Prompt Title: What Makes a Good Citizen?

 Prompt Title: What Makes a Good Citizen?Grade Level: 2nd grade ELA Writing StandardWriting Standard 2.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section.Content Standard(s)Social Studies Standard 2 (Citizenship): Students will recognize and practice civic responsibility in the community, state, and nation.Text(s)X Written? Audio? VisualSource Epic! for educatorscreate a free account to accessTitle Citizenship21st Century Junior Library? AudioX VisualSourceYouTube Video produced by Studies WeeklyTitleBeing a Good Citizen Writing PromptWhat is a good citizen? After reading Citizenship (pages 9-16) and watching Being a Good Citizen, write a paragraph in which you explain what it means to be a good citizen. Support your response with evidence from the text and video. Scoring RubricSee Authored byMallory Goodman, Suzy Price, Elcena Saline ................

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