Soaring Into 2nd Grade - Pine-Richland School District

We have a “Sports” theme this year. We will learn how to work with one another, as well as work independently. We will learn to be kind, caring, responsible, and respectful.

A Typical Daily Schedule in Our Classroom


Arrival - check in, turn in homework, morning work

Pledge of Allegiance/School pledge & Morning Meeting

Calendar/Morning Meeting


Language Arts block – Guided Reading, reading, grammar, handwriting,


12:00 – 1:00p.m. Lunch/Recess


Read Aloud/DEAR time/Restroom Break

Specials – Music, Computer, Library, Art, Phys. Ed

Science/Social Studies

3:35 p.m. Pack up

3:45 Dismissal


• Students will participate in guided reading groups 2 – 3 times per week

• Harcourt Trophies materials: along with a poem and/or a leveled reader – provides phonics practice, vocabulary, and grammar lessons

• A reading comprehension/vocabulary test is given 2 – 3 times each grading period on Wednesdays

• Language skills (grammar) are informally assessed each week

• Every six weeks, students will have a scored cumulative holistic assessment

• Reading comprehension quizzes are given periodically in Guided Reading groups

• Fountas & Pinnell oral reading and comprehension assessments are given in September, January, and May


Our goal is for students to read fluently and to love reading!

• The AIMS WEB assessment will be given three times during the second grade in order to monitor fluency.

(continued on next page)

• Reading aloud is crucial to building fluency rates. Homework will include having your child read aloud to you for 15 minutes each night (or 90 minutes per week at your schedule.) Read-aloud books at your child’s own independent reading level will be chosen from the classroom library. A reading log will require your signature and input as to reading comfort level.


• The second grade will use the Fundations Level 2 program.

• The spelling list contains 15 words, along with 5 trick words.

• Spelling practice will be completed in class through a variety learning activities.

• Spelling homework will come home each Friday for the following week’s list. It will be due on Thursday.

• The spelling test is on Friday (or Thursday if it is a 4-day week.)


• The focus will be on personal narratives, informational writing, friendly letters, persuasive writing, and poetry.

• Finished work will be compiled in a student writing folder.

• Second grade writing goals are: to write a paragraph with a topic sentence, 3 supporting sentences, and a closing sentence; and to self-edit for specific grammar/language objectives.


Science, Social Studies, and Health

• Science materials consist of hands-on ASSET kits (Allegheny Schools Science Education and Technology) – Insects; Balance & Motion; Designing Bridges.

• Students will complete a science notebook for the Balance & Motion unit.

• Macmillan/McGraw Hill science series uses big book instruction to cover units on plants, fossils, and habitats.

• Social Studies materials are from Houghton Mifflin and include studies of communities, map skills, landforms, oceans and continents, cultures and traditions, goods and services, America’s past, and citizenship.


❖ Our enVision Math materials from Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley will give students opportunities to explore math concepts through the use of math manipulatives, as well as through paper and pencil assignments.

❖ Students will work in both large and small groups.

❖ Practice pages will be sent home on an as needed basis.

❖ Each topic has quiz and test scores.

❖ Chapter topics:

*Understanding Addition & Subtraction

*Addition Strategies *Subtraction Strategies

*Place Value: Numbers to 100 * Measurement: Length & Area

*Counting Money *Measurement: Capacity & Weight

*Graphs & Probability *Time & Temperature

*Adding Two-Digit Numbers *Numbers & Patterns to 1,000

*Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers *Three-Digit Addition &

*Using Addition & Subtraction Subtraction

*Geometry *Multiplication Concepts

*Fractions *Division Concepts & Facts

❖ Our “Math Rockets” program is designed to teach students their basic math facts. We place great importance on the memorization of addition and subtraction facts to 18. At the start of the program, students are assessed to determine their individual mastery of facts and their individual writing speed. Those scores are used to determine the child’s starting point and goal.

Specials Schedule

Monday: Gym (wear gym shoes Thursday: Library

Tuesday: Computer & Phys. Ed. (wear gym shoes)

Wednesday: Music Friday: Art (need art shirt)


• We love birthdays!! In lieu of birthday snacks, the second grade teachers request that children select a book to donate to their classroom. On your child’s special day, he or she may read all or a portion of the book (10 minute time limit) before placing it in our classroom’s special Birthday Book basket. The book may be wrapped in birthday paper to add to the day’s festivity. I will place a special bookplate in front of that book acknowledging your child’s gift. If you have a small picture of your child, please send it in with the book to be included with the bookplate.

• Summer birthdays will be celebrated near the end of the school year.

• Birthday favors (such as erasers, bookmarks, and especially pencils) may be distributed to students in the classroom.

• Birthday party invitations should NOT be sent to school for distribution. To avoid hurting children’s feelings, please mail all invitations. The Wexford Student Directory should be available in late September or early October.

Book Clubs

Several book club flyers will be sent home throughout the year. If you are interested in purchasing any books, there are two ways to order books.  You may order directly online and pay with your credit card. 

(Continued on next page)

Each order placed online earns our class a free book for our classroom library. Or you may fill out the paper order form and send to me with one check (no cash, please) made payable to “Scholastic Book Clubs.” Please send your order form and payment in to school in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and “Book Club Order” written on the front. Either way, the books will be mailed to me and I will distribute orders to the students. 

Second Grade Behavior Plan

Second graders will be expected to be respectful, kind, responsible, and the very best they can be! To encourage best behavior, there will be a positive reward plan consisting of:

✓ “Stickers” for their sticker chart for desired behavior (neat work, being kind, being responsible, homework turned in on time, neat desks, etc.)

✓ Opportunities to choose a reward when a filled sticker chart is redeemed

All second grade teachers will use the following behavior plan:

✓ First occurrence of misbehavior: child receives a verbal reminder.

✓ Second occurrence: child receives second verbal reminder and loses a sticker and changes his/her card to yellow.

(Continued on next page)

✓ Third occurrence: child changes card to red, loses recess, and completes a self-reflection form that will come home to be signed by you and returned to school. The teacher may contact you.

✓ Fourth occurrence: child loses recess and completes a self-reflection form. You will be contacted to set up a parent/student/teacher conference.

✓ Fifth occurrence: child loses recess and is referred to the office for disciplinary action.

✓ Violations are cumulative.

Star of the Week

During your child’s “Star of the Week” week:

❖ Monday – send in your child’s photo page with pictures and captions, the “Player of the Week” page, and place 4 – 5 items in the Star of the Week bag that your child would like to show the class.

❖ A reminder, the “Player of the Week” page, the Star of the Week bag and a page for your child’s photos with page protector will be sent home the Wednesday before it is your child’s turn.

A Few Housekeeping Items

Bus Procedure:

If your child is going home in a different way, a note must be sent to me. If a child is coming home with your child, again a note must be sent. Otherwise, the children will not be permitted to vary from the normal routine. You may call the office if you forget to send the note. Please do not email a change in plan after 8:15 a.m. Let the office know instead.


Please label your child’s backpack, jackets, mittens, hats, etc.


Per the Wexford Elementary handbook, please do NOT send toys to school. They are often broken or lost, which usually results in disappointment and tears.

Lunch Money:

Be sure to periodically check your child’s balance online to ensure that there are sufficient funds available. Make checks payable to Pine-Richland School District. Put your child’s name and pin number on the check. You may also pay online at .

Absence from School:

• When your child returns to school, you must send a note stating the reason for the absence within 3 days of the absence.

• (Continued on next page)

• For special travel absence, a “Request for Special Absence” form must be completed 1 week prior to the absence. Some work will need to be done while your child is absent.

Make-Up Work

Make-up work will be made available on the second consecutive day of your child’s absence. Please notify your child’s teacher via e-mail or by calling the school office by 10:00 a.m. if you would like to have your child’s work. It can be sent home with another student or you will be able to pick it up at the school office after 3:45 p.m. The school office is open until 4:15 p.m. Work will not be sent home if your child is absent for only one day.


Please allow 24 hours for a response from your child’s teacher. The exceptions to this would be Fridays (please give your child’s teacher until Monday to reply) and holidays. Thank you!



Regular Homework Schedule

Math: 1 page/night, each night, after Math Rockets starts, occasional math page, as needed

Reading: read aloud 15 minutes/night for a total of 90 minutes each week beginning mid-September – reading log due every Friday; occasionally read weekly story at home on Tuesday evening

Spelling/Fundations: sent home on Friday, due the following Thursday


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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