2nd Grade Peek at the Month: November

2nd Grade Peek at the Month: November

Dear Families,

We are finally getting settled into our daily routines and continuing to build our classroom community and our stamina for learning. Thank you for all of your support in helping your child have a positive and productive year of learning(

Reading: This month we will focus on the comprehension strategy of visualizing. Good readers form pictures in their minds to “see” what the author has written. We will also work on analyzing characters through thinking about their actions, words, thoughts, and feelings. During the third week of November, we will be building our fluency skills as we practice and perform the reader’s theater, Why Mosquitos Buzz in People’s Ears. (I was thrilled with how well the kids did on their first Reader’s Theater in October!)

Phonics/Spelling: During phonics, we will focus on words with long vowel digraphs (-ai in train, -ea in seat, etc.). Your child will continue to bring home a yellow spelling list on Mondays and have homework due and take a spelling test on Fridays. We are adding one bonus word to every spelling test. This will be a word that fits our spelling pattern for the week but is not on the list to study. This word will not be counted in your child’s test grade. However, it will help us to determine if your child can transfer the focus spelling skill taught during the week to words beyond the spelling list.

Writing: This month we will continue to work on our memorable misadventure personal narratives. Ask your child what misadventure he or she has chosen to focus on this month. These are memories that we can look back on and laugh at even though the experiences we had may have made us feel embarrassed, sad, or helpless at the time. We look forward to taking our stories through the writing process and sharing the revised and edited versions with one another.

Math: We will finish Unit 3 at the end of this quarter (Nov. 7th) and then we’ll move on to Unit 4: Triangles and Quadrilaterals and Unit 5: Addition to 200. We will ask ourselves, “How does understanding the properties of 2-dimensional shapes help create new shapes?” and “How do we use place value to compare, write and read numbers?” We will also ask, “How does understanding place value help me solve addition and subtraction problems?”

Health: For health we are investigating healthy behaviors and learning about “my plate.” Students will be learning about nutrition and what our bodies need to stay healthy.

Science : In science we are working on Unit 2: Nature of Science and Engineering. We will work on identifying and solving problems and describing why some materials are better than others for particular functions. Additionally, we will work on explaining how engineered or designed items from everyday life benefit people.

Reminders: Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has a nutritious snack! I look forward to seeing you at conferences on November 18th, 19th or 21st.


Second Grade Tachers


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