Equal Means Equal

Dear Attorney General As you know, the ERA was recently ratified by the Commonwealth of Virginia, making it?the 38th and final state needed to add the ERA to our Constitution as the 28th Amendment. ADD MORE HER IF YOU WANT ABOUT HOW LONG WOMEN HAVE BEEN FIGHTING ETC.Congress imposed a ratification?deadline on the states that expired in 1982, but attorneys general from 20 jurisdictions have penned a letter to Congress stating that they?believe the deadline is not?constitutional, and should be voided by the courts. We agree, and we are asking you to join us in this historic fight to overturn the deadline.Lawsuits have been filed in three?federal courts, Massachusetts, Alabama, and the District of Columbia. The Massachusetts case is the only one filed by women and features a young woman plaintiff named Katie Weitbrecht,?who was strangled by a man because she was female. The man had a history of abusing women, and using derogatory terms to describe them, yet he could not be charged with a hate crime because Massachusetts excludes women from equal protection of hate crime laws. With the ERA in place, that law would become unconstitutional, and women like Katie would be equally protected from bias-motivated violence.?Will you stand with Katie and all?women in their?century-long battle for equal protection of the law? Will you join the growing list of attorneys general and public officials around the nation who are fighting to ensure that women once and for all have?equal rights and protection against all forms of state-sponsored?discrimination?In 2020, the centennial celebration of women's suffrage, it is unconscionable that women remain second-class persons?in a country that boasts about being the greatest democracy on earth. No democracy can call itself great so long as an entire class of people is relegated to subjugated?citizenship by virtue of their sex. ................

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