Compare and contrast gun laws in the US to other countries


Compare and contrast gun laws in the US to other countries.

Compare and contrast gun ownership in the US to other countries. How many privately owned guns are in circulation in the US?

Find reasons and facts for and against more-strict gun laws. Be ready to debate these.

Has American public opinion shifted on gun control? Why or why not? Find facts to support.

Do current laws that provide background checks do enough to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands? Should ALL gun sales require a background check including guns purchased at a gun show, private sales etc… Should background checks include mental health checks?

Do more guns in private hands mean better safety because of the deterrent factor? Or do more guns in private hands mean more deaths and injuries?

Are there any guns that should be banned? Military-style assault rifles? Should high capacity gun magazines be banned? Armor piercing bullets? Plastic guns?

Do guns in homes make us safer? How often do gun owners actually prevent crimes? How often do gun owners accidentally shoot themselves or someone else?

What does the 2nd Amendment say? What was the intention of the Founding Fathers when they created the Second Amendment?

What role has the National Rifle Association played in the gun control debate? Has the NRA been a more positive or negative agency?

What are reasons for school violence? How does this relate to gun control? Should all schools be required to have an armed guard for safety?

What role (if any) does television or video games play in violent crimes? Find research that supports your opinion. How much violence are US children/citizens exposed to compared to other countries? Do toy guns etc play any role?

Gun Control & the World The U.S. has the highest rate of gun ownership and of gun homicide in the developed world, per a 1999 Harvard School of Public Health study.




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