Campbell Math
|Lesson |Teacher Materials |Student Materials |
|1 |Photos: skyscraper contrasted with a one-story building |Each student: |
| |2 chairs |Pennies |
| |2 different lengths of string |Number Path (3.1 Fluency Template) |
| |2 pencils of different lengths |2 strips of paper (a longer blue one and a shorter red one) |
|2 |Marker |Each student: |
| |Crayon |Bags of beans from Mod. 1 |
| |String |Laminated paper or foam work mat |
| |Scissors |Dice |
| |Masking tape |String |
| |Chart on board: These things are longer than my string./These things are shorter than my|Scissors |
| |string. |Clipboard |
| | |Pencil |
| | |Longer or shorter recording sheet (3.2 Template) |
|3 |Make it Equal (fluency activity) – directions in 3.2. |Each student: |
| | |Hidden Numbers mat (3.3 Fluency Template- print in color). Could be inserted into |
| | |Personal whiteboard |
| | |Bag of 10 beans from Mod. 1 and 3.2 |
| | |Longer than and shorter than work mat (3.3 Template) |
| | |Popsicle stick |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Prepared paper bag filled with various items to measure – pencil, eraser, glue stick,|
| | |toy car, small block, 12-inch piece of string, marker, child’s scissor, crayon, tower|
| | |of 5 linking cubes) |
|4 |Write on sentence strips and post or write on board: |Each student: |
| |I am taller than ________. I am shorter than _______. (Use with Application Problem) |Longer or shorter mat (Template) |
| |My _____ stick is shorter/longer than my ____ stick. (Use with Concept Development) |Pairs: |
| | |Bag of loose linking cubes: 40 red and 15 of another color or 30 of one color and 25 |
| | |of another color depending on how you build the stairs (see image on 3.B.8 for using |
| | |the latter amount)- use in 3.5, too |
|5 |Application Problem needs a template for the name train. Check the CUSD Kinder math |Each student: |
| |support web site. Template is in templates area and/or Module 3 page. |5-group cards in vertical orientation (3.5 Fluency Template 1- only has dots)- |
| | |directions in 2.1 |
| | |Dot path (3.5 Fluency Template 2) – can place inside personal whiteboard or just use |
| | |copies and collect |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |1 bag of linking cubes from 3.4 (use in 3.6, too) |
|6 |Rekenrek (use in 3.7, 3.8, 3.30) |Each student: |
| | |Hidden Numbers mat (3.3 Fluency Template) inserted into personal whiteboard- |
| | |directions in 3.3, find numbers within a group of 7 |
| | |Crayon |
| | |Paper |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Bag of linking cube stairs from 3.4, 3.5 |
| | |Bag of items to measure: pencil, eraser, glue stick, toy car, small block, 8-inch |
| | |piece of string, marker, children’s scissors, crayon (save a bag of materials for. |
| | |3.32) |
|7 |Rekenrek (from 3.6) |Each student: |
| |Green and red dry erase marker (or other two colors, but kind of defeats purpose of red |1 die with the 6 dot side covered |
| |light/green light- could make up your own- black light/blue light) |Personal whiteboard |
| |Bag of linking cube number stairs from 3.4 |Small ball of clay (use also in 3.11 (pairs), 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.19, 3.21, 3.28, |
| |Riddle work mat (3.7 Template) copied on two sides |3.30 (pairs) ) |
| | |Riddle work mat copied on two sides or inserted into personal whiteboard (3.7 |
| | |Template) |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Bag of number stairs from 3.4 |
|8 |Rekenrek (from 3.6) |Each student: |
| |Personal whiteboard |Bag of beans from 3.2 |
| |Collect objects from the classroom for student pairs to have at least 3 objects to test.|Laminated paper or foam work mat |
| |Suggestions: a stack of books, a pencil, eraser, a marker, a balloon, a tower of linking|2 dice |
| |cubes, a block, a sphere, some cotton balls, some rocks, a bag of coins. Include light |Number path (3.1 Fluency Template)- directions in 1.15 |
| |and heavy. Place objects on a table for students to see. |Make 5 (3.8 Fluency Template) |
| |Distribute some objects to pairs for them to compare |Pairs: |
| | |Need objects from lesson to compare |
|9 |Large 5-group cards (5-7) from 3.5 Fluency Template 1 – use in |Each student: |
| |Directions for Roll and Die are in 3.7 |Hidden Numbers mat (3.3 Fluency Template) inserted into Personal whiteboard |
| |Write on the board or have sentence strips with: |Die with 6 dot side covered |
| |I am lighter than______, but I am heavier than _______. |Lighter or heavier recording sheet (3.9 Template) |
| |Lighter or heavier recording sheet (3.9 Template) on the whiteboard (enlarge/poster?) |Pairs or groups: |
| | |Simple balance scale and assortment of objects (at least 3) |
|10 |Green and red dry erase marker |Each student: |
| |Large 5-group cards (3.5 Fluency Template 1) |Bag of beans from 3.2 |
| |Balance scale |Foam or laminated work mat |
| |Pencil |2 dice |
| |Marker |As Heavy As recording sheet (3.10 Template) |
| |Bag of 30 pennies |Pairs or groups: |
| |As Heavy as recording sheet (3.10 Template) enlarged as a poster or use notability to |Balance scale |
| |project |Bag of 30 pennies |
| | |Bag of objects to weight: pencil, eraser, a marker, children’s scissors, a linking |
| | |cube, small block or toy |
|11 |Balance scale and assorted objects- show a cotton ball and an orange |Each student: |
| |Large 5-group cards (3.5 Fluency Template 1) |Hidden Numbers mat (3.3 Fluency Template) inserted into personal whiteboard or make |
| |Ball of clay |copies |
| | |Small bag of about 10 Lego-type building blocks |
| | |Small group: |
| | |Balance scale |
| | |20 pennies |
| | |Ball of clay (pairs or group) from 3.7 |
|12 |5-group cards in vertical orientation (3.5 Fluency Template 1) |Die with 6 dot side covered |
| |Roll and draw five groups directions in 3.7 |Personal whiteboard |
| |Balance scale |Dot path (3.5 Fluency Template 2) inserted into personal whiteboard |
| |Marker |As Heavy as recording sheet (3.12 Template) |
| |2 pennies |Small groups: |
| |Small bag of linking cubes |Balance scale |
| |Small counters |4 small bags of various items to use as weights (pennies, linking cubes, small |
| |Beans |counters, and large dried beans) |
| |As Heavy as recording sheet (3.12 Template) |Collection of classroom objects for the balance exercise |
|13 |Dot cards of 6 (3.13 Fluency Template)- these are also used in Mod. 4 and 5. You may |Each student: |
| |want to import the template cards into Notability from google docs so you could display |10 linking cubes (3.19, 3.27) |
| |using the projector (if you have Apple TV). You will also need to make a half a class |Pair of dice with the 6 dot side covered |
| |set for pairs to use. Check the templates section of the kinder web site because there |Small ball of clay – from 3.7 |
| |are templates for the dot cards that have two cards per page. The Eureka cards have one |Capacity recording sheet (3.13 Template) |
| |card per page. Print on cardstock. |Pairs or small groups: |
| | |Dot cards of 6 (3.13 Fluency Template) |
| | |2 cups of uncooked rice |
| | |Several small containers (two of equal capacity: coffee or beverage scoop, ¼ cup |
| | |measure, teacup, bowl, small drinking cup, small box, tablespoon) |
| | |Tray |
|14 |Set of student materials for demo: 2 cups of rice, clear containers (if possible) with |Each student: |
| |varying diameters (a glass, a small bowl, small vase with an interesting shape, bottle, |Hidden Numbers (3.3 Fluency Template) |
| |mug), tray, funnel, spoon (save for 3.32) |Small ball of clay – from 3.7 |
| |Volume recording sheet |Volume recording sheet |
| | |Pairs/small groups: |
| | |2 cups of rice, clear containers (if possible) with varying diameters (a glass, a |
| | |small bowl, small vase with an interesting shape, bottle, mug), tray, funnel, spoon |
|15 |Dot cards of 7 (3.15 Fluency Template) – print a half a class set on card stock for |Each student: |
| |durability. |Bags of beans – from 3.2 |
| |Use set of student materials for demo: |Foam or laminated paper work mat |
| |2 cups of rice |2 dice with 6 dot side covered |
| |Assortment of containers (teacup, small bottle, bowl, glass, small box, measuring cup) |Small ball of clay from 3.7 |
| |Small scoop such as a coffee scoop |10 beans (use bag from earlier in the lesson)* |
| |Funnel |We’ve Got the Scoop recording sheet (3.15 Template) |
| |Tray |Pairs: |
| |We’ve Got the Scoop recording sheet (3.15 Template- enlarge or make poster or use |Dot cards of 7 (3.15 Fluency Template) |
| |Notability and project on board) |2 cups of rice |
| | |Assortment of containers (teacup, small bottle, bowl, glass, small box, measuring |
| | |cup) |
| | |Small scoop such as a coffee scoop |
| | |Funnel |
| | |Tray |
|16 |Shape signs (3.16 Fluency Template 1)- run on color white cardstock or copy paper, mount|Each student: |
| |and laminate. This was used in 2.5 |Shape cutouts (include exemplars and non-examples)(3.16 Fluency Template 2)- this was|
| |Music |also used in 2.5 Fluency Template 2 |
| |1 set of student materials: |Lined paper (for number writing practice) |
| |1 four-inch square of construction paper |Playing card |
| |1 four-inch diameter paper circle |Bag of linking cubes |
| |20 one-inch paper or plastic square tiles |My Square recording sheet (3.16 Template) |
| |1 small bag of large flat beans |1 four-inch square of construction paper |
| | |1 four-inch diameter paper circle |
| | |20 one-inch paper or plastic square tiles |
| | |1 small bag of large flat beans |
|17 |Dot cards of 8 (3.17 Fluency Template) – print a half a class set for pairs to share |Each student: |
| |Music player (CD player, mp3 player) |Dice |
| |Carpet squares or pieces of construction paper per student |Paper plate |
| |More chairs than students |Cup |
| | |Spoon |
| | |Napkin |
| | |Popcorn (or some kind of snack, goldfish?) |
| | |Bottle of water |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Dot cards of 8 (3.17 Fluency Template) |
|18 |Basket of 3 blocks or small toys |Each student: |
| |Additional blocks |Dice |
| | |Personal whiteboard |
| | |Bag of 5 loose red linking cubes |
| | |Bag of 10 loose blue linking cubes |
| | |Pair of dice with the 6 dot side covered |
| | |5 additional red linking cubes |
|19 |Dot cards of 9 (3.19 Fluency Template) – print a half a class set for pairs to share |Each student: |
| |Box of markers |Lined writing paper |
| | |Small ball of clay from 3.7 |
| | |Bag of 5 pennies |
| | |Bag of 10 loose linking cubes – 3.13, 3.27 |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Dot cards of 9 (3.19 Fluency Template) |
|20 |Count and Circle How Many Sprint (project or use Notability)- make copies for use in |Each student: |
| |lesson 3.21* |Application Problem- Square path letter trains (3.20 Template) |
| |Framed portrait of teacher at 5-6 years old | |
| |Bag of 20 linking cubes (3.20 teacher only, 3.22, 3.23, 3.24) | |
| |10 sided die | |
|21 |Shapes (3.21 Template 1, cut out) |Each student: |
| | |Copy of the Count and Circle How Many Sprint from 3.20 |
| | |Linking cubes (must be Unifix cubes) for writing letters on with Dry Erase Marker |
| | |Dry erase marker |
| | |More than Fewer than recording sheet (3.21 Template 2) |
| | |Dice with 6 dot side covered |
| | |Personal whiteboard |
| | |7 linking cubes |
| | |Small piece of clay from 3.7 |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |10-sided die (or spinner) – use for 3.22, 3.23, 3.24, 3.27, too |
| | |Bag of 20 linking cubes– use for 3.22, 3.23, 3.24, too |
| | |Bag of 20 pennies– use for 3.22, 3.23, 3.24, too |
|22 |Make it Equal fluency directions from 3.15 |Each student: |
| |Roll and Draw 5-groups (see 3.7 for directions) |1 Die |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |10-sided die – from 3.21 |
| | |Bag of 20 linking cubes – from 3.21 |
| | |Bag of 20 pennies- from 3.21 |
|23 |Roll and say one more fluency (directions in 3.13) |Each student: |
| | |1 die |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |10-sided die- use from 3.21, 3.22 |
| | |Bag of 20 linking cubes – use from 3.21, 3.22 |
| | |Bag of 20 pennies- use from 3.21, 3.22 |
|24 |Roll and say one less fluency (directions in 3.13) |Pairs: |
| | |10-sided die- use from 3.21, 3.22, 3.23 |
| | |Bag of 20 linking cubes – use from 3.21, 3.22, 3.23 |
| | |Bag of 20 pennies- use from 3.21, 3.22, 3.23 |
|25 |Prep- make 2 copies of Count and Circle How Many (3.20 sprint) – make double-sided** |Each student: |
| |Whiteboard |2 copies of Count and Circle How Many (3.20 sprint)- make double-sided ** |
| |Markers |Bag of 10 pennies |
| |Shapes (3.21 Template) cut out and placed in scatter arrangements on the board – see |Bag of 8 linking cubes |
| |page 3.G.4 for example--- use for 3.26, too | |
|26 |Dot cards to 6 (3.13 Fluency Template) – directions in 3.13 for fluency (used in 3.13) |Pairs: |
| |Whiteboard |Dot cards to 6 |
| |Markers | |
| |Shapes (3.21 Template 1) cut out and placed in scattered arrangement on board | |
|27 |Ruler |Each student: |
| |Pencil |Hidden Numbers mat (3.3 Fluency Template) |
| |2 sets of student materials |Pairs: |
| | |Small bucket of pattern blocks |
| | |10-sided die |
| | |Bag of 10 linking cubes |
| | |Bag of 10 beans |
| | |Bag of 10 pennies |
| | |Bag of 10 counters |
|28 |Bell/chime or gentle noisemaker |Each student: |
| | |Sprint double sided- 3.28 |
| | |Paper |
| | |Crayons |
| | |Small ball of clay from 3.7 |
| | |1 set of numeral/5-group cards (3.28 Templates 1 and 2)- make ½ set one color ½ set a|
| | |different color on cardstock** Basically these are hide zero cards to 10. First grade|
| | |uses them and so does 2nd. Use the template on the kinder web site for Hide Zero |
| | |cards. |
| | | |
|29 |4 real objects filled with various amounts of liquids (small bottle, mug, vase, bowl) |Each student: |
| |Clear measuring cup |5 linking cubes |
| |Water |Dice with 6 dot side covered |
| |Several vials of food coloring |Personal whiteboard |
| |Assortment of clear 1 or 2 cup capacity containers in various shapes (mug, bowl, small |My Capacity museum recording sheet (3.29 Template) |
| |bottle, vase, or beaker) |Crayons or markers |
| |**Save the measuring cup and 1 or 2-cup capacity containers for various shapes for 3.32 | |
|30 |Tower Flip 9 (fluency) – directions in 3.29 |Each student: |
| |Rekenrek |5 linking cubes |
| | |Apple mat (3.30 Fluency Template) |
| | |10 red beans – from 3.2 |
| | |1 die with 6 dot side covered |
| | |Clay shapes recording sheet (3.30 Template) |
| | |Pairs: |
| | |Balance scale |
| | |2 small pieces of clay (different color clays, but equal weight)** Save clay for 3.32|
| | |– from 3.7 |
|31 | |Each student: |
| | |Double-sided sprint from 3.31 |
| | |Bag of pony beads |
| | |1 foot of elastic string or yarn with a bead tied on one end to prevent beads from |
| | |falling off |
| | |Construction paper |
| | |Crayons or markers |
| | |Scissors |
| | |Tape |
| | |10 sticks |
| | |5-stick for the Problem Set *** |
|32 |Assorted classroom objects |Each student: |
| |Balance scale |Dot cards of 6 (3.13 Fluency Template) inserted into personal whiteboard |
| |Wide variety of objects on the table from past lessons like a piece of clay, a few |Comparing attributes recording sheet (3.32 Template) |
| |linking cube sticks, clear containers including a vase and a cup, a string, a paper |Pairs: |
| |strip, a set of pennies, an empty clean juice box, a water bottle, and other student |Balance scale |
| |favorites |Bag of 2 cups of rice |
| | |Small scoop |
| | |Tray |
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