BIOLOGY AP, September 19, 2003

BIOLOGY AP, January 2006 Name ___________________________

Practice QUIZ PER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis

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1. You are studying the cellular respiration in a mouse cell. Using the diagram below, answer the following questions.

a) What is the net yield of ATP per glucose in glycolysis? _______

b) Suppose an inhibitor for the enzyme that catalyzes Step 5 is added. This inhibitor binds to location remote from the active site. What kind of inhibitor is this-- competitive or noncompetitive? ________________

c) What molecule will build up as a result of this inhibitor? __________________________

d) Suppose a cell is depleted of oxygen. What metabolic process will it begin after glycolysis? ______________


e)What is the purpose of this pathway? ___________


f) Is the cell in this problem a prokaryotic cell or a eukaryotic cell? _____________________________

g) What are two differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. _________________________________


2. DNP (Dinitrophenol) causes pores to form in the membrane of the mitochondria.

a) What effect (if any) would this have on ATP production? Explain your answer. _________________________



b) What effect (if any) would adding DNP have on oxygen usage by the cell (the most immediate effect)?



c) You discover a new drug called "Blockaid". Blockaid binds to the "stalk" of ATP synthase to prevent protons from passing through. If you add Blockaid to a cell, what would the effect (in any) on ATP production be? Explain your answer. _______________________________________________________________________


3. Cellular respiration is necessary for cells to survive. The following diagram shows one of the parts of this process.


a) This diagram shows: (circle one)

A) Glycolysis B) Citric Acid Cycle C) Fermentation D) Pyruvate Oxidation

b) Suppose there was a mutation in the enzyme "fumarase", causing it to become nonfunctional. What molecule would build up in the cell? ________

c) Could a cell that had this mutation still produce any ATP? Circle One Yes or No

d) Explain your answer to (c) _________________________________________________________________________


The next two diagrams show oxidative phosphorylation (also known as the electron transport chain).

[pic] [pic]

e) In an active cell, where would you find a HIGHER pH? (circle one)

A) Inner Membrane Space B) Matrix

f) Explain your answer to (e) _________________________________________________________________________


Cyanide binds to and inhibits Cytochrome a3 (labeled cyt a3) in the right diagram above. Suppose your cells have been poisoned by cyanide.

g) 10 minutes after poisoning, would you expect the levels of ATP to be HIGHER or LOWER than cells that haven't been poisoned. ________________________

h) Explain your answer to (g) _______________________________________________________________________


i) 10 minutes after poisoning, would you expect the levels of NADH to be HIGHER or LOWER than cells that haven't been poisoned. _______________________

j) Explain your answer to (i) _________________________________________________________________________


k) Name one difference between cellular respiration of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. _____________________________


l) A yeast cell may produce ATP by which of the following methods: (check all that apply)

___ Glycolysis ___ Alcoholic Fermentation

___ Lactic Acid Fermentation ___ Cellular Respiration

m) Why does a cell breakdown sugar using multiple steps? (why doesn't it breakdown the sugar in just one big step?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


4. The reactions of glycolysis are shown in the diagram to the right.

a) How many pyruvic acids are made

for each glucose? ____

b) Suppose reaction #5 is endothermic.

Draw a reaction diagram below showing

the reactants and products in proper

relation to each other. Label axes too.

c) In your drawing for #9, draw the catalyzed reaction and label it WITH ENZYME.

d) In the right diagram, circle the phosphate atom that is used to add to ADP to make ATP in step #9.

5. The diagram to the right shows the electron transport chain. Some poisons bind to the cytochromes in this chain and cause them to become inactive and unable to function. If a cell was poisoned in this way:

a) Would the amount of ATP produced by the cell



b) Explain your answer to (a) ________________



c) Would the amount of oxygen used by this cell



d) Is the transport of H+ shown in part A of the diagram an example of OSMOSIS, ACTIVE TRANSPORT, DIFFUSION, or ENDOCYTOSIS? __________________

e) Is the transport of H+ shown in part B of the diagram an example of OSMOSIS, ACTIVE TRANSPORT, DIFFUSION, or ENDOCYTOSIS? __________________

f) Circle the organisms that you may see the type of diagram to the right in (you may circle more than one).

Bacteria Protists Plants Fungi Animals

6. The diagram to the right shows one part of the photosynthesis reactions.

a) How many PGAL molecules does it take to construct one glucose? ____

b) Would the reaction of



c) Explain your answer to (b) ___________



d) If you made only the reactions of the Calvin Cycle in a test tube with an unlimited amount of ATP and NADPH, would you expect to see any production of oxygen? YES or NO

e) Explain your answer to (d) ____________



7. Rubisco is known to grab oxygen, rather than carbon dioxide in a reaction known as photorespiration. This is inefficient for the cell. Some plants have adapted mechanisms to prevent photorespiration. A diagram of this adaptation is below:

a) Mark an "X" where you would find the enzyme Rubisco.

b) If the Bundle-sheath cell is not permeable to oxygen or carbon dioxide, then how does the carbon dioxide get into the bundle-sheath cell? __________



c) If a plant had the cells seen to the right, would you expect to see a stomates open during the day?


d) Explain your answer to (c) __________________


8. The following diagram shows the electron transport chain (ETC) of photosynthesis:

Figure 1d. The Electron Transport Chain of the Light Reactions. The top half of the diagram

represents the inside of the thylakoid disc, while the bottom half represents the stroma.

These are separated by the thylakoid membrane

The drug DNP causes pores to form in the membrane of the thylakoid disc allowing H+ to freely diffuse across the membrane. You isolate chloroplasts and begin to expose them to light (assume you have all the raw materials necessary for the light reactions to occur). After 20 minutes, you add DNP to the chloroplasts (the DNP is able to cross the outside membrane of the chloroplast to reach the thylakoid discs). You continue to expose the sample to light.

i) Would you expect ATP Synthase activity to (circle one):


ii) Explain your answer to (i) ___________________________________________________________


iii) Would you expect NADPH production to (circle one):


iv) Explain your answer to (iii) __________________________________________________________


v) What is the role of water in the electron transport chain? ____________________________________


9. Name one similarity between photosynthesis and cellular respiration. _____________________________________

10. Name one difference between cellular respiration of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. _____________________________

11. Name one similarity between cellular respiration of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. _____________________________

12. Scientists in the Southern California have found a new species of plant. They call it Bartinitus simpsis. In an extensive study of the plant, scientists found the following information:

• 55% of stomates were open at 2 pm, 45% of stomates were open at 2 am.

• The pallisade and spongy mesophyll cells did not contain any trace of the enzyme Rubisco

a) Would you classify this plant as a C3, CAM, or C4 Pathway Anatomy? ________

b) Explain your answer to (a) ______________________________________________________

c) Name the specific cells that regulate the opening and closing of the stomates ________

d) Would you expect to find a high or low concentration of K+ in one of these cells if the stomate was open? ___

e) As temperature increases, photosynthetic activity becomes inefficient. Explain how Rubisco is involved in this inefficiency. _____________________________________________________________________________


13. CAM plants are important to study for several reasons. As an environmentalist, you feel it is important to study CAM plants because of the potential harmful effects if they were introduced to a foreign environment. It is possible that they might outcompete native species. You find a CAM plant called Kristineus kreuki.

a) Would you expect to find more stomates to be open during the day or night in K. kreuki? ____

b) Briefly, explain the role of oxaloacetate (or malate) in a CAM plant. ________________________


c) Would a sample taken at 6 am or 6 pm have more malate? _____________

14. Fill in the following table regarding photosynthesis (put a check in the box if it applies to that plant).

| |C3 |C4 Pathway |CAM |

|Contains thylakoid discs | | | |

|Contains bundlesheath cells | | | |

|Contains Rubisco | | | |

15. In a closed system, the ratio of gas molecules of oxygen consumption to carbon dioxide production is equal. Knowing this fact, how are we able to measure oxygen consumption using a respirometer?

16. When compared at a high light intensity, the amount of photosynthesis in C3 plants and C4 plants (C4 and CAM Pathway) differs greatly. Explain at a molecular level why C4 plants are able to do more photosynthesis at higher temperatures?


1. All of the following can be used to produce cellular energy EXCEPT

a) acetyl coA b) carbon dioxide c) triglyceries d) proteins

2. A yeast cell may produce energy by which of the following mechanisms:

a) alcoholic fermentation b) lactic acid fermentation c) cellular respiration d) both A and C e) A, B, and C

3. Which of the following statements concerning respiration is correct?

a) Aerobic Respiration is probably more ancient in an evolutionary sense than is anaerobic respiration

b) When oxygen is absent, fermentation proceeds without the participation of enzymes

c) Each NADH generated in the Krebs cycle contains sufficient energy for the production of 3 ATP molecules.

d) Unlike pyruvic acid, fatty acids break up into 3-carbon units during respiration.

e) In one turn of the citric acid cycle, 8 molecules of CO2 are formed.

4. When a person exercises strenuously, all of the following occur EXCEPT

a) glucose decreases b) ADP increases c) Lactic acid increases d) Glycogen increases e) CO2 increases

5. A human muscle cell can undergo which of the following:

a) Alcoholic fermentation d) Lactic Acid fermentation

b) Both A & E e) Aerobic respiration

c) Both B & D

6. The function of water in photosynthesis is to

a) supply electrons in the light-dependent reactions d) combine with CO2

b) transport H+ ions in the light-independent (dark) reactions e) absorb light energy

c) provide O2 for the light-independent (dark) reactions

7. The organelle that is a major producer of ATP and is found in both heterotrophs and autotrophs is the

a) chloroplast b) nucleus c) ribosome d) Golgi Apparatus e) mitochondrion

8. Carbon dioxide is passed into a solution of bromothymol blue indicator until the acid solution turns yellow. A spring of elodea is then placed into this yellow solution. After a few hours in the sunlight, the yellow solution turns blue. The purpose of this experiment is to show that

a) Oxygen is given off during photosynthesis

b) Carbon dioxide is used during photosynthesis

c) Carbon dioxide is given off as a by-product of photosynthesis

d) Bromothymol blue changes to bromothymol yellow under acid conditions

e) Chlorophyll acting as a photocatalyst is necessary for photosynthesis

9. All of the following statements about a chloroplast and a mitochondrion are true EXCEPT:

a) Both use proton gradients for energy production d) Both capture light energy

b) Both contain DNA e) Both are bounded by two unit membranes

c) Both synthesize ATP

10. All of the following statements are correct regarding the light-independent (dark) reactions of photosynthesis except:

a) The energy source utilized is the ATP and NADPH obtained through the light reactions

b) This reaction begins soon after sundown and ends before sunrise

c) The 5-carbon sugar is constantly being regenerated

d) One of the end products is PGAL

e) The pathway used is usually a 3-carbon pathway, although a 4-carbon pathway does exist in some species

11. Which of the following enzymes is responsible for CO2 fixation in C3 plants?

a) Succinate dehydrogenase d) RuBP (RuDP) carboxylase (Rubisco)

b) Hexokinase e) Amylase

c) DNA Polymerase

12. All of the following stages are considered aerobic processes EXCEPT

a) Krebs cycle d) formation of acetyl coA

b) glycolysis e) electron transport chain

c) oxidative phosphorylation

13. The Krebs cycle in humans occurs in the

a) cytoplasm d) mitochondrial matrix

b) inner mitochondrial membrane e) outer mitochondrial membrane

c) intermembrane space

14. Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and the Calvin (light-independent cycle)?

a) They both result in a net production of ATP and NADH

b) They both require a net input of ATP.

c) They both result in a release of oxygen.

d) They both take place within the cytoplasmic matrix.

e) They both are carried out by enzymes located within an organelle matrix.


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