Second Grade Superheroes

Second Grade Science and Social StudiesSocial Studies – I use the Social Studies Weekly for my class. This does have and online component. Second grade focused on local community, state, and nation. Topics include holidays, symbols, landforms, and maps. –I use stemscopes for my class. This has some books and an online component. Topics include classifying matter, magnet, weather, and rocks. Policy -You have received and signed a copy of my grading policy.Social Studies:Test: 40%Daily Assignments: 60%Science:Test: 40%Labs: 30%Daily Assignments: 30%Contact Information -You can reach me by email or by calling the school and leaving me a message.Mrs. Karen McCain– kmccain@School Phone # 979-478-6610Conference Time – Second grade conference period is from 11:20-12:20 p.m.Planner –Please check your child’s planner every day, and please initial or sign in the gray box at the bottom of that day. Any daily correspondence will be recorded in the planner.Homework - Your child’s homework will be listed in the planner. You will find homework in the daily folder. All homework is due the next day. Expectations - All students will do their best andfollow classroom and school rules.Behavior – Positive Incentives -Students earn Dojo points for meeting and exceeding expectations.Success Party Criteria – Snacks/ Drinks – Students are allowed to bring a snack from home, but it must follow the snack guidelines. Only one snack each day will be allowed. For student safety we will not share snacks. Also for student safety the water fountains are shut down. Please send a reusable, shatter proof water bottle for your child. ................

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