Oral Reading Fluency

TARGET AND NORM CHARTS2013-2014 VersionSt. Croix River Education DistrictPlease discard your “green packet” from the 2012-2013 school year, and replace it with this current “blue packet” of targets and norms for our assessments.HighlightsUpdated targets include:1st grade Quantity Discrimination Measure (QDM) AIMSweb Math Concepts & Applications (MCAP)AIMSweb Oral Reading Fluency (CBM-R)NWEA MAP ReadingWhy the change in labels? Rather than seeing Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3, in this packet you will see low risk (Tier 1), moderate risk (Tier 2), and high risk (Tier 3).Reason: Tier 2 and 3 in the past has implied that the student is in some kind of intervention. However with the higher targets now in reading it would not be possible to have all students in yellow and red in a supplemental intervention. So, we will use these targets to say how much risk a student is in and reserve the term Tier 2 and 3 for those who are actually getting supplemental interventions.A note about goal setting:Goals for interventions should be ambitious, but realistic. For measures that have multiple benchmarks, individual student goals can be written for students to reach the greatest benchmark target score (labeled as “low risk”) unless an IEP team for a particular student entitled to special education services determines a different goal for that student.If you have questions, contact:Kindle Kabat, Outcomes Manager email: kperkins@scred.k12.mn.us Adam Lekwa, Instructional Services Coordinatoremail: alekwa@scred.k12.mn.usCurriculum Based Measurement of ReadingWords Read Correct Per MinuteGradeRisk LevelFall BenchmarkWinter BenchmarkSpring Benchmark1LowNA51 ↑80 ↑ModerateNA7-5038-79HighNA6 ↓37 ↓2Low71 ↑100 ↑118 ↑Moderate31-7064-9982-117High30 ↓63 ↓81 ↓3Low100 ↑123 ↑138 ↑Moderate59-9988-122100-137High58 ↓87 ↓99 ↓4Low123 ↑148 ↑160 ↑Moderate81-122106-147118-159High80 ↓105 ↓117 ↓5Low126 ↑149 ↑161 ↑Moderate85-125106-148117-160High84 ↓105 ↓116 ↓6Low148 ↑168 ↑178 ↑Moderate106-147123-167131-177High105 ↓122 ↓130 ↓7Low175 ↑181 ↑181 ↑Moderate126-174141-180160-180High125 ↓140 ↓159 ↓8Low175 ↑181 ↑181 ↑Moderate134-174144-180163-180High133 ↓143 ↓162 ↓Revised in October, 2013SPED and ADSIS: monitor students once per week using ORF.Early Literacy MeasuresItems Correct Per MinuteTarget Scores Predicting Performance on Grade 1 ORFRevised 8/2007KindergartenMeasureRiskSeptemberNovemberJanuaryMayLetter Naming FluencyLow9HighLetter Sound FluencyLow102141High621Phoneme Segmenting and BlendingStudents must reach 12 words correct on the Blending and Segmenting tests to be considered phonemically awareNonsense Word FluencyLow35High19Grade 1MeasureRiskSeptemberNovemberJanuaryMayPhonemic Segmenting and BlendingStudents must reach 12 words correct on the Blending and Segmenting tests to be considered phonemically aware.Nonsense Word FluencyLow32 ↑45 ↑52 ↑Moderate15 – 3125 – 4429 – 51High14 ↓24 ↓28 ↓Oral Reading FluencyLow51 ↑80 ↑Moderate7 – 5038 – 79High6 ↓37 ↓Measures of Academic Progress – ReadingNWEA MAP Reading to MCAIII Reading 2013:GradeRisk LevelFall Target ScoreSpring Target Score2Low180 ↑195 ↑Moderate160-179181-194High159 ↓180 ↓3Low194 ↑205 ↑Moderate180-193197-204High179 ↓196 ↓4Low205 ↑214 ↑Moderate195-204206-213High194 ↓205 ↓5Low211 ↑217 ↑Moderate202-210209-216High201 ↓208 ↓6Low218 ↑223 ↑Moderate209-217216-222High208 ↓215 ↓7Low224 ↑228 ↑Moderate216-223220-227High215 ↓220 ↓8Low229 ↑231 ↑Moderate220-228224-230High219 ↓223 ↓9Low228 ↑232 ↑Moderate214-227218-231High213 ↓217 ↓10Low232 ↑234 ↑Moderate220-231222-233High119 ↓221 ↓Tests of Early Numeracy (TEN)Items Correct Per MinuteTarget Scores Predicting Fall Grade 2 MAP Success (176 RIT)Revised 8/2012Kindergarten TargetsMeasureNovemberJanuaryMayOral Counting Fluency6280Missing Number Fluency151825Quantity Discrimination Measure*26Grade 1 TargetsMeasureRiskSeptemberJanuaryMayQuantity Discrimination Measure*Low12 ↑25 ↑29 ↑Med.1 - 119 - 2415 – 28High08 ↓14 ↓QDM First Grade: Lot’s of students end up in moderate at-risk yellow on this measure, therefore, our advice is that you look at other indicators in addition, (in-class work, curriculum tests, teacher recommendations) to determine who should get a supplemental intervention.QDM First Grade: 80% of the students who are at low risk will meet the Fall 2nd Grade MAP target.66% of the students at high risk will not meet the Fall 2nd Grade MAP target.*Note: The Oral Counting Fluency and Missing Number Fluency used in this analysis are the same as those available for download on AIMSweb. The Quantity Discrimination Measure used for this analysis was revised to be inclusive of numbers 0-31 in Kindergarten, and 0-100 in Grade 1. Student performance on AIMSweb Quantity Discrimination Fluency probes should not be interpreted relative to the targets provided here.Math Fact FluencyProblems Correct Per MinuteTarget Scores Predicting Score of 30 in Spring Grade 5Revised 10/2003GRADEFALLWINTERSPRING1712281314311131641217235192430Based on a review of prior student data, we have confidence that students scoring ≥ 37 facts correct per minute in the spring of grade 5 are highly unlikely to score below 30 facts correct per minute on math facts assessments in grades 6-8, and as such may be excluded from math facts testing in these grades.Based on a review of prior student data, we have confidence that students scoring ≥ 35 facts correct per minute in the fall of grade 6 are highly unlikely to score below 30 facts correct per minute on math facts assessments in grades 6-8, and as such may be excluded from math facts testing in these grades.6303030Based on a review of prior student data, we have confidence that students scoring ≥ 35 facts correct per minute in the fall of grade 7 are highly unlikely to score below 30 facts correct per minute on math facts assessments in grades 7-8, and as such may be excluded from math facts testing in these grades.73030308303030 Math Concepts and ApplicationsProblems Correct in 8-10 Minutes (Grade Dependent)AIMSweb ProbesTarget Scores Predicting Performance on AIR Adaptive MCA-3Revised October, 2013GradeRiskFallWinterSpring2Low5 ↑20 ↑26 ↑Moderate2 – 47 – 1910 – 25High1 ↓6 ↓9 ↓3Low6 ↑12 ↑18 ↑Moderate2 – 55 – 117 – 17High1 ↓4 ↓6 ↓4Low11 ↑19 ↑23 ↑Moderate4 – 108 – 1710 – 22High3 ↓7 ↓9 ↓5Low10 ↑17 ↑18 ↑Moderate5 – 98 – 168 – 17High4 ↓7 ↓7 ↓6Low18 ↑24 ↑29 ↑Moderate10 – 1714 – 2317 – 28High9 ↓13 ↓16 ↓7Low19 ↑25 ↑28 ↑Moderate10 – 1816 – 2416 – 27High9 ↓15 ↓15 ↓8Low17 ↑20 ↑22 ↑Moderate9 – 1611 – 1912 – 21High8 ↓10 ↓11 ↓SPED and ADSIS: monitor students with MCAP once every other week. Less risk, measure once per month.Measures of Academic Progress - MathRIT Scale ScoresTIES-Wide Target Scores Predicting Performance on AIR 2012 MCA-3 (or Grade 11 MCA-2)Revised 10/2012GradeRisk LevelFallSpring2Low174 ↑190 ↑Moderate162 – 173181 – 189High161 ↓180 ↓3Low188 ↑201 ↑Moderate177 – 187194 – 200High176 ↓193 ↓4Low201 ↑214 ↑Moderate192 – 200205 – 213High191 ↓204 ↓5Low216 ↑229 ↑Moderate207 – 215221 – 228High206 ↓220 ↓6Low226 ↑234 ↑Moderate218 – 225228 – 233High217 ↓227 ↓7Low232 ↑239 ↑Moderate224 – 231232 – 238High223 ↓231 ↓8Low238 ↑242 ↑Moderate228 – 237234 – 241High227 ↓233 ↓9*Low247 ↑252 ↑Moderate237 – 246242 – 251High236 ↓241 ↓10*Low252 ↑256 ↑Moderate242 – 251246 – 255High241 ↓245 ↓*Please use caution in interpreting grade 9 and 10 results. Samples are more limited and many districts only assess lower-performing students at these grades, which may have affected the sample.Curriculum Based Measurement – Written ExpressionCorrect Word Sequences Written in 3 Minutes SCRED-Wide Norms Revised 2012-13 Sch YrGradePercentileFallWinterSpringCWSTWWCWSTWWCWSTWW190thNANA1326193175thNANA821152650thNANA615111825thNANA21151310thNANA18295thNANA1618290th16292944344975th13242537254250th8181631193125th5131022122410th195145195th03313416390th36463849506575th29383444435650th20282637324325th11201930233310th414132415265th238201121490th44506463586575th33414857455250th27353642354125th16262434233310th1220192714215th9168191117590th52625560778075th42504556637250th32393846485925th24293037394810th1723202924385th142017211329690th60656668787975th50565256657050th41454148536025th27373037445210th2026212838435th142117223339790th68737477838475th56626365677150th47555257556225th38443844465310th2938323734405th223327342834890th79847787899175th65737074788250th53615865637225th44504754536110th3344344142525th253332373750SPED and ADSIS: monitor students once every other week with CWS. Less risk, can monitor once per month.Individual Growth and Development Indicators (IGDIs)Items Correct in Allotted TimeTarget Scores for Spring Prior to Kindergarten EligibilityRevised 1/2013Low RiskHigher RiskAlliteration85*Rhyming127*Picture Naming2616** Higher Risk benchmarks are based on professional judgment distinguishing between students who are near target from those far from target.These targets are for Spring prior to entering Kindergarten, however, these same targets will be loaded into TIES for each benchmark season (Fall, Winter, and Spring) so that teachers can see how many students are achieving the spring target as the year progresses.Early Literacy IndicatorsItems Correct in 1 MinuteTarget scores for Fall, Winter, and Spring of year prior to Kindergarten enrollment predict success on same measure in September (LNF) / November (LSF) of Kindergarten YearRevised 1/2013Letter Naming FluencyFallWinterSpringLow Risk6914Higher Risk8*Letter Sound FluencyFallWinterSpringLow Risk148Higher Risk5** Higher Risk benchmarks are based on professional judgment distinguishing between students who are near target from those far from target. ................

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