The Turn Against and Turn Back Body Paragraph: Counter ...

The Turn Against and Turn Back Body Paragraph: Counter Argument to Gun Control

|MAIN IDEA: | Some others may argue that we should not violate the 2nd amendment by restricting gun ownership. |

|Transition and Evidence |These opponents have proposed that providing more armed security in schools would protect students from |

| |massacres like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School (LaPierre 3). |

|Link |A security guard in each school would alleviate that need for new gun laws because it would provide new |

| |protection for any sort of violence within a school. |

|Transition and Evidence |Furthermore, critics could point out that the gun murders in America were at their lowest 2010 since 1981 |

| |even though gun ownership went up 4.8 % between 2001 and 2007 (“Firearm Facts” 1). |

|Link |Together, these statistics could suggest that allowing people to own guns does not cause more violence since|

| |gun murders went down and ownership went up in an overlapping time period. |

|Transition and Evidence |Nevertheless, in recent USA Today/Gallup poll, “58% of [those polled] now say they favor stricter gun laws” |

| |(qtd. In Madhani). |

|Link |In a democratic society, our lawmakers should try to support the ideas of the majority when a decision must |

| |be made. Armed Security would be difficult to afford, but new gun laws would not be. Statistics can be used |

| |incorrectly when there are so many factors, like illegal gun ownership, to consider; a poll taken by a |

| |neutral party is representative of something real. |

|Conclusion Sentence | Although there are alternative solutions to security and unclear causes for the recent devastating |

| |massacres, new gun control laws would provide a stable foundation that a majority of Americans now support. |


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