SEQUENCE Niveau 1ère

Niveau du CECRL : B1/B2

Classes concernées : 1ère

Thèmatique  : Gestes fondateurs et mondes en mouvement

Axe d’étude : Axe 3 : Art et pouvoir

Activités langagières privilégiées : Expression orale

Autres activités développées : Compréhension orale, compréhension écrite et expression écrite

Problématique: Dans quelle mesure l’art peut-il être vu comme une forme de contre-pouvoir ?

Supports :

°a visual document : a poster by Mordillo for Amnesty International

° “The Pedestrian”: an excerpt from a short-story by Ray Bradbury (1951)

Film d’animation “The Pedestrian”

° a scene from a film “V for Vandetta” by James Mc Teigue (2006): the revolutionary speech from 17:36 to 20:06 = exemple proposé. (autres films possibles :1984 by Michael Radford (1984), Fahrenheit 451 BY François Truffaut (1966) ... )

|Objectifs grammaticaux |Objectifs lexicaux |Objectifs culturels |Objectifs pragmatiques |

|Le passif |Vocabulaire de |Présentation/Rôle d’Amnesty International|Repérer/Etablir comparaisons/parallèles |

|Interdiction/Obligation |la description | |entre différents documents |

|Temps de la narration : le prétérit |l’analyse |Fait historique : November 5th, 1605 | |

|Used to / be used to |l’expression des sentiments | |Repérer l’articulation d’un texte/ d’un |

|If sentences |la critique |Guy Fawkes and the Anonymous |discours |

| |Le contraste, similarité ou opposition | |Exprimer son opinion et la justifier |

| | | | |

| |Vocabulaire lié aux régimes totalitaires,| |Organiser son propos de façon structurée|

| |à la rébellion | | |

| | | |Développer un esprit d’analyse et un |

| | | |esprit critique |

Déroulement de la séquence :

|Mise en œuvre |

|1 |Introduction de la thématique : étude d’une image fixe : a poster by Mordillo (for Amnesty International) |

| | |

| |°°° Présentation de l’image en 2 temps  |

| |1. Présentation haut de l’image pour planter le décor : |

| |a city at night/ all the houses look alike, similar/they look like boxes/ they are all grey/ It looks/is as if … everybody was dead/ there was not a living soul / boring / dull / |

| |uninteresting / no fun at all. |

| |2. Présentation de l’ensemble de l’image |

| |What strikes us is the house which is different from the others : its roof is painted in bright colours + the owner= a crank / strange = arrested by the police/put under arrest / taken to |

| |the police station |

| |°°° Interprétation |

| |Who the man stands for / society in which he lives |

| |› the man = a troublemaker = a lawbreaker/ a non-conformist |

| |› a dictatorship = this implies that people have to …/ are compelled to …/ are required to .. |

| |are forbidden to../ are prohibited from .. / Freedom of speech / movement is banned |

| |conform/abide by the rules/behave like sheep/express one’s point of view/voice one’s grievances/obey/disobey/submit/ submissive = obedient = weak … |

| |3. What is likely to happen to this man? He is likely to.. / he will probably be sent to .. |

| |Prison /a psychiatric hospital/ be brainwashed / be tortured/be jailed/be imprisoned/disappear = vanish… |

| |°°° Intention de l’artiste |

| |To denounce/to expose/to criticize.. |

| |A criticism of /an indictment of… |

| |Vocabulaire qui peut être noté au tableau au fur et à mesure/ travail en binômes et mise en commun ensuite pour la 2e et la 3e partie = RECAP. |

| | |

| |Homework : lexique à apprendre + apport lexical supplémentaire avec mots/expressions à repérer et relever |

| |Here are the first impressions of an English person on seeing this drawing : |

| | |

| |“This picture conveys an impression of sadness, uniformity and dullness. On no account would I like to live in such a place! It’s such a nightmarish vision! I can’t help shuddering at the |

| |sight of those rows of houses which look like rabbit hutches! |

| |Look at this poor fellow: he is being arrested just because he wanted to stand out from the others! |

| | |

| |I can imagine that in this type of society people are compelled to have the same way of life and the same way of thinking. In other words, they can’t have their own way, they mustn’t act or|

| |speak freely, they are prohibited from speaking their minds and expressing their viewpoints. Well, I suppose they have to conform, they are required to keep to the straight and narrow and |

| |if they venture to stray away from the straight and narrow, they can be shunned or maybe sentenced to death. |

| | |

| |It looks like a dictatorship, doesn’t it?” |

| | |

| |After reading this, |

| |° Pick out the words which mean : |

| |Cauchemardesque |

| |frissonner |

| |suivre le droit chemin |

| |s’écarter du droit chemin |

| | |

| |° Pick out the expressions/phrases which are used to refer to one’s impressions/feelings: |

| | |

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| |° Pick out the expressions which are used to express: |


| |= = |

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| |°°° autre document iconographique possible: a photograph by Tom Blackwell (Flickr page) |

| |«Big Brother's eye» Tom Blackwell's comment «It's been a while since I opened up Photoshop for a bit of cheeky image editing, so here's the latest experimental result! This one depicts a |

| |very British dystopia»/ on peut adopter la même démarche: Présentation du background en 1er = rue ordinaire / calme / scène qui se passe à l'heure actuelle (voitures) puis |

| |présentation du foreground: the camera / the eye / it reminds me/us of Big Brother.. (recherche sur George |

| |Orwell/1984/Ingsok..) puis focus on: «the anti-terrorist hotline when seeing suspicious behaviour »= informing |

|2 |°°° Mise en commun: Homework: travail lexique/expressions poster de Mordillo + « Médiateur » (désigné au cours précédent) qui présente Amnesty International: what is Amnesty International /|

| |how the action group/movement was «created» and by who/ its specific aims/ its motto and logo / Prise de notes des camarades avec synthèse orale. |

| | |

| |°°°Travail sur: un extrait de la nouvelle de Ray Bradbury « The Pedestrian » |

| |Séance 1 |

| |›Anticipation à l’étude de la nouvelle qui peut être faite avec film d’animation”The Pedestrian” visionné soit en classe entière/soit sur lecteurs mp4: 1ers repérages: lieu et personnage |

| |principal: a city at night/the main character = a man/ an old man who is alone / who is walking at night/ his name is Leonard Mead/ he is not married/ he is single/ he was / used to be a |

| |writer / he is walking for air + to see/ his address is : 11 South, St James Street/ he is arrested by the Police /asked to get in the police car |

| | |

| |› Passage au texte : lecture individuelle avec consignes de repérage : when the story takes place/ what we learn about the place : description + the type of society where he lives/ other |

| |elements of information about Leonard Mead : his activity (walking) + reason why he is arrested / fiche de lecture ou pas (ci-dessous): |

| | |


| |PART 1 |

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| |When does the story take place? (year) |

| |.............................................................................................................................................................................................|

| |...................................... |

| |In this city there is only one police car left. Why? |

| |…............................................................................................................................................................................................|

| |..................................... |

| | |

| |What is the city / what are the houses compared to? |

| |…............................................................................................................................................................................................|

| |................................... |

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| |Is it the first time that Leonard Mead has gone out walking at night? |

| |…............................................................................................................................................................................................|

| |................................... |

| | |

| |Why is he walking? |

| |- …........................................................................ |

| |- …........................................................................ |

| |- …........................................................................ |

| | |

| |Which objects/ devices does Leonard Mead have / doesn't he have in his house? |

| |….................................................................................................................................. |

| |…..................................................................................................................................... |

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| |Focus on lines 107-113: what is the inside of the police car compared to? |

| |......................................................................................................................................... |

| |.......................................................................................................................................... |

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| |What is the last question asked by Leonard Mead to the Police? |

| |…...................................................................................................................................... |

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| |Imagine the Police's answer |

| |…...................................................................................................................................... |

| | |

| |°°°°° |

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| |PART 2 |

| |- Complete the sentence: |

| |If Leonard Mead …................................................................................................................,the police |

| |…....................................................................... (not arrest / him). |

| | |

| |- In the following list, choose 3 adjectives which best apply to the character and be ready to justify |

| |- amused - beside himself (= very angry) - carefree (= insouciant) - indifferent - aggressive - spellbound (= entranced, fascinated) |

| |- flabbergasted (= extremely surprised) - rebellious - amazed(=stupefied) and shocked - helpless |

| | |

| |- Find an ENGLISH equivalent of the following word: |

| |= the lone car (l.4): …................................................... |

| |= Stand still (l.11): ….................................................... |

| | |

| |- Translate into FRENCH |

| |a. The back door of the police car sprang wide. “Get in” (l.94/95) |

| |=……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |b. He hadn’t written in years. Magazines and books didn’t sell anymore. (l.40/41) (Attention au temps) |

| |= ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |c. There was no need now for the police; save for this one lone car wandering and wandering the empty streets (L.23/26) |

| |°°°°°° |

| |Avec fiche de lecture : travail en binômes après lecture individuelle et mise en commun Part 1. Part 2 à faire en ‘Homework’ |

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|3 | The Pedestrian: Séance 2 |

| |°°°Warming-up à partir de captures d’écran extraites du film d’animation + Mise en commun Part 2 |

| |°°° Découverte dernière partie: where are they taking him? |

| |+ Focus on the last paragraph: répétition de l’ adjectif “empty” + négations “no sound” et “no motion” = the image of death |

| |°°° the writer’s intention/aim + Comparison between Leonard Mead and Mordillo’s character : travail en binômes /mise en commun à l’oral et trace écrite. |

| |+++ |

| |Si le film d’animation n’a pas été proposé en anticipation à la lecture de l’extrait de la nouvelle, il pourrait être visionné sans le son à la suite de l’étude du texte. Les élèves |

| |devraient préparer la voix off: raconter (narrateur) ou experience (Mead). |

|4 |Scène du film “V for Vandetta” : the revolutionary speech |

| |°°° Warming-up : Ray Bradbury’s intention on writing the Pedestrian |

| |°°° Visionnage sans le son des premières minutes (à partir de 17:36 du film) pour repérage de l’action principale : a man wearing a mask / the Anonymous mask/ the Guy Fawkes mask is taking |

| |control of the TV station and is delivering a speech to the nation et repérage reaction des “spectateurs” = surprised/taken aback / intrigued … et des autorités : panic |

| |°°° Visionnage du discours (avec le son) et premiers repérages quant au contenu du discours: there is something wrong / Cruelty/Injustice/intolerance/oppression / fear/ afraid/ he/ High |

| |Chancellor/ promised you order/silent consent… |

| |Repérage: why this speech/ what he tries to make people understand/aware of concerning the country/their leader/ their attitude |

| |°°° En fin de parcours : script du discours (lacunaire ou non) qui peut être donné aux élèves (ci-dessous) de 18 :30 à 20 :06 |

| |« I thought we could make this November 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. |

| |There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak. |

| |Even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always |

| |retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who listen, the enunciation of truth, and the truth is: there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn’t there?|

| |Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression and where once you had the freedom to object, to think and to speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance |

| |coercing your conformity and soliciting submission |

| |How did this happen? Who is to blame? |

| |Certainly there are those who are more responsible than others and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told, if you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a |

| |mirror. |

| |I know why you did it, I know you were afraid. Who wouldn’t be: War, terror, disease; there were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common |

| |sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your |

| |silent, obedient consent. |

| | |

| |Repérage structure du discours pour « prise de conscience » / «éveil» de la population et passage à l’action/ réaction. |

| | |

|5 |Synthèse : Art = une forme de contre-pouvoir. Comment cela est-il perçu à travers les 3 œuvres d’art présentées : art pictural, art cinématographique et œuvre littéraire. |

| |›Travail de groupe et mise en commun à l’oral |

| |°°° Présentation de Guy Fawkes par un élève (qui a été désigné au préalable) : who Guy Fawkes was / his fate or destiny/ the mask and the Anonymous : prise de notes des |

| |camarades/questions-réponses/reformulation et répétition si besoin |

| | |

| |›Recherche (en binôme ou individuelle) d’une autre œuvre d’art en tant que contre-pouvoir : chanson, peinture, sculpture etc… |

| |et préparation pour présentation à la classe= PPC = évaluation 3-5mn speech = ›› brève description de l’œuvre d’art/ message de l’artiste(critique) / justification du choix de cette œuvre |

| |d’art.. |

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