Holy Spirit Church

Holy Spirit Church

Centralia, Missouri

August 25, 2019

Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Times

The Gospel reading today starts with a question: “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” Jesus offers only a simple reply: Strive to enter through the narrow gate. Many will try to enter and will not be able. Good stewards know there is only one, narrow gate. Not everything will fit. This narrow gate has no room for our accomplishments. No room for our money. No room for our possessions. No room for anything else but those who’ve been good stewards of the Gospel. We can’t custom build our own gates either. There is only one, narrow gate that happens to be open for a time, but for how long? What is our plan of action to get through that gate?

We would like to welcome all visitors and new members to our Parish today. Registration papers are on the bulletin board.



Mon 26  1 Thes 1:1-5,8b-10; Ps 149:1b-6a;

Mt 23:13-22

Tues 27  1 Thes 2:1-8; Ps 139:1-3,4-6; Mt 23:26

Wed 28  1 Thes 2:9-13; Ps 139:7-12b; Mt 23:27-32

Thurs 29  1 Thes 3:7-13; Ps 90:3-5a,12-14,17

Fri 30  1 Thes 4:1-8; Ps 97:1,2b,5-6,10-12;

Mt 25:1-13

Sat 31  1 Thes 4:9-11; Ps 1,7-9; Mt 25:14-30

Sun 1  Sir 3:17-18,20,28-19; Ps 68:4-7,10-11; Heb 12:18-19,22-24a; Lk 14:1,7-14


Mass Intention

Wed 28 6:30 pm-Fred & Jennie Bremer

Sat 31 5:00 pm-Repose of the Souls in Purgatory and to Gain Indulgences for Them.

Sun 1 8:00 am-Mark Ripperger family

Sun 1 10:00 am-People

[pic]Someone asked Him, “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” He answered, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough”

Luke 13: 23-24


Remember those that have asked for our prayers: Pat Newmann, Greg Furlong, Jerry Kiska, Sandy Neikamp, Kathy Berkbuegler, Gladys Farnen, Kaleb Brandt, Judy Stringer, Carol Leible, Ron Flatt, Brian Flatt, Annabelle Mueller, Lloyd George, Zeta Ryan, Florence Westermier, Father Offutt, Bill Wright, Macy McVay, Barbara Chamberlain, Galon Reyon Leach, Barry Thoenen, Mary Ann Henke, Paul Dobbs, Mark Prenger, Mike Lenz, Rose Lenz, Margaret Stegeman, Jim Hodges, Arlean Boss, Joe & Glenda Castrop, Audrey Sczepannski, Ruth Godding, Becky Schafer, Bill Miller, Carol Dailing, Father Judge, Bob Diemeke, and those out of work. Also remember those in the military: Ray Finlay, Jacob Pendergrast, Nathaniel Katz, and Jacob Schlemmer


CCD Begins Wednesday Aug 28. We will attend Mass, then we will follow that with a Living Rosary in the Church. After the rosary everyone will go to MP Building and VBS youth and adults will teach all others the songs of worship learned during VBS.

CCD registration You can go on our website to register. Registration can be emailed to church or to Ann at cagoosey@. or call Ann Goosey at 573-881-3097.


Thank you to Gail Dobbs for organizing the picnic and getting the food for the picnic. Thank you all those that helped on Sunday and those that brought desserts.  There were about 50 people at the picnic.

Collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious was $1366.00 last weekend. Thank you for your generous donations.

August, 2019

Sat 24 55+ Group Carry-in Dinner after 5:00 Mass

Wed 28 CCD/Fellowship Starts: Mass 6:30, Living Rosary following, then activities in MPB.

September 2019

Mon 2 Labor Day Mass 9:00 am

Wed 4 Mass 6:30 pm

Wed 4 CCD/Youth Fellowship 7:00 pm

Thurs 5 St. Anne Fellowship 7:00 in the MPB

Sat/Sun 7/8 Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday

Sat 7 Long Range Plans Parish Meeting after


Sun 8 Long Range Plans Parish Meeting after

10:00 Mass

Wed 11 Mass 6:30 pm

Wed 11 Long Range Plans Parish Meeting after


Wed 11 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM

Wed 18 Mass 6:30 pm

Wed 18 CCD/Youth Fellowship 7:00 PM

Thurs 19 Knights of Columbus 7:00 PM

social, 7:30 meeting

Fri 20 St. Anne Craft Group 9:00 MPB

Sun 22 Parish Fundraiser Dinner 11:00-1:00

Wed 25 Mass 6:30

Wed 25 CCD/Youth Fellowship 7:00 PM

Sat 28 55+ Group Carry-in Dinner after 5:00 Mass

October 2019

Wed 2 Mass 6:30 pm

Wed 2 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 pm

Thurs 3     St. Anne Fellowship 7:00 pm

Sat/Sun 5/6  Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday

Sun 6 Confirmation class after 10:00 Mass

Mon 7-11 Priest Institute-Father attending

Wed 9 St. Ann’s Helping Hands12:00-Pizza Party

Wed. 9    CCD/Fellowship 7:00

Sun 13 Donuts after 10:00 Mass

Tues 15    St. Anne Board Mtg. 7:00 Offutt Bldg

Wed 16 6:30 pm Mass

Wed. 16    CCD/Fellowship 7:00

Thurs 17   Knights of Columbus 6:30 Rosary, 7:00

social, 7:30 meeting

Sat/Sun 19/20  Special Collection-World Mission

Wed 23     CCD/Fellowship 7:00pm

Thurs 24   4th Degree Knights MPB

Sat 26 55+ Carry in dinner after 5:00 Mass

Wed 30 CCD/Fellowship

Thurs 31  5:00 pm All Saints Mass  Holy Day of Obligation

Trunk or Treat in MPB parking lot after mass      

Mark Your Calendar

Parish Dinner Sunday, Sept. 22, 11:-1:00

Confirmation November 4

Multipurpose Building Schedule

3rd Thursday Knights of Columbus

2nd Sunday Donuts after 10:00 Mass

4th Saturday 55+ Carry-in Dinner after 5:00 Mass

CCD Wednesdays 7:00

St Anne Fellowship 1st Thursday of the Month

No meetings in June and July


Parish Dinner setup and dinner-September 20-22.

Basket Bingo set up and event October31-November 2

Mission Trip Breakfast November 3

November 4 Confirmation

November 28 Parishioner Rental

November 29 Parishioner Rental

December 21 Parishioner Rental

December 24 Parishioner Rental


St. Anne Fellowship: Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the MPB.

Knights of Columbus: meets the third Thursday of each month. Rosary at 6:00 PM, meal and social and meal 6:30 and meeting 7:00

St. Anne Helping Hands: meets on the 2nd Wednesday at 1:30 in the Offutt Building

55+ Carry-in Dinner after 5:00 Mass on the 4th Saturday. MPB

Food Collection and $1.00 Sunday first full

weekend of each month

Watch the bulletin for changes in times and location.

Parish Council Minutes August 13, 2019

Jim Kempker-term ends June, 2019-phone 682-2940

Shawn Carrico-term ends June, 2019-phone-573-823-9124

Linda Dowell-term ends 2020-phone-682-5218

Ben Jennings-term ends 2020-phone-573-823-0095

Brian Korb-term ends 2021-phone 573-228-7553

Denise Friedel-term ends 2022-phone 573-619-4455

Those present were Deacon Jon, Father Mike, Shawn Carrico, Jim Kempker, Linda Dowell, Ben Jennings, Brian Korb, Ann Goosey, and Mary Peeper.Deacon Jon started the meeting with a

CCD Teachers for the 2019/2020 school year are as follows: Liza Garcia and Lacy Goosey Preschool; Mendy Clare Kindergarten; Crystal Dycus First Grade; Nancy Robinson Second Grade; Gary & Kristen Deckard Third Grade; Cheryl Turpin Fourth Grade; Demi Schmidt Fifth Grade; Brian & Lacy Korb Sixth Grade; Derek Long & Kelli Cash Seventh & Eighth Grades, Gary & Misty Werkmeister High School. Ann Goosey DRE. Thank you all for your dedication to the

Youth of our parish.

Basket Bingo is coming up November 2. The committee is asking for donations of baskets that have a worth of $100.00 to $150.00. They also will need consolation prizes worth $10.00 to $25.00.Contact Linda Kempker, 573-682-4406 or Cathy Lenz 573-473-0454.

A new RCIA class for those that want to join the Catholic Church, refresh their faith, or just learn more about the Catholic church. It will start on Sunday, September 15, at 6:00 pm at the Offutt Education Building. If you have questions, you can call Harvey Million, Jr. at 573-682-7900.

Parish Community Dinner will be September 22 from 11 to 1:00. This is an annual fundraising event for the church. The meal will be roast beef, pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, rolls, various homemade salads and desserts.

Mark your calendars. More information coming.

Parish Dinner Silent Auction Donations

Please contact Lindsey Stinson if you're interested in donating to the silent auction. We need items by Thursday, September 19th. We are looking for NEW items for people to bid on.

Some Examples are: 1. Themed baskets

2. Sports Gear/Décor: Mizzou, Kansas City Chiefs, St. Louis Cardinals,  KC Royals, Centralia, Hallsville. 3. Vacation Getaways

4. Home Décor: wooden signs, decorative pillows, blankets 5. Coolers 6. Tools 7. Alcohol

8. Jewelry 9. Purses

10. We are open to your great ideas!

Thank you in advance for making this another successful fundraiser for our parish!

Contact info: Lindsey Stinson 573-424-6734


Possibilities for New Church: There will be three meetings for Parishioners to attend where Parish Council will discuss some long term goals for the Parish. These meetings will be Sun., Sept. 7 after 5:00 Mass, Sun. Sept. 8 after 10:00 Mass, and Wed., Sept. 11 after 6:30 Mass.

CONFIRMATION: The Diocese is implementing new guidelines for the age of students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. The new guideline states that we are to change the age to Seventh grade. Starting in Nov of 2019 we will be preparing our 8th, 9th and 10th graders for Confirmation in Nov. of 2020. The following school year (2020/2021) we will be preparing 7th & 8th graders. In 2021/2022 and following years we will only have 7th graders in Preparation classes.

MO MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) invites you to join them on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from August to May, 9am-11am at the Kentucky Road Christian Church, 716 N. Kentucky St. Mexico, MO. This is a Christian group that give support to mothers with small children. They have breakfast, crafts, projects, play dates, child care.

Financial Peace University: Take control of your money with nine-lesson course that uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help tackle budgeting, debt and make your money work for you. September 10, 6:30pm at Friendship Church Youth Bldg, 119 N. Collier. Register at 1092551 or call Don Weber 573-239-0512. Preview night Sept. 3 at 6:30 pm

The Church dedicates the month of August to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Liturgical Roles August 31/September 1

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Greeters: Lucille Ostmann, Alma Asbury

Lectors: Glenda Calhoun, Carol Leibel

Servers: Ealynne & Dryst Bostick

Communion Phonda Romine


Gifts: Volunteers

Sunday 8:00 a.m.

Greeters: Volunteer

Lectors: Jason Kehl, Bob Benoit

Servers: Volunteers

Communion Harvey Million

Ministers: Louise Million

Gifts: Volunteers

Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Greeters: Harvey and Stacey Million

Lectors: Rita Jennings, Rhonda Gibler

Servers: Cullen Bennett, Charlie Carrico, Carter Moss

Communion Erle Bennett

Ministers: Danielle Bennett

Gifts: Volunteers

Children’s Liturgy at 10:00 Mass each week.

We are looking for more people to help teach children’s liturgy during 10:00 Mass. Please call or text Nancy Robinson at 573-933-0898 if you’d be willing to help. Thank you.

Diocesan Assessments Fiscal year:

July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019

Monthly Cathedraticum $471.00

Money on Deposit at the Diocese:

Church: $133,000.00 and $50,000.00

Diocesan Assessments Fiscal year:

July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Monthly Cathedraticum $699.00

Money on Deposit at the Diocese:

Church: $133,786.00 and $50,000.0

FOF: $119,582.33 and $37,396.49


Bishop McKnight’s August Prayer Intention

For the education of our youth in the faith. May parents and teachers share their knowledge with gentleness and patience, and may students thirst for knowledge of the things of this world while always pursuing God’s wisd

[pic] Join in the Rosary on Mondays at 7:00 pm for those on our prayer list and others that need pray

Natural Family Planning: You’re already shopping for organic chicken and pesticide-free vegetables…now how about removing the chemicals from your birth control method? Check out 100% organic Natural Family Planning. A Postpartum support class will be held April 6th at 10:00 am. in in Hallsville. Contact Jeremy & Maria Henson 573-696-0778 / midmonfp@ .  

Classes can be scheduled as needed. Online learning options also available.   

Retrouvaille is marriage program for couples whose marriage has become off course. It begins with a weekend program that can help get your relationship back on track. It's an effective program that has worked for thousands of couples & it can work for your marriage.  For further information, 800-470-2230 or contact Kerry (314.753.2022) or Tom (314.409.4199

Catholic Engaged Encounter is an in-depth, private, personal, marriage preparation experience within the context of Catholic faith and values. It is a weekend retreat away with other engaged couples. Dates and information is on our diocesan website, , Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter. A $25 deposit made payable to Engaged Encounter is required and to be included with the registration form. There is one November 3 at the Best Western in Jefferson City.

Alzheimer Support: There is an Alzheimer’s support group in Mexico at the Veterans Home on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30 PM. No registration is required; just show up. It is open to everyone. There is also a Help Line that operates 24 hours a day 365 days a year. You can ask for caregiving tips or just say you are having a bad day. The number is 800-272-3900.

St. Anne Helping Hands collects best choice label.

Communion for Shut-ins: If you know of someone that is not able to attend Mass and would like to have communion brought to their home please call Clara Vance 682-5632

Esther’s Pantry

Cash donations go for vouchers for milk and perishable goods.

Suggested items for donation are:

Coffee, juice cereals jelly pancake mix

snacks (popcorn, raisins, peanuts) flour

canned fruit& vegetables cake mixes/frostings crackers chili/chili beans sugar toilet paper

syrup spaghetti spaghetti sauce

paper towels hamburger helper oil

tuna in water peanut butter tuna helper

If you are not receiving emails from the church or getting the Catholic Missourian and would like to, please send Mary requests and your email address at office@

Multipurpose Building Rental Schedule

To schedule an event please call

Betty Gooding at 573-355-1864 or 682-2827

Check out Holy Spirit on: Web Page updated by Laura Bormann and Facebook updated by Derek Long. St. Anne facebook page: updated by Laura Bormann.

Bulletin: Deadline for the bulletin is Wednesday morning.  If you or your group has something for the bulletin, type it out as you want it to read and send it to office@ or bring it to the office. If someone is on the prayer list that does not need the special prayers any longer, please let Mary know.

Celebrate Recovery of any type, drugs, alcohol, anger overworking, guilt, codependency, etc. by attending evening sessions at Friendship Place at 7 pm on Friday nights. 110 N. Rollins.


2019-2020 Budget

Goal $2411.05 August 11 $3,098.00

Weekly Tithe to Date: $25,576.00

August 18 $3,430.00

Foundation of Faith-money collected since

June, 2015 $234,513.00


Holy Spirit Catholic Church

404 South Rollins

Centralia, MO 65240

Rev. Michael Coleman


Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Sacrement of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:20-4:45 pm

Baptism: Classes are required. Please call the Rectory

Marriage: Four to six month notice is required.

Rectory: 573-682-2815 Email office@



Holy Spirit Catholic Church

404 South Rollins

Centralia, MO 65240

Rev. J. James Offutt


Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30 pm

Baptism: Classes are required. Please call the Rectory.

Marriage: Four to six month notice is required.

Rectory: 573-682-2815 Email: office@

Father Offutt’s email is joseph.offutt@


Multipurpose Building 573-682-2163

Centralia, MO 65240

Rev. J. James Offutt


Mass: Saturday 5:00 pm, Sunday 8:00 am & 10:00 am

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00—4:30 pm

Baptism: Classes are required. Please call the Rectory.

Marriage: Four to six months notice is required.

Rectory 573-682-2815 E-Mail: holyspirit@


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