Exam Review Guide - wsfcs.k12.nc.us

Math III NC Final Exam Review Guide Fall 2015NC FINAL EXAM FORMAT: This is a standardized test and is NOT teacher-made.Standard and Honors Math III Students will take the same examTotal Test Time: 120 MINUTES No extra time unless you have a documented accommodation you should know this) Question Type: All Multiple Choice Questions with Four answer optionsAll questions are calculator active. Make sure you remember to bring a working graphing calculator on the day of the examNumber of Questions: 37 Total Questions (Only 33 questions will be grade, and 4 select problems are will are just field test items )GRADING NOTES: This final exam is worth 20% of your overall grade. 1st Quarter and 2nd Quarter Grades are worth 40% each of your overall grade.ATTEDANCE REMINDER: Attendance (absences and tardies) will be taken during every exam period and afternoon review session. Students who do not follow proper sign in or sign out procedures are subject to discipline referrals for skipping. Reminder of Athletic Attendance: Athletes must be present at least half a school day to participate in their sport that day. Absences during exam week still count toward you athletic attendance for eligibility. Math 3 Hon – 4th Period Exam Date: THURSDAY JUNE 9 (8:55 am)This exam review guide is a list of major topics covered in Honors Math III.UNIT 1: GEOMETRYAngles, Line Segments, Parallel Lines, Quadrilaterals, Similarity, Points of Concurrency of a Triangle, Triangle Proportionality, MidsegmentsUNIT 2: ALGEBRAIC COMPETENCYFunctions, Domain and Range, Function Notation, Function Operations, Compositions, Inverses, Laws of Exponents, Polynomial Operations (Add, Subtract, Distribute, FOIL), Radical Equations, Simplifying Radical Expressions, Rational Exponents, Real Number Classifications, Literal Equations, Extraneous Solutions, Factoring Polynomials, Polynomial Long Division, Simplifying Rationals Expressions (Add, Subtract, Multiple, Divide, Complex Fractions) UNIT 3: QUADRATICSComplex Numbers, Discriminant, Quadratic Formula, Completing the Square, Vertex Form and Standard Form, Axis of Symmetry, Focus, Directrix, Quadratic Inequalities, Graphing Parabolas and TransformationsUNIT 4: POLYNOMIAL and RATIONAL FUNCTIONSGraphing Polynomial Functions (Odd or Even Degree, End Behavior, Extrema, Leading Coefficient, Increasing/Decreasing, Roots <Zeroes>), Synthetic Division, U-Substitution, Rational Root Theorem, Factor Theorem, Remainder Theorem, Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities, Graphing Rational Functions (Holes and Asymptotes)UNIT 5: EXPONENTIAL and LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONSGraphing Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (Transformations), Inverse Functions, Exponential Growth/Decay, Properties of Logarithms, Common Log, Natural Log, Solving Exponential and Logarithmic Equations/InequalitiesUNIT 6: SEQUENCES, SERIES, SYSTEMS (Modeling with Functions)Recursive Sequences, Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence/Series, Common Ratio, Common Difference, Infinite Geometric Series, Systems of Linear Equations, Quadratic Systems, Substitution, Elimination, Linear Programming, Systems of Inequalities, Odd and Even Function, Regression ModelingUNIT 7: CIRCLES and TRIGONOMETRYEquation of Circle, Arcs, Chords, Angles, Inscribed and Circumscribed Polygons, Arc Lengths, Sector Areas, Unit Circle, Graphing Sine or Cosine, Radians and Degrees, Angle Measure, Right Triangle Trig, Pythagorean IdentityUNIT 8: STATISTICS (We will complete Unit 8 this week!)Z-Score, Normal Distribution, Population, Bias, Sampling, Margin of Error, Mean, Standard Deviation BREAKDOWN OF TOPICSTest Specification Weights for the Math III NC Final ExamMath Standard Domain UNITS in our CurriculumPercent of Total Score PointsThe Real Number System (RN)Unit 24% to 7%The Complex Number System (CN)Unit 3 Seeing Structure in Expressions (SSE)Unit 2, 3, 4, 6 26% to 34%Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions (APR)Unit 2, 4Creating Equations (CED)Unit 3 - 7Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities (REI)Unit 3 - 6Interpreting Functions (IF)Unit 3 – 7 28% to 36%Building Functions (BF)Unit 3 – 7 Linear and Exponential Models (LE)Unit 5 Trigonometric Functions (TF)Unit 7 Congruence (CO)Unit 1 and 724% to 32%Similarity, Right Triangles, & Trigonometry (SRT)Unit 1Circles (C)Unit 7Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations (GPE)Unit 7Modeling with Geometry (MG)Unit 7Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data (ID)Unit 84% to 7%Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions (IC)Unit 8Number of Operational Items by Standard Reminder: While these specific topics are released by the start as test items, we do not the exact type of problem you will be asked to solve. More importantly, math is interconnected and requires using other topics (not specifically listed) to assist in solving a problem. Consider the number of times we have referenced previous strategies or units to solve problem throughout this course. Math III Specific Standard Number of Operational Items The Real Number System N-RN.3 – Unit 2 Rational vs. Irrational Numbers1 The Complex Number System N-CN.2 - Unit 3 Complex Numbers and Operations1Seeing Structure in Expressions A-SSE.4 Unit 6 Geometric Series1Arithmetic with Polynomials & Rational Expressions A-APR.2 Unit 4 Polynomial Remainder Theorem2A-APR.3 Unit 4 Zeroes of Polynomial1A-APR.6 Unit 2 and 4 Simplify Rational Expressions and Long Division1Creating Equations A-CED.3 Unit 6 Linear Programming 1Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities A-REI.2 Unit 4 and 6 Solve Radical and Rational 1A-REI.4.a Unit 3 Completing the Square1A-REI.4.b Unit 3 Solving Quadratic Equation1A-REI.11 Unit 4, 5, 6 Graphing Functions1Interpreting Functions F-IF.4 Unit 3 – 7 Analyze Graphs (extremas, intercepts, increase/decrease, end behavior, positive/negative, period, symmetry, etc)2Building Functions F-BF.3 Unit 3 – 7 Graphing Functions and Transformations, Even/Odd Function2F-BF.4.a Unit 3 – 7 Inverse Functions2Linear and Exponential Models F-LE.3 Unit 5 Exponential Functions grow faster than other functions (Compare and Contrast)1 Trigonometric Functions F.TF.1 Unit 7 Radian Measure of Angle1F.TF.2 Unit 7 Unit Circle 1F.TF.5 Unit 7 Modeling Periodic Behavior with Trig (Sine and Cosine)1Congruence G-CO.10 Unit 1 Triangle Theorems 1G-CO.11 Unit 1 Parallelogram Theorems1Similarity, Right Triangles, & Trigonometry G-SRT.5 Unit 1 Congruent and Similar Triangles2Circles G-C.5 Unit 7 Arc Lengths and Sector Area2Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations G-GPE.1 Unit 7 Equation of Circle2Modeling with Geometry G-MG.3 Unit 7 Designing an object or structure1Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data S-ID.4 Unit 8 Normal Distribution1 Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions S-IC.4 Unit 8 Analyze Survey Data1* Some standards not designated with tested items (i.e., “–”) may be a prerequisite standard, may be tested within the context of another standard or may be included as an embedded field test item. ................

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