2nd Grade Writing Rubric - Groveport Madison High School

2nd Grade Writing Rubric

Topic _______________________________________

Name ________________________________ Date ___________________

| |Beginning |Developing |Accomplished |Exemplary |Score |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 | |

|Topic |Key word(s) near |Main idea or topic in|Good main idea or topic|Interesting, well-stated | |

| |beginning |first sentence |sentence |main idea/topic sentence | |

|Words |Related words or |Some key words or |Key related words and |Key related words and ideas | |

| |ideas mentioned |related ideas |ideas used as details |used correctly; defined for | |

| | |included as details |with meaning |reader; interesting choice | |

| | |with meaning | |of words | |

|Sentences |Sentence fragments |Mostly complete |Complete sentences |Complete sentences; variety | |

| | |sentences | | | |

|Punctuation |Some punctuation |Most sentences have |Correct punctuation |Correct punctuation and | |

| | |punctuation | |variety | |

|Capital |Upper and lowercase |Uses upper and lower |Begins sentences with |Correct use of case for | |

|Letters |letters are not |case letters |upper case |beginning or sentence, | |

| |distinguished | | |names, etc. | |

|Spelling |Many spelling errors|Some spelling errors |Few spelling errors |No spelling errors | |

|Handwriting |Hard to read; not |Mostly legible |Well-formed letters |Neat, easy to read, well | |

| |well formed | | |formed | |






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