Mr.Huber's Weebly

NameClassLap 3: The United States ConstitutionAssessmentTrue or FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false.The statement below concerns a 20th century amendment. Mark "A" if the answer is TRUE and "B" if the answer is "FALSE"Citizens of the District of Columbia can vote to elect their own representatives and senators.A. TrueB. FalseThe statement below concerns a 20th century amendment. Mark "A" if the answer is TRUE and "B" if the answer is "FALSE"Women were given the right to vote in 1920, and Congress was given power to enforce the law.A. TrueB. FalseThe statement below concerns a 20th century amendment. Mark "A" if the answer is TRUE and "B" if the answer is "FALSE"Senators are to be elected every six years by electors chosen from their state legislatures.A. TrueB. FalseMultiple ChoicesIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.Which amendments are known as the "Progressive Amendments"?A. 13, 14, 15, & 16 B. 15, 16, 17, & 18 C. 16, 17, 18, & 19D. 17, 18, 19, & 20E. My brain already hurts“The judicial power of the United States shall not be constructed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. What amendment is this?A. 8th B. 11th C. 13th D. 21st E. I have no clue and I am hungryThe composition and powers of the Senate and the House are established in the Constitution, but where are they established?A. Article 3 B. Article 5 C. Article 1 D. Article 4 E. Article 2This amendment to the United States Constitution first intended to secure basic rights of former slaves through the United States. This amendment also is considered to be our first Civil Rights amendment. What amendment does this question specifically deal with?A. 14th B. 13th C. 21st D. 12th E. 19thThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.Maddie is accused of writing several bad checks. When she appears before the judge, Maddie asks for help preparing her defense because she does not have the money to afford a lawyer. The judge tells Maddie that she is sorry she is poor, but Maddie will just have to prepare her own case, without any help.A. Amendment 21 B. Amendment 12 C. Amendment 6D. Amendment 5 The supreme law of the land is:A. The Declaration of Independence B. Mr. Huber C. The Constitution D. The Articles of ConfederationE. CongressWhich of the following is a right guaranteed to all accused persons:A. the right to have a lawyer B. a good mealC. a bill of attainder D. an ex post facto lawThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.Rose is in her house watching television when two policemen knock at the door. They accuse Rose of having stolen property, enter the house, and take several things that they say do not belong to Rose. When she asks if the policemen have permission to take her things, they just laugh and leave with the property.A. Amendment 6 B. Amendment 4 C. Amendment 5D. Amendment 7E. Amendment 28Each state is guaranteed:A. 2 senators and 1 representative B. 1 senator and 2 representatives C. 1 senator and 1 representative D. 2 senators and 2 representativesEvery two years, the people elect what portion of the U.S. Senate:A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 2/3D. AllHow many Senators are currently in the Senate?A. 100 B. 425 C. 50D. 200In order to be the President of the United States of America, a person, man or woman, must meet all of the following qualifications EXCEPT:A. 35 years of age B. a citizen by birth C. a citizen for 14 years D. resident of the country for 14 yearsThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.James writes a letter to the editor complaining about the way the government is treating convicts in federal prisons. Because of this letter, James is arrest and placed in jail himself.A. Amendment 1B. Amendment 9 C. Amendment 2D. Amendment 7This Progressive Amendment now supersedes Articles 1 and 3, clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, transferring Senator Election away from each state's legislature to popular election by the people of each state. What amendment accomplishes this?A. 19th B. 18th C. 20th D. 17th How long is one session of Congress?A. six yearsB. four yearsC. one yearD. two yearsWhat is the title of the leader of the House of Representatives?A. Vice President of the United States B. President Pro Tempore C. the Minority Leader D. Speaker of the House E. the Majority Leader"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."A. Amendment 4 B. Amendment 7 C. Amendment 9D. Amendment 12This Constitutional Amendment greatly increased the authority of Congress to charge an income tax. What amendment is being described in the question above?A. 16th B. 19th C. 21st D. 17th E. 22nd "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and usual punishments inflicted"A. Amendment 11 B. Amendment 8 C. Amendment 7D. Amendment 9In Article 1, Section 8, the powers of the Congress are displayed. Which of the following is NOT a power of the Congress?A. To provide and maintain a navyB. To raise and support an army C. To declare war D. To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing Powers, and all other powers vested by the ConstitutionE. All are powers of the Congress According to the U.S. Constitution, which of the following is a goal of the national government:A. establish a football team B. maintain peace C. Wage wars against foreign countries D. establish a democracyImagine you are a high profile criminal lawyer and you are representing a mob boss or "Godfather". You noticed throughout the course of your investigation into his alleged offense that he might be guilty! Following a discussion with your colleagues at the office you meet with the mob boss and tell him that a quick and speedy trial would be the best option for him at this point. He agrees to your request. What amendment grants the accused a quick and speedy trial?A. Amendment 8 B. Amendment 7 C. Amendment 5 D. Amendment 9 E. Amendment 6What is the minimum number of representatives a state may receive?A. 0 B. 1 C. 2D. There is no minimumIn the winter months of 1865 this amendment, which was originally the design of President Abraham Lincoln, passed the ratification process and officially freed all slavesA. 17th B. 12th C. 13th D. 19th E. 15th If you were a slave in 1869, and already received freedom and certain basic rights, you would have never have had this specific right, which you would get the following year in 1870 courtesy of one of the Reconstruction Amendments.A. Free Speech B. Vote C. Certain civil rights D. Serve in your country's militaryWhich Constitutional Amendment eliminated the ability to deny a citizen the right to vote based on the citizen's race, color, or previous condition of servitude"?A. 12th B. 13th C. 15th D. 16th E. 14th What type of majority must each house of Congress have for a bill to pass and become a law?A. 3/4 B. 112 C. 2/3D. Simple majorityIf you were a high school student in another country who was studying the United States Constitution you would notice many differences between your country's style of government and that of the United States. However, while you were reading the Preamble to the Constitution you noticed that the United States Constitution has several goals similar to your country’s. According to the U.S. Constitution, which of the following is NOT a goal of the national government:A. Establish a presidency B. Provide for the common defense C. Promote the general welfare D. Establishment of justice E. maintain peace at homeThe composition and powers of the President are established in the Constitution, but where are they established?A. Article 3 B. Article 4 C. Article 1 D. Article 5 E. Article 2The situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.When Mary was arrested for shoplifting, she asked the judge to set bail so that she could be free while awaiting trial. The judge agreed, and set bail at sixteen billion dollars. Because Mary could not afford that amount, she remained in jail.A. Amendment 8 B. Amendment 9 C. Amendment 7D. Amendment 10The situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.Maria lives near a factory that puts foul-smelling smoke in the air. Maria and her neighbors call a meeting at Maria's house to discuss what they can do about the smoke. However, the police block the entrance to the home and tell people that they have no right to hold a meeting.A. Amendment 5 B. Amendment 6 C. Amendment 2D. Amendment 1In Article 1, Section 8, the powers of the Congress are displayed. Which of the following is NOT a power of the Congress?A. To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribesB. To borrow money on the credit of the United States C. To coin moneyD. To nominate Supreme Court justices for the President to pickWhat is quorum?A. is the minimum number of members required to declare a bill to be unjustB. is the minimum number of members of a deliberative body necessary to elect vacant Senate seats C. deliberative body necessary to elect the vacated presidencyD. is the minimum number of members of a deliberative body necessary to conduct the business of that groupThe thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution officiallyA. Abolished slavery B. Began the brief sting of ProhibitionC. Choose how a President and Vice President were to be electedD. Allowed all men and women the right to vote when they hit 18 years of ageThis amendment was established due to the Writs of Assistance used by the English during their rule of the 13 original colonies.A. Protection from forced quartering of soldiers in peacetime B. Protection from illegal taxation C. Protection from illegal searches and seizures D. Protection from writs of Habeas CorpusDoes Missouri have more or less representatives in the House then New York state?A. Less B. More C. No answer fits D. Equal"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."A. Amendment 2B. Amendment 1 C. Amendment 3D. Amendment 4What amendments are commonly known as the "Reconstruction Amendments"?A. 13, 14, and 15 B. 14 and 15C. 16, 17, 18, and 19 D. 13, 15, and 17 E. 12, 13, 14, and 15"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law"A. Amendment 9 B. Amendment 6 C. Amendment 3D. Amendment 12"The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be constructed to deny or disparage others retained by the people"A. Amendment 18 B. Amendment 7 C. Amendment 6D. Amendment 9What amendment changed the process of how Senators are elected?A. 21st B. 20th C. 19th D. 18th E. 17th Who is the President of the Senate?A. Vice President B. Majority Leader C. President Pro Tempore D. Minority LeaderThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.The city of New York had two newspapers. The Central News often printed articles in favor of the local mayor. The New York Register, however, was very critical of her. When the New York Register wrote that the mayor might not have the best interests of the city in mind, the mayor ordered the paper closed, and it went out of business.A. Amendment 5 B. Amendment 9 C. Amendment 1D. Amendment 10Who currently is the President of the Senate?A. Joe Biden B. Robert Byrd C. Harry Reid D. Mitch McConnellHow many members are there in the House of Representatives?A. 45 B. 425 C. 455D. 435"In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, then according to the rules of the common law"A. Amendment 9 B. Amendment 6 C. Amendment 11D. Amendment 7What is done every ten years so apportionment may be done?A. Vote B. A new president is electedC. Elections of officials D. Census"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."A. Amendment 6 B. Amendment 10 C. Amendment 11D. Amendment 12The twelfth amendment to the United States Constitution provided the procedures whichA. How Representatives are chosen by their constituents B. The Vice President is elected C. How Senators are chosen by their state legislators D. The President and Vice President are electedArticle One, Section 7 of the United States Constitution states, "All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the_____; but the _____ may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills." Pick the best possible answer from your options below. Break the statement up. It is really asking you two questions. A. Senate; House of Representatives B. Appropriations committee in the Senate; C. House of Representatives; Senate D. Special committee of the House of Appropriations and Legislation Representatives; Senate Committee in the House of Representatives"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."A. Amendment 6 B. Amendment 2 C. Amendment 1D. Amendment 5The composition and powers of the Judicial Branch are established in the Constitution, but where are they established?A. Article 4 B. Article 2 C. Article 3 D. Article 1 E. Article 5Excessive bail shall not be requiredA. Amendment 4 B. Amendment 6 C. Amendment 8D. Amendment 5"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense."A. Amendment 10 B. Amendment 6C. Amendment 9 D. Amendment 7The situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.A customer says that John cheated her out of$2,000 at John's store. The customer then sues John. Because John believes that the evidence will prove him innocent, he asks the judge for a jury trial. The judge exclaims that it would just be a waste of time, and that he will settle the matter himself.A. Amendment 19B. Amendment 21C. Amendment 6D. Amendment 7E. Amendment 27Which of the following is a right guaranteed to all accused persons: A. no excessive bail B. no cruel and unusual punishment C. fair and speedy trialD. freedom from double jeopardyE. All are accurate statementsWhat is the lower house of Congress?A. the Cabinet B. the Senate C. the House of Representatives D. the White HouseWhat is the upper house of Congress?A. the West WingB. the House of Representatives C. the White House D. the SenateE. the CabinetIn Article 1, Section 8, the powers of the Congress are displayed. Which of the following is NOT a power of the Congress?A. To establish Post Offices and post Roads B. To establish an uniform of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United StatesC. To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States D. Violate one's Habeas Corpus Rights whenever the Congress pleasesE. To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court The first ten amendments are known as:A. the Articles of ConfederationB. the ConstitutionC. the Declaration of IndependenceD. the Bill of Rights E. Supreme CourtThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.Mallory's boss dislikes the ideas of the Church of Every Day Salvation. Mallory tells a coworker that she belongs to the church and soon after, Mallory's boss fires her because she belongs to the church.A. Amendment 2B. Amendment 1C. Amendment 12 D. Amendment 5A new state can only be admitted to the union if:A. the territory applies for statehood B. the president approves C. the state legislature approves D. Congress approvesWhat amendment was adopted to include foreign nationals and to limit the ability of individuals to sue the states?A. 21st B. 10th C. 11th D. 12th Who DOES NOT make up the Executive Branch under the United States Constitution?A. Justices of the Supreme CourtB. President of the United States C. Vice President of the United States D. Cabinet of the United StatesImagine that you were speeding down Natural Bridge Rd. in an attempt to get to school before the bell rang and you received your fourth tardy of the semester. As you are cruising down Natural Bridge Rd. you see a police officer, with his lights on, right behind you, pulling you over. The officer gives you a ticket and tells you that the punishment for speeding is an 85,000 dollar fine, 4 years in jail, 15 years probation, and 1000 community service hours. You are astonished at what you just heard! You reply to the officer, "Doesn't that violate my amendment rights?" What amendment right of yours is being violated by placing upon you such excessive fines and unusual punishments?A. Amendment 9B. Amendment 6C. Amendment 7 D. Amendment 8 E. Amendment 5The situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.Mel is accused of armed robbery and given a trial. The jury finds Mel innocent. The next day the prosecutor decides that the verdict was not correct, and she orders Mel arrested and tried for the crime again.A. Amendment 6 B. Amendment 5 C. Amendment 2D. Amendment 12Who presides over impeachment hearings?A. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court B. President of the Senate C. House Majority Leader D. the Secretary of StateThe situation below deals with a violation of the Bill of Rights. For each situation mark the amendment which is being violated. There is only one correct answer.The government lacked money to support the nation's military forces. To save money, General Johnson ordered that the troops be placed in the homes of people living close to the military bases. Danielle and her husband lived next to an army base, and two soldiers moved into their house, even though Danielle and her husband did not want them there.A. Amendment 1 B. Amendment 2 C. Amendment 23D. Amendment 3"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy (double jeopardy) of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."A. Amendment 5 B. Amendment 6 C. Amendment 8D. Amendment 17How long is one term for a U.S. Senator and a U.S. Representative respectively?A. 3 and 2 B. 6 and 4 C. 6 and 2 D. 6 and 3 E. 4 and 2The eighteenth amendment of the United States Constitution established ...A. Prohibition B. Voting rights for African-Americans C. Voting rights for women D. Details dealing with the succession of the presidencyMatching Portion of the Constitution TestMatch the amendment to the statement below. Amendment 12EAmendment 20ACAmendment 22BEAmendment 25AEAmendment 13BEAmendment 14BDAmendment 15CDAmendment 24ADAmendment 17C Amendment 19DAmendment 23ABAmendment 26AAmendment 16BA.18 years old can vote B. Increase in congressional power, taxing incomeC. Election of Senators by popular (direct) electionD. Women receive the right to voteE. Election of the President and Vice President; President and Vice President run separatelyAB. Washington DC residents get to vote in the Presidential electionAC. President takes office on January 20th instead of March/ AprilAD. Ended the poll taxAE. Deals with presidential successionBE. President is limited to serving two terms or ten yearsBD. First Civil Rights Amendment; basic rightsBE. Slavery abolishedCD. African Americans and all people (except for women) receive the right to vote*Answers may be used more than once or not at all!A - If it applies to the House of RepresentativesB - If it applies to the SenateC - If it applies to the PresidentD - If it applies to the Supreme CourtThis house may serve an unlimited amount of two year terms, as long as they are elected AThe minimum age requirement is 25 years old AMust represent the state in which they live in while serving their six year term BHas the sole power of impeachment AActs as the jury for impeachment trials BThis house may serve an unlimited amount of six year terms, as long as they are elected BThe minimum age requirement for this position is 35 years old CThis position will serve a term of four years CFor this position one must be a natural born citizen to be even considered for the role CThis house is responsible for all bills that deal with revenue or appropriations (think money) ALarger of the two houses of congress in terms of members A1/3 of this house may turnover every year B Is established under Article III D ................

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