Second Grade Handwriting - Urbandale, Iowa

[Pages:1]Course Description Grade 2 Handwriting

Philosophy Statement: God is the Supreme Communicator and has spoken to His people in many ways. In His goodness, He has gifted us with the ability to read, write, listen, and speak. These language arts are the foundation and gateway to all learning and life skills. Students become life-long learners about God and His Word through the study of language arts.

Course Objective: Students will correctly and consistently form manuscript and cursive letters and use them legibly in their daily work.

Textbooks: None, handwriting style from A Reason for Handwriting

Materials: ? Teacher- made resources

Time Allotment: 10 minutes/day 1st Semester and 20 minutes/day 2nd Semester

Course Content: ? Review of manuscript letters-1st Semester ? Cursive upper and lower case letters-2nd Semester

Areas to be evaluated: ? Daily handwriting practice sheets ? Daily work in other content areas

Additional activities: ? Published writing pieces


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