Unit 7 Study Guide

Unit 7 Study Guide

The Atmosphere

1. Earth’s early atmosphere was primarily made up of carbon dioxide, sulfur, water vapor and nitrogen because of Volcanic Eruptions.

2. Nitrogen and Oxygen make up 99% of Earth’s lower atmosphere.

3. Water vapor concentration increases / decreases with altitude.

4. Carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere by animals exhaling.

5. These processes allow heat energy to enter and move in the atmosphere.

Radiation, conduction and convection.

6. All objects warmer than absolute zero emit or let out heat/radiation.

7. When you walk barefoot on hot ground, heat moves by conduction from the ground to the soles of your feet.

8. The transfer of heat energy in a liquid or gas through the motion of the liquid or gas caused by differences in density is known as convection.

9. Heat is a measure of energy that flows from an object or location with a higher temperature to one with a lower temperature.

10. The warmest layer of the atmosphere is the Thermosphere.

11. The ozone layer is located in the Stratosphere.

12. The stratosphere is separated into layers of different gases

13. What happens when the global heat budget is in balance?

Heat coming into the atmosphere and heat leaving the atmosphere are the same therefore, it is balance.

14. What is infrared radiation?

Heat that bounces off the Earth and goes back to space.

15. Ozone depletion causes skin cancer because allows too much UV Radiation to pass through.

16. Burning fossil fuels and global deforestation release carbon dioxide and therefore raise the level of Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

17. In a pot of heating water, objects near the stove are heated by Radiation.

18. Westerlies (prevailing westerlies) is the wind belt where most of the United States is located?

19. How are prevailing (global) winds and local winds similar?

They both affect the weather; they both are caused by uneven temperature in an area.

20. Wind occurs because of differences in temperature.

21. Bands of high altitude, high-speed winds are called Jet streams.

22. What causes local winds?

Local winds are caused by differences in temperature in a small area.

23. Sea breezes are characterized by:

Daytime wind blows from sea to land

24. Land breezes are characterized by:

Nighttime wind blows from land to sea

25. The Coriolis Effect makes trade winds in the Northern Hemisphere appear to be curving to the East.

26. Use the illustration below to answer the following questions

• How does the temperature change in the mesosphere?

In the Mesosphere the temperature decreases

• In which layers does temperature decrease as pressure decreases?

Mesosphere and Troposphere

• A research balloon took measurements at 23km, 35km, 52km, 73km, 86km, 92km, 101km, and 110km. Which measurements were taken in the mesosphere?

52km and 73 km were taken in the mesosphere

27. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

• If Boat A traveled to 50ºN, from which direction would the prevailing wind blow? West to East

• If Boat B sailed with the prevailing westerlies in the Northern Hemisphere, in which direction would the boat be traveling? East/Northeast

28. Complete the following chart

|Name |Explanation |Example |Picture |

|Radiation |Rays/waves in all directions |The sun |[pic] |

|Conduction |The transfer of heat from one |A spoon in a bowl of soup, a |[pic] |

| |molecule to another by physical |pot on a stove | |

| |contact. | | |

|Convection |When cold air sinks and warm air |Hot air rising off the surface |[pic] |

| |rises due to currents and density|of a radiator. | |

| |of air | | |

29. Imagine you are a hot-air balloonist. You want to fly your balloon across the continental United States. To achieve the fastest time, would it make more sense to fly east-to-west or west-to-east? Explain how the prevailing winds influenced your decision. Prevailing westerlies travel across the United States

30. Explain the relationship between gravity and the atmosphere.

As we rise in altitude through the atmosphere, gravity decreases

31. Explain how density of the air changes as you travel up through the atmosphere.

As we rise in altitude through the atmosphere, density decreases, there are less atoms and they are further apart

32. Suppose it is sunset on a warm humid day. After dark, the temperature is predicted to drop. How does air temperature relate to the amount of water vapor in the air? The warmer it is, the more water vapor is present (evaporation)

33. The graph shows atmospheric carbon dioxide levels at a site in Hawaii from 1958 to 1998. Examine the graph and answer the question that follows.

Why might scientists be convinced about the trend shown in the graph?

More carbon dioxide = increased global temperatures (evidence of global warming)

34. Use the diagram to answer each question.

• Which gas makes up 0.038% of air? Carbon dioxide

• How many times greater is the percent of oxygen than the percent of carbon dioxide by volume? 553 times greater (21 divided by .038)

• What is the most abundant gas in air? nitrogen

• How many times greater is the percent of nitrogen than the percent of oxygen?

4 (78 divided by 21)

• Which is more abundant in air, krypton or neon? neon

• What percent of air is methane? 0.00015%


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