2nd Trimester First Grade PDSA Template.docx

Sharing Points from Trimester Data ObservationsGrade Level: End of 1st Trimester/Beginning of 2nd Data Questions 1. What question are we trying to answer?2. What does the data tell us?3. What doesn’t the data tell us? What else might we want to know?4. What good news is here for us to celebrate? 5. What opportunities for improvement are suggested by the data?Our 2014-15 School Goals1. READING: Inrease reading proficiency % from 49.73% to a range of 50.84-51.78% on MAP.2. READING: Close the subgroup growth and achievement gap as determined by MAP.3. MATH: Inrease math proficiency % from 58.92% to a range of 60.02-61.14% on MAP.4. MATH: Close the subgroup growth and achievement gap as determined by MAP.5. SAFETY: Decrease suspensions from 22 to 21.Reading Data: (Use last trimester’s PDSA as a reference and think in terms of the high yield instructional strategies that you used to meet your goal)STUDYType Last Trimester’s Goal Here: We will move 50% (7 students) of our Selected and Intensive students (14 students) into Universal by the end of 1st trimester as measured by running records.What were your results?: While we currently still have 14 students in either Intensive or Selected, we moved 6 students from Intensive to Selected and 2 students from Selected to Universal. Plus (Improvements in student data/professional practice):1. 6 students Intensive to Selected2. 2 students from Selected to Universal3. Delta (Things to think about for student data/professional practice):1. While CIM is helpful, it takes the teacher away from her class2. We started with a lot of intensive and selected students.3. MAP data is oldACT: Can the improvement/teaching strategies be transferred to other areas of the classroom, grade level or school? What modifications /adjustments/refinements will be put in place in the next quarter?Type ACT Here:All 1st graders will be grouped during our Power Up/ CIM time and moved with appropriate reading levels.Next Trimester Plan: We will move 50% (7 students) of our Selected and Intensive students (14 students) 1 data wall band by the end of 2nd trimester as measured by running records.Do: Brainstorm Instructional Strategies (Use CCI High Yield Strategies Handout) and Identify Results Indicators for the particular strategies you have identified.Strategy:Homework and PracticeStrategy:Questions, Cues and Advance OrganizersWhat will the teacher be doing?Weekly at-home reading assignments. Providing just right books for students.What will the teacher be doing?Think alouds as we read, anchor chartsWhat will the students be doing?Reading just right books nightly independently or with a family member.What will the students be doing?Ask themselves questions as they are reading, inferencing and predicting and using graphic organizersHow will your Plan and Do address our subgroup gaps?:CIM groups and Reading Recovery will provide intervention for our subgroups as well as ELL push in.Math Data: (Use last trimester’s PDSA as a reference and think in terms of the high yield instructional strategies that you used to meet your goal)STUDYType Last Trimester’s Goal Here: 50% ( 6.5) of our students receiving Tier 2 or Tier 3 math intervention (13 students) will move 1 or more constructs as measured by Number Words and Numerals AVMR assessment, by the end of 1st trimester.What were your results?: 6 students moved 1 or more constructs in either 1 or more of the areas assessed in Number Words and Numerals.Plus (Improvements in student data/professional practice):1.Gives these students short, concise skill work2.Reteaching skills the class is beyond3. Consistency with interventionDelta (Things to think about for student data/professional practice):1. Students receiving intervention miss out on workplaces at times2. When they come back into the class they may need a partner, jump into a game3.ACT: Can the improvement/teaching strategies be transferred to other areas of the classroom, grade level or school? What modifications /adjustments/refinements will be put in place in the next quarter?We are trying this with our Reading CIM group as well to provide intense intervention to our selected students who are not receiving a tier 3 intervention.Next Trimester’s Plan: All 1st graders receiving Tier 2 and 3 math interventions (13 students) will be a Construct 3 or higher in Addition and Subtraction by the end of 2nd trimester as measured by the AVMR Addition and Subtraction assessment.Do: Brainstorm Instructional Strategies (Use CCI High Yield Strategies Handout) and Identify Results Indicators for the particular strategies you have identified.Strategy:Cooperative LearningStrategy:questions, cues and advance organizersWhat will the teacher be doing?facilitating small group and partner games and activitiesWhat will the teacher be doing?pushing students to explain thinking, providing guiding questionsWhat will the students be doing? Playing games and participating in activities to address counting on strategies What will the students be doing?verbally explaining their mathematical thinking and proving why they are correctHow will your Plan and Do address our subgroup gaps?:Our plan will be targeting our selected and intensive populations which include some of our black and IEP sub groups.Behavior : (Use last trimester’s PDSA/SWIS data as a reference and think in terms of the high yield instructional strategies that you used to meet your goal)Use the information from SWIS as a point of reference and think in terms of specific re-teaching cool tools that you can use to meet your classroom goalPlus/Delta: Analyze the 5 W’s using behavior data from “Big 5” reports and think about your individual classroom/grade level WhatDo we have one problem behavior situation or more than one?Do we have many problem behaviors or just a few?Minor DisrespectWhereWhere are the problems occurring?Are there problems in many locations, clusters of locations, or one location?Playground and CafeteriaWhen When are the problems occurring?How do those times match with the daily activities?Lunch and Lunch RecessWhyWhat is perceived as maintaining the problem behavior?Supervision in the cafeteria, unclear expectationsPlan: What is the area you want to target in your classroom/grade level? How will you monitor it/quantify it?Type Plan Here: We will improve our cafeteria minor disrespect behavior by 50% (3.5 or less write-ups) by the end of 2nd trimester as measured by SWIS data.Do: Identify specific classroom activities and/or teacher tools from your PBIS binder that will be usedTeaching: How can we define, teach, and monitor what we want? (Cite at least two SPECIFIC CLASSROOM activities and/or teacher tools from binder that you will use) Recognition: How can we build systemic reward for desired behvaior?Corrective Consequences: What are efficient, consistent consequences for problem behavior?Everyday where there are no cafeteria write-ups 1st grade will earn a tally. When we reach 30 tallies the 1st grade will have a Mad Science afternoon!Stand in quiet orderly line, get in line stay in lineHow will your Plan and Do address our subgroup gaps?: ................

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