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Johnson Valley OHV Recreation AreaRELEVANT EXCERPTS FROM PUBLIC LAW 113-66 113th Congress Public Law 66From the U.S. Government Printing Office [[Page 671]] NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014[[Page 127 STAT. 672]]Public Law 113-66113th Congress An ActTo authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2014 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Dec. 26, 2013 - [H.R. 3304]>> Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014.>> TITLE XXIX <<NOTE: Military Lands Withdrawals Act of 2013.>> --WITHDRAWAL, RESERVATION, AND TRANSFER OF PUBLIC LANDS TO SUPPORT MILITARY READINESS AND SECURITYSec. 2901. Short title.Sec. 2902. Definitions. Subtitle A--General ProvisionsSec. 2911. General applicability; definitions.Sec. 2912. Maps and legal descriptions.Sec. 2913. Access restrictions.Sec. 2914. Changes in use.Sec. 2915. Brush and range fire prevention and suppression.Sec. 2916. Ongoing decontamination.Sec. 2917. Water rights.Sec. 2918. Hunting, fishing, and trapping.Sec. 2919. Limitation on extensions and renewals.Sec. 2920. Application for renewal of a withdrawal and reservation.Sec. 2921. Limitation on subsequent availability of land for appropriation.Sec. 2922. Relinquishment.Sec. 2923. Immunity of the United States. Subtitle C--Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, CaliforniaSec. 2941. Withdrawal and reservation of public land.Sec. 2942. Management of withdrawn and reserved land.Sec. 2943. Public access.Sec. 2944. Resource management group.Sec. 2945. Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area.Sec. 2946. Duration of withdrawal and reservation.SEC. 2901. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the ``Military Land Withdrawals Act of 2013''.SEC. 2902. DEFINITIONS. In this title: (1) Indian tribe.--The term ``Indian tribe'' has the meaning given the term in section 102 of the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (25 U.S.C. 479a). (2) Manage; management.-- (A) Inclusions.--The terms ``manage'' and ``management'' include the authority to exercise jurisdiction, custody, and control over the land withdrawn and reserved by this title. (B) Exclusions.--The terms ``manage'' and ``management'' do not include authority for disposal of the land withdrawn and reserved by this title. (3) Secretary concerned.--The term ``Secretary concerned'' has the meaning given the term in section 101(a) of title 10, United States Code. Subtitle A--General ProvisionsSEC. 2911. GENERAL APPLICABILITY; DEFINITIONS. (a) Applicability.--This subtitle applies to each land withdrawal and reservation made by this title. (b) Rules of Construction.--Nothing in this title assigns management of real property under the administrative jurisdiction of the Secretary concerned to the Secretary of the Interior.SEC. 2912. MAPS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. (a) Preparation of Maps and Legal Descriptions.--As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall-- (1) <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication. Notice.>> publish in the Federal Register a notice containing the legal descriptions of the land withdrawn and reserved by this title; and (2) file maps and legal descriptions of the land withdrawn and reserved by this title with-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives.[[Page 127 STAT. 1027]] (b) Legal Effect.--The maps and legal descriptions filed under subsection (a)(2) shall have the same force and effect as if the maps and legal descriptions were included in this title, except that the Secretary of the Interior may correct any clerical and typographical errors in the maps and legal descriptions. (c) Availability.--Copies of the maps and legal descriptions filed under subsection (a)(2) shall be available for public inspection-- (1) in the appropriate offices of the Bureau of Land Management; (2) in the office of the commanding officer of the military installation for which the land is withdrawn; and (3) if the military installation is under the management of the National Guard, in the office of the Adjutant General of the State in which the military installation is located. (d) Costs.--The Secretary concerned shall reimburse the Secretary of the Interior for the costs incurred by the Secretary of the Interior in implementing this section.SEC. 2913. ACCESS RESTRICTIONS. (a) Authority to Impose Restrictions.--If the Secretary concerned determines that military operations, public safety, or national security require the closure to the public of any road, trail, or other portion of land withdrawn and reserved by this title, the Secretary may take such action as the Secretary determines to be necessary to implement and maintain the closure. (b) Limitation.--Any closure under subsection (a) shall be limited to the minimum area and duration that the Secretary concerned determines are required for the purposes of the closure. (c) Consultation Required.-- (1) In general.--Subject to paragraph (3), before a closure is implemented under this section, the Secretary concerned shall consult with the Secretary of the Interior. (2) Indian tribe.--Subject to paragraph (3), if a closure proposed under this section may affect access to or use of sacred sites or resources considered to be important by an Indian tribe, the Secretary concerned shall consult, at the earliest practicable date, with the affected Indian tribe. (3) Limitation.--No consultation shall be required under paragraph (1) or (2)-- (A) if the closure is provided for in an integrated natural resources management plan, an installation cultural resources management plan, or a land use management plan; or (B) in the case of an emergency, as determined by the Secretary concerned. (d) Notice.--Immediately preceding and during any closure implemented under subsection (a), the Secretary concerned shall post appropriate warning notices and take other appropriate actions to notify the public of the closure.SEC. 2914. CHANGES IN USE. (a) Other Uses Authorized.--In addition to the purposes described in a subtitle of this title applicable to the land withdrawal and reservation made by that subtitle, the Secretary concerned may authorize the use of land withdrawn and reserved by this title for defense-related purposes. (b) Notice to Secretary of the Interior.--[[Page 127 STAT. 1028]] (1) In general.--The Secretary concerned shall promptly notify the Secretary of the Interior if the land withdrawn and reserved by this title is used for additional defense-related purposes. (2) Requirements.--A notification under paragraph (1) shall specify-- (A) each additional use; (B) the planned duration of each additional use; and (C) the extent to which each additional use would require that additional or more stringent conditions or restrictions be imposed on otherwise-permitted nondefense-related uses of the withdrawn and reserved land or portions of withdrawn and reserved land.SEC. 2915. BRUSH AND RANGE FIRE PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION. (a) Required Activities.--Consistent with any applicable land management plan, the Secretary concerned shall take necessary precautions to prevent, and actions to suppress, brush and range fires occurring as a result of military activities on the land withdrawn and reserved by this title, including fires that occur on other land that spread from the withdrawn and reserved land. (b) Cooperation of Secretary of the Interior.-- (1) In general.--At the request of the Secretary concerned, the Secretary of the Interior shall provide assistance in the suppression of fires under subsection (a). The Secretary concerned shall reimburse the Secretary of the Interior for the costs incurred by the Secretary of the Interior in providing such assistance. (2) Transfer of funds.--Notwithstanding section 2215 of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary concerned may transfer to the Secretary of the Interior, in advance, funds to be used to reimburse the costs of the Department of the Interior in providing assistance under this subsection.SEC. 2916. ONGOING DECONTAMINATION. (a) Program of Decontamination Required.--During the period of a withdrawal and reservation of land under this title, the Secretary concerned shall maintain, to the extent funds are available to carry out this subsection, a program of decontamination of contamination caused by defense-related uses on the withdrawn land. The decontamination program shall be carried out consistent with applicable Federal and State law. (b) Annual Report.--The Secretary of Defense shall include in the annual report required by section 2711 of title 10, United States Code, a description of decontamination activities conducted under subsection (a).SEC. 2917. WATER RIGHTS. (a) No Reservation of Water Rights.--Nothing in this title-- (1) establishes a reservation in favor of the United States with respect to any water or water right on the land withdrawn and reserved by this title; or (2) authorizes the appropriation of water on the land withdrawn and reserved by this title, except in accordance with applicable State law. (b) Effect on Previously Acquired or Reserved Water Rights.--[[Page 127 STAT. 1029]] (1) In general.--Nothing in this section affects any water rights acquired or reserved by the United States before the date of enactment of this Act on the land withdrawn and reserved by this title. (2) Authority of secretary concerned.--The Secretary concerned may exercise any water rights described in paragraph (1).SEC. 2918. HUNTING, FISHING, AND TRAPPING. Section <<NOTE: Applicability.>> 2671 of title 10, United States Code, shall apply to all hunting, fishing, and trapping on the land-- (1) that is withdrawn and reserved by this title; and (2) for which management of the land has been assigned to the Secretary concerned.SEC. 2919. LIMITATION ON EXTENSIONS AND RENEWALS. The withdrawals and reservations established under this title may not be extended or renewed except by a law enacted after the date of enactment of this Act.SEC. 2920. APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A WITHDRAWAL AND RESERVATION. To <<NOTE: Deadline. Notification. Records.>> the extent practicable, not later than five years before the date of termination of a withdrawal and reservation made by a subtitle of this title, the Secretary concerned shall-- (1) notify the Secretary of the Interior as to whether the Secretary concerned will have a continuing defense-related need for any of the land withdrawn and reserved by that subtitle after the termination date of the withdrawal and reservation; and (2) transmit a copy of the notice submitted under paragraph (1) to-- (A) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate; and (B) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Natural Resources of the House of Representatives.SEC. 2921. LIMITATION ON SUBSEQUENT AVAILABILITY OF LAND FOR APPROPRIATION. On <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> the termination of a withdrawal and reservation made by this title, the previously withdrawn land shall not be open to any form of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining laws, the mineral leasing laws, and the geothermal leasing laws, unless the Secretary of the Interior publishes in the Federal Register an appropriate order specifying the date on which the land shall be-- (1) restored to the public domain; and (2) opened for appropriation under the public land laws.SEC. 2922. RELINQUISHMENT. (a) Notice of Intention To Relinquish.--If, during the period of withdrawal and reservation made by a subtitle of this title, the Secretary concerned decides to relinquish any or all of the land withdrawn and reserved by that subtitle, the Secretary concerned shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior notice of the intention to relinquish the land.[[Page 127 STAT. 1030]] (b) Determination of Contamination.--The Secretary concerned shall include in the notice submitted under subsection (a) a written determination concerning whether and to what extent the land that is to be relinquished is contaminated with explosive materials or toxic or hazardous substances. (c) <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> Public Notice.--The Secretary of the Interior shall publish in the Federal Register the notice of intention to relinquish the land under this section, including the determination concerning the contaminated state of the land. (d) <<NOTE: Consultation. Determinations.>> Decontamination of Land To Be Relinquished.-- (1) Decontamination required.--The Secretary concerned shall decontaminate land subject to a notice of intention under subsection (a) to the extent that funds are appropriated for that purpose, if-- (A) the land subject to the notice of intention is contaminated, as determined by the Secretary concerned; and (B) the Secretary of the Interior, in consultation with the Secretary concerned, determines that-- (i) decontamination is practicable and economically feasible, after taking into consideration the potential future use and value of the contaminated land; and (ii) on decontamination of the land, the land could be opened to operation of some or all of the public land laws, including the mining laws, the mineral leasing laws, and the geothermal leasing laws. (2) Alternatives to relinquishment.--The Secretary of the Interior shall not be required to accept the land proposed for relinquishment under subsection (a), if-- (A) the Secretary of the Interior, after consultation with the Secretary concerned, determines that-- (i) decontamination of the land is not practicable or economically feasible; or (ii) the land cannot be decontaminated sufficiently to be opened to operation of some or all of the public land laws; or (B) sufficient funds are not appropriated for the decontamination of the land. (3) Status of contaminated land on termination.--If, because of the contaminated state of the land, the Secretary of the Interior declines to accept land withdrawn and reserved by this title that has been proposed for relinquishment, or if at the expiration of the withdrawal and reservation, the Secretary of the Interior determines that a portion of the land withdrawn and reserved is contaminated to an extent that prevents opening the contaminated land to operation of the public land laws-- (A) the Secretary concerned shall take appropriate steps to warn the public of-- (i) the contaminated state of the land; and (ii) any risks associated with entry onto the land; (B) after the expiration of the withdrawal and reservation, the Secretary concerned shall undertake no activities on the contaminated land, except for activities relating to the decontamination of the land; and (C) <<NOTE: Reports.>> the Secretary concerned shall submit to the Secretary of the Interior and Congress a report describing--[[Page 127 STAT. 1031]] (i) the status of the land; and (ii) any actions taken under this paragraph. (e) Revocation Authority.-- (1) In general.--If the Secretary of the Interior determines that it is in the public interest to accept the land proposed for relinquishment under subsection (a), the Secretary of the Interior may order the revocation of a withdrawal and reservation made by this title. (2) <<NOTE: Federal Register, publication.>> Revocation order.--To carry out a revocation under paragraph (1), the Secretary of the Interior shall publish in the Federal Register a revocation order that-- (A) terminates the withdrawal and reservation; (B) constitutes official acceptance of the land by the Secretary of the Interior; and (C) specifies the date on which the land will be opened to the operation of some or all of the public land laws, including the mining laws, the mineral leasing laws, and the geothermal leasing laws. (f) Acceptance by Secretary of the Interior.-- (1) <<NOTE: Determination.>> In general.--Nothing in this section requires the Secretary of the Interior to accept the land proposed for relinquishment if the Secretary determines that the land is not suitable for return to the public domain. (2) Notice.--If the Secretary makes a determination that the land is not suitable for return to the public domain, the Secretary shall provide notice of the determination to Congress.SEC. 2923. IMMUNITY OF THE UNITED STATES. The United States and officers and employees of the United States shall be held harmless and shall not be liable for any injuries or damages to persons or property incurred as a result of any mining or mineral or geothermal leasing activity or other authorized nondefense-related activity conducted on land withdrawn and reserved by this title. Subtitle C--Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, CaliforniaSEC. 2941. WITHDRAWAL AND RESERVATION OF PUBLIC LAND. (a) Withdrawal.--Subject to valid existing rights and except as otherwise provided in this subtitle, the public land (including interests in land) described in subsection (b), and all other areas within the boundary of the land depicted on the map described in such subsection that may become subject to the operation of the public land laws, is withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including the mining laws, the mineral leasing laws, and the geothermal leasing laws. (b) Description of Land.--The public land (including interests in land) referred to in subsection (a) is the Federal land comprising[[Page 127 STAT. 1035]]approximately 150,928 acres in San Bernardino County, California, generally depicted on the map titled ``MCAGCC 29 Palms Expansion Map-Johnson Valley Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Area'', dated December 5, 2013, and filed in accordance with section 2912, which is divided into the following two areas: (1) The Exclusive Military Use Area (in this subtitle referred to as the ``Exclusive Military Use Area''), consisting of the following two areas: (A) One area to the west of the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, consisting of approximately 78,993 acres. (B) One area south of the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, consisting of approximately 18,704 acres. (2) The Shared Use Area (in this subtitle referred to as the ``Shared Use Area''), consisting of approximately 53,231 acres. (c) Reservation for Secretary of the Navy; Purposes.--The Exclusive Military Use Area is reserved for use by the Secretary of the Navy for the following purposes: (1) Sustained, combined arms, live-fire, and maneuver field training for large-scale Marine air ground task forces. (2) Individual and unit live-fire training ranges. (3) Equipment and tactics development. (4) Other defense-related purposes that are-- (A) consistent with the purposes described in the preceding paragraphs; and (B) authorized under section 2914. (d) Reservation for Secretary of the Interior; Purposes.--The Shared Use Area is reserved-- (1) for use by the Secretary of the Navy for the purposes described in subsection (c); and (2) for use by the Secretary of the Interior for the following purposes: (A) Public recreation-- (i) during any period in which the land is not being used for military training; and (ii) as determined to be suitable for public use. (B) Natural resources conservation. (e) Adjustment.--The boundary of the Exclusive Military Use Area at Emerson Ridge provided in subsection (b)(1) shall be located in such as manner so as to ensure access to the pass northwest of the ridge for purposes described in subsection (d).SEC. 2942. MANAGEMENT OF WITHDRAWN AND RESERVED LAND. (a) Management by the Secretary of the Navy; Condition.-- (1) In general.--Except as provided in subsection (b), during the period of withdrawal and reservation of land made by section 2941, the Secretary of the Navy shall manage the land withdrawn and reserved by such section for the purposes described in subsection (c) of such section in accordance with-- (A) an integrated natural resources management plan prepared and implemented under title I of the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670a et seq.); (B) subtitle A and this subtitle; (C) a programmatic agreement between the Marine Corps and the California State Historic Preservation Officer[[Page 127 STAT. 1036]] regarding operation, maintenance, training, and construction at the United States Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California; and (D) any other applicable law. (2) Live-fire training.--The boundary of the Exclusive Military Use Area described in section 2941 shall be clearly identified before the Exclusive Military Use Area is used for any live-fire military training. The Secretary of the Navy shall ensure the military boundary is maintained. (b) Management by the Secretary of the Interior; Exception.-- (1) Secretary of the Interior management.-- (A) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), during the period of withdrawal and reservation of land made by section 2941, the Secretary of the Interior shall manage the Shared Use Area. (B) Applicable law.--During the period of the management by the Secretary of the Interior under this paragraph, the Secretary of the Interior shall manage the Shared Use Area for the purposes described in subsection (d) of section 2941 in accordance with-- (i) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); and (ii) any other applicable law. (2) Secretary of the Navy management.-- (A) <<NOTE: Time period.>> Exception.--Twice a year during the period of withdrawal and reservation of land by this section, there shall be a 30-day period during which the Secretary of the Navy shall-- (i) manage the Shared Use Area; and (ii) exclusively use the Shared Use Area for military training purposes. (B) Applicable law.--During the period of the management by the Secretary of the Navy under this paragraph, the Secretary of the Navy shall manage the Shared Use Area for the purposes described in subsection (c) of section 2941 in accordance with-- (i) an integrated natural resources management plan prepared and implemented in accordance with title I of the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. 670a et seq.); (ii) subtitle A and this subtitle; (iii) the programmatic agreement described in subsection (a)(3); and (iv) any other applicable law. (C) Limitation.--The Secretary of the Navy shall prohibit the firing of dud-producing ordnance into the Shared Use Area. (c) Implementation Agreement.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Navy shall enter into a written agreement to implement the management responsibilities of the respective Secretaries with respect to the Shared Use Area. (2) Components.--The agreement entered into under paragraph (1)--[[Page 127 STAT. 1037]] (A) shall be of a duration that is equal to the period of the withdrawal and reservation of land under section 2941; (B) may be amended from time to time; (C) may provide for the integration of the management plans required of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Navy; (D) may provide for delegation, to civilian law enforcement personnel of the Department of the Navy, of the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to enforce laws relating to protection of natural and cultural resources and fish and wildlife; and (E) may provide for the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Navy to share resources so as to most efficiently and effectively manage the Shared Use Area. (3) Linkage.--The Secretary of the Interior shall ensure access is provided between the two non-contiguous Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area parcels described in section 2945. (d) Military Training.-- (1) Not conditional.--Military training within the Shared Use Area shall not be conditioned on-- (A) the existence of, or precluded by the lack of, a recreation management plan or land use management plan for the area developed and implemented by the Secretary of the Interior; or (B) the existence of any legal or administrative challenge to such a recreation management plan or land use plan. (2) Management.-- (A) Use agreement.--The Secretary of the Interior shall enter into an agreement with the Secretary of the Navy within one year of the date of the enactment of this Act for the exclusive use by the Marine Corps of two company objective areas, each measuring approximately 300 meters square (approximately 22 acres), located inside the boundaries of the Shared Use Area and totaling approximately 44 acres. These areas will be closed to all public access for the period of the withdrawal specified in section 2946. The purpose of this agreement will be to accommodate the construction, maintenance, modification, and use of these areas for the purposes identified in section 2941(c). (B) Range management.--Small, static, short-range explosives may be used in the two company objective areas described in subparagraph (A). Explosives that fail to function in the company objective areas will be immediately identified and located, training will temporarily halt, and on-scene explosive ordnance disposal personnel will render the munition safe before training resumes. Existing Marine Corps range safety policies and procedures as identified in Marine Corps Order 3570.1X will be followed to ensure all munitions are rendered safe and the area will again be swept after the training exercise by qualified personnel to further ensure no hazards remain.[[Page 127 STAT. 1038]] (C) Access.--The Shared Use Area shall be managed in a manner that does not compromise the ability of the Navy to conduct military training in such area.SEC. 2943. PUBLIC ACCESS. (a) In General.--Notwithstanding section 2913, the Exclusive Military Use Area shall be closed to all public access unless otherwise authorized by the Secretary of the Navy. (b) Public Recreational Use.-- (1) In general.--The Shared Use Area shall be open to public recreational use during the period in which the area is under the management of the Secretary of the Interior, if there is a determination by the Secretary of the Navy that the area is suitable for public use. (2) Determination.--A determination of suitability under paragraph (1) shall not be withheld without a specified reason. (c) Utilities.--Nothing in this subtitle prohibits the construction, operation, maintenance, inspection, and access to existing or future utility facilities located within a utility right of way in existence on the date of the enactment of this Act.SEC. 2944. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT GROUP. (a) Establishment.--The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Interior, by agreement, shall establish a Resource Management Group for the land withdrawn and reserved by section 2941 to be comprised of representatives of the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Navy. (b) Duties.-- (1) In general.--The Resource Management Group shall-- (A) develop and implement a public outreach plan to inform the public of the land uses changes and safety restrictions affecting the land withdrawn and reserved by section 2941; and (B) advise the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the Navy with respect to the issues associated with the multiple uses of the Shared Use Area. (2) Siting process.--The Resource Management Group shall determine the location of the company objective areas. In siting the two areas, the Resource Management Group will seek information from representatives of relevant State agencies, Off Highway Vehicle and other recreation interest groups, and environmental advocacy groups. The Resource Management Group shall consider potential recreational and conservation uses of the area when making their location determination. (c) Meetings.--The Resource Management Group shall-- (1) meet at least once a year; and (2) solicit input from relevant State agencies, private off- highway vehicle interest groups, event managers, environmental advocacy groups, and others relating to the management and facilitation of recreational use within the Shared Use Area.SEC. 2945. JOHNSON VALLEY OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE RECREATION AREA. (a) Designation.--There is hereby designated the ``Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area'', consisting of-- (1) 43,431 acres (as depicted on the map referred to in subsection (b) of section 2941) of the existing Bureau of Land Management-designated Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle[[Page 127 STAT. 1039]] Area that is not withdrawn and reserved for defense-related uses by such section; and (2) The Shared Use Area. (b) Authorized Activities.--To the extent consistent with applicable Federal law (including regulations) and this subtitle, any authorized recreation activities and use designation in effect on the date of enactment of this Act and applicable to the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area may continue, including casual off-highway vehicular use and recreation. (c) Administration.--The Secretary of the Interior shall administer the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area (other than the Shared Use Area, which is being managed in accordance with the other provisions of this subtitle) in accordance with-- (1) the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.); and (2) any other applicable law. (d) Transit.--In coordination with the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Navy may authorize transit through the Johnson Valley Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Area for defense-related purposes supporting military training (including military range management and management of exercise activities) conducted on the land withdrawn and reserved by section 2941.SEC. 2946. DURATION OF WITHDRAWAL AND RESERVATION. The <<NOTE: Termination date.>> withdrawal and reservation of public land made by section 2941 shall terminate on March 31, 2039. ................

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