In your opinion, what is the best way to keep American ...

NAME AND PERIOD________________________________________________________Limited vs. Unlimited Government Socratic SeminarAs we conclude our unit on government types found throughout the world, we are going to take an in-depth look at the rights of citizens vs. the possibility government limiting those rights for the common good. For this first Socratic Seminar of the year, we will be analyzing a variety of texts regarding limited & unlimited governments and peoples’ rights while looking to address the following essential question: To what degree should governments infringe upon the personal freedoms of citizens in order to promote the common welfare for all?DOCUMENT 1“The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power.” From the Bill of Rights InstituteAmendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.What does this passage from the Bill of Rights institute and the text of the First Amendment tell you about the rights to freedom of speech granted by the U.S. Constitution?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you feel people should always have the right to say whatever they want, whenever they want? Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DOCUMENT 2 - How companies like Google and Facebook are standing up to neo-Nazis and other hate groups- From Ruth Umoh | @ruthumohnews 5:31 PM ET Wed, 16 Aug 2017 In the wake of the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, which left an activist dead and many injured, some leading tech companies are taking a stand against extremist views. Last week Friday, right-wing blogger Jason Kessler organized a rally to protest Charlottesville's decision to remove a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a city park. The rally ended in violence as supporters and counter-protesters chanted and threw punches and newspaper stands, according to the Associated Press. In the midst of the weekend brawl, female activist Heather Heyer was killed when a car plowed into a crowd of people protesting the white nationalist rally. Far right websites have since come out supporting this act of domestic terrorism.Here's how GoDaddy, Google, Paypal, Reddit, Twitter and Facebook have responded:GoDaddyThe domain name provider severed ties with the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer after the site verbally attacked Heyer. A recent post from the site mocked the deceased 32-year-old, calling her "fat" and "childless." It added that "most people are glad she is dead, as she is the definition of uselessness." GoDaddy tweeted on Sunday that it had given The Daily Stormer 24 hours to move its domain because the site had violated the company's terms of service. In an interview with CNBC, the company's CEO Blake Irving said that the Daily Stormer crossed the line from exercising freedom of speech to provoking further mayhem. "We always have to ride the fence on making sure we are protecting a free and open internet," says Irving. "But when the line gets crossed and that speech starts to incite violence, then we have a responsibility to take that down."GoogleThe Daily Stormer moved its domain registration to Google after hosting firm GoDaddy cut ties with the site. Customers can transfer domains to Google through an automated, online process that takes up to 20 minutes, according to the Internet company's domain registration site. But shortly after making the transition, Google promptly canceled the registration for the white supremacist website. "We are cancelling Daily Stormer's registration with Google Domains for violating our terms of service," the company representative said in a statement to CNBC. In June, the company released a blog post in which it denounced the use of Google platforms for terrorist activity. "There should be no place for terrorist content on our service," said Kent Walker, senior vice president and general counsel of Google. He added: "While we and others have worked for years to identify and remove content that violates our policies the uncomfortable truth is that we, as an industry, must acknowledge that more needs to be done. Now."TwitterThe social networking service joined other Silicon Valley companies on Wednesday in suspending accounts linked to the Daily Stormer. At least three accounts that were associated with the neo-Nazi website led to pages saying "account suspended," according to Reuters. Although Twitter did not discuss individual accounts, the company released a statement saying that the social network will take action on accounts that violate its policies prohibiting violent threats, harassment and hateful conduct.FacebookThe social media platform, which has doubled down on its war against fake news, confirmed to CNET that it has removed and banned group pages that violated hate speech policies. Facebook also confirmed that it had removed the Charlottesville Unite the Right event page and was currently removing all links to the aforementioned Daily Stormer post. Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg spoke out against the violence in Charlottesville on Monday. She says: "Along with millions of others, I was so heartbroken this weekend. The brave Heather Heyer's mother Susan Bro said she wanted her daughter's 'death to be a rallying cry for justice and equality and fairness and compassion. Let's honor her by teaching all of our children how to honor and respect those values."What is the main idea of this article?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In your opinion, should the rights to freedom of speech guaranteed to U.S. citizens in the constitution be given to hate groups who advocate violence?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Based upon text evidence from the article and from Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights, are the businesses listed in the article violating freedom of speech rights by refusing hate groups access to their websites and services? Explain your answer using text evidence.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DOCUMENT 3- CHINA ROAD EXCERPTIt turns out that I’m the first foreigner that he has ever met, and he manages to resist for all of a minute and a half before pulling the blond hairs on my arm. We go through the usual quiz of whether I like China and arrive pretty quickly at how many children I have. “Two.” “Will you have more?” He asks. “Possibly.” “So your country doesn’t limit the number of children people have?” “No, that is left up the individual,” I tell him. “In my country, the state cannot interfere in the personal lives of it’s people.” I always make this point, my contribution, however small, toward brining on the revolution. At this point, the woman sitting across the aisle from me interjects. She, like all the other passengers, has been listening to my conversation with my neighbor. “It’s not right to have more than two children,” she says. “I beg you pardon?” I ask her in my faux-polite, you talkin’-to-me? Voice. “It’s not right to have more than two children,” she repeats. “ I think you can say you don’t agree with it, or you wouldn’t have more than two yourself, but you can’t say it is bu dui. You cannot say it is not right.” I smile at her. She smiles right back, the smile that many middle-aged Chinese people smile when they are about to patronize a foreigner…She is friendly but opinionated, an no doubt ready to me a lecture on loose Western morality or how to bring up my children or, as in this case, how many children to have. “Why do you say it’s not right?” I ask her. “Because I work in family planning,” she replies proudly. “So you are a doctor?” Yes. I’m in charge of family planning in this country.” “And you travel around enforcing the one-child policy?” “Yes.”It is dawning on me what her job involves. Traveling with her are two young nurses.. “So… you travel around giving women checkups.” I ease gently toward the questions I really want to ask. “Yes. That’s where we’re going now.” “And what happens if you find that there are women who are pregnant who shouldn’t be pregnant?” “We try to persuade them to have an abortion.” “And if they don’t agree?” “We have to force them,” She says, pausing slightly. “ You know, Zhong guo ren tai dou le. There are too many Chinese people.” Every Chinese person says this. It is, of course, true, but it has been drummed into Chinese heads by so many years of propaganda that it has become a mantra. More important, it is not just this woman’s viewpoint, it is also her job to do something about it. “But how do you force them? What if they won’t go?” “There is a department of the police in each town or country that enforces the family-planning laws. They go to the woman’s house and, if she will not come voluntarily, she is taken to the clinic by force.” Many family-planning officials in urban areas, even in small towns, know they should not talk to Westerners about such issues. They know it is a sensitive subject in the West, and one that provokes criticism of China, even through many of them do not understand why. This woman feels no such constraints. “But what if there is a woman who is eight months pregnant, and she shouldn’t be?” I ask her “She is…” The woman makes an action with her hands in front of her stomach, an action of flushing something away. “But that’s a living child, that could be born and survive. “ I gasp. The woman shrugs her shoulders and smiles faintly. “Zhong guo ren tai dou le. There are too many Chinese people.” I’d often heard of these cases. Indeed, it is common knowledge that ever since the one-child policy was instituted, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, forced abortions and sterilizations have become completely routine, even into the third trimester of pregnancy. But, I had never met someone involved in the process. “So you are the person who actually has to perform that operation?” She doesn’t seem to mind my questions. “yes,” she says, laughing slightly. “But don’t you find it…a bit burtal?” I can’t help screwing up my face as I ask the question. She miles again. “Shi Biyaou de. It’s necessary. Zhong guo ren tai dou le. There are too many Chinese people.”React to this selection; how did it make you feel?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does this selection address the issue of limited vs. unlimited governments?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you feel the Chinese government has a valid reason for implementation of the One Child Policy. Use the text to support your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Should other governments around the world adopt a similar policy in order to curb the quickly growing global population or is this a violation of freedom and human rights? Defend your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DOCUMENT 4: Texas to Enact at Least 9 Pro-Gun Laws in Wake of El Paso's Mass ShootingBY?SANYA MANSOOR?AUGUST 6, 2019After a gunman shot up a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, killing 22 people and injuring 26 others on Saturday, the state is set to enact?at least nine pro-gun measures?that would make it easier to carry or store firearms in places like foster homes, schools, churches, mosques and synagogues.The laws were approved earlier this year, during the 86th Texas Legislature, and should go into effect on Sept. 1, 2019. One of the laws,?HB 1387, gets rid of a limit on the number of schoolteachers and staff that can carry guns on public school campuses. These designated staff are known as school marshals.Supporters of the proposal said it would?allow smaller school districts to participate?in the school’s state marshal program, The Texas?Tribune?reported, explaining that originally schools could only designate one marshal per 200 students or per building. The law would would give schools the ability to decide how many marshals they want.Critics, like Hilary Whitfield, volunteer leader with the Texas chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America worried that, “If we put an unlimited number of guns in our schools, we’re only creating an unlimited number of potential mistakes that could harm our children.”Another one of the Texas measures,?HB 1143, prevents school districts from making rules about how a licensed person’s handgun, firearm or ammunition is stored in their vehicle in a school parking area. A third regulation,?HB 2363, allows foster parents to store firearms and ammunition in the same locked location.A fourth law,?HB 302, bans residential lease agreements from restricting the ability of residents or guests to own guns. The NRA said in a statement that this would?“protect tenants’ rights”?to possess firearms and ammunition and transport them “directly between” their “personal vehicles and these locations.”A fifth measure,?SB 535, makes it easier to carry guns in “churches, synagogues, or other places of worship” by striking them from a list of prohibited locations in the penal code where firearms are banned.The National Rifle Association, which has?backed all of these laws,?expressed their “deepest sympathies”?for the families and victims of recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio in a recent statement but reiterated that they are “committed to the safe and lawful use of firearms by those exercising their Second Amendment freedoms.” “We will not participate in the politicizing of these tragedies but, as always, we will work in good faith to pursue real solutions that protect us all from people who commit these horrific acts,” they said in a statement.The 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reads "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Based on current events, should citizens of the United States have unlimited access to firearms or should that right be restricted. Use text evidence to support your answer.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In your opinion, what is the best way to keep American citizens safe from the multiple outbreaks of gun violence? Use text evidence from the above article and “Pro/Cons of the Gun Debate” to support your answer.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DOCUMENT 6- Defectors provide rare glimpse of isolated life in North KoreaSEOUL — When Kim Hak Min lived in North Korea, every home prominently displayed a photo of the isolated?nation’s founder, Kim Il Sung, as well as his son and successor, Kim Jong Il.Now that he runs his own iPhone repair shop in this bustling South Korean capital, the 30-year-old defector has hung a very different portrait on the wall: Apple icon?Steve Jobs.Hak Min was given a?biography of Jobs when he escaped to South Korea in 2013, and the late Apple founder?became a hero to him — not only for his business success but also for a message of individual rights?that is light years away from the repressive North Korean dictatorship under Kim Il Sung's grandson, Kim Jong Un.“When they brainwash students in North Korea they say: ‘We can read your words, actions and thoughts,’” he said. “If you have bad thoughts about the Kim family they will know. But in the book, Jobs said: Do not let others' thoughts rule over you. Do what you want. Be yourself.”For Hak Min, the dream is to finish his engineering studies in Seoul and?make his way to California's Silicon Valley to invent world-changing products of his own.He’s a far cry from the images that usually make their way out of the tightly controlled nation just 40 miles away:?expressionless North Koreans lockstepping in?military parades and extravagantly choreographed public performances.In fact, many refugees who escaped to Seoul?describe a North Korea that is being transformed, if very slowly, by greater access to the outside world.Hak Min, who grew up in Onsong, a town near the Chinese border, learned how to repair electronics in a black market economy that emerged in North Korea in the years after massive economic hardship and famine of the 1990s. It was images of the world outside of North Korea, picked up on TV signals from China and bootleg videotapes and DVDs that sparked his desire to escape.“I was shocked with how rich the South Koreans were,” Hak Min said. “Their culture, their language —?everything intrigued me.”The risks of watching these shows were very real.?Hak Min was caught with DVDs and sentenced to prison, where he and his friends were tortured. He eventually raised money to pay a black market broker to help him get across the border to China, and from there?made his way to Thailand and eventually South Korea.As tensions rise with President Trump over North Korea's nuclear weapons program, many analysts believe information —?rather than military force —?can be the key to bring?about change in North Korean society from the inside..While the regime's nuclear and military threat must be taken seriously, an overly confrontational approach by Trump plays into dictator Kim’s hands, said Sokeel Park, country director of Liberty in North Korea, an organization that helps rescue and resettle refugees.“North Korea is strong on traditional security stuff,” Park said. “That's what they want us to focus on, that's what they bring the attention to, and then we play right into it. Whereas they're very weak on their soft underbelly of economy, information, society, culture. For not a lot of money, we could do a lot better on various forms of interaction, engagement, and information access programs.”Kim Seung Chul, a defector who came to South Korea in 1994, also believes that information is key to changing his homeland. He founded North Korea Reform Radio in 2007, which currently broadcasts two hours a day of news, information and entertainment over shortwave frequencies. He also occasionally uses remote-controlled balloons to drop leaflets and other information into the country.“The goal is enlightenment,” he said. “We’re trying to reach North Koreans who are isolated, who don’t have anywhere to listen to real stories or real news, in order to trigger a spark, to give them a vision, something that will bring positive action.”Seung Chul estimates that at least 10% of North Korea’s 25 million people have?access to foreign media regularly. He and his colleagues also try to target higher-ranking members of the North Korean regime who travel?abroad with messages and shows they hope will prove inspirational.Their tactics can be surprisingly creative. One program Seung Chul has turned to is?House of Cards, hoping that its main character will offer some pointers in the dark arts of political maneuvering.“In order for high officials to act wisely against Kim,?they will have to act like Frank Underwood,” Seung Chul said. “The revolution shouldn’t be like the ones in Iraq or Libya. It should be led by those intellectual people to make slight changes that lead to a bigger change. The strategic goal is to make North Korea change by itself.”In the meantime, making the transition to life in South Korea can be daunting for the 30,000 North Koreans who have settled here.Hong Ye Lim, 19, a university student who volunteers to teach English to North Korean refugees at an alternative high school in Seoul, said the Northerners were different than she had expected.“We have a stereotype of North Koreans as being tough, rigid, sturdy,” she said. “But after I met them I saw that they were sensitive and emotional too, that they had already lived through so much.”Many North Koreans are told to change their accents and hide where they came from. Hak Min said he found the confidence to be himself in Steve Jobs. “Reading his biography, that’s when I decided I will not hide myself again. That’s when I started telling people that I’m a North Korean defector. I said I can’t be like anyone else, so I’ll be myself.”“We constantly ask North Korean refugees and defectors: ‘What do we need to do?’” said Park of the refugee resettlement group. “They always say to put more information in. They're so consistent on that."Such exposure to the outside world motivated Yoon Ok, 25, to flee North Korea. She grew up in another border town across the river from?China. ?Yoon Ok, whose full name is being withheld because of concerns her outspokenness will jeopardize the safety of family still in North Korea, recalls one particular Lunar New Year’s Day.?She noticed fireworks and lights blazing in China, while her town received electricity only for a few hours a night.“I was wondering — why is that country so bright, with so many lights during the day,” she said. “It’s just a border crossing. Why is it so much brighter than North Korea?”She also watched television signals from China, where she would sometimes see South Korean soap operas dubbed in?Chinese. She didn’t understand the language, but the images made it clear to her that South Korea was a place where she wanted to go.“Their lifestyle was very carefree, freewheeling,” she said.?“If they want to do something, they can do something. if they want to travel somewhere, they travel. I could see that life is much freer than in North Korea.”She?started finding her place through a kitchen job in a Seoul restaurant. She fell in love with cooking and has begun taking classes with a goal of starting her own food truck and perhaps one day bringing it to North Korea.“In North Korea, we would never think of eating for pleasure,” she said. “Eating was for survival. If I have an opportunity to go back or if Korea unifies as one nation, I want to?cook for the people in North Korea who couldn’t enjoy eating. I hope they can have bigger dreams of their own someday.”Based on this article, what is life like inside North Korea and why is it like this? Is the government limited or unlimited? Explain your answer. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Using information from this article, what might be the best way to deal with the North Korean regime?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FINAL DISCUSSION QUESTIONSShould the government always stay out of the personal lives of its people or are there instances in which the government should intervene? Ultimately, are there any circumstances in which a more unlimited government would be better than a limited government? Explain your answer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________On a scale from 1 to 10 with one being completely limited and 10 being completely unlimited, what number would be the ideal for a perfect government? What number do you feel best represents the government of the United States. Explain your answer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________To what degree should governments infringe upon the personal freedoms of citizens in order to promote the common welfare for all? Use text evidence to support your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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