What is bridge mode on arris modem


What is bridge mode on arris modem

My ISP gave me a new cable modem, and here we go again to disable wifi and use a dedicated wifi router in order to get a improved and strong signal. This process always relies in the same steps, disabling Wireless, DHCP and NAT, making Arris modem work in bridge mode. Before Start Your wifi router must be configured with LAN IP Do not plug a network cable

between the wifi router and Arris TG862. Your computer must be connected to Arris TG862 wifi. Changing Arris TG862 LAN IP First step is to open Arris TG862 web interface at . Log in using admin as user, password as password. At LAN Setup tab: Change IP Address to Change Start IP Address to Change End IP Address to Click on

Apply (Arris will restart and you¡¯ll loose the wifi connection for few seconds). Connect to your Wifi router Turn on your wifi router and now plug the network cable between it and Arris at port 1. Now, connect your computer to your router wifi network (and not to Arris wifi). Disabling Arris TG862 Wifi Now we¡¯ve changed the Arris LAN IP, we need to open again this web interface in

our browser, but now at the new IP: (use the same credentials, user admin and password password). At Basic Setup tab: Disable wireless. Click on Apply (notice that modem Wifi light will go off). Configuring Arris TG862 to Bridged mode At WAN Setup tab: Disable DHCP. Click on Apply. At LAN Setup tab: Disable DHCP Server. Change Nat Mode to Bridged. Click on Apply

(modem will restart). Restart Restart your wifi router in order to get a new local IP and new WAN IP. Done! Reverting Changes After change your ARris TG862 to work in bridge mode, it¡¯ll no more allow logins using the web interface: you still will be able to see the login page, but you¡¯ll always get the Invalid Username or Password! message. If you want to revert all configurations

to the previous one (i.e, the one from the ISP), you can reset the Arris TG862 using a pen, pressing the reset button for 30 seconds. By default, the TG862 operates as a gateway, and provides Internet access for multiple devices connecting to the TG862 gateway. When operating as a gateway, the TG862 serves as a modem and a router and keeps the devices in the Local Area

Network (LAN) hidden. In certain situations, it may be desired to disable the router function of the TG862, and have it operate as a modem only. This can be accomplished by configuring the TG862 for Bridge Mode. When Bridge Mode is enabled, the router function is turned off and the device directly connected to the TG862 will receive the Public IP address from the Cable

Provider. This document describes how to enable and disable Bridge Mode.NOTE 1: Although the TG862 does not route traffic when Bridge Mode is enabled, it can still act as a firewall if the firewall settings in the TG862 are enabled.NOTE 2: The Bridge Mode feature is not included with units that have been leased or purchased from Shaw communications.This is an ideal setup

when: Adding a firewall, router or another NAT device to manage the Local Area NetworkHosting services or applications that can benefit from being directly accessible from the Internet To Enable Bridge Mode Launch a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari. Enter into the address box, and press the Enter key. The Login page appears. NOTE: By default the

LAN IP address is If the default address has been changed, enter the custom address in the address box. On the Login page: a. Enter admin in the Username field. b. Enter password in the Password field. c. Click the Login button. The System Basic Setup page appears. Click the LAN Setup tab on the top menu. The LAN Settings page appears.On the LAN

Settings page: a. NAT Mode - Click on the drop-down, and select Bridged. b. Click the Apply button. Click the OK button when the following window appears: Restarting your router is recommended when NAT settings change. The TG862 will now restart. To take the device out of bridge mode, follow the steps in reverse, or simply factory default the gateway. To log back into

the gateway after it's configured in a bridge mode, manually configure an IP address of and log into for web interface access. For instructions on how to manually configure an IP address in the client(s), please refer to: See Answer # 20574 - Windows 7: TCP/IP Configuration. See Answer # 20171 - Manual TCP/IP Configuration for Apple Operating

Systems. Be certain to have all of the account information available before setting the gateway back to factory default. Refer to Answer # 8805 - TG862G/NA: Factory Reset. F¨®runs Site do Hardware Menu By default, the modem is set to router mode. This means that the public IP (IP address assigned by the ISP) is taken by the modem. You will usually need to set your

modem to Router Mode when your devices will be connecting to the Modem and no Routers will be involved. To set your ARRIS modem to Router mode watch this short video: This means that the modem will act as a bridge, i.e. the public IP (IP address assigned by the ISP) is going to be taken by the customer equipment such as the router instead of the modem. To set up the

modem to Bridged mode watch this short video: Bridging the connection is entirely dependent on your ISP, when your Arris modem reaches out to the DHCP server, it locks to your modem MAC address. you are asking the Arris modem/router to become in essence a Layer-2 device (referring to the OSI layers). it's questionable whether or not your Cable modem is striping the

source mac address and replacing it with its own on the way out to the ISP side. if your other router has an option in the WAN settings to Clone a MAC-address, you can try to mimic the Arris routers WAN MAC-address with the settings you were trying. another option is to call your ISP and ask them to release your DHCP Lease. which will make the network have to relearn what

MAC is associated with your Account. the third option, if all else fails. use the DMZ option from the Arris to forward all traffic to the WAN address of your second Router (essentially bypassing the double NAT Scenario). The reason your ISP Doesn't want you using "non-Approved" Modems is because they use the firmware of the modem they give you to restrict, or (CAP) your

bandwidth to whatever rate you are paying for. The second reason is when you do not pay your bill, they can put your modem into a "Wall-garden" state, and the mac address of your WAN will be filtered/redirected & take you to a Captive Portal instead of the requested DNS look ups. EDIT: if your modem is losing all settings during power loss, this isn't normal behavior. those

settings are stored in non-volatile RAM. i.e power loss should have no effect on them. if it is essentially factory resetting every time its rebooted, you should have your ISP replace it ASAP.

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