Explain the four main factors that enabled the Spanish to ...

HIST 1301


Final Exam Review Sheet

Four of the following questions will appear on your final exam. You must choose TWO (2) of them to answer completely, in essay format. They will be worth 50 points each, for a total of 100 points. Make sure you address all aspects of the questions.

1. Discuss the development of the first American political party system during the administrations of Washington and Adams. What problems faced the brand new country? Discuss the roles of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in addressing those problems. How did their ideas and actions contribute to the formation of the first American political parties? What were the basic beliefs of each party? Next, discuss the “first big test” of the federal government and Washington’s reaction. Finally, discuss the ways the French Revolution exacerbated growing tension between the parties. Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

2. Discuss the massive changes in America between Thomas Jefferson’s election in 1800 through the War of 1812. How did the issues Jefferson dealt with as president change his political views/philosophy? What impact did foreign affairs, especially the Napoleonic Wars and the Haitian Revolution, have during Jefferson’s presidency? Why did Jefferson decide on the Embargo of 1807 instead of war and what was the result? How was the situation different under Madison in 1810? Discuss the factors contributing to the War of 1812. How did the U.S. fare, and why? What factors, domestic and international, led to the outcome of the War of 1812? Make sure to include examples to back up your points.

3. Discuss the “Era of Good Feeling.” Why is Monroe’s presidency referred to as the “era of good feeling?” What role did the War of 1812 and the American System have in creating the era? Next, discuss the changing issue of slavery at the time. How were the Missouri Compromise and the U.S.’s interest in Florida, culminating in the Adams-Onis Treaty, ways to deal with slavery in the short-term, but not in the long-term? What was the Monroe Doctrine, and how was it a response to foreign affairs? Finally, discuss the Panic of 1819. What caused it, who was mad, why, and how did it contribute to the outcome of the election of 1824? How did Jacksonian Democrats respond to what they referred to as “the corrupt bargain?” Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

4. Discuss the “Age of Jackson.” How did the increasing splits in the country contribute to the formation of the 2nd U.S. party system? Why was Jackson so popular? How did he change the presidency? Next, discuss the three big issues during his presidency: the 2nd Band of the U.S. controversy, the South Carolina Nullification Crisis, and Indian Removal. What were the issues involved, how did Jackson respond, and what was the outcome, for each of the three? Finally, what is your opinion of Jackson as president? Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

5. Discuss the social and cultural development of the early U.S. First, discuss the growing splits between Northern and Southern society, including the impact of immigration, urbanization, transportation, agriculture and manufacturing. What was life like in the North? For women? For free blacks? What was life like in the South? For women? For slaves? Next, discuss the social and religious roots of early reform movements. Then describe at least three reform movements. You must discuss the abolitionist and women’s movements. Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

6. Discuss the coming of the Civil War. What role did the concept of “manifest destiny” play? Pick 10 people/issues/ideas/events and describe how they contributed to the coming of the Civil War. You must address the Mexican-American War, the Fugitive Slave Law, the Kansas-Nebraska Act (and the result, known as “Bleeding Kansas”), and John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, plus 6 more of your choosing. (Hint-there are many, many more than 10 people/issues/ideas/events to choose from. Pick the 6 you can explain the best.) Finally, describe the period between the election of 1860 to the fall of Fort Sumter. Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

7. Discuss the Civil War. What were Northern and Southern assumptions at the beginning of the war and why? What effect did the First Battle of Bull Run have on those assumptions? Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the North and South at the beginning of the war, including discussions of resources, political and military leadership. Did these strengths and weaknesses change over the course of the war, and if so, how? What were the overall military approaches of the North and South and how did they change over time? Next, discuss the ways slavery, politics and the war interacted to change political and personal views. What “message” was sent in the 1864 election? Finally, discuss the end of the war and the major factors that contributed to its outcome. Make sure to give examples to back up your points.

8. Discuss Reconstruction. How did Reconstruction change under Presidents Lincoln, Johnson and Grant? What was Congress’ role in Reconstruction? What was “Radical Reconstruction” and how radical was it? How did southern whites respond to reconstruction? How did southern blacks respond to reconstruction? What factors contributed to the decline of Reconstruction? Describe the “deal” that is generally seen as the end of Reconstruction. After Reconstruction, what tactics and strategies did southern whites use to “remake” the south and how did southern blacks respond? Make sure to give examples to back up your points.


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