Pub Quiz Prep

Volume Three - Round EightWhich of these social media platforms was invented first, Tumblr, Facebook or myspace? Is Felicks Zemdegs the inventor of a convertible calico based singlet that doubles as a carry bag for groceries, the first recorded person in the 21st century to perform a DIY vasectomy without anesthetics or an Australian born Rubik’s Cube speed solver of Latvian descent?Known for is role as Dr Alan Grant in the film Jurassic Park, in what country was actor Sam Neill born?O is the chemical symbol for which element?North Sentinel Island is inhabited by one of the world’s last uncontacted people groups. In 1956 the government of which country prohibited any travel within 3 miles of this island?By total land area, what is the world’s second largest country?At 9289 kilometres in length what is the longest railway line in the world?The former British protectorate of Bechuanaland is now known by what name??Formed in 1945 what intergovernmental organisation is tasked to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international co-operation and be a centre for harmonising the actions of nations?Who is the chief of police in the TV show The Simpsons?Answersmyspace (myspace 2003, Facebook 2004, tumblr 2007) A Rubik’s Cube speed solver.New ZealandOxygenIndiaCanadaThe Trans-Siberian railwayBotswana (Republic of Botswana)The United Nations (UN)Chief Wiggum or Chief Clarence “Clancy” Wiggum. ................

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