Int (0)^( pi)sqrt(1 cos x)dx is equal to


Int_(0)^( pi)sqrt(1 cos x)dx is equal to

Indeed, the integral of a function positive on $\left(0\ 2\pi\right)$-{$\pi$} can't be null. The problem is with the primitive choosen by maxima : sage: integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x) -2*sqrt(2)/sqrt(sin(x)^2/(cos(x) + 1)^2 + 1) i. e. $-\frac{2 \, \sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{\frac{\sin\left(x\right)^{2}}{{\left(\cos\left(x\right) + 1\right)}^{2}} + 1}}$. This function brutally changes the sign of its

derivative for $x=\pi$. This smell of an error in manipulating an absolute value. Indeed, one can (more or less easily) show that : sage: ((cos(2*x)==cos(2*x).trig_expand().subs(cos(x)^2==1-sin(x)^2))*-1) ....: .subs(x==x/2)+1 -cos(x) + 1 == 2*sin(1/2*x)^2 Therefore, we are trying to compute $\displaystyle\int_0^{2\pi}\sqrt{2\sin(x/2)}\,dx$, which is : with

assuming(x,"real"):integrate(sqrt(2*sin(x/2)^2).simplify(),x,0,2*pi,h ....: old=True) integrate(sqrt(2)*abs(sin(1/2*x)), x, 0, 2*pi) i. e. $\int_{0}^{2 \, \pi} \sqrt{2} {\left| \sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right) \right|}\,{d x}$. since $x\in[=(0~2\pi)\Rightarrow\sin(x/2)>0$, this should be evaluated as sage: integrate(sqrt(2)*sin(x/2),x,0,2*pi,hold=True)==integrate(sqrt(2)*sin(x/2) ....:

,x,0,2*pi) integrate(sqrt(2)*sin(1/2*x), x, 0, 2*pi) == 2^(5/2) But it's not. What other possibilities do we have ? Both sympy and giac fail to find a primitive of $\sqrt{1-\cos(x)}$ or the definite integral. But fricas does find a primitive : sage: integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x, algorithm="fricas") -2*(cos(x) + 1)*sqrt(-cos(x) + 1)/sin(x) i. e. $-\frac{2 \, {\left(\cos\left(x\right) +

1\right)} \sqrt{-\cos\left(x\right) + 1}}{\sin\left(x\right)}$. which can be differentiated back to the original expression : sage: integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x, algorithm="fricas").diff(x).expand().trig_simp ....: lify() sqrt(-cos(x) + 1) But fricas fails to find the definite integral, which we have to find by hand : sage: foo=integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x, algorithm="fricas") sage:

(foo.limit(x=2*pi,dir="-")-foo.limit(x=0,dir="+")).simplify() 4*sqrt(2) maple finds a quite different expression : sage: maple.integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x).sage() 4*(cos(1/2*x)^2 - 1)*cos(1/2*x)/(sqrt(-2*cos(1/2*x)^2 + 2)*sin(1/2*x)) i. e. $\frac{4 \, {\left(\cos\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)^{2} - 1\right)} \cos\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)}{\sqrt{-2 \, \cos\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)^{2} + 2}

\sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)}$ whch can been redifferentiated to (something close to) the form we have seen when solving manually in order to understand maxima's error : sage: maple.integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x).sage().diff(x).trig_expand().factor().tr ....: ig_simplify() sqrt(2)*sin(1/2*x)^2/sqrt(sin(1/2*x)^2) i. e. $\frac{\sqrt{2} \sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)^{2}}

{\sqrt{\sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)^{2}}}$. Again, since $x\in\left(0~2\pi\right)$, this amounts to $\sqrt{2\sin(x/2)}$, which we used previously. maple fails to find the definite integral, which may be recomuted by taking the limits at the bounds. mathematica gives yet another form : sage: mathematica.Integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x).sage() -2*sqrt(-cos(x) + 1)*cot(1/2*x)

i. e. $-2 \, \sqrt{-\cos\left(x\right) + 1} \cot\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)$. which can also be redifferentiated to the same form as maple's result : sage: mathematica.Integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),x).sage().subs(1-cos(x)==2*sin(x/2)^2 ....: ).diff(x).trig_simplify() sqrt(2)*sin(1/2*x)^2/sqrt(sin(1/2*x)^2) i. e. $\frac{\sqrt{2} \sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \, x\right)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sin\left(\frac{1}{2} \,

x\right)^{2}}}$. mathematica finds the definite integral : sage: mathematica.Integrate(sqrt(1-cos(x)),[x,0,2*pi]).sage() 4*sqrt(2) Not seen : the plots of the integrand and of the various solutions are also helpful to understand the problem, understand the possible errors of the various CASes and to check them against one another (hint : plot two finctions to be

compared with a slight vertical shift alowing to separate them). Numerical integration may also help... Home ? Mathematics ? Math Solution ? Integral Calculus problem ? Prev Article Next Article (Last Updated On: January 19, 2020) Problem Statement: ECE Board November 1998 Integrate the square root of (1 每 cos x) dx. Problem Answer: The integral of

the trigonometric function is -2﹟2 cos (x/2) + C. Latest Problem Solving in Integral Calculus More Questions in: Integral Calculus Online Questions and Answers in Integral Calculus Prev Article Next Article Please log in or register to answer this question. Please log in or register to add a comment. Integrals come in two varieties: indefinite and definite.

Indefinite integrals can be thought of as antiderivatives, and definite integrals give signed area or volume under a curve, surface or solid. Wolfram|Alpha can compute indefinite and definite integrals of one or more variables, and can be used to explore plots, solutions and alternate representations of a wide variety of integrals. Last updated at May 29, 2018

by Teachoo Transcript Ex 7.11, 16 By using the properties of definite integrals, evaluate the integrals : 0

log 1+ cos

Let I= 0

log 1+ cos

﹤ I= 0



I= 0

1? cos

Adding (1) and (2) i.e. (1) + (2) I+I= 0

1+ cos


1? cos

2I= 0




1? cos

2I= 0

1+ cos

1? cos

2I= 0

1? cos 2

2I= 0


2I= 0


2I=2 0

I= 0


= log sin

f ? =





﹤ I= 0






Let I1= 0


Solving I1= 0


﹤ I1= 0


2 ?

I1= 0



Adding (2) and (3) i.e. (2) + (3) I1 + I1 = 0






2I1 = 0


log sin cos

2I1 = 0


log 2sin cos


2I1 = 0


log 2sin cos



2I1 = 0


log sin 2

? 2

2I1 = 0


log sin 2



log 2

Solving I2= 0


log sin 2

Let 2 = Differentiating both sides w.r.t. 2=


2 ﹤ Putting the values of t and and

changing the limits, I2 = 0


log sin 2

I2 = 0

log sin


I2 = 1 2 0

log sin


= log

2 ? = 2 ? = log

2 ?

= log sin


= 2 ? ﹤ I2 = 1 2 0

log sin

= 1 2 ℅2 0


log sin .



log sin .

I2= 0


log sin

Putting the value of I2 in equation (3), we get 2I1 = 0


log sin 2



log 2

2I1 = 0


log sin

?log 2 0



2I1 = I1 ? log 2




2 ?0 I1=?log?2


﹤ 1= ?

2 log 2 Hence, =2 I1= 2 ℅

? 2 log 2 =?

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