Geometry 2nd Semester - Weebly

AC Geometry-B Name_________________________Hr___

Semester 2 Review ExamDay/Date_____________Time______

What can you do to prepare?

1. Review Chapter Material as well as end of Chapter Summaries, Review & Extra Practice. The exam covers the following chapters

|Ch |Book Title |Pages |

|6 |Similarity (omit 6.7) |p354-403, 417-422 |

|7 |Right Triangles & Trigonometry |p430-503 |

|9 |Properties of Transformations + 4.7 & 6.7 |p570-645 |

|10 |Properties of Circles (& Locus) |p648-717 |

|11 |Measuring Length & Area (& Locus) |p718-789 |

|12 |Surface Area & Volume of Solids |p790-865 |

2. Review the list of postulates, theorems and definitions in Chaps 7-13. Chap7 begins on p.929

3. Complete the Extra-Practice sections in the back of the book if you have not done them already. Chap7 = p908.

4. Complete the Chapter Tests at the end of each chapter if you have not done so already.

5. Complete the Two Cummulative Review Sections on p.646+ & p.866+

6. There are additional preparation/study problems on the book website (address below).

Access Activation code: (2349845-20).

7. Review your unit tests/quizzes from your test folder as well as your old homework assignments

8. Other? ____________________________________________________________

What to Bring to your Final Exam

1. At least two number 2 pencils WITH erasers

2. Compass & straightedge

3. Scientific or other approved (no phone) calculator. Your teacher might not have one for you to use! You may not share calculators so bring your own!

4. Free reading book/study materials for other classes.

The semester grade will be included as part of your OVERALL semester (transcript) grade! In order to pass the course and earn Michigan Geometry credit + AAPS graduation credit, you must earn a grade of at least 70% on the final exam OR have a semester average of 60% which includes the exam. Thus, any student that earns less than 70% on their semester exam is in jeopardy of not passing the class and therefore not earning credit.

If you do not pass the semester exam with at least of 70%, you may have to take the final exam from the Regular paced class for credit upon earning a 70% on that exam. You would then be expected to continue on in regular paced Algebra II in the fall. Students that are in this situation are typically those that have a semester average of 70% or less going into the exam.

Geometry 2nd Semester

Final Exam Review Coversheet

The following assignments are suggested to assist in preparing for the 2nd Semester Final Exam. They include the summaries, reviews, and tests at the end of each chapter, as well as selected problems from the cumulative reviews throughout the book and from the Extra Practice sections in the back of the book. Pages with the postulates and theorems we have covered in each chapter are also listed. The problems are a sampling of the types of problems you may see on the exam. However, please remember any types of problems covered over the course of the semester in chapters 6-7 and 9-12 may appear on the Final Exam. It is suggested you go through each of the sections from each of the chapters covered in class thoroughly and outline important concepts covered; formulas, postulates, corollaries, and theorems studied; etc. to assist you in preparing for the Final Exam.

The following are the assignments for the 2nd Semester Final Exam Review:

1. Chapter 6 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: pp. 417-427

2. Chapters 1-6 Cumulative Review: pp. 428-429 (1-32)

3. Chapter 7 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: pp. 493-503

4. Chapter 9 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: pp. 635-645

5. Chapters 1-9 Cumulative Review: pp. 646-647 (1-32)

6. Chapter 10 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: pp. 707-717

7. Chapter 11 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: pp. 779-789

8. Chapter 12 Review, Test, and Michigan Test Preparation: 856-865

9. Chapters 1-12 Cumulative Review: pp. 866-867 (1-24)

10. Extra Practice Chapters 6-7, 9-12: pp. 906-909, pp. 912-919

11. Postulates: p. 926 (22-29)

12. Theorems: pp. 927-931 (6.1-7.9, 9.1-12.13)

The pages which follow contain practice tests from the textbook publisher for each of the chapters covered during 1st semester. It is suggested you complete the problems in these tests to assist in preparing for the Final Exam.






















In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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