearing [Services] screening:

i. (No change.)

ii. Individual hearing screenings [administered annually to all children through age eight and to all children at risk of hearing impairment] shall be included in all EPSDT periodic examinations.

[iii. Screening every other year for children age eight and older.]

iii. Audiometric testing shall be administered annually to all children between three and eight years of age. At age eight, children shall be tested every other year.

8. Dental [Services] screening:

i. – iii. (No change.)

9. (No change.)

(d) Children two years of age and older are provided preventive health care services through the EPSDT program while under 21 years of age. In addition, Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service providers who have not been certified as HealthStart Pediatric Providers use the EPSDT procedure codes for preventive health care services for children from birth through age two when the requirements for the EPSDT examination have been met. The following schedule reflects the ages at which children shall be provided EPSDT screening:

1. – 10. (No change.)

(e) Reimbursement policy for EPSDT services:

1. – 2. (No change.)

3. Laboratory, other diagnostic procedures[,] and immunizations shall be eligible for separate reimbursement. (See N.J.A.C. [10:58-2.5]10:58A-4)

10:58A-2.12 Obstetrical/gynecological (OB/GYN) care

Reimbursement for specified OB/GYN services at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-[4.4(g)]4.2(g) provided under the Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs shall be limited to advanced practice nurses who are certified in the advanced practice category of "OB/GYN."

10:58A-2.13 New Jersey Vaccines for Children program

(a) The New Jersey Vaccines for Children (VFC) program provides free vaccines for administration to beneficiaries under 19 years of age who are eligible for New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare[-Plan A] services. Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare programs shall not provide reimbursement to providers for administering these vaccines exclusive of the VFC program.

[1. Vaccines that have been identified as available under the VFC program include, but are not limited to, the following, individually or in combination: Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis; Haemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib); Rotavirus Vaccine; Hepatitis B (Pediatric/ Adolescent); Hepatitis Type B Immunoglobulin; Hepatitis A (Pediatric); Mumps, Measles, Rubella; Oral Polio Vaccine; Varicella Vaccine; Influenzae Vaccine; and Pneumococcal Vaccine.]

[2.] 1. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) is expected to periodically add vaccines to the approved list for the VFC program. This list, “VFC Resolutions,” is hereby incorporated by reference, as amended and supplemented. The VFC Resolutions lists the vaccines provided by the VFC Program for individuals under age 19. The Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program shall not reimburse for any vaccine so added to the [VFC list of approved vaccines] VFC Resolutions that are not obtained from the VFC program. Providers can access the VFC Resolutions on the CDC website at .

i. Any change to the reimbursement amount for the administration of vaccines administered under the VFC Program and/or the reimbursement amounts for such vaccines that are also appropriate for and administered to individuals who are not under age 19 and are, therefore, ineligible to receive them under the VFC Program, will be made by rulemaking in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq.

2. Providers shall receive an administration fee for the administration of vaccines ordered directly from the VFC Program. The Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare program shall not provide reimbursement to providers for administering vaccines that are not obtained from the VFC program.

(b) (No change.)

(c) APNs shall bill the HCPCS procedure codes 90465, 90466, 90467, 90468, 90471, [and] 90472, 90473 or 90474 to receive reimbursement for administering vaccines under this program, as appropriate. See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-[4.4(b)]4.5(c).

(d) Vaccines that are covered by the VFC program but are administered to beneficiaries 19 years of age and older shall be billed with only the appropriate procedure code and be reimbursed the fee-for-service rate. The administration fee is included in the reimbursement for the vaccine. See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2(j).


10:58A-3.2 Purpose

(a) The purpose of HealthStart is to provide for comprehensive maternity services to pregnant Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service beneficiaries, including those determined to be presumptively eligible[,] and preventive child health services for Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service beneficiaries up to the age of two.

1. Pediatric HealthStart services are an expansion of the EPSDT program as described at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-[2.10]2.11.

(b) (No change.)

10:58A-3.4 HealthStart provider participation criteria

(a) – (e) (No change.)

(f) An application for a HealthStart Provider Certificate [is available from:] can be downloaded free of charge from the New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services’ website at .

Persons who do not have access to the internet please contact the address below to request a copy of the application:

HealthStart Program

New Jersey State Department of Health and Senior Services

50 East State Street

PO Box 364

Trenton, NJ 08625-0364

(g) (No change.)

10:58A-3.9 Professional requirements for HealthStart pediatric care providers

All HealthStart APN pediatric care providers shall be [primary care providers who possess a knowledge] certified in the practice of pediatrics or family practice. This may be demonstrated by certification by the New Jersey Board of Nursing, or by hospital admitting privileges in pediatrics or family practice or by documentation of a formal arrangement with a physician who is board certified in pediatrics or family practice.

10:58A-3.12 Records: documentation, confidentiality and informed consent for HealthStart pediatric care providers

(a) HealthStart pediatric care providers shall have policies [which] that protect patient confidentiality, as defined at N.J.A.C. 10:49-[9.4]9.7, and provide for informed consent and document comprehensive care services in accordance with this Chapter.

(b) – (d) (No change.)


10:58A-4.1 Introduction to the HCPCS procedure code system

(a) The New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs use the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Healthcare Common Procedure Code System (HCPCS) for 2009, established and maintained by CMS in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Pub.L. 104-191, and incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented, and as published by PMIC, 4727 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90010. Revisions to the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System made by CMS (code additions, code deletions and replacement codes) will be reflected in this subchapter through publication of a notice of administrative change in the New Jersey Register. Revisions to existing reimbursement amounts specified by the Department and specification of new reimbursement amounts for new codes will be made by rulemaking in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:14B-1 et seq. HCPCS follows the American Medical Association's Physicians' Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) architecture, employing a five-position code and as many as two two-position modifiers. Unlike the CPT numeric design, the CMS-assigned codes and modifiers contain alphabetic characters. Because of copyright restrictions, the CPT procedure narratives for Level I codes are not included in this subchapter, but are hereby incorporated by reference.

1. Copies of the CPT may be ordered from the American Medical Association, P.O. Box 10950, Chicago, IL 60610 or by accessing ama-. An updated copy of the HCPCS (Level II) codes may be obtained by accessing the HCPCS website at cms.TransactionCodeSetsStands/ or by contacting PMIC, 4727 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA 90010.

(b) HCPCS has been developed as a [three]two-level coding system, as follows:

1. Level I codes: Narratives for these codes are found in CPT, which is incorporated herein by reference, as amended and supplemented. The codes are adapted from CPT for use primarily by physicians, podiatrists, optometrists, certified nurse-midwives, advanced practice nurses (APNs), independent clinics and independent laboratories. Level I procedure codes, and fees for each, for which APNs may bill, can be found at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2.

2. (No change.)

[3. Level III codes: Level III codes identify services unique to the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs. These codes are assigned by the Division to be used for those services not identified by CPT codes or CMS-assigned codes. Narratives for these codes, and the fees paid for each, can be found at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.4.]

(c) (No change.)

(d) Listed below are general policies of the New Jersey Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service programs that pertain to HCPCS. Specific information concerning the responsibilities of an APN when rendering Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service covered services and requesting reimbursement are located at N.J.A.C. 10:58A-1.4, Recordkeeping; [10:58A-]1.5, Basis of [Reimbursement] reimbursement; and [10:58A-]2.7, Evaluation and [Management Services] management services.

1. General requirements are as follows:

i. (No change.)

ii. When billing, the provider must enter on the claim form a CPT/HCPCS procedure code as listed in this subchapter. (N.J.A.C. 10:58A-4.2[,] and 4.3[, 4.4].)

iii. – vii. (No change.)

10:58A-4.2 HCPCS procedure code numbers and maximum fee allowance schedule (Level I)



| | | |

|(a) (No change.) | | |

| | | | | |

|(b) Family planning procedures: | |

|N |11975 SA | |30 |[BR] 80.77 |

|[NL |11975 SA 22 | |30 |BR] |

|... | | | | |

|N |11977 SA | |90 |[BR] 161.50 |

|[NL |11977 SA 22 | |90 |BR] |

| | | | | |

|(c) – (f) (No change.) | |

| | | | | |

|(g) Other procedures, by system: | |

|1. (No change.) | | |

|2. Vascular Injection Procedures: | |

|... | | | | |

| |[51701 SA | | |34.20 |

| |51701 26 SA | | |9.50 |

| |51702 SA | | |34.20 |

| |51702 26 SA | | |9.50] |

|3. Urinary System: | |

| |[51010 SA | | |35.20] |

|... | | | | |

| |51701 SA | | |34.20 |

| |51701 26 SA | | |9.50 |

| |51702 SA | | |34.20 |

| |51702 26 SA | | |9.50 |

|... | | | | |

|4. Obstetric/Gynecologic: | |

|... | | | | |

| |58100 SA | | |15.20 |

|... | | | | |

| |59425 SA | | |13.30 |

| |59426 SA | | |13.30 |

|... | | | | |

|5. Auditory System: | |

|... | | | | |

| |69210 SA | | |11.00 |

| | | | | |

|(h) Laboratory Services: |

|... | | | | |

| |82270 | | |[1.20] 3.63 |

|... | | | | |

| | | | | |

|(i) Tuberculin Testing: | |

|... | | | | |

| |[86585 | | |4.00] |

| | | | | |

|(j) Immunizations: | |

|+ |90632 | | |80.95 |

|+ |90633 | | |38.24 |

| |90636 | | |103.04 |

|+ |90647 | | |31.52 |

|+ |90648 | | |30.85 |

| |90649 | | |165.49 |

|+ |90655 | | |19.33 |

|+ |90656 | | |20.64 |

|+ |90657 | | |9.41 |

|+ |90658 | | |17.56 |

|+ |90660 | | |25.69 |

|+ |90669 | | |94.62 |

| |90675 | | |B.R. |

|+ |90680 | | |88.64 |

| |90681 | | |130.44 |

| |90691 | | |79.90 |

|+ |90696 | | |61.75 |

|+ |90698 | | |92.70 |

|+ |90700 | | |30.73 |

| |90702 | | |31.56 |

|+ |90703 | | |[18.86] 17.72 |

|[+ L |90703 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90704 | | |[24.80] 29.08 |

|[+ L |90704 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90705 | | |[22.19] 24.21 |

|[+ L |90705 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90706 | | |[24.07] 25.37 |

|[+ L |90706 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90707 | | |[54.63] 62.33 |

|[+ L |90707 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90712 | | |[24.80] B.R. |

|[+ L |90712 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90713 | | |[32.17] 34.52 |

|[+ L |90713 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90714 | | |26.05 |

|+ |90715 | | |47.25 |

|+ |90716 | | |[82.78] 105.50 |

|[+ L |90716 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

| |90717 | | |[88.79] 81.35 |

|[L |90717 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90718 | | |[15.52] 17.50 |

|[+ L |90718 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90721 | | |57.85 |

|+ |90723 | | |90.90 |

|... | | | | |

|+ |90732 | | |[20.50] 35.76 |

|[+ L |90732 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90733 | | |[91.58] 127.85 |

|[+ L |90733 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|+ |90734 | | |125.46 |

|+ |90736 | | |188.66 |

|+ |90740 | | |209.86 |

|+ |90743 | | |74.28 |

|+ |90744 | | |29.62 |

|+ [L] |90746 | | |[84.93] 65.25 |

| |[90746 |52 |Administration of serum |2.50] |

| | | |only | |

|... | | | | |

|[L |90749 |52 | |2.50] |

|[+ Administration of serum only. These codes shall be reimbursable only for services provided to beneficiaries 19 years of age and older. |

|These "52" injection codes are given here for the convenience of the individual preparing billings.] |

| |

|+ Indicates that this vaccine is covered under the Federally-funded Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. Providers must report both the |

|appropriate VFC administration code and the associated HCPCS procedure code when requesting payment for the administration fee(s) for VFC |

|vaccines to ensure appropriate reimbursement. (See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13.) |

| | | | | |

|(k) Vaccines For Children Program Administration Codes |

|N |90465 | | |16.18 |

|N |90466 | | |11.50 |

|N |90467 | | |11.44 |

|N |90468 | | |8.77 |

|N |90471 | | |16.18 |

|N |90472 | | |11.50 |

|N |90473 | | |12.12 |

|N |90474 | | |8.43 |

| |G9141 | | |11.50 |

| |G9141 52 | | |5.00 |

| |

|[(k)] (l) Infusion Therapy (Excluding Allergy, Immunization and Chemotherapy): |

| | | | | |

|[N |90780 SA | | |$38.00 per hour |

|N |90781 SA | | |$38.00 per hour] |

|N |96360 SA | | |27.20 |

|N |96361 SA | | |8.14 |

| |96365 SA | | |33.21 |

| |96366 SA | | |10.17 |

| |96367 SA | | |16.82 |

| |96368 SA | | |9.56 |

| |96369 SA | | |71.77 |

| |96370 SA | | |7.00 |

| |96371 SA | | |32.31 |

| | | | | |

|[(l)] (m) Therapeutic or Diagnostic Injections: |

| |[90782 SA | | |2.50 |

| |90784 SA | | |2.50 |

| |90788 SA | | |2.50] |

| |96372 SA | | |2.50 |

| |96374 SA | | |26.02 |

| |96375 SA | | |11.41 |

| |96376 SA | | |11.41 |

| |96379 SA | | |2.50 |

| | | | | |

|[(m)] (n) Psychiatry: |

|... | | | | |

| |90853 SA | | |5.70 |

|... | | | | |

| | | | | |

|[(n)] (o) Audiological function tests: |

|... | | | | |

| |92568 SA | | |5.00 |

| | | | | |

|[(o)] (p) Cardiovascular services: | |

|... | | | | |

| |93236 SA | | |35.00 |

| |93237 SA | | |18.00 |

| | | | | |

|[(p)] (q) (No change in text.) | |

| | | | | |

|[(q)] (r) Health and behavioral assessment/interventions: |

| |96125 SA | | |41.02 |

| |96125 SA 26 | | |34.63 |

|... | | | | |

| | | | | |

|[(r)] (s) Chemotherapy: | | |

| |[96400 SA | | |3.80] |

| |96401 SA | | |30.40 |

| |96402 SA | | |16.49 |

| |[96408 SA | | |13.30] |

| |96409 SA | | |50.53 |

| |[96410 SA | | |29.90] |

| |96411 SA | | |28.77 |

| |[96412 SA | | |29.90] |

| |96413 SA | | |66.71 |

| |[96414 SA | | |13.30] |

| |96415 SA | | |15.01 |

| |96416 SA | | |72.87 |

| |96417 SA | | |33.18 |

|... | | | | |

| |[96520 SA | | |13.30] |

| |96521 SA | | |57.45 |

| |96522 SA | | |48.76 |

| |96523 SA | | |11.43 |

| |[96530 SA | | |13.30] |

| | | | | |

|[(s)] (t) Evaluation and Management Services: |

|1. Office and Other Outpatient Services: | |

|... |

|N |99215 SA | | |19.60 |

|2. Hospital inpatient services: | |

|... | |

|N |99238 SA | | |19.60 |

|3. (No change.) | |

|4. Nursing home visit: | |

|Comprehensive nursing facility assessments, new or established patient: |

|[N |99301 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99302 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99303 SA | | |23.80] |

|N |99304 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99305 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99306 SA | | |23.80 |

|Subsequent nursing facility care, new or established patient: |

|N |99307 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99308 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99309 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99310 SA | | |19.60 |

|[N |99311 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99312 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99313 SA | | |19.60 |

|Pre-Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review: |

|N L |+ W9848 AV | | |30.00 |

|N L |+ W9849 AV | | |30.00 |

| + Code included here for convenience in billing.] | |

|5. (No change.) |

|6. Nursing facility assessment (annual) |

|N |99318 SA | | |23.80 |

|[6.] 7. Domiciliary, rest home (for example, boarding home), or custodial care services: |

|New patient: | | | |

|[N |99321 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99322 SA | | |23.80] |

|N |99324 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99325 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99326 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99327 SA | | |23.80 |

|N |99328 SA | | |23.80 |

|Established patient: | | | |

|[N |99331 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99332 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99333 SA | | |19.60] |

|N |99334 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99335 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99336 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99337 SA | | |19.60 |

|[7.] 8. Home visit: |

|New patient: | | | |

|... | | | |

|N |99345 SA | | |[48.90] 19.60 |

|Established patient: | | | |

|... | | | | |

|N |99355 SA | | |[27.90] 19.60 |

|N |99365 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99375 SA | | |19.60 |

|[8.] 9. Preventive medicine: |

|New patient: | | | |

|N |99381 SA | | |23.80 |

|... | | | | |

|Established patient: | | | |

|N |99391 SA | | |51.72 |

|... | | | | |

|[9.] 10. Newborn care: |

|[N |99431 SA | | |32.20 |

|N |99433 SA | | |19.60 |

|N |99435 SA | | |32.20] |

|N |99460 SA | | |41.48 |

|N |99462 SA | | |21.79 |

|N |99463 SA | | |35.89 |

|N |99464 SA | | |52.60 |

|N |99465 SA | | |103.15 |

|... | | | | |

| | | | | |

|[(t)] (u) (No change in text.) |

10:58A-4.3 HCPCS procedure codes and maximum fee allowance schedule for Level II codes and narratives

| | | | |MAXIMUM FEE |


|IND |CODES |MOD | |$ |

| | | |

|[(a) Miscellaneous: | | |

| |G0001 SA |Routine venipuncture |1.80 |

| |G0001 UD |Routine venipuncture |1.80] |

| | | |

|[(b)] (a) APN Administered Drugs: | |

|[C9115 |Injection, zoledronic acid, per 2 mg (Zometa) |428.00 |

|C9116 |Injection, ertapenem sodium, per 1 gram vial |49.98 |

|C9120 |Injection, fulvestrant, per 50 mg |184.38 |

|C9121 |Injection, argatroban, per 5 mg |17.93] |

|J0120 |Injection, tetracycline , up to 250 mg |[0.83] 0.73 |

|J0128 |Injection, abarelix, 10 mg |70.81 |

|J0129 |Injection, abatacept, 10 mg |19.69 |

|J0130 |Injection, abciximab, 10 mg |[540.02] 601.69 |

|J0132 |Injection, acetylcysteine, 100 mg |2.16 |

|J0133 |Injection, acyclovir, 5 mg |0.16 |

|J0135 |Injection, adalimumab, 20 mg |335.64 |

|J0150 |Injection, adenosine, 6 mg |[39.75] 33.11 |

|[J0151 |Injection, adenosine, 90 mg (Adenoscan) |223.75] |

|J0152 |Injection, adenosine, 30 mg |76.50 |

|J0170 |Injection, adrenalin, epinephrine, up to 1 ml ampul |[1.64] 2.88 |

|J0180 |Injection, agalsidase beta, 1 mg |131.25 |

|J0190 |Injection, biperiden lactate, 5 mg |[3.33] 2.91 |

|J0200 |Injection, alatrofloxacin mesylate 100 mg |[19.60] 17.15 |

|J0205 |Injection, alglucerase, per 10 units |[39.50] 37.52 |

|J0207 |Injection, amifostine, 500 mg |[412.69] 536.14 |

|J0210 |Injection, methyldopate HCl, (Aldomet), up to 250 mg |[1.70] 1.74 |

|J0215 |Injection, alefacept, 0.5 mg |29.02 |

|J0220 |Injection, aglucosidase alfa, 10 mg |131.25 |

|J0256 |Injection, alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor-human, per 500 |[0.22] 0.01 |

|J0278 |Injection, amikacin sulfate, 100 mg |2.29 |

|J0280 |Injection, aminophylline, up to 250 mg |[1.35] 0.75 |

|J0282 |Injection, amiodarone hydrochloride, 30 mg |[19.78] 0.80 |

|J0285 |Injection, amphotericin B, 50 mg |[19.88] 17.06 |

|J0287 |Injection, amphotericin B lipid complex, 10 mg |[26.94] 21.00 |

|J0288 |Injection, amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex, 10 mg |[18.67] 15.17 |

|J0289 |Injection, amphotericin B liposome, 10 mg |[39.25] 34.34 |

|J0290 |Injection, ampicillin sodium, up to 500 mg |[1.04] 3.86 |

|J0295 |Injection, ampicillin sodium/sulbactam sodium, 1.5 mg |[8.38] 7.25 |

|J0300 |Injection, amobarbital, up to 125 mg |[2.75] 2.66 |

|J0330 |Injection, succinylcholine chloride, (Anectine), up to 20 mg |[0.37] 0.26 |

|J0350 |Injection, anistreplase, per 30 units |[2,835.58] 2,481.13 |

|J0360 |Hydralazine HCl, (Apresoline), up to 20 mg |[8.52] 14.77 |

|J0364 |Apomorphine hydrochloride, 1 mg |3.39 |

|J0365 |Aprotonin, 10,000 KIU |2.85 |

|J0380 |Injection, metaraminol bitartrate, per 10 mg |[1.34] 1.21 |

|J0390 |Injection, chloroquine HCl, (Araten HCl), up to 250 mg |[19.93] 17.44 |

|J0395 |Injection, arbutamine HCl, 1 mg |[192.00] 168.00 |

|J0400 |Injection, aripiprazole |0.31 |

|J0456 |Injection, azithromycin, 500 mg |[25.23] 27.09 |

|[J0460 |Injection, atropine sulfate, up to 0.3 mg |2.04] |

|J0461 |Injection, atropine sulfate |0.24 |

|J0470 |Injection, dimercaprol, per 100 mg |[24.92] 28.84 |

|J0475 |Injection, baclofen, 10 mg |[246.00] 223.13 |

|J0476 |Injection, baclofen, 50 mcg for intrathecal trial |[84.00] 73.50 |

|J0480 |Basiliximab, 20 mg |2,215.72 |

|J0500 |Injection, dicyclomine HCl, (Bentyl, Spasmoject), 10 mg |[8.80] 18.52 |

|J0515 |Injection, benztropine mesylate, (Cogentin), 1 mg |[4.11] 12.21 |

|J0520 |Injection, bethanechol chloride, myotonachol or urecholine, up to 5 mg |[5.62] 4.91 |

|[J0530 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine and penicillin G procaine, (Bicillin C-R), up to 600,000 |6.13 |

| |units | |

|J0540 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine and penicillin G procaine, (Bicillin C-R) up to 1,200,000|18.18 |

| |units | |

|J0550 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine and penicillin G procaine, (Bicillin C-R) up to 2,400,000|30.32] |

| |units | |

|J0559 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine/procaine |0.08 |

|J0560 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine, (Bicillin long acting), up to 600,000 units |[10.25] 25.71 |

|J0570 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine, (Bicillin long acting), up to 1,200,000 units |[17.43] 19.76 |

|J0580 |Injection, penicillin G benzathine, (Bicillin long acting), up to 2,400,000 units |[36.39] 22.51 |

|J0583 |Bivalirudin, 1 mg |2.08 |

|J0585 |Botulinum toxin type A per unit |[4.90] 5.52 |

|J0586 |Botulinum toxin type A |7.16 |

|J0587 |Botulinum toxin type B, per 100 units |[9.25] 8.99 |

|J0592 |Injection, buprenorphine hydrochloride, 0.1 mg |[1.04] 1.02 |

|J0594 |Injection, busulfan, 1 mg |10.09 |

|J0595 |Butorphanol; tartrate, 1 mg |3.91 |

|J0598 |Injection, C1 Esterase inhibitor |37.71 |

|J0600 |Injection, edetate calcium disodium, 200 mg |[42.20] 52.89 |

|J0610 |Injection, calcium gluconate, per 10 ml |[2.32] 2.03 |

|J0620 |Injection calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate, per 10 ml (Calphosan) |[5.42] 12.58 |

|J0630 |Injection, calcitonin salmon, up to 400 units |[38.88] 48.09 |

|J0636 |Injection, calcitriol, 0.1 mcg |[1.53] 1.34 |

|J0637 |Injection, caspofungin acetate, 5 mg |[37.69] 30.89 |

|J0640 |Injection, leucovorine calcium, 50 mg |[3.75] 3.28 |

|J0641 |Injection, levoleucovorin, 0.5 mg |1.05 |

|J0670 |Injection, mepivacaine HCl, (Carbocaine), per 10 ml |[2.97] 2.45 |

|J0690 |Injection, cefazolin sodium, (Ancef, Kefzol), up to 500 mg |[2.17] 2.83 |

|J0692 |Injection, cefepime HCl, 500 mg (Maxipime) |[8.56] 9.13 |

|J0694 |Injection, cefoxitin sodium, (Mefoxin), 1 gm |[11.41] 10.23 |

|J0696 |Injection, ceftriaxone sodium, (Rocephin), per 250 mg |[15.82] 12.97 |

|J0697 |Injection, sterile cefuroxime sodium, 750 mg |[6.76] 5.92 |

|J0698 |Cefotaxime sodium, (Claforan), per gm |[12.88] 7.10 |

|J0702 |Injection, betamethasone acetate and betamethasone sodium phosphate, per 3 mg |[2.62] 2.88 |

|J0704 |Injection, betamethasone sodium phosphate, per 4 mg |[4.41] 1.09 |

|J0706 |Injection, caffeine citrate, 5 mg (Cafcit) |[3.77] 3.53 |

|J0710 |Injection, cephapirin sodium (Cefadyl), up to 1 gram |[1.64] 1.44 |

|J0713 |Injection, ceftazidime, per 500 mg |[7.11] 6.48 |

|J0715 |Injection, ceftazoxime sodium, per 500 mg |[6.75] 5.89 |

|J0718 |Injection, certolizumab pegol |7.37 |

|J0720 |Injection, chloramphenicol sodium succinate, (Chloromycetin Sodium Succinate), up to 1 gram |[6.64] 14.62 |

|J0735 |Injection, clonidine hydrochloride, 1 mg |[58.06] 70.58 |

|J0740 |Injection, cidofovir, 375 mg |[846.00] 818.27 |

|J0743 |Injection, cilastatin sodium/imipenem (Primaxin), 250 mg |[16.33] 18.77 |

|J0744 |Injection, ciprofloxacin for IV infusion 200 mg (Cipro) |[14.41] 14.22 |

|J0745 |Injection, codeine phosphate, 30 mg |1.07 |

|J0760 |Injection, colchicine, per 1 mg |[7.75] 6.78 |

|J0770 |Injection, colistimethate sodium, (Coly-Mycin), up to 150mg |[42.00] 49.88 |

|J0780 |Injection, prochlorperazine, (Compazine), up to 10 mg |[3.12] 8.37 |

|J0795 |Corticorelin ovine triflutal, 1 mcg |4.75 |

|J0800 |Injection, corticotropin, up to 40 units |[5.00] 180.49 |

|J0833 |Injection, cosyntropin, nos |98.70 |

|J0834 |Injection, cosyntropin cortrosyn |107.44 |

|[J0835 |Injection, cosyntropin, per 0.25 mg |17.64] |

|J0850 |Injection, cytomegalovirus immune globulin intravenous (human), per vial |[622.30] 925.32 |

|J0878 |Injection, dapromycin |0.35 |

|[J0880 |Injection, darbepoetin alfa, 5 mcg |24.94] |

|J0881 |Darbepoetin alpha, non-ESRD use, 1 mcg |5.01 |

|J0882 |Darbepoetin alpha, ESRD use, 1mcg |5.01 |

|J0885 |Epoetin alfa, non-ESRD, 1,000 units |13.69 |

|J0886 |Injection, epoetin alfa, ESRD use, 1,000 units |13.31 |

|J0886 |Injection, epoetin alfa, non-ESRD use, 1,000 units |13.31 |

|J0894 |Injection, decitabine, 1 mg |26.25 |

|J0895 |Injection, deferoxamine mesylate, (Desferal), 100 mg |[14.91] 16.92 |

|J0945 |Injection, brompheniramine maleate, per 10 mg |[0.71] 0.62 |

|J0970 |Injection, estradiol valerate, up to 40 mg |[2.70] 34.60 |

|J1000 |Injection, depo-estradiol cypionate, 5 mg |[1.55] 6.59 |

|J1020 |Injection, methylprednisolone acetate, 20 mg |[2.50] 3.13 |

|J1030 |Injection, methylprednisolone acetate, 40 mg |[4.98] 6.34 |

|J1040 |Injection, methylprednisolone acetate, 80 mg |[9.74] 10.45 |

|J1051 |Injection, medroxyprogesterone acetate, 50 mg |[5.24] 15.47 |

|J1055 |Injection, medroxprogesterone acetate, for |[53.54] 53.97 |

| |contraceptive use, 150 mg | |

|J1056 |Injection, medroxyprogesterone acetate/estradial cypionate, 5 mg/25 mg (Lunelle monthly |[25.83] 22.60 |

| |contraceptive) | |

|[J1056 |Injection, medroxprogesterone acetate, for contraceptive use, 5mg/25m |25.83] |

|J1060 |Injection, testosterone cypionate and estradiol cypionate, up to 1 ml |[3.90] 3.41 |

|J1070 |Injection, testosterone cypionate, up to 100 mg |[1.50] 6.04 |

|J1080 |Injection, testosterone cypionate, 1 cc/200 mg |[7.89] 12.03 |

|J1094 |Injection, dexamethasone acetate, 1 mg |[0.50] 0.53 |

|J1100 |Injection, dexamethasone sodium phosphate, 1 mg |[0.15] 0.13 |

|J1110 |Dihydroergotamine Mesylate, 1 mg |[15.36] 31.94 |

|J1120 |Injection, acetazolamide sodium, (Diamox Sodium), up to 500 mg |[22.50] 22.97 |

|J1160 |Injection, digoxin, up to 0.5 mg |[2.45] 2.49 |

|J1162 |Digoxin immune fab (ovine), per vial |594.23 |

|J1165 |Injection, phenytoin sodium, (Dilantin), per 50 mg |[0.88] 0.70 |

|J1170 |Injection, hydromorphone, 2 mg |[1.69] 1.01 |

|J1180 |Injection, dyphylline, (Dilor, Lufyllin), up to 500 mg |[9.49] 8.30 |

|J1190 |Injection, dexrazoxane hydrochloride, per 250 mg |[204.78] 224.47 |

|J1200 |Injection, diphenhydramine HCl, (Benadryl), up to 50 mg |[1.00] 1.16 |

|J1205 |Injection, chlorothiazide sodium, (Diuril), per 500 mg |[11.04] 149.94 |

|J1212 |Injection, DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide, 50%, 50 ml |[48.96] 52.50 |

|J1230 |Injection, methadone HCl, (Dolophine HCl), up to 10 mg |[0.79] 2.14 |

|J1240 |Injection, demenhydrinate, (Dramamine), up to 50 mg |[0.60] 2.74 |

|J1245 |Injection, dipyridamole, per 10 mg |[24.24] 7.66 |

|J1250 |Injection, dobutamine hydrochloride, per 250 mg |[6.30] 43.51 |

|J1260 |Injection, dolasetron mesylate, 1 mg |[17.32] 4.27 |

|J1265 |Injection, dopamine, 40 mg |0.32 |

|J1267 |Injection, doripenem, 10 mg |0.81 |

|J1270 |Injection, doxercalciferol, 1 mcg (Hectorol) |[6.03] 6.31 |

|J1300 |Injection, eculizumab |182.00 |

|J1320 |Injection, amitriptyline HCl, (Elavil HCl), up to 20 mg |[2.34] 2.05 |

|J1324 |Injection, enfuvirtide, 1 mg |19.70 |

|J1325 |Injection, epoprostenol, 0.5 mg |[19.00] 19.47 |

|J1327 |Injection, eptifibatide, 5 mg |[11.90] 21.13 |

|J1330 |Injection, ergonovine maleate, up to 0.2 mg |[4.94] 5.08 |

|J1335 |Injection, ertapenem, 500 mg |27.27 |

|J1364 |Injection, erythromycin lactobionate, 500 mg |[4.09] 9.09 |

|J1380 |Injection, estradiol valerate, up to 10 mg |[11.40] 14.81 |

|J1390 |Injection, estradiol valerate, up to 20 mg |[1.32] 20.88 |

|J1410 |Injection, estrogen conjugated, per 25 mg |[59.74] 70.83 |

|J1430 |Ethanolamine oleate, 100 mg |84.99 |

|J1435 |Injection, estrone, per 1 mg |[0.20] 0.25 |

|J1436 |Injection, etidronate disodium, per 300 mg |[74.00] 70.88 |

|J1438 |Injection, etanercept, 25 mg |[142.49] 180.50 |

|J1440 |Injection, filgrastim, (G-CSF), 300 mcg |[182.86] 216.68 |

|J1441 |Injection, filagrastim, (G-CSF), 480 mcg |[300.40] 345.19 |

|J1450 |Injection, fluconazole, 200 mg |[91.09] 20.81 |

|J1451 |Fomepizole, 15 mg |12.11 |

|J1452 |Injection, fomivirsen sodium, intraocular, 1.65 mg |[1,000.00] 875.00 |

|J1453 |Injection, fosaprepitant, 1 mg |1.62 |

|J1455 |Injection, foscarnet sodium, (Foscavir), per 1000 mg |[12.50] 12.00 |

|J1457 |Injection, gallium nitrate, 1 mg |1.71 |

|J1458 |Injection, galsulfase, 1 mg |327.91 |

|J1459 |Injection, ivig privigen, 500 mg |45.94 |

|J1460 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 1 cc |[14.40] 15.45 |

|J1470 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 2 cc |[28.80] 30.89 |

|J1480 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 3 cc |[43.20] 46.34 |

|J1490 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 4 cc |[57.60] 61.78 |

|J1500 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 5 cc |[72.00] 77.23 |

|J1510 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 6 cc |[86.40] 92.67 |

|J1520 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 7 cc |[100.80] 108.12 |

|J1530 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 8 cc |[115.20] 123.56 |

|J1540 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 9 cc |[129.60] 139.01 |

|J1550 |Injection, gamma globulin I.M., 10 cc |[120.00] 118.00 |

|J1561 |Injection, immune globulin (Gamunex) |47.28 |

|J1562 |Injection, globulin sc, 100 mg |13.13 |

|[J1563 |Injection, immune globulin, intravenous, 1 g |91.38 |

|J1564 |Injection, immune globulin, 10 mg |BR |

|J1565 |Injection, respiratory syncytial virus, immune globulin, intravenous, 50 mg |16.33] |

|J1566 |Immune globulin, powder, 500 mg |43.89 |

|J1568 |Injection, octagam |55.61 |

|J1569 |Injection, gammagard liquid |59.17 |

|J1570 |Injection, ganciclovir sodium, (Cytovene), 500 mg |[35.67] 54.38 |

|J1571 |Injection, hepagam B IM, 0.5 ml |75.00 |

|J1572 |Injection, flebogamma, 500 mg |44.10 |

|J1573 |Injection, hepagam B intravenous, 0.5 ml |75.00 |

|J1580 |Injection, garamycin, gentamicin, up to 80 mg |[1.82] 2.12 |

|J1590 |Injection, gatifloxacin, 10 mg (Tequin) |[0.95] 0.83 |

|J1600 |Injection, gold sodium thiomalate, 50 mg |[12.73] 13.69 |

|J1610 |Injection, glucagon hydrochloride, 1 mg |[74.36] 76.56 |

|J1620 |Injection, gonadorelin hydrochloride, per 100 mcg |[202.49] 186.03 |

|J1626 |Injection, granisetron hydrochloride, 100 mcg |[19.52] 17.08 |

|J1630 |Injection, haloperidol, up to 5 mg |[7.49] 6.55 |

|J1631 |Injection, haloperidol decanoate, 50 mg |[28.00] 2.97 |

|J1640 |Injection, hemin, 1 mg |7.52 |

|J1642 |Injection, heparin sodium, (Heparin Lock Flush), 10 units |[0.67] 0.07 |

|J1644 |Injection, heparin sodium, 1,000 units |[0.37] 0.14 |

|J1645 |Injection, dalteparin sodium, per 2,500 IU |[15.35] 17.47 |

|J1650 |Injection, enoxaparin sodium, 10 mg |[5.82] 7.10 |

|J1652 |Injection, fondaparinux sodium, 0.5 mg |[8.70] 8.79 |

|J1655 |Injection, tinzaparin sodium, 1,000 IU (Innohep) |[8.06] 3.97 |

|J1670 |Injection, tetanus immune globulin, human, up to 250 units |[108.00] 124.26 |

|J1675 |Injection, histrelin acetate, 10 mcg |8.24 |

|J1680 |Injection, human fibrinogen concentrate |91.56 |

|J1700 |Injection, hydrocortisone acetate, (Analpram HC, Hydrocortone Acetate), up to 25 mg |[0.70] 0.61 |

|J1710 |Injection, hydrocortisone sodium phosphate, (Hydrocortone Phosphate), up to 50 mg |[5.86] 5.13 |

|J1720 |Injection, hydrocortisone sodium succinate, (Solu-Cortef), up to 100 mg |[1.95] 1.74 |

|J1730 |Injection, diazoxide, (Hyperstat), up to 300 mg |[123.19] 117.96 |

|J1740 |Injection, ibandronate sodium, 1 mg |147.20 |

|J1742 |Injection, ibutilide fumarate, 1 mg |[232.40] 309.71 |

|J1743 |Injection, idursulfase |479.10 |

|J1745 |Injection, infliximab, 10 mg |[69.16] 61.15 |

|J1750 |Injection, iron dextran, 50 mg |[18.85] 13.41 |

|J1756 |Injection, iron sucrose, 1 mg |[0.69] 0.60 |

|[J1760 |Injection, iron dextran, (Imferon), 2 cc |9.43 |

|J1780 |Injection, iron dextran, (Imferon), 10 cc |13.25] |

|J1785 |Injection, imiglucerase, per unit |[3.95] 4.05 |

|J1790 |Injection, droperidol, (Inapsine), up to 5 mg |[3.00] 3.72 |

|J1800 |Injection, propranolol HCl, (Inderal), up to 1 mg |[7.88] 8.62 |

|J1810 |Injection, droperidol and fentanyl citrate, (Innovar), up to 2 ml ampule |[9.94] 14.67 |

|J1815 |Injection, insulin, per 5 units |[0.16] 0.34 |

|J1817 |Insulin for insulin pump use, per 50 units |4.50 |

|J1825 |Injection, interferon beta-1a, 33 mcg administered under direct supervision of a physician, |[222.60] 400.18 |

| |excludes self administration | |

|J1830 |Injection, interferon beta-1B, 0.25 mg |[72.00] 96.08 |

|J1835 |Injection, itraconazole, 50 mg (Sporanox) |[36.97] 43.63 |

|J1840 |Injection, kanamycin sulfate, (Kantrex), up to 500 mg |[3.36] 7.70 |

|J1850 |Injection, kanamycin sulfate, (Kantrex), up to 75 mg |[3.04] 2.66 |

|J1885 |Injection, ketorolac tromethamine, (Toradol I.M.), per 15 mg |[8.74] 3.05 |

|J1890 |Injection, cephalothin sodium, (Keflin), up to 1 gram |[10.80] 9.45 |

|[J1910 |Injection, kutapressin, up to 2 ml |13.98] |

|J1930 |Injection, lanreotide, 1 mg |27.81 |

|J1931 |Injection, laronidase (aldurazyme), 0.1 mg |24.63 |

|J1940 |Injection, furosemide, (Lasix), up to 20 mg |[0.76] 0.63 |

|J1945 |Lepirudin, 50 mg |174.13 |

|J1950 |Injection, leuprolide acetate, (Depot Suspension), 3.75 mg |[518.64] 544.60 |

|J1953 |Injection, levetiracetam, 10 mg |0.69 |

|J1955 |Injection, levocarnitine, per 1 gram |[36.00] 34.30 |

|J1956 |Injection, levofloxacin, 250 mg |[19.80] 18.82 |

|J1960 |Injection, levorphanal tartrate, up to 2 mg |[3.96] 3.72 |

|J1980 |Injection, hyoscyamine sulfate, (Levsin), up to 0.25 mg |[7.93] 10.35 |

|J1990 |Injection, chlordiazepoxide HCl, (Librium), up to 100mg |[26.31] 23.02 |

|[J2000 |Injection, lidocaine HCl, 50 cc |6.60] |

|J2001 |Injection, lidocaine, per 10 mg |0.31 |

|J2010 |Injection, lincomycin HCl, up to 300 mg |[3.23] 2.76 |

|J2020 |Injection, linezolid, 200 mg (Zyvox) |[38.10] 36.13 |

|J2060 |Injection, lorazepam (Atvian), 2 mg |[9.78] 2.82 |

|J2150 |Injection, mannitol, 25% in 50 ml |[2.50] 2.49 |

|J2170 |Injection, mecasermin, 1 mg |14.15 |

|J2175 |Injection, meperidine HCl, 100 mg |[1.15] 1.19 |

|J2180 |Injection, meperidine/ promethazine HCl, (Mepergan), up to 50 mg |[9.14] 8.00 |

|J2185 |Meropenem, 100 mg |6.21 |

|J2210 |Injection, methylergonovine maleate, (Metherqine Maleate), up to 0.2 mg |[3.74] 5.37 |

|J2248 |Injection, micafungin sodium, 1 mg |2.05 |

|J2250 |Injection, midazolam hydrochloride, per 1 mg |[2.61] 0.56 |

|J2260 |Injection, milrinone lactate, per 5 ml |[35.75] 6.56 |

|J2270 |Injection, morphine sulfate, up to 10 mg |[1.17] 1.62 |

|J2271 |Injection, morphine sulfate, 100 mg |[14.34] 4.22 |

|J2275 |Injection, morphine sulfate, 10 mg (Preservative Free) |[4.75] 6.25 |

|J2278 |Injection, ziconotide, 1 mcg |6.99 |

|J2280 |Injection, moxifloxacin, 100 mg |9.57 |

|J2300 |Injection, nalbuphine HCl, per 10 mg |[1.77] 1.76 |

|J2310 |Injection, naloxone hydrochloride, per 1 mg |[4.43] 5.12 |

|J2315 |Naltrexone, depot form, 1 mg |2.00 |

|J2320 |Injection, nandrolone deconate, up to 50 mg |[1.38] 6.15 |

|J2321 |Injection, nandrolone deconoate, up to 100 mg |[13.46] 8.17 |

|J2322 |Injection, nandrolone deconoate, up to 200 mg |[28.05] 20.66 |

|J2323 |Injection, natalizumab |8.12 |

|[J2324 |Injection, nesiritide, 0.5 mg |152.00] |

|J2325 |Injection, nesiritide, 0.1 mg |34.99 |

|[J2352 |Injection, octreotide acetate, 1 mg |152.87] |

|J2353 |Injection, octreotide depot, 1 mg |104.36 |

|J2354 |Injection, octreotide, non-depot, 25 mcg |4.89 |

|J2355 |Injection, oprelvekin, 5 mg |[258.75] 267.75 |

|J2357 |Injection, omalizumab, 5 mg |18.11 |

|J2360 |Injection, orphenadrine citrate, (Norflex, Norgesic), up to 60 mg |[4.98] 17.94 |

|J2370 |Injection, phenylephrine HCl, (Neo-Synephrine), up to 1 ml |[3.08] 2.73 |

|J2400 |Injection, chloroprocaine HCl, (Nesacaine and Nesacaine MPF), per 30 ml |[18.84] 17.17 |

|J2405 |Injection, ondansetron HCl, 1 mg |[6.42] 1.23 |

|J2410 |Injection, oxymorphone HCl, (Numorphan), up to 1 mg |[2.95] 2.85 |

|J2425 |Injection, paliferim, 50 mcg |12.03 |

|J2430 |Injection, pamidronate disodium, per 30 mg |[279.86] 92.70 |

|J2440 |Injection, papaverine HCl, up to 60 mg |[8.32] 4.77 |

|J2460 |Injection, oxytetracycline HCl, up to 50 mg |[1.00] 0.97 |

|J2469 |Palonosetron HCL, 25 mcg |34.86 |

|J2501 |Injection, paricalcitol, 1 mcg |[5.57] 5.11 |

|J2503 |Injection, pegaptanib sodium, .03 mg |1,088.28 |

|J2504 |Pedademase bovine, 25 IU |204.17 |

|J2505 |Injection, pegfilgrastim, 6 mg |3,080.01 |

|J2510 |Injection, penicillin G procaine, aqueous, up to 600,000 units |[3.30] 10.50 |

|J2513 |Pentastarch 10% solution, 100 ml |13.16 |

|J2515 |Injection, pentobarbital sodium, per 50 mg |[0.74] 5.61 |

|J2540 |Injection, penicillen G potassium, up to 600,000 units (Pfizerpen) |[0.55] 0.43 |

|J2543 |Injection, piperacillin sodium/tazobactam sodium, 1 gram 0.125 grams (1.125 g) |[5.41] 5.81 |

|J2545 |Pentamadine isethionate, 300 mg, solution for inhalation |[98.75] 86.41 |

|J2550 |Injection, promethazine HCl, (Phenergan), up to 50 mg |[1.15] 3.79 |

|J2560 |Phenobarbital Sodium, up to 120 mg |[4.76] 2.96 |

|J2562 |Injection, plerixafor |262.50 |

|J2590 |Injection, oxytocin, (Pitocin), up to 10 units |[1.19] 2.56 |

|J2597 |Injection, desmopressin acetate, per 1 mcg |[5.72] 5.01 |

|[J2640 |Injection, prednisolone sodium phosphate, up to 20 mg |1.20] |

|J2650 |Injection, prednisolone acetate, up to 1 ml |[0.78] 0.68 |

|J2670 |Injection, tolazoline HCl, (Priscoline HCl), up to 25 mg |[4.13] 3.61 |

|[J2675 |Injection, progesterone, per 50 mg |0.12] |

|J2680 |Injection, fluphenazine deconoate, (Prolixin DeConoate), up to 25 mg |[13.86] 4.38 |

|J2690 |Injection, procainamide HCl, (Proenstyl), up to 1 gram |[5.81] 3.45 |

|J2700 |Injection, oxacillin sodium, (Prostaphlin), up to 250 mg |[0.85]1.02 |

|J2710 |Injection, neostigmine methylsulfate, (Prostigmin Methylsulfate), up to 0.5 mg |[0.94] 0.44 |

|J2720 |Injection, protamine sulfate, 10 mg |[0.81] 0.93 |

|J2724 |Protein C concentrate, 10 I.U. |1.26 |

|J2725 |Injection, protirelin, per 250 mcg |[25.68] 22.47 |

|J2730 |Injection, pralidoxime chloride, (Protopam Chloride), up to 1 gm |[108.38] 94.83 |

|J2760 |Injection, phentolamine mesylate, (Regitine), up to 5 mg |[35.00] 33.91 |

|J2765 |Injection, metoclopramide HCl, (Reglan), up to 10 mg |[1.42] 0.77 |

|J2770 |Injection, quinupristin/dalfopri stin, 500 mg (150/350) |[107.43] 137.00 |

|J2778 |Injection, ranibizumab |426.56 |

|J2780 |Injection, ranitidine hydrochloride, 25 mg |[1.54] 1.38 |

|J2783 |Rasburicase, 0.5 mg |152.18 |

|J2785 |Injection, regadenoson, 0.1 mg |107.50 |

|J2788 |Injection, Rho D immune globulin, human, minidose, 50 mcg |[38.13] 49.55 |

|[YD] UD | | |

|J2788 |Injection, Rho D immune globulin, human, minidose, 50 mcg |[38.13] 49.55 |

|J2790 |Injection, Rho (D) Immune Globulin, (Human), (Rhogam), Human, Full dose, 300 mcg |[110.00] 115.94 |

|J2790 [YD] UD |Injection, RHO (D) Immune Globulin Human, Full dose, 300 mcg |[110.00] 115.94 |

|J2791 |Injection, rhophylac |1.12 |

|J2792 |Injection, Rho(D) immune globulin, intravenous, human, solvent detergent, 100 IU |[22.33] 20.71 |

|J2793 |Injection, rilonacept |22.91 |

|J2794 |Risperidone, long acting, 0.5 mg |5.10 |

|J2795 |Injection, ropivacaine hydrochloride, 1 mg |[0.16] 0.08 |

|J2796 |Injection, romiplostim |43.70 |

|J2800 |Injection, methocarbamol, (Robaxin), up to 10 ml |[15.55] 17.27 |

|J2805 |Injection, sincalide, 5 mcg |60.03 |

|J2820 |Injection, sarqramostim, (GM-CSF), 50 mcg |[30.59] 33.30 |

|J2850 |Injection, secretin synthetic, human, 1 mcg |22.22 |

|[J2860 |Injection, secobarbital sodium, (Seconal Sodium), up to 250 mg |0.29] |

|J2910 |Injection, aurothioglucose, (Solqanal), up to 50 mg |[16.28] 25.73 |

|[J2912 |Injection, sodium chloride, 0.9%, per 2 ml |0.14] |

|J2916 |Injection, sodium ferric gluconate complex in sucrose Injection, 12.5 mg |[8.60] 7.53 |

|J2920 |Injection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, (Solu Medrol), up to 40 mg |[2.05] 2.25 |

|J2930 |Injection, methylprednisolone sodium succinate, (Solu Medrol), up to 125 mg |[3.41] 3.79 |

|J2941 |Injection, somatropin, 1 mg |48.21 |

|J2950 |Injection, promazine HCl, (Prozine, Sparine), up to 25 mg |[0.25] 0.22 |

|[J2970 |Injection, methicillin sodium, (Staphcillin), up to 1 gram |5.55] |

|J2993 |Injection, reteplase, 18.8 mg |[1,375.00] 1,319.55 |

|J2995 |Injection, streptokinase, per 250,000 IU |[138.90] 82.03 |

|J2997 |Injection, alteplase recombinant, 1 mg |[27.50] 33.47 |

|J3000 |Injection, streptomycin, up to 1 gram |[6.45] 7.96 |

|J3010 |Injection, fentanyl citrate, (Sublimaze), up to 2 ml |[1.38] 0.63 |

|J3030 |Injection, sumatriptan succinate, 6 mg |[52.01] 137.25 |

|J3070 |Injection, pentazocine HCl, (Talwin), up to 30 mg |[4.19] 4.43 |

|[J3100 |Injection, tenecteplase, 50 mg (TNKase) |2,750.00] |

|J3101 |Injection, tenecteplase, 1 mg |51.09 |

|J3105 |Terbutaline sulfate, up to 1 mg |[2.24] 15.86 |

|J3120 |Injection, testosterone enanthate, up to 100 mg |[0.44] 0.39 |

|J3130 |Injection, testosterone enanthate, up to 200 mg |[19.99] 17.88 |

|J3150 |Injection, testosterone propionate, up to 100 mg |[1.05] 0.87 |

|J3230 |Injection, chlorpromazine HCl, (Thorazine), up to 50 mg |[12.84] 5.70 |

|J3240 |Injection, thyrotropin, alpha 1.1 mg |[596.50] 869.53 |

|J3243 |Injection, tigecycline, 1 mg |1.04 |

|[J3245 |Injection, tirofiban hydrochloride, 12.5 mg |486.48] |

|J3246 |Tirofiban HCL (Aggrastat), 0.25 mg |9.29 |

|J3250 |Injection, trimethobenzamide HCl, up to 200 mg |[4.32] 2.88 |

|J3260 |Injection, tobramycin sulfate, (Nebcin), up to 80 mg |[7.28] 3.71 |

|J3265 |Injection, torsemide, 10 mg/ml |[2.32] 2.74 |

|J3280 |Injection, thiethylperazine maleate, up to 10 mg |[4.84] 4.24 |

|J3285 |Injection, treprostinil, 1 mg |58.84 |

|J3300 |Injection, triamcinolone A, prs-free, 1 mg |0.06 |

|J3301 |Injection, triamcinolone acetonide, (Kenalog), 10 mg |[1.67] 1.45 |

|J3302 |Injection, triamcinolole diacetate, (Aristocort), per 5 mg |[0.93] 0.57 |

|J3303 |Injection, triamcinolone hexacetonide, (Aristospan), per 5 mg |[2.74] 2.97 |

|J3305 |Injection, trimetrexate glucoronate, per 25 mg |[125.00] 154.48 |

|J3310 |Injection, perphenazine, (Trilafon), up to 5 mg |[7.29] 6.38 |

|J3315 |Injection, triptorelin pamoate, 3.75 mg |[437.09] 530.47 |

|J3320 |Injection, spectinomycin hydrochloride, (Trobicin), up to 2 mg |[28.21] 31.05 |

|J3350 |Injection, urea, (Ureaphil), up to 40 mg |[88.88] 77.77 |

|J3360 |Injection, diazepam, (Valium), up to 5 mg |[1.41] 1.25 |

|J3364 |Injection, urokinase, 5,000 IU vial |[56.61] 49.53 |

|J3365 |Injection, IV, urokinase, 250,000 IU vial |[466.17] 472.31 |

|J3370 |Injection, vancomycin HCl, up to 500 mg |[8.28] 4.01 |

|J3396 |Injection, verteporfin, .01 mg |10.14 |

|J3400 |Injection, triflupromazine HCl, (Vesprin), up to 20 mg |[13.00] 11.38 |

|J3410 |Injection, hydroxyzine HCl, (Vistaril), 25 mg |[1.09] 0.39 |

|J3411 |Thiamine HCL, 100 mg |1.89 |

|J3415 |Pyridoxine HCL, 100 mg |2.49 |

|J3420 |Injection, vitamin B-12 cyanocobalamin, up to 1,000 mg |[0.51] 0.42 |

|J3430 |Injection, phytonadione, (Vitamin K), 1 mg |[2.58] 2.26 |

|J3465 |Injection, voriconazole, 10 mg |5.54 |

|J3470 |Injection, hyaluronidase, (Wydase), up to 150 units |[23.09] 21.88 |

|J3471 |Ovine, up to 999 USP units |0.12 |

|J3472 |Ovine, 1000 USP units |142.19 |

|J3475 |Injection, magnesium sulfate, per 500 mg |[1.06] 3.13 |

|J3480 |Injection, potassium chloride, per 2 mEq |[0.10] 0.09 |

|J3485 |Injection, zidovudine, 10 mg |[1.00] 1.19 |

|J3486 |Ziprasidone mesylate, 10 mg |5.36 |

|J3487 |Injection, zoledronic acid, 1 mg |[214.00] 223.00 |

|J3488 |Injection, reclast |227.84 |

|J7030 |Infusion, normal saline solution, 1,000 ml = 1 unit |[9.86] 7.14 |

|J7040 |Infusion, normal saline solution, sterile, 500 ml = 1 unit |[9.11] 6.98 |

|J7042 |5% dextrose/normal saline solution, 500 ml = 1 unit |[10.77] 5.65 |

|J7050 |Infusion, normal saline solution. 250 ml = 1 unit |[9.86] 6.03 |

|[J7051 |Sterile saline or water, up to 5 cc |2.63] |

|J7060 |5% dextrose/water solution, 500 ml = 1 unit |[9.79] 8.09 |

|J7070 |Infusion, D5W, 1,000 cc |[10.81] 7.10 |

|J7100 |Infusion, dextran 40, 500 ml |[136.68] 54.49 |

|J7110 |Infusion, dextran 75, 500 ml |[86.70] 64.28 |

|J7120 |Ringer's Lactate Infusion, up to 1,000 ml = 1 unit |[12.36] 10.39 |

|J7185 |Injection, xyntha |1.39 |

|J7186 |Antihemophilic VIII/VWF composition |1.06 |

|J7189 |Factor VIIA (antihemophilic factor, recombinant), per IU |1.44 |

|J7190 |Factor VIII (antihemophilic factor, human) per IU |[0.95] 0.90 |

|J7191 |Factor VIII (antihemophilic factor, porcine) per IU |[2.20] 1.93 |

|J7192 |Factor VIII (antihemophilic factor, recombinant), per IU |[1.36] 1.48 |

|J7193 |Factor IX (antihemophilic factor, purified, |[1.10] 1.09 |

| |non-recombinant) per IU (Alphanine SD) | |

|J7194 |Factor IX complex, per IU |[0.73] 0.59 |

|J7195 |Factor IX (antihemophilic factor, recombinant) per IU (Benefix) |[1.18] 0.91 |

|J7198 |Anti-inhibitor, per IU |1.31 |

|J7300 |Intrauterine copper contraceptive (Paragard) |[299.00] 396.64 |

|J7302 |Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine contraceptive system, 52 mg (Mirena) |[395.00] 450.88 |

|J7303 |Contraceptive vaginal ring |40.02 |

|J7304 |Contraceptive hormone patch |15.72 |

|J7307 |Estrogestrel implant system |620.08 |

|J7310 |Ganciclovir, 4.5 mg, long-acting implant |[5,000.00] 4,725.00 |

|J7311 |Fluocinolone acetonide implant |1,662.50 |

|[J7317 |Sodium hyaluronate, per 20 to 25 mg dose for |134.78 |

| |intra-articular injection | |

|J7320 |Hylan, G-F20, 16 mg, for intraarticular injection |225.13] |

|J7321 |Injection, hyalgan/supartz, per dose |126.88 |

|J7323 |Injection, euflexxa, per dose |133.96 |

|J7324 |Injection, orthovisc, per dose |228.69 |

|J7325 |Injection, synvisc or synvisc-one |405.72 |

|[J7340 |Dermal and epidermal tissue of human origin with or without bio-engineered or processed |31.31 |

| |elements with metabolically active elements, per sq. cm (Apligraf disk) | |

|J7342 |Dermal tissue, of human origin, with or without other bioengineered or processed elements, |BR |

| |with metabolically active elements, per square centimeter | |

|J7350 |Dermal tissue of human origin, injectable, with or without other bioengineered or processed | |

| |elements, but without metabolized active elements, per 10 mg |BR] |

|J7500 |Azathioprine, oral, 50 mg |1.15 |

|J7501 |Azathioprine; parenteral, vial, 100 mg, 20 ml each |[125.21] 74.38 |

|J7502 |Cyclosporin, oral, 100 mg |5.34 |

|... | | |

|J7504 |Lymphocyte immune globulin, antithymocyte globulin, |[283.22] 367.36 |

| |parenteral, amp, 50 mg/ml, 5 ml each | |

|J7506 |Prednisone, oral, 5mg tablet |0.14 |

|J7507 |Tacrolimus, oral, per 1 mg |3.97 |

|J5709 |Methylprednisolone, oral, 4mg |0.58 |

|J5710 |Prednisolone, oral, 5 mg |0.12 |

|J7511 |Lymphocyte immune globulin, antithymocyte globulin, |[342.20] 426.56 |

| |rabbit, parenteral, 25 mg (Thymoglobulin) | |

|J7513 |Daclizumab, parenteral, 25 mg |[418.20] 449.66 |

|J7515 |Cyclosporine, oral, 25 mg |1.20 |

|J7516 |Cyclosporine, parenteral, 250 mg |[27.50] 24.06 |

|J7517 |Mycophenolate mofetil, 250 mg |3.27 |

|J7518 |Mycophenolic acid, 180 mg |4.02 |

|J7520 |Sirolimus, oral, 1 mg |7.97 |

|J7525 |Tacrolimus, parenteral, 5 mg |[119.10] 149.43 |

|J7604 |Acetylcysteine, comp unit, per gram |3.57 |

|J7605 |Arformoterol, non-comp unit, 15 mcg |5.04 |

|J7606 |Formoterol fumarate, inhale |5.60 |

|J7607 |Levabuterol, comp concentrate, 0.5 mg |1.33 |

|J7608 |Acetylcysteine, inhale solution, unit dose, per gram |1.80 |

|J7611 |Albuterol, concentrate form, 1 mg |0.15 |

|J7612 |Levabuterol, concentrate, 0.5 mg |1.19 |

|J7613 |Albuterol, unit dose, 1 mg |0.54 |

|J7614 |Levalbuterol, unit dose, 0.5 mg |2.61 |

|J7615 |Levalbuterol, inhalation solution, 0.5 mg |1.89 |

|J7620 |Albuterol, 2.5 mg/Ipratrop, 0.5 mg |2.18 |

|[J7625 |Albuterol sulfate, 0.5% per ml solution for inhalation |0.75] |

|J7626 |Budesonide, inhalation solution, up to 0.5 mg |9.35 |

|J7627 |Budesonide, powder, inhalation, up to 0.5 mg |161.35 |

|J7628 |Bitolterol mesylate, concentrate form, per mg |0.48 |

|J7631 |Cromolyn sodium, unit dose form |0.34 |

|J7632 |Cromolyn sodium, comp unit |0.31 |

|J7634 |Budesonide, comp concentrate, per 0.25 mg |4.81 |

|J7635 |Atropine, inhalation solution, concentrated, per mg |1.23 |

|J7636 |Atropine, inhalation solution, unit dose, per mg |1.09 |

|J7637 |Dexamethasone, inhalation solution, concentrated, per mg |0.43 |

|J7638 |Dexamethasone, inhalation solution, unit dose, per mg |0.20 |

|J7639 |Dornase alpha inhalation solution |21.00 |

|J7642 |Glycopyrrolate, inhalation solution, per mg |2.32 |

|J7644 |Ipratroprium bromide, inhalation solution, per mg |1.54 |

|J7645 |Ipratroprium bromide, inhalation solution, comp, per mg |1.26 |

|J7669 |Metaproterenol, inhalation solution, unit dose, per 10 mg |0.49 |

|J7674 |Methacholine chloride, nebulizers, per mg |0.42 |

|J7676 |Pentamidine comp, unit dose |93.44 |

|J7682 |Tobramycin, inhalation solution, 300 mg |66.11 |

|J7684 |Triamcinolone, inhalation solution, per mg |0.61 |

|J8501 |Oral aprepitant, 5 mg |4.71 |

|J8510 |Bulsulfan, oral, 2 mg |2.59 |

|J8520 |Capecitabine, oral, 150 mg |6.51 |

|J8521 |Capecitabine, oral, 500 mg |21.71 |

|J8530 |Cyclophosphamide, oral, 25 mg |3.15 |

|J8560 |Etoposide, oral, 50 mg |41.68 |

|J8600 |Melphalan, oral, 2 mg |5.29 |

|J8610 |Methotrexate, oral, 2.5 mg |3.19 |

|J8700 |Temozolomide, 5 mg |7.93 |

|J9000 |Doxorubicin HCl, (Adriamycin), 10 mg |[46.25] 12.03 |

|J9001 |Doxorubicin HCI, all lipid formulations, 10 mg |[377.85] 435.26 |

|J9010 |Alemtuzumab, 10 mg |[615.30] 585.40 |

|J9015 |Aldesleukin, per single use vial |[704.25] 826.40 |

|J9017 |Arsenic trioxide, 1 mg (Trisenox) |[33.00] 36.79 |

|J9020 |Asparaginase, 10,000 units |[65.91] 55.02 |

|J9025 |Injection, azacitidine, 1 mg |4.42 |

|J9027 |Injection, clofarabine, 1 mg |123.05 |

|J9031 |BCG (intravesical) per installation |[175.25] 172.59 |

|J9033 |Injection, bendamustine, 1 mg |19.13 |

|J9035 |Injection, bevacizumab (Avastin), 10 mg |60.16 |

|J9040 |Bleomycin sulfate, (Blenoxane) 15 units |[292.46] 77.11 |

|J9041 |Injection, bortezomib (Velcade), 0.1 mg |35.31 |

|J9045 |Carboplatin (Paraplatin), 50 mg |[115.68] 76.42 |

|J9050 |Carmustine, (BiCNU), 100 mg |[133.96] 163.91 |

|J9055 |Injection, cetuximab (Erbitux), 10 mg |52.50 |

|J9060 |Cisplatin, (Platinol), powder or solution, 10 mg |[44.40] 4.05 |

|J9062 |Cisplatin, 50 mg |[222.00] 20.13 |

|J9065 |Injection, cladribine, (Leustatin), per 1 mg |[56.25] 53.05 |

|J9070 |Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan), 100 mg |[6.29] 2.52 |

|J9080 |Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan), 200 mg |[11.94] 5.04 |

|J9090 |Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan), 500 mg |[25.06] 13.86 |

|J9091 |Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan), 1 gram |[50.15] 25.08 |

|J9092 |Cyclophosphamide, (Cytoxan), 2 grams |[100.28] 45.37 |

|J9093 |Cyclophosphamide, lyophilized, (Lyophilized Cytoxan), 100 mg |[6.19] 5.42 |

|J9094 |Cyclophosphamide, lyophilized, (Lyophilized Cytoxan), 200 mg |[11.76] 10.29 |

|J9095 |Cyclophosphamide, lyophilized, (Lyophilized Cytoxan), 500 mg |[24.69] 21.60 |

|J9096 |Cyclophosphamide, lyophilized, (Lyophilized Cytoxan), 1 gram |[49.38] 43.21 |

|J9097 |Cyclophosphamide, lyophilized, (Lyophilized Cytoxan), 2 grams |[98.79] 86.44 |

|J9098 |Cytarabine liposome, 10 mg |437.50 |

|J9100 |Cytarabine, (Cytarabine Hydrochloride), 100 mg |[6.72] 3.17 |

|J9110 |Cytarabine, (Cytarabine Hydrochloride), 500 mg |[25.00] 8.75 |

|J9120 |Dactinomycin, 0.5 mg |[14.60] 519.53 |

|J9130 |Dacarbazine, 100 mg |[11.81] 10.34 |

|J9140 |Dacarbazine, 200 mg |[23.63] 20.67 |

|J9150 |Daunorubicin, 10 mg |[80.66] 70.57 |

|J9151 |Daunorubicin citrate, liposomal formulation, 10 mg |[68.00] 59.50 |

|J9155 |Injection, degarelix |3.92 |

|J9160 |Denileukin diftitox, 300 mcg |[1,157.75] 1,487.50 |

|J9165 |Injection, diethlstilbestrol diphosphate, (Stilphostrol), 250 mg |[15.17] 13.27 |

|[J9170 |Docetaxel, 20 mg |313.50] |

|J9171 |Injection, docetaxel |19.51 |

|J9175 |Elliotts B solution, per ml |4.29 |

|J9178 |Injection, epirubicin, 2 mg |26.22 |

|[J9180 |Epirubicin hydrochloride, 50 mg |656.25] |

|J9181 |Etoposide, (VePesid), 10 mg |[12.78] 1.64 |

|[J9182 |Etoposide, (VePesid), 100 mg |127.80] |

|J9185 |Fludarabine Phosphate, 50 mg |[300.44] 317.80 |

|J9190 |Fluorouracil, 500 mg |[2.90] 3.28 |

|J9200 |Floxuridine, 500 mg |[136.38] 130.70 |

|J9201 |Gemcitabine HCl, (Gemzar), 200 mg |[112.34] 135.98 |

|J9202 |Goserelin acetate implant, (Zoladex), 3.6 mg |[469.99] 411.24 |

|J9206 |Irinotecan, 20 mg |[141.32] 134.24 |

|J9207 |Injection, ixabepilione, 1 mg |65.31 |

|J9208 |Ifosfomide, 1 gram |[158.32] 63.49 |

|J9209 |Mesna, (Mesnex), 200 mg |[42.10] 30.76 |

|J9211 |Idarubicin hydrochloride, 5 mg |[433.90] 386.79 |

|J9212 |Injection, interferon alfacon-1, recombinant, 1 mcg |[4.31] 8.50 |

|J9213 |Interferon alfa-2A, Recombinant, 3 million units |[36.72] 40.53 |

|J9214 |Interferon alfa-2B, recombinant, 1 million units (Intron A) |[13.66] 14.84 |

|J9215 |Interferon alfa-N3 (human leukocyte derived) |[8.25] 15.68 |

| |250,000 IU(Alferon N) | |

|J9216 |Interferon gamma-1B, 3 million units |[300.68] 344.41 |

|J9217 |Leuprolide acetate, (Lupron Depot), 7.5 mg |[623.79] 678.73 |

|J9218 |Leuprolide acetate, (Lupron), 1 mg |[73.98] 271.53 |

|J9219 |Leuprolide acetate implant, 65 mg |[5,684.00] 4,973.50 |

|J9225 |Histrelin implant, 50 mg |5,250.00 |

|J9226 |Supprelin LA implant |15,312.50 |

|J9230 |Mechlorethamide HCl, (nitrogen mustard), Mustargen OE, 10 mg |[12.64] 152.08 |

|J9245 |Injection, melphalan HCl, 50 mg |[404.95] 1,267.39 |

|J9250 |Methotrexate sodium, 5 mg (Folex) |[0.43] 0.48 |

|J9260 |Methotrexate sodium, 50 mg |[4.75] 4.16 |

|J9261 |Injection, nelarabine, 50 mg |90.13 |

|J9263 |Oxaliplatin, 0.5 mg |9.32 |

|J9264 |Injection, paclitaxel, 1 mg |9.40 |

|J9265 |Paclitaxel, 30 mg |[175.35] 151.13 |

|J9266 |Pegaspargase, per single dose vial |[1,391.21] 2,187.50 |

|J9268 |Pentostatin, per 10 mg |[1,787.19] 2,324.00 |

|J9270 |Plicamycin, (Mithracin), 2.5 mg |[98.74] 86.39 |

|J9280 |Mitomycin, 5 mg |[128.77] 61.25 |

|J9290 |Injection, mitoxantrone HCl, per 5 mg |[434.87] 199.06 |

|J9291 |Mitomycin, 40 mg |[878.63] 273.44 |

|J9293 |Injection, mitoxantrone HCl, per 5 mg |[257.08] 325.23 |

|J9300 |Gemtuzumab ozogamicin, 5 mg (Gemzar) |[2,131.25] 2,563.75 |

|J9303 |Injection, panitumumab |87.50 |

|J9305 |Injection, pemetrexed (Alimta), 10 mg |47.63 |

|J9310 |Rituximab, 100 mg |[478.47] 571.97 |

|J9320 |Streptozocin, 1 gram |[123.83] 113.78 |

|J9328 |Injection, temozolomide |4.75 |

|J9330 |Injection, temsirolimus, 1 mg |48.99 |

|J9340 |Thiotepa, 15 mg |[123.13] 85.59 |

|J9350 |Topotecan, 4 mg |[762.07] 932.71 |

|J9355 |Trastuzumab, 10 mg |[55.61] 61.81 |

|J9357 |Valrubicin, intravesical, 200 mg |[554.40] 485.10 |

|J9360 |Vinblastine sulfate, (Velban), 1 mg |[3.31] 2.90 |

|J9370 |Vincristine sulfate, (Oncovin), 1 mg |[36.06] 12.60 |

|J9375 |Vincristine sulfate, (Oncovin), 2 mg |[71.54] 25.21 |

|J9380 |Vincristine sulfate, (Oncovin), 5 mg |[162.71] 142.37 |

|J9390 |Vinorelbine tartrate, per 10 mg |[91.68] 82.25 |

|J9395 |Injection, fulvestrant, 25 mg |86.93 |

|J9600 |Porfimer sodium, (Photofrin), 75 mg |[2,740.70] 2,637.93 |

|[Q0136 |Injection, epoetin alpha, per 1,000 units (Non-ESRD Use) |12.96 |

|Q4053 |Injection, neulasta, per 1 mg |491.67 |

|S0023 |Injection, cimetidine hydrochloride, 300 mg |2.60] |

10:58A-4.4 (Reserved)

10:58A-4.5 HCPCS procedure codes--qualifiers

|HCPCS | | |


| |

|(a) Surgical Services |

|11975 SA | |QUALIFIER: Reimbursed for the insertion or reinsertion |

| | |of implantable contraceptive capsules and the post |

| | |insertion visit [when provided in a hospital setting,] when |

| | |the APN bills for the service. [When using this procedure |

| | |code, the APN will not be reimbursed for the cost of the kit. |

| | |The supplier of the kit to the APN will be reimbursed |

| | |directly for the cost of the kit.] |

|[11975 SA 22 | |QUALIFIER: The maximum fee allowance includes the |

| | |cost of the kit supplied to the APN, the insertion |

| | |of implantable contraceptive capsules and the post |

| | |insertion visit. NOTE: The "22" modifier indicates the |

| | |inclusion of the cost of the kit.] |

|... | | |

|[11977 SA 22 | |QUALIFIER: The maximum fee allowance is reimbursed |

| | |for the removal and reinsertion of implantable contraceptive |

| | |capsules and for the post-removal/reinsertion visit.] |

|... | |

| | | |

|(b) Laboratory services: |

|36415 SA | |QUALIFIER: Once per visit, per patient |

| | | |

|(c) Immunizations: |

|... | | |

|90465, 90466, | |QUALIFIER: These codes apply only to the administration |

|90467, 90468, | |of vaccines to beneficiaries under 19 years of age who |

|90471, 90472, | |qualify for the Vaccine for Children (VFC) program. |

|90473, 90474, | |See N.J.A.C. 10:58A-2.13 and 4.2(k). |

| | | |

|(d) Infusion therapy (excluding allergy, immunizations and chemotherapy): |

| | | |

|[90780] 96360 SA |QUALIFIER: Not to be used for routine IV drug injection |

| | |or infusion. |

| | | |

|[90781] 96361 SA |QUALIFIER: Not to be used for routine IV drug injection |

| | |or infusion. |

| | | |

|(e) (No change.) |

| | | |

|(f) Mental health services |

| | |QUALIFIER: Only under exceptional circumstances will |

| | |more than one mental health procedure be reimbursed |

| | |per day for the same beneficiary by the same APN, |

| | |group of APNs shared health facility, or providers sharing |

| | |a common record. When circumstances require more than |

| | |one mental health procedure, the medical necessity |

| | |for the services shall be documented in the patient's chart. |

| | | |

|[W9853 AV, W9854 AV, |Treatment of postpartum mental health disorder] |

|W9857 AV | | |

| | | |

|..... | | |

| | | |

|[(g) Pre-Admission Screening/Annual Resident Review (PAS/ARR) |

| | | |

|W9848 | | $ 30.00 |

|W9849 | | 30.00] |

[(h)] (g) Evaluation and management services:

1. (No change.)

2. Follow-up visit:

|99212 SA, 99213 SA, 99214 SA, |Office or other outpatient services: established patient; |

|99215 SA, | |

|99231 SA, 99232 SA, |Hospital Inpatient services: subsequent hospital care; |

|99313 SA, 99238 SA, | |

| |Nursing facility services: subsequent nursing facility care; |

| | |

|... |... |

i. (No change.)

Recodify existing (i) and (j) as (h) and (i) (No change in text.)

[(k)] (j) Emergency room services:

APN's Use of Emergency Room Instead of Office:

99211 SA, 99212 SA, 99213 SA, 99214 SA

When an APN sees [his or her] the patient in the emergency room instead of [his or her] the office, the APN shall use the same codes for the visit that would have been used if seen in the APN's office (99211, 99212, 99213, 99214 or 99215 only). Records of that visit should become part of the notes in the office chart.

99281 SA, 99282 SA, 99283 SA, 99284 SA

Emergency room visits (Refer to the CPT) Hospital-based emergency room APNs:

When patients are seen by hospital-based emergency room APNs who are eligible to bill the Medicaid/NJ FamilyCare fee-for-service program, the appropriate HCPCS code is used. The "Visit" codes are limited to 99281 SA, 99282 SA, 99283 SA, 99284 SA and 99285 SA.

[(l)] (k) Newborn care:

|[99431 SA |Routine hospital newborn care--"Well" baby |32.20 |

|99433 SA |Subsequent newborn hospital care |19.60] |

|99460 SA, 99462 SA |Routine and subsequent hospital | |

|99463 SA, 99464 SA |newborn care--"Well" baby | |

|99465 SA | | |

QUALIFIER: For reimbursement purposes, [code 99431 SA] the above codes require[s], as a minimum, routine newborn care by an APN other than the clinical practitioner rendering maternity service, including complete initial and complete discharge physical examination, conference(s) with the patient(s). This must be documented in the newborn's medical record.

| |Newborn care--"Sick" baby | |

|99221 SA |Initial hospital care |[23.80] |

|99231 SA |Subsequent hospital care |[19.60] |

|99232 SA |(For sick babies, use appropriate hospital | |

| |care code.) | |

[(m)] (l) Early and Periodic Screening

| 99381 SA-99385 SA |Diagnosis and Treatment | |

|or 99391 SA-99395 SA |(EPSDT) through age 20 |[23.80] |

QUALIFIER: Procedure codes 99381 SA through 99385 SA or 99391 SA through 99395 SA shall be used only once for the same patient during any 12-month period by the same clinical practitioner(s) sharing a common record.

QUALIFIER: Reimbursement for codes 99381 EP through 99385 EP or 99391 EP through 99395 EP (under age 1 or age 1 through 19 years) is contingent upon the submission of both a completed "Report and Claim for EPSDT Screening and Related Procedures (MC-19)" within 30 days of the date of service. In the absence of a completed MC-19 form, reimbursement will be to the level of an annual health maintenance examination[, that is, $16.00].



AGENCY NOTE: The Fiscal Agent Billing Supplement is appended as a part of this chapter but is not reproduced in the New Jersey Administrative Code. When revisions are made to the Fiscal Agent Billing Supplement, [replacement pages shall be distributed to providers] a revised version will be placed on and [copies] shall be filed with the Office of Administrative Law.

[For] If you do not have internet access and would like to request a copy of the Fiscal Agent Billing Supplement, write to:

[Unisys] Molina Medicaid Solutions

PO Box 4801

Trenton, New Jersey 08650-4801

or contact:

Office of Administrative Law

Quakerbridge Plaza, Bldg. 9

PO Box 049

Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0049


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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