Participation Boosters for April

Breakfast Participation Boosters for September

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|September 8 |September 22 |

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|Biscuit & Gravy Day |Elephant Appreciation Day |

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|Down Home Biscuit & Sausage Gravy |Elephant Ears |

|Southern Orange Juice |(flour tortilla w/cinnamon & sugar cut in half with cut edges to |

|Milk |outside) |

| |Sausage Trunk |

| |Trumpet Juice |

| |Elephant Tusk Milk |

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|Decorate with straw bales for chairs; decorate with the front porch |Decorate with flags, signs, posters of elephants; an elephant made out |

|setting from the activities placing a couple rocking chairs to sit on|of fruit (see website, Elephant Appreciation Day) |

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|Activities: |Activities: |

|Reminisce with students about their favorite teacher, something they |Have the students do the Tail-Up Elephant Parade on their way to class |

|did over the summer, etc. |Have a trumpeting contest .. who makes the best elephant sound alike |

|Let the students “relax” by going fishing for food items then placing|Have students make elephant garnishes |

|them in the appropriate group on the food guide pyramid |Have the students guess how much food and water an elephant needs in a |

|Have a “Southern drawl” contest |day |

|Have the art class or teacher make a front porch setting | |

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|Servers’ Costumes: | |

|Wear overalls, straw hat, Aunt Bee’s apron with flour on face | |

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| |Servers’ Costumes: |

| |Wear elephant ears, trunk |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for October

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|October 8 |October 20 |

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|World Egg Day |School Bus Safety Day |

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|Ham & Cheese Omelet |Stop Sign Breakfast Pizza |

|Assorted Juice |School Bus Yellow Banana |

|Milk |Safety Milk |

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|Decorate with posters from the American Egg Board; egg facts; |Decorate with school busses, road signs, bus drivers names |

|barnyard theme with chickens and eggs | |

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|Activities: |Activities: |

|Have students vote on which came first, the chicken or the egg |Invite the bus drivers to breakfast after their route |

|Fly eggs to the moon (see resources) |Write thank you cards to the bus drivers |

|Have an egg relay race |Have a poster contest depicting bus safety |

|Have an egg decorating contest | |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |Servers’ Costumes: |

|Wear an egg head, an apron or shirt containing eggs |Wear yellow, apron or shirt with school bus or stop sign |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for November

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|November 2 |November 21 |

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|Election Day |National Game and Puzzle Day |

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|Presidential Pancake Porky |Twister Cinnamon Roll |

|Ballot Juice |Puzzling Fruit Cocktail |

|Voting Milk |Monopoly Milk |

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|Decorate with a voting booth; red, white, and blue streamers; vote |Decorate with board games, big Twister spots, Monopoly properties |

|here signs; vote for breakfast item signs (pancakes, eggs, pizza, | |

|etc.) | |

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|Activities: |Activities: |

|Have the students vote for their favorite breakfast. Give students |Have students vote for their favorite board game. |

|an “I Voted” sticker. |Play a quick game of Twister, Charades, Pick-Up-Sticks, etc. while |

|Have students hold their own Presidential election, voting to see |students are waiting to go to class. |

|which candidate the students would select for President. |Have students put a floor puzzle together. |

|Have the students vote for their favorite teacher/staff member with |Play a live game of Clue using staff members/students in your school as|

|the winner receiving a bouquet of flowers or a pie in the face. |suspects. |

|Study how the Presidential election works. | |

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|Servers’ Costumes: | |

|Red, white and blue; I voted stickers; vote for breakfast item | |

|aprons/shirts |Servers’ Costumes: |

| |Dress up like your favorite Monopoly piece or Clue suspect |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for December

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|December 5 |December 16 |

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|Walt Disney’s Birthday |Boston Tea Party |

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|Imagination Pretzel |Cinnamon Scones |

|Animation Cheese Sauce |Fruit Tea (juice) |

|Amusement Park Juice |Tax Milk |

|Creator Milk | |

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|Decorate with student sketches of animals and nature, pictures of |Decorate with ceramic tea pots and china cups and saucers. |

|Walt Disney and some of his work. | |

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|Activities: |Activities: |

|Have students write a short biography of Walt Disney. |Have students study about the Boston Tea Party |

|Have students draw their own animated cartoons. |Serve students their juice in paper china cups so they can have their |

|Cover tables with butcher paper so the students can draw while they |own tea party. |

|are eating, then display their artwork. | |

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|Servers’ Costumes: | |

|Wear Mickey Mouse ears, paper and pencil nearby to draw a quick | |

|sketch, briefcase |Servers’ Costumes: |

| |Dress as Mohawk Indians, wear tea bags pinned to your apron |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for January

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| |January 23 |

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|Happy New Year |National Handwriting Day |

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|Celebration Pizza |Writing Instrument French Toast Sticks |

|Rose Bowl Fruit |Cursive Applesauce |

|Resolution Milk |Calligraphy Milk |

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|Decorate with streamers, party hats, noise makers |Decorate with Thank You notes from students, a copy of the Declaration |

| |of Independence |

|Activities: | |

|Have a New Year’s celebration with students wearing party hats and |Activities: |

|counting down the time to start class |Write a note or letter by hand to someone you care about or a pen pal. |

|Have a “Rose Bowl” Jeopardy game with categories being history of New|Have the students write a Thank You note to their parents, teachers, |

|Years around the World, football teams winning the Rose Bowl, January|food service employees, etc. |

|trivia, Time Square, and Potpourri. |Teach students calligraphy |

|Have the students write their New Year’s resolution on a New Year’s | |

|banner | |

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|Servers’ Costumes: | |

|Party hats, streamers, noise makers | |

| |Servers’ Costumes: |

| |Thank you notes pinned to shirt/apron, sign your name on your apron |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for February

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|February 2 |February 26 |

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|Groundhog Day |Levi Strauss’ Birthday |

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|Shadow Sausage Biscuit |Denim Blueberry Muffin |

|Punxsutawney Fruit Juice |Riveted Yogurt |

|Winter or Spring Milk |Blue Jean Fruit |

| |501 Milk |

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|Decorate with trashcans resembling burrows and balls with a groundhog|Decorate with different styles of jeans |

|toboggan hat resembling groundhogs; a winter and spring scene; | |

|shadows | |

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|Activities: | |

|Play Toss the Hog or SSHH! Silent Groundhog (see resources) |Activities: |

|Have the students predict if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow. |Have students write down all the brands of jeans they can think of in 1|

| |minute. |

| |Study the history of jeans |

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|Servers’ Costumes: | |

|Wear a groundhog toboggan hat, dress like a meteorologist | |

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| |Servers’ Costumes: |

| |Wear blue jeans |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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| |about/invention.html |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for March

March 7-11 National School Breakfast Week

School Breakfast Great Performances

(Jodi, insert web address here for NSBW)

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|March 17 |

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|St. Patrick’s Day |

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|Blarney Stones & Gravy |

|Shamrock Fruit |

|Leprechaun Milk |

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|Decorate with green construction paper footprints sprinkled with glitter, Pot ‘O |

|Gold, green clovers, Blarney stones |

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|Activities: |

|Have the students guess how many chocolate gold coins are in a jar. The closest |

|receives the jar. |

|Play Luck Leprechaun Says (Simon Says) |

|Play Pot of Gold Toss |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |

|Wear leprechaun slippers, pipe and hat. Don’t forget your green. |

|Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for April

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|April 7 |April 29 |

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|Metric System Anniversary |Arbor Day |

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|Kilogram Eggs |Cottonwood Ham Muffin |

|Centimeter Sausage Link |Orange Tree Oranges |

|Kelvin Juice |Mother Nature Milk |

|Liter Milk | |

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|Decorate with rulers or yard sticks showing metric measurements, |Decorate with trees, leaves, water cans, garden gloves, tools, seed |

| |packets |

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|Activities: | |

|Have the students guess the length of selected items using metric |Activities: |

|measurements. |Promote a paper drive to gather paper to be recycled and save a tree. |

|Post the predicted temperature for the day in kelvins. |Plant a tree at school, in a park, or other special public place. |

|Have older students convert American units into metric units. |Have a tree trivia contest and give away trees to winners. |

| |Have students try to identify pictures of different trees. |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |Servers’ Costumes: |

|Write different metric measurements on an apron, pin rulers to an |Sun shade hat, gardener’s gloves, sunglasses, shirt/aprons with trees |

|apron |or seed packets attached |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for May

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|May 11, 2004 |Last Day of School |

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|National Etiquette Day |Soar Into Summer . . . But Fly Back Next Fall |

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|Please Pancakes |Windy Muffin |

|Thank You Cinnamon Apples |String Cheese |

|Manners Milk |Soaring Strawberries |

| |Flying Milk |

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|Decorate with “Please” and “Thank You” banners, show pictures of |Decorate with kites |

|proper table settings | |

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|Activities: | |

|Have a contest with students setting a table properly. |Activities: |

|Reward students with a sticker, pencil, etc that say “please” and |Have the students bring a kite to school to fly during recess. |

|“thank you”. |Have the students write their favorite breakfast menu on a kite shaped |

|Serve breakfast using seated service instead of buffet line. |paper and decorate it. Hang the kites when the students return in the |

| |Fall incorporating their suggestions in your menus. |

| |Have the students make a paper plate kite (see resources). |

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| |Servers’ Costumes: |

|Servers’ Costumes: |Kites |

|Wear a smile, tell the kids “thank you and have a good day”, wear | |

|signs saying “please” and “thank you”. | |

|Resources: |Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for June

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|June 19 |

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|Father’s Day |

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|Donuts for Dad |

|Tie Fruit |

|I Love You Milk |

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|Decorate with neckties, sport items, uniforms, thank you notes to Dad, student |

|essays on Father of the Year |

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|Activities: |

|Have students make invitations inviting their fathers to breakfast. |

|Essay on Father of the Year or thank you notes to Dad. |

|Have the students play a quick game of catch with Dad after breakfast. |

|Have the Dad’s tell a little about their jobs. |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |

|Wear a tie, fireman or policeman uniform, sports uniforms |

|Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for July

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|July 11 |

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|E. B. White’s Birthday |

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|Charlotte’s Web (funnel cake) |

|Wilbur’s Sausage Link |

|First Prize Applesauce |

|Farm Fresh Milk |

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|Decorate with spider webs made from yarn, a barn scene, county fair scene, first |

|prize ribbons |

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|Activities: |

|Have a trivia contest to see if the students can guess the other books written by |

|E.B. White |

|Have a Templeton scavenger hunt |

|Have students write about their favorite pet |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |

|Spider rings in their spider web (hairnet), wear a first prize ribbon, county fair|

|shirt |

|Resources: |

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Breakfast Participation Boosters for August

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|Dog Days of Summer |

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|Puppy Chow Cereal |

|Fan Toast |

|Dog Bone Banana |

|Sultry Milk |

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|Decorate with paw prints, dog house, dog dish, books about dogs, stars |

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|Activities: |

|Have students guess how the term “Dog days of summer” came about. |

|Read books about dogs. |

|Have a relay race to fill the dog dish with water using a plastic jug with holes |

|poked in it. |

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|Servers’ Costumes: |

|Wear dog ears, sunglasses, stars |

|Resources: |

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